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10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The image of meek little Bernadetta punching people in the jawline is hilarious to me, by the way.

Ah yes (and then saying "anywhere I can hide" while doing the victory pose). It would be even more hilarious if it was her father she was punching.

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First post in the new laptop!

Not much of an accomplishment, heh. Already moved most of my stuff, I think it'll be done tomorrow or just tonight will do. As for the old laptop... well, my mom's birthday is coming soon...

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@Armagon Thank you for all that!

And to continue speaking of it:

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'll be blunt, it is a big lore dump at the end of the game. Klaus starts by giving a bit of background info on what happened before the experiment and he explains that all that remained after were Morytha, the World Tree and half his body (the other half is Zanza but those that haven't played Xenoblade 1 wouldn't know that).

Do ya think XC2 could have benefitted from some lore nuggets being scattered in the World Tree? As you ascend the Tree, you'd find computers with talk icons above them that'd relay some of these things. 

It wouldn't be perfect if you missed a server/didn't understand what a computer said, so Klaus would still have to explain things. But maybe not as much

If an explanation is needed for why the computers have this information readily available, Klaus seeing everything and controlling the World Tree means he could just send the relevant information to the computers as the heroes climb it. They're seeing the sci-fi truth of the Tree before their own eyes, they stand a chance of making it all the way up.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

the World Tree and half his body (the other half is Zanza but those that haven't played Xenoblade 1 wouldn't know that).

Somehow he could hear and probably see what was happening with the second half, but he couldn't have had any control over it/the other half couldn't have known what had happened. BlaDE will have to retcon/explain this a little more.

Otherwise, it sounds like Zanza when Shulk and co. confronted him in Sentient Genesis should have gone "I won't you kill me, yet. My "daughter" in another world has convinced me to give peace a chance and spare humanity for being fundamentally good. I'll kill you only if she dies to her brother.". SRSDMRF's reaction: 🤨


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

He then explains that to atone for what he did, he decided to recreate the world. Using the Conduit's power, he created the Cloud Sea.

And the Conduit/Gate got into Shulk's world? A mysterious object defying the laws of physics and giving power to mecha via Slave Generators, that is the XG Zohar, played to the T.

It sounded like Shulk by killing Zanza destroyed the Conduit? And killed Klaus too? How?


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Cloud Sea is actually made up of what is essentially nanomachines whose purpose was to reconstruct the world

Not unlike the purpose of the clouds below in Baten Kaitos, albeit the XC2 explanation is more sophisticated.

I wouldn't call it a real spoiler or anything, since the opening says humanity left the "polluted and barren earth to find a future in the sky". But the floating islands were because the Wicked God Malpercio tainted the land beyond human habitation. The clouds (no nanomachines) exist to cleanse to the surface, not sure how exactly, perhaps simply soaking up the poison and harmlessly diffusing into the atmosphere gradually over time is enough.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Those zombie-like creatures roaming around in Morytha are actually humans. Or rather, they used to be anyway. In a way, they were the earliest form of Blade Eaters.

Well that suddenly makes Morytha a lot creepier/tragic. It kinda already was, but somebody, wrongly it sounds, then reduced the creep by saying the zombies were robots or the like.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Core Crystals weren't done though. Klaus was afraid that the new humanity would go down the same dark path that the old humanity did. So he created what he thought would be a failsafe: the Blades. The Blades would collect data and they would go through the life cycle you learned about earlier in the game and in Torna. The data the Blades collected would be sent to Logos and Pneuma.

This explanation sounds a bit thin, because it reads like he would have put the Blades into more of a Solaris situation as true overseers. As is, they blend in naturally and do their job of capturing humanity at its most sincere by not remembering their duty, but I'm not sure if that was what Klaus was intending.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anyways, Klaus repurposed the Core Crystals and threw thousands of them into the Cloud Sea. The Core Crystals bonded with the Cloud Sea and this lead to the first Titans. The Titans produced their own Core Crystals and they became the foundation of life.

Any explanation why the Titans are dying out then? Why would Klaus have made system doomed to naturally collapse? He should've noticed it, and if he wasn't thoroughly convinced humankind was bad, he should have then created more.

