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[FE11] Person-Promo SOYO Draft #33574

completed in 186 turns

edit: and it was never reported apparently...

the OP was never updated. there is a partial list on page 8 of the thread.

This was my final team:

Hawk King - Paladin!Jeorge, Archer!Maria, Berserker!Lawrence, Mage!Est, Mage!Vyland, Curate!Matthis, Mage!Hardin, Sniper!Wendell, Mage!Sheeda, Fighter!Castor, D.Mage!Barst

Edited by Hawk King
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This thing v

[b][u]Warp Draft[/b][/u] #34481
Ice Sage - Caeda, Navarre, Boah, Cord, Roshea, Wrys, Lorenz, Bantu, Tiki, Samson, Beck
Horace - Cain, Ogma, Norne, Vyland, Draug, Midia, Tomas, Etzel, Rickard, Jeorge
*Serious Bananas - Barst, Hardin, Athena, Gordin, Julian, Radd, Astram, Ymir, Minerva, Maria, Linde
Hawk King - Wendell, Frey, Sedgar, Merric, Caesar, Dolph, Macellan, Castor, Matthis, Darros, Jake
PKL - Abel, Bord, Wolf, Xane, Elice, Castor, Palla, Roger, Catria Est, Jake

Edited by Serious Bananas
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[b][u]Draft Number 16[/u][/b] #34472
*SlayerX: Marcia, Soren, Nephenee, Shinon, Ulki, Largo, Tauroneo, Brom.
PKL: Jill, Astrid, Tormod, Gatrie, Volke, Ranulf, Rolf, Brom.
Passive Knight: Oscar, Lethe, Ilyana, Zihark, Rhys, Sothe, Geoffrey, Ena/Nasir.
Lucina: Tanith, Mordecai, Callil, Mia, Makalov, Elincia, Bastian, Lucia.
Ice Sage: Kieran, Boyd, Muarim, Mist, Stefan, Haar, Devdan, Janaff.

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[FE10] Vanilla FE10 draft #34471 has finished drafting.

1. Jedi: Jill, Mia, Nealuchi, Shinon, Laura, Caineghis, Makalov, Lyre, Oliver

2. PKL: Titania, Aran, Tanith, Calill, Rolf, Heather, Astrid, Kyza, Gareth

3. Quintessence: Edward, Elincia, Sigrun, Rhys, Brom, Muarim, Pelleas, Meg, Kurthnaga

4. Exiledwolf: Boyd, Volug, Nephenee, Ulki, Mist, Leonardo, Danved, Bastian, Stefan

*5. Terrador: Nolan, Soren, Janaff, Lucia, Naesala, Sanaki, Ranulf, Giffca, Renning

6. Callum: Gatrie, Ilyana, Zihark, Kieran, Mordecai, Skrimir, Vika, Nasir, Volke

7. Lucina: Oscar, Marcia, Tormod, Nailah, Fiona, Tibarn, Lethe, Tauroneo, Ena

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I got a total of 42 turns on which was 20 turns with my first unit and 22 with the 2nd [FE12]Another MU Testing Draft (Experimental) # 34221

Also I have a draft to report that just started

[FE6] 6 player but Vanilla Draft # 34470

Lucina - Lance, Tate, Ellen, Cecilia, Klein, Geese, Garret, Cath

Jedi - Alan, Noah, Shin, Echidna, Hugh, Igrene, Niime, Yodel

PKL - Thany, Lugh, Zealot, Ray, Wolt, Lot, Juno, Douglas

Nuxl - Dieck, Clarine, Treck, Gonzales, Zeiss, Dorothy, Bors, Barth

George - Saul, Lilina, Sue, Fir, Chad, Bartre, Dayan, Karel

Exiledwolf - Rutger, Miredy, Percival, Oujay, Ward, Astohl, Sophia, Wendy

Edited by Jedi
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LOGS UPDATE AND let's soapbox for a minute

THIS is NOT how you log a draft

like, you don't report it, you don't update the OP, you post in the thread while not updating the OP, and you leave BBM to have a mostly-done logs (do you know how fucking hard it is to try to piece together a SOYO midstream?) that's seriously the best thing I can go off of. And then I have to clip all the class names (because it was never reported [honestly, the reporter probably wouldn't have cropped the names]) and did I mention that I had to build the submission myself?

That took me like 15 or 20 minutes and I don't want Darros hosting anything ever again because he is a penis.

Finished FE11 Something something something #34369 draft hosted by SB, that hasnt even finished drafting in 133 turns. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Normal Mode is so easy, I finish before drafting is done.

