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I wonder if I can go ahead and fight the Orochi. On one hand, I know better now on how to mitigate its physical attacks, since back then I either forgot or I didn't knew Agility factored in defense calculations. On the other hand... attacking twice and possibly using its breath attack twice in a single turn. I forgot at what point Insulatle was learnt; but I might instead wait for things like Oomph instead.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Steam does not require a subscription to purchase games.

If this was not the case, literally no one would play PC games nowadays.

These subscriptions you are thinking about. only apply for Internet / Multiplayer gaming and getting more games's sales like Playstation Plus.

TrailsĀ in the Sky games are neither expensive, not they have high system requirememts.

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So that Atelier Escha & Logy boss i talked about a few days ago? The one that recovered it's healt completely when you got it to half? I beat it. Turns out i really was just unprepared when i got to it the first time. But this time, i came in with all my items and shit replenished. Boss was still kinda tough but this battle system is just really good.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sky FC and SC on the PSP were localized in the early 2010s. The West didn't get Sky 3rd until like, 2017

Correction: the big gap was between FC and SC, not SC and 3rd. There was a 5 year gap between FC and SC. 3rd got released about a yearĀ and a half after SC iirc




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And done, got my Wizard to Sage.

I figured that between the two, better than the Priest. Wizard doesn't have a good equipment draw, plus this nets me a second healer. I know the second Words of Wisdom won't be until much later, so, might as well. Now to decide if to head to Jipang or Edina first...

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Persona 5 and Three Houses don't have anything to do with it tbh. Persona 5 is popular, yes, but it's not like it revived the JRPG genre. JRPGs were doing fine with Persona 5. Also Falcom owns neither Persona 5 or Three Houses so their successes shouldn't be used as a reason as to why Trails games would get localized.

I meant that more in a way that through Persona 5 and Three Houses, JRPGs have been more accepted into the mainstream lately, which could be used as a motivation for other publishers, big and small, to localize more games to perhaps score another big one. I know that they didn't revive the genre, of course they didn't. I mean, the 2010's have been a constant stream of great JRPGs: Bravely Default, the Neptunia games, Xenoblade, Trails, Tales, etc. pp.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

In the case of localizing more niche games (such as Trails), whether or not they do usually falls onto the publisher. Kinda like how Koei Tecmo is responsible for localizing Atelier games. I do think Crossbell Kai will get localized eventually but it's worth noting that Trails localization history is.....weird. Sky FC and SC on the PSP were localized in the early 2010s. The West didn't get Sky 3rd until like, 2017, which is a big time gap. The Cold Steel games did get steady localizations, likely due to being "newer" games. But then there's the whole thing with Xseed no longer localizing the games anymore. Now it's NISA. And NISA probably will localize Cold Steel 4 and again, i can see them localizing Crossbell Kai. My "it has to get localized first" was honestly a bit more of a jab at Trails' wack localization history.

On the topic of Xseed no longer doing localizations for Trails: have you heard what they did?
Apparently, on the PS4 port for Trails of Cold Steel 1, they omitted names of people who worked on the game from the credits because between the game's original release and the release of the port, these people had left the company. There has been a minor outrage going around about this, particularly people who feel like those who worked on the original game should still be mentioned in the credits despite no longer being part of the company. Maybe this kind of stuff could be a reason why they lost the localization rights and they went to NISA instead.

NISA, meanwhile, apparently came under fire for doing a shoddy job with localising CS3.
There has been a patch for CS3 not too long ago that changed some things around; for example, pre-patch, one of Laura's Crafts was called "Azure Fissure", even though she called out "Azure Cleaver" when she used it. The patch fixed that and gave the Craft the name Laura calls out when using it.
I heard that Ys 8 also had a rather infamously bad localization at first.

I'm just happy these games get localized at all, actually.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

At they very least though, we won't be getting worldwide simultanous releases (which we should, it's 2020).


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nah, if i had to do that much just to play a game, i'd just watch a playthrough.

This is most likely what I'll end up doing.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

So that Atelier Escha & Logy boss i talked about a few days ago? The one that recovered it's healt completely when you got it to half? I beat it. Turns out i really was just unprepared when i got to it the first time. But this time, i came in with all my items and shit replenished. Boss was still kinda tough but this battle system is just really good.