-Then again, since he let Amalthus get away with the Aegises 500 years prior, Klaus must have already condemned humanity as sinful, and therefore intentionally neglected the dying system to eradicate Man.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

However, despite everything he did, nothing could stop the inevitably of human conflict. Klaus saw this as his punishment from God (Klaus still maintans his religious beliefs after everything that's happened). By the way, when Klaus makes that remark, it confuses the fuck out of the party because from their point of view, Klaus is God.

Interesting. Monolith keeps faith in a video game, and even places Klaus right beneath a "Temple" of religious worship, I liked that touch. Klaus is certainly not the Demiurge his other half became well, or at least not after some ~thousands of years.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 1 had Zanza talk about destroying and creating the world (whether or not he actually did this multiple times is up for debate). Xenoblade 2 has the idea that humanity is always fated to be in conflict and inevitably destroy itself. I guess Xenoblade X's version of this rebirth theme is the mimesomes. No one can actually die, they'll just wake up in a new mim.

  1. I'll argue against Zanza having done cycles of creation and destruction.
  2. Humanity always in conflict doesn't really work too well though in XC2 I think. Amalthus is terrible yes, but Mor Ardain and Uraya hold off on warfare after the Temperantia flare-up. Malos and Jin are the main troublemakers that aren't Amalthus. Is there enough inter-human conflict to really support the theme here?
  3. We can't really identify XCX's themes until the world is completely explained. And as for mimeosomes...

Only Lao has come back so far, and who knows in what state? Will the powers that be that keeps humanity alive despite the Core being ruined, actually bring the dead back to life when the fated time comes?

This said, I wouldn't mind if there was a big, shocking "Day of the Walking Dead Mimesomes" at some narrative point. Legions of people who died on Mira just show up again, probably as mindless enemies with powerful weapons ready to kill the living. 


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

And finally, the longest cutscene ends with the party leaving to fight Malos while Klaus hopes that he'll be able to see Galea again. 

I guess its an open question whether she entirely ended up in XC1's world. Or, if she got dimensionally cleaved too and has another half in another world? A hypothetical XC3's world?

But, since there would be no evil/arbitrative Klaus/Zanza around, Galea's not-Meyneth half might have to take on the villain role. Yet, presumably, Galea's hypothetical second-half would retain her memories, that means they'd have to invent some good reasons why she took a dark turn when she seemed the nicer person of her and Klaus. -Or maybe Ontos if not Alvis could fulfill the villain role.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

He stops trying to be the hero and instead becomes someone who's saving the world not because it's the right thing to do but because he wants to do it.

And whenever heroes say this in video games, it's usually both a sign they've consciously chosen who they are, and a spoonful of anti-idealism. Because it acknowledges selfishness, and the reality that one, practically doesn't express universal love, even if they want to in theory.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

You might recall a while ago that there was a model of Siren avaliable for purchase. The model came with some more lore on the Artifices. You can read it here. I believe you'll find it quite interesting.

Wait, is the Trinity Processor what Alvis is supposed to be? Didn't he call himself a supercomputer? Wouldn't this stop him from being this Ontos?

Does Klaus actually control the Trinity Processor if Mythra could control a Siren? Did the Trinity Processor stop functioning independently of humanity after the calamity? Are the Aegis fragments of the Trinity Processor? Trinity, three Aegises, sounds like it could work?

I like that this is roughly Deus though, while narratively not being played exactly the same at all. If Alvis = Trinity Processor, it'd make the Deus of XC into the Monad of XC1, very ironic given Deus is the Demiurge of XG. Meanwhile, Zanza the Demiurge of XC1, has his other half be closer to a Monad- even if we don't have a true Demiurge figure present.


If Aegis doesn't equal the Trinity Processor, I'm inclined to say Alvis is the TP, not Ontos. Klaus if he could see through Zanza, would have known of Alvis and thus been able to answer where Ontos was. -Well, maybe, since Zanza mustn't have interacted much with Alvis. 

If Aegises are fragments of the TP, then I can see him as Ontos more readily. Since he is Monado, XC2 Monado are Aegis Blades. Although, should the TP by itself be able to provide the power that the Aegises draw on, and hence grant Monado? ...I'm getting lost in mind circles.


