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That works for me, but I'm still not going to battle :/ It's just a conclusion I've come to after looking at the fights that have occurred so far. I don't like it, and am not going to like it unless it's completely redone, something I doubt anyone has the patience to do, however leaving the RP wouldn't be a solution.

I'll be honest, and I'm expecting outcries of anger and people whining they haven't done so. But I refuse to believe that no one has truly managed to miss an attack yet, I also note how a battle always ends with the enemy being defeated, and the only death I've seen is Morgan, and... well if she defeated the bandit leader then it'd be outright outrageous.

Looking at Kai's latest post, I find it really hard to believe that he rolled the only thing that could hit me, and a combination of atk and crit that could kill me.

1/6 chance he hits me

4/36 chance he kills me.

Of course it could have been god blessed luck, but he's not the only one, nor is it possible for me to believe this "luck" everyone is having with their roles.

I'll admit, I've done a "flick of the dice a three times now when I didn't like the result. Hence I'm not saying "you're all cheaters, you suck" I'm saying this system doesn't work and that it relies on the honesty of people, which.... well never works out.

As an addition, no, I'm not upset Reika was defeated. I'm just trying to validate my reason for refusing to participate in battles anymore.

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I actually got knocked out by you earlier too, I appear to be the champ of getting injured.

To be fair, the bandits didnt have much Evd at all. I think I would have had to roll a 1 to miss the dodgiest ones, and most people were in a similar situation.

I do agree overall though. Maybe Snowy should roll all fights between PCs at least. Asking him to roll all fights for NPCs is a bit much IMO and might slow things down a lot.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Eh, my theory is if I'm doing it, someone else is doing it, and is someone else is doing it, there's another person out there. XD

@Kai: As I said, I'm not upset over losing, so there's no need for that, I initially wasn't going to attack Helios, but I figured I wanted one last battle to make sure I wasn't completely missing the mark. For those of you thinking "She shouldn't be allowed to skip battles" .... well as I said I've cheated nearly half my roles, and if I continue fighting sooner or later I'll fight your character and roll a 6,6,6 :P

It's not just HIT but Str/Mt/Atk as well, so while your right about the Evd being rubbish for the second wave, the first wave had high evd which was.... well I think all attacks hit them.

Just an idea, but there is one way around it I just thought of, well actually two, but one of them is a bit dodgy

-Time of the two posters above:

Sure we all live in different timezones, but Timezones are an hourly thing right? Meaning minutes should be identical for everyone. (I think, not too sure) so we could use the use the multiple of 10 minutes (0being 6 as hit) and the minute as Atk, (anything above 6 will be halved, and rounded down 7=3 8=4 9=5 0=6) and Crit.... well maybe the poster above >_>

I guess you could all team up and only post in the 50 minute zone (for NPC's in particular though

-Roll above

Instead of rolling for yourself, have the person above roll for you, and at the end of your post indicate the roll for the next person. It prevents favouritism (pretty much) since you can't really know who's next to post all the time. (Only applies in battle phases, not general RP time) as for PvP outside battles, again, just indicate "Battle Roll" at the end of your post. Someone in the next few posts should roll for you/or your opponent, (it fixes the first attack=advantage scenario) EG: Unless Helios rolled a Crit, there was no way for him to win.

Problem with this one would be people might think "Oh, wait, I can't kill anything with those numbers, I'm not going to post yet and wait for someone to roll an attack for me that hits" >_>

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I like the second idea more than the first idea, since the first one seems tricky.

So I guess it works like this:

Nadesico end of post: Reika attacks a Tough Bandit!

Let's say I'm the next poster.

I roll (3,3,3) for Reika's attack, describe what it does

Then I roll the bandit's counter (2, 4, 6) blah blah miss

Then at the end of my post I say Morgan attacks Bandit Archer using Midnight or w/e and it continues like so.

Obviously have a third party roll in fights in between PC's, otherwise you're rolling for your enemy which is just odd.

Yes, you could still theoretically fudge rolls, but its less likely. I like it.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Nadesico:

Its possible you never know.

But the system is pretty messed up

6 is not a big enough number what is a person has a really high evade like over 10

And are we going to wait 10 chapters for one level up?

I mean one bandit kill in a FE game is about 30 exp and we only get like 5 EXP per each kill

Regardless your method is a little of.