Thanks, man. Really, thanks, but that doesn't help me in the least bit. Report it again when the draft gets submitted, thanks.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Tearring Saga: The Draft (#34547) has finished drafting:

1. BigBangMeteor: Raffin, Zeek, Narron, Frau, Rishel, Ezekiel, Mintz, Bud, Zacharia, Leteena.

2. Kopfjager: Vega, Julia, Sun, Alicia, Meriah, Raquel, Ruka, Verna, Billford, Rina.

3. Dio: Mahter, Kreiss, Lionel, Barts, Sierra, Lofarru, Yuni, Lionheart, Norton, Krisheenu.

4. Ryunan: Estelle, Rennie, Xeno, Samson, Lee, Rebecca, Yoda, Sharon, Narsus, Hagaru.

5. Mr. Sparkles: Arkis, Sasha, Mel, Roger, Maruju, Attrom, Kate, Maerhen,Thomas, Shirou.

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Reporting a draft I promised to host for a friend

Lucina's FE8 Inflation Hack Draft #34541

Shin - Seth, Vanessa, Moulder, Kyle, Colm, Joshua, Knoll

Lucina - Tana, Ross, Lute, Duessel, Marisa, Innes, Dozla

Esme - Forde, Artur, Natasha, Neimi, Cormag, Rennac, Ewan

Serious Bananas - Franz, Amelia, Garcia, L'Arachel, Gerik, Saleh, Myrrh

Jedi hosted but didn't participate

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I'll edit this with Lucina's team once I'm done

and holy shit I don't know half the FE4 and FE5 people so that took a while to look up

The Super Superdraft! #34569


FE4: (Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna), Tristan, Janne, Amid, Radney, Daisy, Rodolban, Hannibal,

FE5: Othin, Machua, Carrion, Mareeta, Linoan, Glade, Dalshin, Ralph, Miranda, Shanam, Conomore

FE6: Rutger, Zealot, Gonzales, Saul, Oujay, Niime, Hugh,

FE7: Kent, Priscilla, Guy, Eliwood, Dorcas, Dart, Rath, Jaffar, Renault,

FE8: Garcia, Colm, Kyle, Moulder, Amelia, L'Arachel

FE9: Jill, Kieran, Nephenee, Mordecai, Tormod, Lucia

FE10: Jill, Edward, Titania, Kieran, Nephenee, Mordecai, Tormod, Lucia, Kyza, Giffca, Vika, Oliver, Renning,

FE11: Palla, Catria, Hardin, Wendell, Gordin, Roshea, Est, Dolph, Lorenz, Matthis, Ymir, Arran

FE12: Palla, Catria, Wendell, Rody, Gordin, Roshea, Est, Dolph, Frost, Matthis, Ymir

The Gentleman:

FE4: (Aideen, Lana, Lester), (Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher), Fin, Alec, Ardan, Azel, Johalva, Linda

FE5: Fin, Safy, Salem, Lifis, Tanya, Ronan

FE6: Miledy, Thany, Lott, Ward, Lugh, Chad, Shin, Ray, Juno, Percival, Ellen

FE7: Sain, Fiora, Canas, Wil, Nino

FE8: Artur, Gilliam, Cormag, Duessel, Ewan, Syrene, Neimi, Dozla, Knoll.

FE9: Boyd, Tanith, Zihark, Rolf, Calill, Ulki

FE10: Zihark, Boyd, Nealuchi, Ulki, Rolf, Calill, Lyre, Cain, Skrimir, Tibarn, Bastian

FE11: Ogma, Merric, Wolf, Minerva, Jake, Darros, Ellerean, Horace, Vyland, Arran

FE12: Cecille, Ogma, Merric, Sirius, Wolf, Minerva, Jake, Darros, Horace, Ellerean, Belf, Vyland, Michalis

Serious Bananas:

FE4: (Sylvia, Leen, Corple), Aless, Cuan, Midir, Hawk, Femina, Jamka

FE5: Bryton, Dagda, Dean, Tina, Pahn, Eyrios, Homeros, Galzus

FE6: Dieck, Tate, Clarine, Treck, Zeiss, Wolt, Astohl, Yodel, Dayan, Dorothy

FE7: Florina, Erk, Oswin, Isadora, Legault

FE8: Tana, Ross, Natasha

FE9: Marcia, Mia, Elincia, Reyson, Janaff, Mist, Tauroneo, Brom, Sothe

FE10: Nolan, Nailah, Leonardo, Heather, Laura, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Marcia, Mia, Elincia, Reyson, Janaff, Mist, Tauroneo, Brom

FE11: Cain, Cord, Draug, Wrys, Etzel, Roger, Boah, Xane, Maria, Castor, Jeorge, Rickard, Midia, Elice, Macellan, Arran