And @Lightchao42, I see what you and Armagon mean about Malos. Malos did embrace what he thought to be his purpose, but he did it because he wanted it from the depths of his heart, not because it was simply his duty. And, he did it to the end with his signature smugness, which was hatable, but oh so likably so!

I half-seriously would love to see some fanfict where he ended up with someone not-Amalthus as his Driver. Just to see what would remain of Malos's personality and character if he was bound to someone with a more cheery outlook on human existence.

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A friend got the Crash Trilogy for me on Steam, though my laptop has some issues running it consistently, but I could probably work it out if I put some effort into it, but we'll see.

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@Interdimensional Observer

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Do ya think XC2 could have benefitted from some lore nuggets being scattered in the World Tree? As you ascend the Tree, you'd find computers with talk icons above them that'd relay some of these things.

Oh absolutely. The cutscene was too long even for Xeno standards. 

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And the Conduit/Gate got into Shulk's world? A mysterious object defying the laws of physics and giving power to mecha via Slave Generators, that is the XG Zohar, played to the T.

It sounded like Shulk by killing Zanza destroyed the Conduit? And killed Klaus too? How?

The Conduit created Shulk's world. To put it in simple terms, the Xenoblade 2 world is one of many universes. We can likely assume that the Xenoblade X world is another universe (and there's some theorizing that the Samaarians are actually humans from the Xenoblade 2 world that got displaced when the experiment happened. It's kinda loose but the thread is that Samaarian ships have the same rings that the Artifices have). The Xenoblade 1 world is a pocket dimension created by the experiment.

Shulk killing Zanza kills Klaus as well, as the two are connected though it seems it's not instant, as it seems Klaus lived a bit longer than Zanza did. However, the Conduit wasn't destroyed. It left. I actually think that Xenoblade 2 is setting up for more games in the series because of it. Not in an overarching sense like Trails but in a sense that the experiment in Xenoblade 2 affects other games in the series. It created the Xenoblade 1 world. It's theorized to have an effect on the Xenoblade X world as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Conduit shows up again. Maybe in X2?

Oh and for the XG comparison, it's also very much comparable to XS Zohar as well. Just like the XG and XS Zohars, the Conduit was discovered in Africa. XS specifes the location further: Lake Turakana in Kenya. Klaus is also basically a fusion of Dr.Masuda and Grimore Verum. Like Dr.Masuda, Klaus discovered the Conduit. And like Grimore, Klaus destroyed the world in an experiment with it. This Grimore fella is from A Missing Year and while he is important to Xenosaga lore, he's not actually in the games themeselves.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This explanation sounds a bit thin, because it reads like he would have put the Blades into more of a Solaris situation as true overseers. As is, they blend in naturally and do their job of capturing humanity at its most sincere by not remembering their duty, but I'm not sure if that was what Klaus was intending.

Ok i rewatched the cutscene. The Blades were supposed to gather all sorts of data from the world and their Driver, feed the information back into the core, which eventually leads to new Titans and more evolved Blades. So it looks to me as if the failsafe wasn't "keep humans in check" but rather "make sure there is enough life so that even if humanity starts fighting itself again, it would never reach the cataclysimic levels of Klaus' time. The eventual problem was

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Any explanation why the Titans are dying out then? Why would Klaus have made system doomed to naturally collapse? He should've noticed it, and if he wasn't thoroughly convinced humankind was bad, he should have then created more.

-Then again, since he let Amalthus get away with the Aegises 500 years prior, Klaus must have already condemned humanity as sinful, and therefore intentionally neglected the dying system to eradicate Man.

the Titans were always fated to die. They are still living creaters. They live for at least a millenium but they still die in the end. The problem wasn't the Titans but rather, the fact that new Titans weren't being made. It already takes a long ass time for a new Titan to be born and not all of them are continental. Add in the fact that Amalthus was preventing the birth of new Titans and you have the situations Alrestians found themselves in 500 years later. What's likely is that even though the life cycle of a Blade is very long, the birth and death rate of Titans was even so that there wouldn't be a situation where dead Titans were outnumbering the living. That's what was supposed to happen but then Amalthus happened. Remember how he said he can cleanse the Core Crystals to make them more easily resonant? Maybe that last bit is true but by cleansing the Core Crystals, he's removing all the data accumlated in them, effectively sterilizing them and preventing them from ever becoming Titans. And who knows how many Core Crystals Amalthus cleasned during his lifetime.