I was waiting for Pheonix to post today but he didnt

Point is you can't have a controlled RP, Its just not possible

So maybe we should just stick with the old rules and make it last as long as we can

Edited by Kai
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Reika has the maximum possible evade for her level (knives+max spd+ max lck), so she should get some bonus As long as Hit=Evd, those of us with max Skl have a 33% chance to hit her and she'll be 2HKOd for the most part, which is fair I think.

The level up system is obviously different since we only get 4 levels. If we leveled up after every chapter, we'd hit max level very quickly or this RP would be short.

You wouldn't wait for a specific person, it would just be whoever posted next.

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We do?

Then enemy difficulty doesnt increase that much

EDIT: I'm assuming i knocked out Reika and gave her my Elixir

I'm going to go post on chapter 2

Edited by Kai
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Hmm I was thinking more along the lines of

Nadeisco Rolls (R1)

Cynthia fights(R1) Cynthia rolls(R2)

Kai fights(R2) Kai rolls (R3)

But as I said that makes people not want to fight when the rolls don't benefit them.

Your method also works (it's pretty much a variation, Duh it was an interpretation)

It removes my problem but adds the issue of "favouritism (as Kai mentioned) might be a hassle for some as well, (not sure why)


..... I don't understand most of your post.

Its possible you never know.

But the system is pretty messed up

Never know what? In my method your using the stats above you so you still calculate your own battles, might be an issue in Cynthia's model. But you still should be going back and reading posts anyway >_>

6 is not a big enough number what is a person has a really high evade like over 10

How is that any different to the current system? Plus, if we implement Cynthia's (10hit=10evd)=Hits thing then anyone with 4skl can hit a 10 evd person. (With a max roll >_>) But again that's no different from what we have at the moment. Hence it's an unresolved problem, not a new issue arising.

And are we going to wait 10 chapters for one level up?

I mean one bandit kill in a FE game is about 30 exp and we only get like 5 EXP per each kill

Again, not an issue with the change but an existing problem, to be honest I wasn't happy with the current stat allocation system either, but that's a completely different issue, and one I'm not going to pick up in this RP. We only have 5 levels so it's not that bad I think though.

Regardless your method is a little of.

Meaning unknown, specify what is "a little of(f?)

I was waiting for Pheonix to post today but he didnt

..... Again I don't see the relevance. How is that relevant to the battle system change?

Point is you can't have a controlled RP, Its just not possible

So maybe we should just stick with the old rules and make it last as long as we can

Right, it's not possible, but it's possible to try and make it work to some degree?

The old rules have all the issues you mentioned above and more >_>

Edited by Nadesico
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Oh I see what you meant now. Yeah, I think that if the last roll was like (1, 1, 1) people would just avoid posting after it, and discouraging posts is bad IMO. Favoritism is possible, but I don't think it will happen that much. I'm used to DMing though, so I make objective rolls for other people's characters vs. enemies all the time.

I'm assuming enemies just won't increase a whole lot in power overall, at least not in leaps and bounds.

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Yeah it was pretty vague

Never know what? In my method your using the stats above you so you steal calculate your own battles, might be an issue in Morgans model. But you still should be going back and reading posts anyway >_>

Getting a 666 roll

How is that any different to the current system? Plus, if we implement Morgans (10hit=10evd)=Hits thing then anyone with 4skl can hit a 10 evd person. (With a max roll >_>) But again that's no different from what we have at the moment. Hence it's an unresolved problem, not a new issue arisin

That was before i found out that you only get 4 level ups throughout this RP

Again, not an issue with the change but an existing problem, to be honest I wasn't happy with the current stat allocation system either, but that's a completely different issue, and one I'm not going to pick up in this RP. We only have 5 levels so it's not that bad I think though.

Same as last post

Meaning unknown, specify what it "a little of(f?)/quote]

It cant get any clearer then that. In my opinion it seems a little odd

..... Again I don't see the relevance. How is that relevant to the battle system change?

You proposed your battle system and i was trying to contradict it

Right, it's not possible, but it's possible to try and make it work to some degree?

