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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Another Erik-type character, eh? FE6, FE7, Tu, and now EN. Keep the gag going, guys!

Also, for someone who looks as badass as Orun, it's a bit unfair that he dies so lame, and to such a weak character... stupid Wagner... >_>

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Though I'm interested to see what he's doing with the water. Unless he's trying to pull off that Niime chapter in the Illia route.

It wasn't the Niime chapter. It was 17 that had the water that acted like a tide. (Niime's chapter is 19, IIRC.)

Though, I do hope that's what's being done, especially since that chapter was the only one that did it, in recent memory.

Erik's a Paladin, look at his class...

Speaking of this, is there a reason why? Considering that Erik is still a Cavalier 20 years down the road from FE7, it seems odd for him to go Cav -> Pally -> Cav...

Another Erik-type character, eh? FE6, FE7, Tu, and now EN. Keep the gag going, guys!

Also, for someone who looks as badass as Orun, it's a bit unfair that he dies so lame, and to such a weak character... stupid Wagner... >_>

You're forgetting ASD in there, Blazer.

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Speaking of this, is there a reason why? Considering that Erik is still a Cavalier 20 years down the road from FE7, it seems odd for him to go Cav -> Pally -> Cav...

he got old and didn't keep training enough to keep his skills sharp they say 20s are ur prime so he's probably at his best in a downward spiral to epic failure

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he got old and didn't keep training enough to keep his skills sharp they say 20s are ur prime so he's probably at his best in a downward spiral to epic failure

Except, FE6!Marcus is even older than Erik, yet he is still a Paladin come FE6. If the above was true, then wouldn't one think that the same should apply to Marcus? (Yeah, there's the whole FE6 came before FE7 thing, but still...)

I mean, I understand the gameplay reason for it (because every other allied unit is promoted, so he needs to be able to stand up to him), it's just that it doesn't fit very well canonically.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Well, Erik still suffers a delevelism by going from 14 to 10 chronologically. So...

He tried promoting again but lack of Gold/Silver Knights resulted in a depromotion back to Cavalier...? Beats me.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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he got old and didn't keep training enough to keep his skills sharp they say 20s are ur prime so he's probably at his best in a downward spiral to epic failure

Except, FE6!Marcus is even older than Erik, yet he is still a Paladin come FE6. If the above was true, then wouldn't one think that the same should apply to Marcus? (Yeah, there's the whole FE6 came before FE7 thing, but still...)

I mean, I understand the gameplay reason for it (because every other allied unit is promoted, so he needs to be able to stand up to him), it's just that it doesn't fit very well canonically.

That's about as well as it can be explained. Marcus trains everyday because he's still a knight, allowing him to keep some form of ability. I guess Erik just got lazy. I can't really make it any more logical, gameplay > absolute logic (for me anyways).

Edited by General Archibald
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I think it's fine, personally. Marcus trains to keep his suckiness as a promoted unit alive. Erik was a novice at first, trained himself into a Paladin when it became necessary for him to fight, then stopped training until the FE6 war, but never got back into tip-top form. ._.

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I'm assuming Wagner attacked him in his sleep. And yes, the tileset is from FE8 (all of Elibian Nights' tilesets are).

As for his class, you guys will just have to find out later ;). I love having Orun in the Tale though.


EDIT: Added a screenshot for yet another character who appears in the chapter. I love how many interesting characters there are in this tale.

I have to say I'm really interested to see how this tale ends, Erik must have had to beg on his knees to get Hector to allow him to keep his lands, and his head more importantly, after taking Ostia whist Hector was out. Assuming he is the real boss of the chapter.

Epic work as usual Arch. Fingers crossed that Erik is recruitable... somehow

Edited by Superluigi
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  • 1 month later...

I'll list my top tools for you: Event Assembler, FEditor Adv, Mappy, Nightmare (numerous modules), and Tile Layer Pro (though not TOO often). That's essentially all that I need to make a hack of any length.

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I'll list my top tools for you: Event Assembler, FEditor Adv, Mappy, Nightmare (numerous modules), and Tile Layer Pro (though not TOO often). That's essentially all that I need to make a hack of any length.

Oh ok thanks and stuff and good luck on this hack, I hope that rebuilding village idea works out

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The weirdness of having Erik unpromoted (he gotta stand out from the crowd folks) would do more damage to the story than just having him be delevelled more...as Acacia mentioned, he already went down in levels from 14 to 10 in between FE7-6.

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(6:13:23 PM) shadowofchaos: btw, do you really ship that? Just for curiosity's sake

(6:14:07 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) "btw, do you really ship that? Just for curiosity's sake" I is confuzzled

(6:14:31 PM) shadowofchaos: Lowen x Rebecca

(6:14:33 PM) shadowofchaos: do you ship it?

(6:14:48 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) ship it?

(6:14:56 PM) shadowofchaos: err...

(6:15:01 PM) shadowofchaos: is that the pairing you like for Rebecca?

(6:15:07 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) no

(6:15:09 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (ryrumeli) Lol, can't blame Arch for not using ship. XD

(6:15:18 PM) shadowofchaos: ... wait wha

(6:15:22 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) I just know that everyone hates Rebecca x Lowen

(6:15:27 PM) shadowofchaos: then, was it just really to... OOOOHH

(6:15:29 PM) shadowofchaos: so I was RIIIIIGHT

(6:15:35 PM) shadowofchaos: Arch

(6:15:37 PM) shadowofchaos: you get the title of

(6:15:40 PM) shadowofchaos: OPTIMUS TROLL

(6:15:46 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) FUCK YEAH!

(6:15:54 PM) [Team Banhammer]: ("Boney" m9999storm) What the hell are you guys talking about?

(6:15:59 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) Elibian Nights

(6:16:07 PM) shadowofchaos: I'm posting that in your Serenes therad

(6:16:08 PM) shadowofchaos: *thread

(6:16:11 PM) [Team Banhammer]: (Arch) I use hated pairings to troll SerenesForest

(6:16:19 PM) [Team Banhammer]: ("RAINBOW" gyppygirl2) XD

(6:18:12 PM) shadowofchaos: scratch that

(6:18:13 PM) shadowofchaos: sorry Arch

(6:18:15 PM) shadowofchaos: you get the title of

(6:18:17 PM) shadowofchaos: OPTIMUS OVERTROLL

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So you intentionally used the worst pairings!


Court is adjourned.

That court case was more one sided than Arhen Robben It felt a lot better than the original metaphor of a stroke victim

Anyway this hack is looking great so far

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I used Heath x Priscilla because I liked it, but other than that ... yeah, there are two factors for me choosing pairings: 1. Is it sensible that the paired people are in the same party given the scenario? 2. Which pairings will annoy people on Serenes Forest the most?

But more importantly, I have an announcement to make about a release! Here's the dealio, I've been taking too damn long on Tale 5 (mostly due to lack of motivation). However, Tale 4 is finished, Tale 3 is being remastered and Tale 1x is being finished. Those last two items should be finished sometime today, so expect a release today, tomorrow, or Monday!

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I know I promised a release on Saturday, Sunday or today. Everything's almost ready for the release, there's literally one more thing that I'm waiting on for the release.

But perhaps a few screenshots will suffice in hyping up this release.


I can safely say that this release is going to please most people who have been watching this hack. It fixes the issues and addresses complaints with Tales 1-3 from the last release (Tale 3 is almost completely redone). The two new tales are great additions to this hack that, I believe, people will find just as enjoyable as the first three tales (if not more). Just a bit longer everybody, Elibian Nights is on its way!

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