However, even without Amalthus, Klaus probably expected for humanity to fuck itself at some point.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Humanity always in conflict doesn't really work too well though in XC2 I think. Amalthus is terrible yes, but Mor Ardain and Uraya hold off on warfare after the Temperantia flare-up. Malos and Jin are the main troublemakers that aren't Amalthus. Is there enough inter-human conflict to really support the theme here?

Well, the farthest point in Alrestian history that we do have is the Tornan Titan being used as a weapon of mass destruction 1000 years befor TTGC. Besides Mor Ardain and Uraya, there's also the Ardanian-Gormotti War 50 years before XC2, which resulted in Gormott becoming Ardanian territory. There's also at least another war shortly before TTGC. Remember that scene with Amalthus and the baby? The guy he killed was a soldier who was injured in battle. Minoth in TTGC said this happend ago so i don't think it was any Coeian/Ardanian conflict. Or it could've been. Who knows. Mor Ardain and Uraya actually were going to go to war and the only reason they stopped was because Amalthus intervened. 

XC2 takes place in Alrestian year 4058 and that's assuming that there isn't a BC time-period. And a calenday system likely wasn't invented immideatly either so the Alrestian calendar only has 4058 years of recorded history. It's safe to assume there have been at least a few wars.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wait, is the Trinity Processor what Alvis is supposed to be? Didn't he call himself a supercomputer? Wouldn't this stop him from being this Ontos?

Well that's probably being retconned but when you think about it, Alvis isn't wrong about him being a supercomputer. The Trinity Processor was originally that so they could change it from "being a supercomputer" to "being part of a supercomputer".

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does Klaus actually control the Trinity Processor if Mythra could control a Siren? Did the Trinity Processor stop functioning independently of humanity after the calamity?

Klaus could control the Trinity Processor (he even does when conducting the experiment) but the Trinity Processor could act on it's own. The reason it just become Terminator is because

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Are the Aegis fragments of the Trinity Processor? Trinity, three Aegises, sounds like it could work?

Yes, that's exactly it. Logos, Pneuma and Ontos together form the Trinity Processor. Logos was the logical side, looking at every problem and deciding the most effective method of resolving it. Pneuma was the ethical side, looking to solve problems humanely. These methods of thinking caused Logos and Pneuma to never come to a solution which is where Ontos comes in. Ontos was the mediator, looking at both sides and choosing the best compromise.




13 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I've realized recently that most of the games I'm looking forward to next year are remakes.

Haha same. There's XenoblaDE and TMS Encore of course. For me, there's also Rune Factory 4 Special, the Atelier Dusk trilogy DX and the Mega Man Zero/ZX collection.


13 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

What Switch games released this year are worth getting?

10 hours ago, Caster said:

Well, Christmas is coming up, and people are going to ask what I want, but I don't really know currently. Does anyone have any Switch suggestions?

If we're looking at just 2019 games

  • Luminous Avenger iX
  • Blaster Master Zero 2
  • River City Girls (play this one with a friend tho, it's hell by yourself)
  • Atelier Ryza
  • Atelier Lulua
  • Bloodstained (but get it on a different platform if you can)

And for games i haven't played but i'd imagine are good

  • If you have never played the game before, Link's Awakening HD. If you have, skip.
  • Luigi's Mansion 3
  • Not a big Dragon Quest guy but everyone says to play Dragon Quest 11 S if you like JRPGs

Also @Caster you said you have Xenoblade 2 but do you have Torna as well? Because if not, i absolutely recommend that you get it.


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Also I learned a new day schedule by getting up at 4 AM and getting to bed at 7-8 PM. 

Honestly doing stuff or playing games so early before work is refreshing and helps me focusing on the tasks, but also at work. 

When I come back home at darkness I am absolutely tired, too tired to do anything productive. 