The old rules have all the issues you mentioned above and more >_>

I dont think Snowy has the time and the patience to make a new set of rules. Judging by some of his old post i think that he is busy with his life as well as the time he spends on the computer. That is why i think we should stick with the old rules

Edited by Kai
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Getting a 666 roll

Yup a 1/216 chance, I like it XD

I dont think Snowy has the time and the patience to make a new set of rules. Judging by some of his old post i think that he is busy with his life as well as the time he spends on the computer. That is why i think we should stick with the old rules

Umm, the only thing being changed is that someone else is rolling (My model) or someone else is rolling/calculating your battles(Cynthia model) for you? Wouldn't need any extra work on Snowy's behalf :/

You proposed your battle system and i was trying to contradict it

Umm, so these points are obsolete now? Since two are no longer applicable due to Cynthia's info, the 666 isn't an issue, Snowy's "extra work" doesn't exist, and the only thing left is you finding it "odd"?

It's essentially up to Snowy either way, and even if he were swamped with RL stuff, he'd be able to make the call on whether he was too busy or not I think, whatever the case, it doesn't require work on his behalf XD

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I'm all for revamping it. Namely because I see the problem as well. I enacted this system to try and keep people from crubstomping and/or being invincible as well as trying to throw a sense of urgency into the battle.

And so far it seems to have failed on both counts. We're still curbstomping the foes even though I've been trying to make the fights as difficult as I can get away with without outright breaking guys and it's clear people are getting... disillusioned... with the combat. Plus, with college being a albatross on my neck, I'm juggling six different projects at once (including this). If you have some way to help or refine the system, I'm all ears.

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I was waiting for Pheonix to post today but he didnt

Cynthia kinda took care of that one :D

Plus I was trying to figure out specifically how Isotov should get involved in this. I want to intro him in Chapter 2, because chapter 3 seems a bit far off stat wise.

I'm all for revamping it. Namely because I see the problem as well. I enacted this system to try and keep people from crubstomping and/or being invincible as well as trying to throw a sense of urgency into the battle.

And so far it seems to have failed on both counts. We're still curbstomping the foes even though I've been trying to make the fights as difficult as I can get away with without outright breaking guys and it's clear people are getting... disillusioned... with the combat. Plus, with college being a albatross on my neck, I'm juggling six different projects at once (including this). If you have some way to help or refine the system, I'm all ears.

Truth be told. This RP is just like me playing fire emblem 7 with Heath. He's a wyvern rider like Irina, and a lot of the same stuff is happening that happens in the game. Convenient critical hits, perfect dodges, toughness, practically ignoring the weapon triangle vs brigands, etc. It's really weird :o

I don't EVER cheat with the dice. Just so we're clear :D I crave honesty in myself and others so I have to set an example, and live by it.

A new system is fine I guess, just please don't make it so much different from the current one that I have to learn it all over again. It was hard enough the first time >_<

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Guys, guys, easy solution. Trackable online dice rollers that we link to, like Invisible Castle.

Just make sure people label their rolls with their Character's name and maybe what they're doing it for, and you're completely set.

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Okay then Proposed changes (See below for reasoning)

1:(Hit=Evd)= Attack hits

2: When engaging an enemy you finish your post with "Attacks (Target Name)" preferably in [b.] or

3: Renewal of the level system,

4: Gold and items review.

5: Graphical aids

Point 1: It's something Cynthia seems to push for, though I believe it won't be too important once we have a new stat system working. For those of you worried you'll have to relearn everything that won't be neccessary, only thing changing in regards to battles are "Who roles your RNG" "How you level" and "The relevance of gold"

Point 2: I don't care what anyone says, it's not being done fairly, I admit it, and if anyone else does, good for them. If no one else admits it, that's fine, you're all a bunch'a liars! I'd like Cynthia's model implemented. It takes the hassle out of battles for most of us, and technically, you really shouldn't be deciding where the enemy hits you. But if anyone has issues with someone else rolling and playing out your battles then I willing to debate the issue. Keep in mind you can still kill RC's (Random Characters) which have no stats, if for some reason you want to get hurt or try something on an enemy.

Point 3: If you think of this as an Online game, You know, like WoW eventually what people are aiming for is to better their characters. It's important to keep character levels controlled, but I think if your character improves once every 2 months. Hence instead of using the EXP system of FE, I recommend a simplified version. (See Point 5 for details) As much as I hate to say it, this RP won't go on for months, so keeping everyone on low forever isn't exactly "ideal."

