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who do you say has the worst way of recuitment?

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sigh, this isn't about how hard i find it to recuit someone, but as to how much hints the game gives, i don't even give you stefan due to he can't be recuited with everyone.

and Lumi this is judging by what if you had no idea how to recuit someone, like before the days of the internet where you only had to go by ingame hints, which none are given for Gonzales, Percy on the other hand can make somewhat of sense if you have the bard instead of the dancer who has no relatenships to Percy that are given to you ingame.

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It's your fault for not clarifying in the OP. Not ours.

Lalum is Douglas's adoptive daughter. Douglas is Percy's co-general. There is a relation.

If anything, Doug's tops Percy's by far as even Lalum talking to him wouldn't even net him to at least stop attacking your units even if he has to stay red because story. Sometimes I get ridiculously str-blessed Firs, where she can do damage to him with a Slim. /That/ is fucking annoying.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Karla ^^' and Sephiran.

How would I know of her existence? and how would I know it had to be a specific character (which isn't Karel to begin with) to get raised to a specific level and be placed in a specific tile to rescue her?

and I would of never guessed Sephiran either since he's very well hidden. I guess Stefan counts too.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Oh god, Karla. OH GOD! Yeah i agree with that one. You only know about her if you play Hector mode anyway but it still doesnt give you a hint about how to get her.

Sephiran....fucking christ.

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There is a base conversation the chapter Stefan joins you that heavily hints how you should recruit him in FE9.

Not really. It merely hints that he exists. A player could very well get the Vague Katti but not Stefan and think that's the entire secret.

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Oh god, Karla. OH GOD! Yeah i agree with that one. You only know about her if you play Hector mode anyway but it still doesnt give you a hint about how to get her.

Sephiran....fucking christ.

They could of at least given Karla more playtime since she requires alot to get. ^^'

Same for Sephiran

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Well, Karla appears in the chapter with Pascal in a village. It's true there is little hints of the how to recruit her, but one thing common to miss is her relation with Bartre since very few would have played Sword of Seals. And then there is his comment regarding the arena in Ch31x...

Still, it's too vague, yeah.

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I can't believe nobody's mentioned Tate.

Appears as an enemy from Turn 7 (A) / Turn 10 (B), talk with Klein (or talk with Thany before and after Klein has been recruited (note that if you only talk with Thany after recruiting Klein, Tate will just become an NPC))

... so in the same chapter, talking to one recruitable with his sister = nice straightforward recruitment, or you can use Roy. But for the other one, talking with her sister = things either get pointlessly complicated (and really, just the game logic there... talk before and after recruiting the other unit... just... why?!?), or you just plain screw yourself over for no good reason. Oh, and Roy doesn't help, either. Never mind that there's no plot reason why Klein would trust Roy any more than Tate does; they're both strangers themselves at this point, and they both have a sister on the blue team. Hell, Thany's been on the blue team longer than Clarine has. But Klein, of all people, can do the recruitment directly because these two are a team for whatever contrived plot reason, and will call the attack off as a team. Yeah, teamwork. Between a sniper and a peggie.

That's just... wtf all around.

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Any character where there really is no way to know how to recruit them in the game itself. This includes:

FE7: Karla definitely, and Farina for needing more gold then you may have. Also gonna have to put a vote for Harken, because I always end up using magic users more over Dorcas/Bartre/Guy/Raven and do well in Kenneth's stage, ending up with Karel. (Didn't even know Jerme had a stage until I looked it up after my first playthrough.) By the same token, unknowingly choosing Wallace or Geitz because you didn't know about the level requirement.

FE9: Shinon (Only non-boss you have to kill to recruit to my knowledge, and it has to be with Ike AFTER Rolf speaks to him,) and definitely Stefan. Even if you take the base conversation's vague hint and go to check out the NE dunes, you'd probably send Sothe/Volke for guaranteed treasure instead of Lethe/Mordecai. And a bonus to Astrid for being within range of a myrmidon who can kill her on the first turn, even in Normal mode.

FE10: Lehran, simply because you have to fly Ike (No Ragnell) all the way to the BK's island in the swamp, and hope that he and the Dawn Brigade don't end up killing him. All on a limited turn chapter. And if this is your first playthrough and/or you didn't deploy BK in 1-E, you can just forget about it. Also, requiring Pelleas to die every 1st playthrough file is annoying if you do a lot of support transfers. Not to mention Stefan's return without a hint for new players until 3 chapters after the desert.

FE11: Every gaiden chapter person, what more is there to say?

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Jake can be a pain in the ass, seeing on how his weapon does effective damage against the person who recruits him! ;/

Dracoknights outrange ballisticians. Granted, this means that you'll have to have used your only Master Seal on Caeda, which is by no means guaranteed for most players.

FE10: Lehran, simply because you have to fly Ike (No Ragnell) all the way to the BK's island in the swamp, and hope that he and the Dawn Brigade don't end up killing him.

You don't have to fly Ike there (12 turns is more than enough for him to just walk there on his own), and Ike can attack the BK with a magic card to avoid having to engage in a real round of battle.

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Xavier is simply the worst.