Then again I am acting really sensible to early darkness.

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@Armagon, a little more Xenobabble:

49 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes, that's exactly it. Logos, Pneuma and Ontos together form the Trinity Processor. Logos was the logical side, looking at every problem and deciding the most effective method of resolving it. Pneuma was the ethical side, looking to solve problems humanely. These methods of thinking caused Logos and Pneuma to never come to a solution which is where Ontos comes in. Ontos was the mediator, looking at both sides and choosing the best compromise.

I like the setup here.

And assuming Alvis to be Ontos, being the mediator sorta retroactively suits his role in XC1. Insofar as I saw it, Alvis didn't seem to care who won the clash of the Monados. Zanza, Meyneth, and Shulk (and possibly Fiora) were all viable candidates, and Alvis didn't intervene in anyone's favor. He let Meyneth die, he let Zanza do as he wished. And for Shulk, the Makna Forest advice was more him reading the manual of how his power was to be used. The "Shulk's Memory Space" "find your true Monado" advice was just informing him to develop his own capacities apart from Zanza's borrow Monadability. Zanza and Meyneth were Monado veterans, so he didn't need to advise them. The only thing Alvis seemed to care about was recreating the world to save it from dying.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

(and there's some theorizing that the Samaarians are actually humans from the Xenoblade 2 world that got displaced when the experiment happened. It's kinda loose but the thread is that Samaarian ships have the same rings that the Artifices have).

First, the bold. You mean halos? Because just on pretty unrelated note (since it is modern tech), the Ares does have a pseudo-halo when its flying:


My current issue with the Samaarians is how humanity on Earth could be so primitive, and yet the Samaarians are a venerated deceased ancestral space species. How and why did the Samaarians become stupid Earth aliens?

I'll assume this is a picture of the Samaarians:

Samaarians Hologram

This disc is obtained at of a sidequest, where a scientist Zaruboggan stole what a religious Zaruboggan claimed was visual evidence of what the Zaruboggan god Golbogga looked like. The scientist wants to disprove that Zaruboggans were created by a god and instead scientifically evolved from microorganisms. Golbogga is said to have created the Zaruboggans and covered their planet in Voltant- pollution- which the Zaruboggans consume for food. It's also stated the Gorkwas staffs which the Zaruboggans use to gather Voltant and are scattered all over the home planet, are not Zaruboggan technology, the Zaruboggans can repair them, but not construct new ones. -Sorry if I've explained this before!😅

The disc is cracked open (you get to pick whether the scientist or priest sees the contents, the scientist if shown is mad with disbelief and angrily shouts at Cross for playing God with his species), and that is the image contained within, a naked human man and a woman. The problem is humanity couldn't have possibly created the Zaruboggans- how'd they get to another planet when they hadn't even left the Earth so much later? Since Samaarians are the ancestors of humanity, they're the best guess as to who "Golbogga" is. -If the image itself isn't a total lie, but why would Monolith do that? The game itself doesn't tell you what to make of this discovery nor bring up the Samaarians after the revelation, it's a cliffhanger.


If there was XC2-XCX interconnection, the first idea in my head right now would be that the Samaarians aren't actually the ancestors of Earth humanity. Perhaps the Samaarians were humans who arrived from the XC2 world, who colonized space, and then chose to abandon everything and intermarry with the hunter-gatherer homo sapiens on Earth to restore history to its "natural course". Maybe there is one Samaarian on life-support out there who has endured all this time to meet humanity when the time is right.

I'd retcon the Telethia into the Orbital Ring experiment too, maybe a Titan prototype scrapped and replaced by Klaus for being too small (to explain why XC2 has none). They have to account for them being in two dimensions where they exercise a prominent position- Zanza's preferred minions, and the Guardian of Mira/Endbringer/Ruler of Fates.

-But there could be a thousand other explanations requiring or not requiring XC2 as to why humanity lost the wisdom of Samaar.

E3 2020 can't come soon enough for my dashable hopes, but I'll really like something in March or February after BlaDE is released. If its just an X with a 2 slapped next to it, that would be enough.