FE12: Cain, Luke, Cord, Draug, Wrys, Etzel, Roger, Castor, Katarina, Malliesia, Jeorge, Rickard, Midia, Robert, Macellan


FE4: (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna), (Briggid, Patty, Faval), Lex, Sharlow, Dimna, Johan, Dew, Noish, Shanan

FE5: Nanna, Karin, Asvel, Havan, Sara, Hicks, Misha, Fred, Delmud

FE6: Cath, Sue, Lilina, Klein, Garret, Bartre, Karel, Fir, Alan, Noah

FE7: Farina, Karel, Lowen, Rebecca, Bartre/Karla, Lucius, Matthew

FE8: Vanessa, Lute, Joshua

FE9: Volug, Soren, Gatrie, Shinon, Lethe, Ranulf, Makalov, Muarim, Stefan, Naesala, Devdan, Ena

FE10: Volug, Soren, Gatrie, Shinon, Lethe, Ranulf, Makalov, Muarim, Stefan, Naesala, Sigrun, Sanaki, Pelleas, Danved, Ena, Gareth, Aran

FE11: Abel, Beck, Astram, Tomas, Norne, Athena, Tiki, Radd, Julian, Linde, Sedgar, Caesar, Bord, Arran

FE12: Abel, Beck, Samson, Sheema, Astram, Tomas, Norne, Yubello, Athena, Tiki, Radd, Julian, Linde, Sedgar, Caesar, Bord


FE4: (Fury, Fee, Sety), (Tiltyu, Tinny, Arthur), Laylea, Claude, Asaello

FE5: Fergus, Lara, Shiva, Olwen, Selphina, Robert, Alva, Kein, Trewd, Sleuf, Amalda, Eda

FE6: Lance, Echidna, Igrene, Cecilia, Geese, Bors, Barth, Wendy

FE7: Pent, Heath, Raven, Lyn, Louise, Harken, Hawkeye, Vaida, Serra

FE8: Franz, Saleh, Gerik, Forde, Syrene, Innes, Rennac, Marisa

FE9: Oscar, Ilyana, Astrid, Rhys, Volke, Geoffrey, Largo

FE10: Oscar, Ilyana, Astrid, Rhys, Volke, Meg

FE11: Caeda, Barst, Navarre, Lena, Arran

FE12: Caeda, Barst, Ryan, Navarre, Yumina, Warren, Frey, Dice, Malice, Nagi, Samto

Shota Sigurd hosted but did not participate.

Edited by CR-S01
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Somebody hasn't played 10 playthroughs of PoR, I see.

You get Bryce for the trial maps for 10 playthroughs

Also reporting a completed draft I finished

[FE6] 6 Player But Vanilla Draft #34470 in 265 turns

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Hope Cheetah doesn't mind, but [FE13]Let's try again to get one started #34533 has finish drafting.

*Cheetah7071: Tiamo (Selena), Mariabel (Brady), Serge (Jerome), Libera, Vake, Mark, Richt, Azure, Tiki

Passive Knight: Sariya (Noire), Liz (Wood), Nono (Nn), Callum, Grego, Viole, Basilio, Gaia, Flavia

Lord Raven: Soiree (Degel), Sumia (Cynthia), Velvet (Chambray), Sol, Ronku, Anna, Henry, Sairi, Donny

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Hope Cheetah doesn't mind, but [FE13]Let's try again to get one started #34533 has finish drafting.

*Cheetah7071: Tiamo (Selena), Mariabel (Brady), Serge (Jerome), Libera, Vake, Mark, Richt, Azure, Tiki

Passive Knight: Sariya (Noire), Liz (Wood), Nono (Nn), Callum, Grego, Viole, Basilio, Gaia, Flavia

Lord Raven: Soiree (Degel), Sumia (Cynthia), Velvet (Chambray), Sol, Ronku, Anna, Henry, Sairi, Donny

Thanks for posting this, I'm not really caught up on the etiquette of the drafting subforum.

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OK...this is a little late actually!

Magnus Blade finished [FE7] LHM + HNM: the welcoming draft! 30796 in 418 turns. Don't ask how I know this, way too much (and yet way too little) time on my hands haha.

EDIT Don't know how to log this, so sorry if I fuck up horribly.

For [FRDCT: FE7] 32855 , I finished FE7 in 142 turns. Personal best for me!

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While on the topic of FRDCT, Sharpy's score is apparently actually 166. (It really shouldn't take three people to calculate one person's TC ... seriously.) This doesn't change his placement, but makes me question his math and if he were not counting certain gaidens in other drafts.

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