Even if you kind of get from the dialogue that Leaf wants to avoid fighting Xavier and that Xavier can't stop fighting because he cares about his men and his men can't stop fighting because their families are hostages, and that there are hostages on the map who might be possible to rescue, the actual execution is so ridiculously convoluted and screwing even one thing up means no Xavier. That and there's basically no way to recruit him while maintaining a sensible turn count (not even a LTC, just any sane turn count). He's somehow worse because you grasp that he is recruitable, and even get a breadcrumb trail of ideas as to how to recruit him, but trying to actually do it is maddening.

In terms of "wait, who?" though, it's gotta be Karla and Stefan. Without a guide, even figuring out they exist is improbable. Stefan I think gets the nod though because there's really no indication he exists at all. In Karla's case, if you've played FE6 you have one incredibly vague hint in that you know Bartre is Fir's father and Fir's mother is Karel's sister. How you would know what to do with Bartre and when to do it, I don't know.

Edited by Renall
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Fe9 Shinon

Both versions of Stefan.





Percival in his 1st appearance as an enemy unit.

Douglas (In a draft with no stave users at this point.)



Tate and Klien while still trying to get the whip and bolt.

Marisa-Ephraim route.

TRECK-getting to him on time


Guy /Rutger /Joshua-praying they don't go crit happy.

And for the big mother******r of all time, GETTING JILL BACK ON YOUR SIDE IN Shiharams chapter (When she's over levelled and capable of 1rkoing Titania,Kieran and Gatrie...)

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Percival in FE6, chapter 13 is kind of tough to recruit, but I like to do it anyway just so that I don't have to worry about it in chapter 15. But Douglas is more of a PITA unless you kite him back and forth with a cavalier or a pegasus.

None of the characters in FE7 are particularly Guide-Dang-It level difficulty to recruit, because Hannah and Nils generally give reasonably good hints in that regard; I think Jaffar and Karla are the only real exceptions to that. (By the way, it's Nils, not Hannah, who gives you the hints for Four Fanged Offense; he gives the hint about sending the ocean guy to recruit Geitz.) Sure, Hannah's and Nils' hints are unavailable in Hard Mode, but who plays through Hard Mode without first having played through Normal Mode?

FE8, Cormag. Took me way too long to even realize that he COULD be recruited.

FE9 and 10, Stefan, for reasons already explained and therefore I have no reason to repeat... do I?

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On Jill in Shiharam's chapter - I just don't bring her. Why risk losing her?

It's not hard to have her and Marcia team up to kill Shiharam. Ask the guy who had Jill kill him both times =|

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It's not hard to have her and Marcia team up to kill Shiharam. Ask the guy who had Jill kill him both times =|

Let's see... Forged steel on both, and 17 and 18 Str on Jill (W/ forged steel axe) and Marcia respectively, right?

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Douglas (In a draft with no stave users at this point.)

You don't need staff users.

I can see why some people think Douglas is difficult to recruit, but you don't need a staff user, nor do you even really need to tank him. All you have to do is to have some unit face a round of combat against him, then rush past him with mounted units. Of course, no one actually does this...

Marisa-Ephraim route.

You don't need to talk to Marisa to recruit her. She joins automatically if you have Ewan recruited and alive at the end of the chapter.

TRECK-getting to him on time

There's a practically guaranteed 2-turn recruitment of Treck that can be done on 0% growths.


I'll give this to you; they both tend to jump you in the fog, and you have to get the hint that Noah recruits Fir and that Sue recruits Shin.

Guy /Rutger /Joshua-praying they don't go crit happy.

Matthew outranges Guy, so you don't have to fight him at all to recruit him. Joshua also does not attack Natasha. Figuring out where Rutger appears is a bitch on HM if you don't have a guide, but if you do, his AI is aggressive, so you can just recruit him after he moves.

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And even if you wanna bait Joshie, base Seth with full HP has 0% chance of death against him, nor is it reasonable to assume that Seth can double him at this point either. So never had trouble with him.

Yeah, Cormag was annoying, more of waiting for him to actually come, though. The boss can be easily rushed and killed at that point in like, 1 or 2 turns. But I've never tried that because I'm a perfectionist so I have to wait for Cormag every time. :/

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting Stefan is easy after the first time in FE9:


The square is ALWAYS the 3rd from the RIGHT in the second row in northeast corner. You need to use Mordecai or Lethe, neither of whom suffer movement penalties ^_^

Same idea with FE10 but you can use Micaiah to get him:


Again, once you've done it once you won't forget.

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  • 1 month later...

None of the characters in FE7 are particularly Guide-Dang-It level difficulty to recruit, because Hannah and Nils generally give reasonably good hints in that regard; I think Jaffar and Karla are the only real exceptions to that. (By the way, it's Nils, not Hannah, who gives you the hints for Four Fanged Offense; he gives the hint about sending the ocean guy to recruit Geitz.) Sure, Hannah's and Nils' hints are unavailable in Hard Mode, but who plays through Hard Mode without first having played through Normal Mode?

Well I recruited wallace on my first NM run, and wasnt aware of Gietz on my 2nd run (EHM). So...

And where in the game does it mention the requirement that Bartre must be a lvl 5 warrior to recruit Karla?

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Again, once you've done it once you won't forget.
That holds true for every unit ever.

But the first time you do it, it's unreasonable for someone to know that he exists in either chapter at all without looking it up or stumbling on the squares purely by luck, and said squares are out of the way of the objectives.

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