I'm running out of Switch games, to play. Once I finish FFXII- A Poor Man's Proto-Xenoblade (It's not bad, it just didn't live up to my high hopes with some glaring flaws, if visible strengths too.), I'll have nothing I didn't finish the story of.

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12 hours ago, Caster said:

Well, Christmas is coming up, and people are going to ask what I want, but I don't really know currently. Does anyone have any Switch suggestions?

I really enjoyed Octopath Traveller

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@Armagon I haven't played Torna, I remember people saying it was a bit flawed, so I was wary of it, but I might have been thinking of something else, it's been so long.

Also it's not related to Christmas, but I have been flip-flopping on whether I want to get Persona 5 Scramble when it comes out. It looks like a sequel to Persona 5, which I think is really neat. But I'm really not into the game type it is, so it's like, what do I want to even do.

@Nobody I've been contemplating it, but I haven't really wanted to play a "classic" themed JRPG in a while, so while I'm interested, I haven't been enough lately to take the plunge.

Related to nothing,
I just want Atlus to make Devil Survivor 3. But I know that's probably a pipe dream at this point.

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Torna had one little weakness, it was forcing the player to do quests to make progress in the story. Some of them were tedious. Otherwise it was enjoyable, although it was not long at all (15 hours).


Black Week will come at the end of this month, so I recommend to check out games on sale. 


I hope for a price drop of the newer Atelier games for Switch or PS4 with the knowledge it only will take space of my memory card and I will not be able to play it anytime soon.. Playing longs games without having much freetime in the week is unfortunate. 

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@Interdimensional Observer

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

irst, the bold. You mean halos? Because just on pretty unrelated note (since it is modern tech), the Ares does have a pseudo-halo when its flying:

True true. It's a pretty loose theory, the only things connecting it are the halos and the fact that according to Luxaar, the Samaarians appeared from another universe.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This disc is obtained at of a sidequest, where a scientist Zaruboggan stole what a religious Zaruboggan claimed was visual evidence of what the Zaruboggan god Golbogga looked like. The scientist wants to disprove that Zaruboggans were created by a god and instead scientifically evolved from microorganisms. Golbogga is said to have created the Zaruboggans and covered their planet in Voltant- pollution- which the Zaruboggans consume for food. It's also stated the Gorkwas staffs which the Zaruboggans use to gather Voltant and are scattered all over the home planet, are not Zaruboggan technology, the Zaruboggans can repair them, but not construct new ones. -Sorry if I've explained this before!😅

This is actually new info to me so thank you.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd retcon the Telethia into the Orbital Ring experiment too, maybe a Titan prototype scrapped and replaced by Klaus for being too small (to explain why XC2 has none). They have to account for them being in two dimensions where they exercise a prominent position- Zanza's preferred minions, and the Guardian of Mira/Endbringer/Ruler of Fates.

I might've mentioned before but i theorize that Telethia did actually appear in Alrest, just not by name. The Indoline Titan and the small winged Titans that Indoline soldiers use look very similar to Telethia.


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

E3 2020 can't come soon enough for my dashable hopes, but I'll really like something in March or February after BlaDE is released. If its just an X with a 2 slapped next to it, that would be enough.


2 hours ago, Caster said:

I haven't played Torna, I remember people saying it was a bit flawed, so I was wary of it, but I might have been thinking of something else, it's been so long.

The only main flaw is that it forces you to do a certain number of sidequests at two points during the story. The sidequests themselves aren't bad, they are similar to Xenoblade X's sidequests in that they are mini-stories as opposed to mindless fetch quests. I personally didn't mind doing these but i can see why other people might.


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Hmm, interesting, the bitME channel is now airing Sailor Moon. The original, not Crystal. Don't think I ever saw that one outside little bits and pieces, so... might as well.

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Death Stranding got nominated for 10 different things at the Game Awards and it's probably gonna win all of them because Kojima.

Jump Force got nominated for best fighting game lmaooooooo.

Three Houses got nominated for best strategy but not best RPG.

Astral Chain got nominated for best action game but not GOTY.

Neither of those games got nominated for best music.

Bloodstained and Luminous Avenger iX didn't get nominated for Best Indie.

In conclusion



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