Congratulations on beating that boss!

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Maybe this kind of stuff could be a reason why they lost the localization rights and they went to NISA instead.

Nope. The PS4 port of CS1/2 happend long after they lost the rights.

Most speculate Xseed lost the rights because they didn't wanna do Tokyo Xanadu

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Talking about TMS#FE has inspired me to actually play the switch version, so here I am. I just got past the Segment with Draug, playing on hard mode, and having no issues since I've beaten Lunatic, Hard is easy. One thing about this game that I don't like is that it feels like i'm always using the same two options over... and over, in every battle. It makes doing random encounters a bit annoying since I always have to go with the same strategy, and I was hoping the remake would address this a bit... it didn't.

Anyways, after enough practice doing the secret episode in KH3's DLC (by that I mean 100+ deaths) I've finally gotten good enough at it to where I actually win fairly easy. I'm feeling very proud of that accomplishment as it's pretty difficult.

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Having a LOT of fun with Daemon x Machina; so much that I'm overlooking the plot holes and subpar execution. And I don't remember its spiritual ancestor (the Armored Core series) being that easy.

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9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Correction: the big gap was between FC and SC, not SC and 3rd. There was a 5 year gap between FC and SC. 3rd got released about a yearĀ and a half after SC iirc

Huh. You're right. I thought the big gap was between Sky SC and Sky 3rd, since the latter is the only game in the trilogy to not have it's PSP version localized. Man, they really were localizing PSP games in 2015, huh? Wasn't the Vita already out by then? Then again, only like five people had a Vita.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I meant that more in a way that through Persona 5 and Three Houses, JRPGs have been more accepted into the mainstream lately, which could be used as a motivation for other publishers, big and small, to localize more games to perhaps score another big one. I know that they didn't revive the genre, of course they didn't. I mean, the 2010's have been a constant stream of great JRPGs: Bravely Default, the Neptunia games, Xenoblade, Trails, Tales, etc. pp.

Yeah, the 2010s overall is when JRPGs started hitting the more mainstream groups. 2017 in particular happened to be a great year for the genre (and gaming as a whole). Yeah, P5 came out that yearĀ but i think saying just P5 isn't really giving credit to the other games. And Three Houses was part of an already established mainstream series.

But JRPGs would continue to be localized even without the great year that was 2017. A lot of sales actually come from the West, even if the franchise is bigger in Japan itselfĀ so even the nicher JRPGs tend to get localized to bring in more money. Not always but there's a reason why niche JRPGs still have a market in the West. Although i'm sure the process of localization is much more complicated, it's probably not as easy as "bring this game to the West".

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

NISA, meanwhile, apparently came under fire for doing a shoddy job with localising CS3.
There has been a patch for CS3 not too long ago that changed some things around; for example, pre-patch, one of Laura's Crafts was called "Azure Fissure", even though she called out "Azure Cleaver" when she used it. The patch fixed that and gave the Craft the name Laura calls out when using it.
I heard that Ys 8 also had a rather infamously bad localization at first.

Yeah, i did hear about Ys 8's infamous localization but this is my first time hearing about CS3's. I do remember some people being wary because of Ys 8 but didn't NISA get like, everyone (or most) who worked on previous Trails' localizations?

57 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Having a LOT of fun with Daemon x Machina; so much that I'm overlooking the plot holes and subpar execution. And I don't remember its spiritual ancestor (the Armored Core series) being that easy.

Haven't played Daemon x Machina but it definitely feels like it's one of those games where the gameplay is the real reason you're playing the game and the story doesn't matter. Kinda like Astral Chain. Astral Chain's plot is whatever but the gameplay is *chef's kiss*.


>Dark Magic Range+1

This is it. This is Lysethia's best class. Stack that shit with Thyrus and win the game.

