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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Did anyone actually read the question =.=

I am not asking for recommendations at the moment. I am asking what you think of the fight, as it stands. If you want to suggest this or that, do it in the channel. I want to know what your specific thoughts are in regards to what we have right now, in the form that it is in, right now, what I put right up there.

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As it stands now

60 enemies- Like I said before we can make this work with some adjustment, I personally feel a good old "Balls to the wall" fight is good every now and then

Changing AI- A good idea, keeps us from getting swamped straight off the bat. Does not need to be changed

EXP- keep it a tier lower but let healing and defending stay the same. If we gave normal experience the average would skyrocket

Lia- Naturally she's gonna be there, but no matter what anyone else says you have to keep her in the Hyper Stim mode. Otherwise she's done for.

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Completely against it. Battles have been fine so far without resorting to high numbers.

In addition, there's the fact there is gonna be a penalty on point-gains since it's a rout battle. This isn't just an RP, it's a Stat RP. Battles are not a gimmick (save for the Arena, since it's optional, situational in availability, even if you still can gain or loose points from them), they are a part of the structure itself, especially since we gain the established currency (points) from winning them which in turn allows us to buy stuff whose purpose is of use for the battles themselves.

With battles being mandatory, whose purpose is to supply the points, having a high number of enemies but a reduced point gain defeats the purpose of having a high number of enemies to begin with. The Dark Utka battle doesn't count since the Captain and the last enemy wave were deliberately OP so we should bring him down immediately. Since the main objective was Defeat Boss, not Rout, it was easy to have 'needless' enemies. So despite having a higher than normal enemy count, a good fraction were just for show and the captain had an easy to exploit weak spot, and trying to fight them all was a good chance of ending with the party wiped out.

Not to mention that even if there weren't a point-penalty, 60 enemies is still a very high amount. While they don't come all at once, the battle is gonna be continuous until we defeat them all, effectively turning it into a battle of attrition. Consider the possibilities of what may go wrong. We don't really have a high amount of Troubadours, if they get KO'ed we won't be able to revive anyone so any further loss is gonna be quite hard to patch up, and slowly but surely we are gonna get overwhelmed, more so if this happens early in the fight.

Not to mention, our battles can take quite a while due to different schedules and what-have-you. With 60 enemies, we are gonna take quite a while, certainly much longer than our usual fights. Not to mention that since there are lots of enemies, we are gonna have to be extra careful in our plannings, we'd need to have everybody for this, we can't just finish a PP without having everybody present at least once for discussing actions to take in the next PP. Especially since there is gonna be varying enemy AI and team switching.

And this last thing is a personal opinion, but I'll still say it: considering I'm pretty much absent at night, if I were to participate, I'd be missing on quite a lot, as the Dark Utka battle is any indication. Which brings back to my 'everybody should be present' point. With the Dark Utka battle, enemy numbers weren't high and there was no need to defeat them all, again, since they were just for show. Is it a risk worth taking, having PP's without everybody present? I'd think it's not worth it. We'd need to go slow but steady to win this fight.

And speaking of taking long, that's also to consider. This may also be a matter of opinion, but spending too much time in a battle? I'd say it's tedious, tiresome, and could be annoying. I'm patient on many things, but I don't think I'd like spending too much time on a battle.

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-60 enemies

I'm fine with that. I was actually rather excited that my first battle would be something so large in scale even. It also actually makes for a much more involved sense of tactics.

-varying AI, along with team switching based on PC actions

AI, in my opinion, isn't going to have all that much affect on the battle as is. As long as the team switching isn't abused to ridiculous degrees it should be fine. Swapping in a group capable of hitting specific weaknesses then immediately swapping them out would be in poor form.

-Enemies giving a tier lower EXP than normal(Against an enemy within your level range, you would normally gain 5 exp per kill. Instead, you would gain 3)

I feel the real question here should be are the enemies in level range or below? Because less points for enemies in equal level range makes effort for reward too unbalanced. Weaker enemies with even weaker EXP gains should be the sweet spot here.

-NPC Lia

Stats first(for everything, not just her) before an opinion on that.

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Enemies will be on the low side in regards to levels. Most will range around 1-3 to 1-4. The swapping will be influenced by player actions, for example, a heavily weakened team that survives PP may pull back for healing, etc. Teams with fallen members may pull back and merge, then come back to fight again.

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-60 enemies

It's the most inconvenient number to work with for the type of battle we're doing, but if we can make it work, then that'll be fine.

-varying AI, along with team switching based on PC actions

If what you mean by that is the team mergers and fallbacks, similar to what I did during the Utka fight, then that seems fine, I guess. I'm a bit less supportive of base behavioral changes like subvert->aggressive and vice versa, since you might as well just make them all erratic if that were the case.

-Enemies giving a tier lower EXP than normal(Against an enemy within your level range, you would normally gain 5 exp per kill. Instead, you would gain 3)

I'd still prefer the 'objectives 40' approach personally since we don't have to worry about giving the average a huge boost or compensating by reducing the objectives. Also with this approach, npc assistants will not have a negative impact on points this time around.

-NPC Lia

IRC explains all ... or something.

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-60 enemies

If we don't have to fight them all at once I'm ok with this. 60 people attacking me on EP would not be fun, but if we had a break, say, every 20 or so this would work. By break I mean perhaps reviving the KO'd and maybe getting a few heals off. There was a battle where halfway through KO'd people were revived, but I don't remember which one it was.

-varying AI, along with team switching based on PC actions

Sure, as long as it's not done just to screw us over. The way you explained it above sounds fine.

-Enemies giving a tier lower EXP than normal(Against an enemy within your level range, you would normally gain 5 exp per kill. Instead, you would gain 3)

I'm against this. I don't want to put in the effort to take out someone of an equal level to get less rewards. If we're going for 60 enemies I suggest keeping decent point gains for the boss and sub-bosses, and making everyone else worth maybe a point or two. Then give an objective award to make up for it.

-NPC Lia

I have no objections to NPCs.

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The 60 enemies could work if they're spread like everyone and for example 10 are at the reastaurant area 30 at the boat and the other 20 are somewhere like the guild, arena or warriors field or something

(also by the way what is the city where the restaurant is and in which nation).

I have no objections to the varying AI as long as it isn't gonna make things more tedious (because time zones already would make it more difficult and I think no one wants the battle to go on for weeks.

The rest I have not much of an opinion about.

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-OP updated.

-Item list updated.

-Painkillers added.

-Defend rules amended:

Defends no longer lure attacks during EP. A defender that is not attacked will now generate one point, similar to attack damage points.

-Behaviors amended.

-Arena rules amended:

-At the start of team battles, each team may use a single 'free defend' action. Specifically, both teams may assign a single character to start the battle off defending an ally or the entire team if applicable. They take their next turn normally.
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Okay, so I see I can't get back to the chat for whatever reason. I'm still online (unless the Internet provider decides to pull the plug today and at this hour), but yeah, I'm gone as far as IRC is concerned for today, unless I manage to get back online.

Oh man, at this rate, Tali is gonna go into full Mind Reading mode when she enters the dining hall isn't it... :dry:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Seems to be on hold. Snowy won't continue until roy edits the latest post, and roy was kinda not feeling the drive to do it due to the fact she had to edit it out.

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Sorry I haven't been active lately, I've been at an orientation, at my dream college. Really awesome.

Anyways long post. It's been some time since I posted such a long post~

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