Point 4: Money is obsolete at the moment, mainly because the only item for sale is a Vulnerary. (Yes Snowy I know there are others but they're next to useless) I'd like people to try and put together whatever item they can think of. If no one submits, I guess I can do it all myself >_>

Point 5: Graphical aids help in any presentation, yes? This isn't an essay and to be honest I'm sick of having to go back and check the signup thread each time I go into battle. (And I've only done it 5 times >_>) Yes I could just have a copy on my desktop, but it's cluttered enough as it is. Hence I'd like to ask if anyone has anything against adding a small image to their signature.


Would be how it looks,

Explanation: Most of it should be pretty straight forward, The only things I probably need to explain is why my character my map sprite is red (It's because I'm an enemy, but you can request any color really) and the little star like thingies. They're my simplification of the stats system. Instead of 100% there are 10 stars, when you reach 10 stars you level up. When you level up, you don not gain 1Level, instead you gain 1Stat on anything you want. In the old system you gained 3 stats per level

After a battle you will be rewarded with either

1Star: You killed something or attacked something.

2Star: You performed well in battle (Decided and calculated by Snowy)

3Star: Possibly you'll never get this. (Up to Snowy really) It could be given to people who join later in the RP and need to level quickly.

Q: There's only 9 Stars

A: I know, the 10th Star is magical and hence invisible.... either that or I didn't see a need for it, since 10th star colored means Level up = empty gauge. In other words when you get your 10th star, you're getting your gauge cleared anyway.

Q:Where's my Health?(HP)

A:There is none, you're dead..... Or I don't want to add HP since it fluctuates up and down. You'll have to keep track of it yourself somehow.

Q:I don't have a GBA styled FE mug

A:If you can't provide one it can be left blank, Or if you tell me a FE character you want as a base. (Mine was Serra) I can make it for you.

Q:What's the point?

A:What's your point in living? There's no real reason behind it then me thinking it'd be easier to look at that then zipping through posts. That and I have no life.

Q:Where's mine?

A:Indicate you'd like one here, and I'll get to making it soon. Since I don't feel like making them for people who won't use them. If you have issues with adding it in your sig, then I suppose it can be posted after the enemy stats are posted. (Enemies will get these as well)

All of these are just suggestions, and will need to be approved/rejected by Snowy first.

Edited by Nadesico
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I fully agree with point 1. I didn't realize how far out broken Evade would get.

Point 2... I'm willing to do. Just a bit iffy on it's full implementation.

Point 3 I like. I'll likely implement it after college today.

Point 4... I dunno. The main point of gold in FE games was to buy weapons. Since weapon breakage is a pain in the arse for a RP usually, it does rob it of it's point. However, healing items aren't impossible to obtain and, TBH, I did give approval to buy whatever you wanted so long as it was reasonably priced.

Point 5: I like it.

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Point 2: Iffy meaning you don't get it, or iffy as in you're not sure it'll work?

Point 4: Well, to be completely honest I find gold to be.... well useless, even if a proper item list was compiled it's really just unnecessary extra work. We could just remove gold completely and you hand out vuln's at the of battles? Alternatively I just suggest a gold pool. (All characters share from the same pool of gold) Either way unless we can think of a use for gold, for anything other then Vulns I don't really see a point in them.

If I did add items, they'd probably be just 1turn stat buffs. An item which causes the skill Miracle, variation of Vulnerary's (elixirs) so even if they were added, there's nothing flashy or important there. While it's your (Snowy( decision, what does everyone else think about gold? Better to be just paid in Vulns? XD

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Edit: Sorry about that. I'm in the middle of a aweful weekend.

Anyways, I'm not sure how it will work for the first, and am willing to put it to a poll for the second.

Edit edit: Yea... Just let me get home for college and calm down first. Do what you want for now.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Need to get some sleep now, but there's a post a few posts up with Cynthia explaining it,

@Kai: Yes you can advance the plot, the only things being discussed are battles and presentation, and I doubt there's going to be any fighting for a good few days.

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Okay then Proposed changes (See below for reasoning)

1:(Hit=Evd)= Attack hits

2: When engaging an enemy you finish your post with "Attacks (Target Name)" preferably in [b.] or

3: Renewal of the level system,

4: Gold and items review.