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I've fallen back into Civ 6 and are trying to win aĀ Domination with Rome on King. The map I chose was a Fractal, with a very good start for me in terms of location, but the absence of a nearby civ to conquer delayed my early conquest plans. Nor did anyone declare war on me, so I couldn't avoid a Warmonger penalty.Ā Fortunately, I later got lucky and settled Ostia right in strikingĀ distance of the Nubian capital of Meroe. I too Meroe easily with a mere 3 Legions and a Battering Ram, yet IĀ gave up about 30 turns laterĀ and reloaded my save. I really wanted the Nubian city of Napata so I could spring into my invasion of Poland from there later, and to raze a smaller Nubian city for the sake of clearing a land route to invade China.Ā But too many enemies,Ā not enough amassed Legions, and too much forest around Napata stopped me from ever taking it, instead, Meroe got so war weary that five threatening rebelĀ barbarians spawned in the city. Not good.

Now the reloadĀ I have to decide, built more Legions and try to take Napata and Meroe a little later, or, do I just try to negotiate Open Borders after seizing Meroe? Hmm...

Either way, it'll be off to massacre Australia once I'm done with Nubia. They've got two cities where I wanted one with an Industrial Zone and an Entertainment District possibly able to service with the AoE buildingsĀ four cities including itself. I will destroyĀ Australia's pestering outposts to clear the soil for the Roman Empire.Ā Canberra will be taken at a much later date, which, were it not for me being practical over fun, would be assailedĀ using battleships built in my city straight north across a largeĀ inland lake. Fortunately, I've another city with a good land border near Canberra whereĀ I will make an Encampment. After this, I'm not sure where I'll go, but Poland and China areĀ my alliesĀ so far, so maybe the Aztecs. Then China, Poland, Persia, and lastly Brazil.

Civ is fun.

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So i just fought the 2nd mandatory boss in Atelier Escha & Logy and i was very scared at first because it wasĀ the same boss that blocked me in Atelier Ayesha. There were two key differences here. One, it doesn't go kaboom when you get it to below half HP. Two, because the battle system in this game is so much better, i was actually able to strategize assist guards and assist attacks (thank God for vanguard and rearguard system). Not to mention i actually understand the alchemy in this game so i was able to craft quality items and equipment to help me win (though it did take me a few tries).

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Momohime is an unusual sight, thoughĀ Jinkuro hogs her body and her spotlight. Muramasa could use some porting.

Alfyn is a swell guy, so it's nice seeing him. Bandana Dee, Jill, and Magus (who is a little more awesome when you find out his Japanese name is just a title- Maou)Ā are to my likings too.Ā 



Argh... this seems like a good game, I even realized Mt. Kilimanjaro let me build a viable city in the desert with striking distance of the Aztecs and they never took the spot.Ā Yet, I've hit a roadblock on my Rome Domination.Ā Melee Infantry are suddenly terrible, even as Musketmen, they are bad vs. Field Cannon walled towns using a Battering Ram. And they'll probably still do poorly even with an upgrade to Infantry eventually. Field Cannons are so pricey, butĀ I must convert to them, and luckily, they're Niter/resource free and I don't have any Niter. Lesson of the day, exceptĀ in a brief Ancient-Classical period before the Medieval Crossbow and Knight, Melee Infantry are prettyĀ terrible.Ā I've still over 300 turns to get myself six capitals, I can blitz them later. But I think I'll play something else for now.

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As someone pointed out in the Pokemon section, that new Pokemon Home service? Read the Terms of Service carefully.:


See Article 12, Sections 2 and 5? The former someone suggested might be b/c they rushed it out before they could do adequate debugging b/c Game Freak. The latter sectionĀ I have no idea why they did that, but I'm feeling things are readyĀ for some phishing!

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The latter sectionĀ I have no idea why they did that, but I'm feeling things are readyĀ for some phishing!

tbf though, that one is pretty much in every ToS.

As for the first one....

Well, it's gamefreak, what do you expect?

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Hearing good things about Cindered Shadows but also that it's like, 5 hours long. Now look, i value enjoymet more than hours but $25 for 5 hours is a bit too short. The first three waves of the 3H DLC have been very underwhelming and while i'm sure Cindered Shadows is good, i don't know if the price is actually worth it.


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5 hours only? i kinda doubt that. I am playing through it atm and it seems like it will be more akin to 10 Hours.

I played 2 Maps so far and started the third. First one is fine, 2nd one is Echoes Map design + RD Part 4 unlimitedĀ Reinforcements + Rout = Bleh, 3rd one is a reuse from main story lol.

I like the characters so far however and the story seems interesting.

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