5: Graphical aids

Guess I should take a look at this....

Point 1: It's something Cynthia seems to push for, though I believe it won't be too important once we have a new stat system working. For those of you worried you'll have to relearn everything that won't be neccessary, only thing changing in regards to battles are "Who roles your RNG" "How you level" and "The relevance of gold"

It's a good idea. If you can match numbers, you may as well hit.

Point 2: I don't care what anyone says, it's not being done fairly, I admit it, and if anyone else does, good for them. If no one else admits it, that's fine, you're all a bunch'a liars! I'd like Cynthia's model implemented. It takes the hassle out of battles for most of us, and technically, you really shouldn't be deciding where the enemy hits you. But if anyone has issues with someone else rolling and playing out your battles then I willing to debate the issue. Keep in mind you can still kill RC's (Random Characters) which have no stats, if for some reason you want to get hurt or try something on an enemy.

What's not being done fairly? If you're talking about the dice rolls, stop it. I never cheat with dice :D

So if we're not doing our own battles, then who is?

Point 3: If you think of this as an Online game, You know, like WoW eventually what people are aiming for is to better their characters. It's important to keep character levels controlled, but I think if your character improves once every 2 months. Hence instead of using the EXP system of FE, I recommend a simplified version. (See Point 5 for details) As much as I hate to say it, this RP won't go on for months, so keeping everyone on low forever isn't exactly "ideal."

No problem with this.

Point 4: Money is obsolete at the moment, mainly because the only item for sale is a Vulnerary. (Yes Snowy I know there are others but they're next to useless) I'd like people to try and put together whatever item they can think of. If no one submits, I guess I can do it all myself >_>

I'd try to create some items, but I'm not entirely interested in that aspect of the RP, partially because permanent stat boosters are unlikely to be included. One of the main appeals in fire emblem for me is the ability to augment strengths or weaknesses. Stuff like Nini's grace and Set's litany are annoying to me. But that's just me -_-

Point 5: Graphical aids help in any presentation, yes? This isn't an essay and to be honest I'm sick of having to go back and check the signup thread each time I go into battle. (And I've only done it 5 times >_>) Yes I could just have a copy on my desktop, but it's cluttered enough as it is. Hence I'd like to ask if anyone has anything against adding a small image to their signature.


Would be how it looks,

Explanation: Most of it should be pretty straight forward, The only things I probably need to explain is why my character my map sprite is red (It's because I'm an enemy, but you can request any color really) and the little star like thingies. They're my simplification of the stats system. Instead of 100% there are 10 stars, when you reach 10 stars you level up. When you level up, you don not gain 1Level, instead you gain 1Stat on anything you want. In the old system you gained 3 stats per level

After a battle you will be rewarded with either

1Star: You killed something or attacked something.

2Star: You performed well in battle (Decided and calculated by Snowy)

3Star: Possibly you'll never get this. (Up to Snowy really) It could be given to people who join later in the RP and need to level quickly.

I do all my own sprite work.

I'm not fond of FE6-8 style mugs though <_<

I'll just make a version similar to yours, probably not the same size but easily recognizable.

Q: There's only 9 Stars

A: I know, the 10th Star is magical and hence invisible.... either that or I didn't see a need for it, since 10th star colored means Level up = empty gauge. In other words when you get your 10th star, you're getting your gauge cleared anyway.

Q:Where's my Health?(HP)

A:There is none, you're dead..... Or I don't want to add HP since it fluctuates up and down. You'll have to keep track of it yourself somehow.

Q:I don't have a GBA styled FE mug

A:If you can't provide one it can be left blank, Or if you tell me a FE character you want as a base. (Mine was Serra) I can make it for you.

Q:What's the point?

A:What's your point in living? There's no real reason behind it then me thinking it'd be easier to look at that then zipping through posts. That and I have no life.

Q:Where's mine?

A:Indicate you'd like one here, and I'll get to making it soon. Since I don't feel like making them for people who won't use them. If you have issues with adding it in your sig, then I suppose it can be posted after the enemy stats are posted. (Enemies will get these as well)

All of these are just suggestions, and will need to be approved/rejected by Snowy first.

*read* :mellow:

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