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45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Actually, there is one place i would've liked to see in Torna though in hindsight, i can't see how it would fit into the plot: Mor Ardain. Pre-release Torna, there was a lot of speculation on whether or not Mor Ardain would be visited, the most exciting prospect of this would be seeing a perhaps more greener-looking Mor Ardain. Or at the very least, a not-as-deserty version of Mor Ardain. 

But if we did get Mor Ardain in Torna, we could've gotten a nice jazzy remix of the Mor Ardain theme.

I distinctly recall Hugo stating offhand the Ardainian Titan was starting to get a little old. So not lush I'd think, but savannah or vast plains wouldn't be a bad environment to imagine. The plains of Central Asia (and maybe the US Great Plains) aren't the most verdant and fertile of lands, hence the history of mostly nomadism and low population size and density that didn't make cities and settled agriculture anywhere near common as it was in other places. Savannah would be more fertile; Ardainian imperial Scots, soldiers, steel and steamworks in an environment where you'd expect to see zebras, elephants, giraffes, and Unique Monster hippos that you accidentally aggro and get OHKO'ed by. Quite the novel picture.


By the way, this reminds me of one detail I've been meaning to ask you about XC2's plot SPOILERS.


When did Jin and Malos meet in that rainy alley? And how could Malos be so quick to forget Jin had tried to kill him? Ah yes, the sorrows on his face. The same reason why Jin wouldn't have cared he was betraying Lora's endeavor to save the world from Malos.

Given Jin and Azurda are seen talking at the cabin that is seemingly the last bit of Torna to stay afloat the sinking dead Titan, and it sounds as though has chosen the path of annihilation at this point, then I don't think the meeting could've happened that long after Malos's defeat.

Mikhail joined up with Jin sometime later, maybe a few years if he aged into an adult before becoming a Blade Eater. And it wouldn't surprise me if Akhos and Patroka only joined up in the past 100 years or less, but it doesn't matter very much.

But, now I'm left thinking of another little issue. The plan was simple:

  1. Get Mythra and use her to restore Malos's broken core crystal.
  2. Climb the World Tree- no probs for a Flesh Eater and Aegis if scrawny old and ordinary Amalthus could do it with his bare hands.
  3. Kill the Architect- they didn't need to it turned out- and destroy the world.

Obviously, they needed time to find out where Mythra was, and they likely discovered that Addam had put a genetic seal on her resting place. But, did they really need 500 years to find a descendant of Addam? I forget exactly, but didn't he tell Lora and Jin he was headed to Leftheria after sealing Pyra in the Tornan royal vault?

So then, why didn't Malos Aionize Alrest in 200 years tops?


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God, I have been stuck in recruiting Xavier for more than a week already.

Even rescue / wrap shenigans to not getting trapped by asleep enemies does not work since I have no one who can rescue them once they are green to open the way for the civilians to let them talk to.

If dismount had not been a thing in this game...

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Savannah would be more fertile; Ardainian imperial Scots, soldiers, steel and steamworks in an environment where you'd expect to see zebras, elephants, giraffes, and Unique Monster hippos that you accidentally aggro and get OHKO'ed by. Quite the novel picture.

Sounds like fun. We haven't had any savannah enviornments in Xenoblade yet.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

By the way, this reminds me of one detail I've been meaning to ask you about XC2's plot SPOILERS.


We don't have an exact time-frame but i was always under the impression that Jin meeting Malos and Jin talking with Azurda before he leaves took place a few centuries after. In between Lora's death and meeting Malos, Jin was just done with life and it wasn't until after he met Malos again that he chose a path. Malos by this time, had probably done some self-reflecting, which is probably why he's not hostile to Jin when they meet.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Obviously, they needed time to find out where Mythra was, and they likely discovered that Addam had put a genetic seal on her resting place. But, did they really need 500 years to find a descendant of Addam? I forget exactly, but didn't he tell Lora and Jin he was headed to Leftheria after sealing Pyra in the Tornan royal vault?

So then, why didn't Malos Aionize Alrest in 200 years tops?

Thing is, they didn't know where Addam hid Pyra/Mythra. They don't find out until the start of Xenoblade 2. Now, i do think they were searching for it but previous attempts came up in failure. At any rate, there was no point in finding a descendant of Addam if they didn't know where the ship was. 



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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Referring to Torna? Again, it was great, I actually played it before the main XC2 story and loved it. It being bundled with the awesome DLC gifts for the main game- Corvin>Torna and Elma and all the plentitude of items was even nicer.

Admittedly, I do not have a totally clear idea of how I'd change/improve Torna, and I acknowledge implementation of some changes would be difficult for various reasons.

Nonetheless, let me, in spoilers to be conscientious of those without the game who may wish to play it, list a few my criticisms of incompleteness and possible suggestions.:

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First, Malos it is said in the main game sunk three Titans IIRC, the first of these is entirely ignored in Torna and the second is relegated to the opening sequence. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

Now, let me rebuke myself on this point:

  1. First, the demise of the Tornan Titan is tragically shown in Torna, why do we have to see this three times? That is unnecessarily repetitive.
  2. Second, Torna is not drawn out, the story doesn't overstay its welcome, which is good. Nor does Torna begin slowly as some games like Dragon Quest VII and LoZ Wind Waker, it begins in media res to good effect. 
  3. Third, what could really be done during the first Titan? I don't know when Amalthus brought Mythra to Addam, but I'd guess it'd only happen after the global nemesis Malos was was recognized, which would presumably be Sunk Titan 1.
  4. Fourth, putting the emphasis earlier would require the meeting of our heroic trio of trios to be rewritten. In addition, the increased attention on Malos would mean more attention for Addam and Mythra, when Torna as is puts Jin and Lora in the most central narrative position, except when Addam and Mythra are required.

The best solution I can imagine would be to:

  • Move Sunk Titan 1 to the game's opening where Sunk Titan 2 currently is. Again, I assume it's only then that A&M are called to the task of Malos. The opening then steps into showing the ceremony in Uraya (which seems a little odd in Torna- why did Addam have to go out of the way there- where did it look like his evil uncle fail to resonate with Mythra?), and we get to Sunk Titan 2 pre-sinking.
  • But, what to do at Sunk Titan 2? When does Addam get there and what is Malos doing? If one didn't mind a milder start, I'd have a little bit of tutorial stuff as Addam investigates if, why, where, and when Malos would attack here, add in a few starter tutorial battles, maybe the initial meeting with Milton? I forget his background. Mor Ardain, a military force acting out of altruism, goes to Sunk Titan 2 with Hugo himself leading a delegation to convince the Sunk Titan 2 government Malos is such a threat that letting foreign armies in is advisable. But, Malos strikes hard and fast at before Addam and Hugo can get their bearings.
    • Alternatively, we skip past the AM and HAB stuff that nonetheless happens, and get to the attack of Malos, but from the perspective of Jin and Lora. Why would they be on Sunk Titan 2? I have an excuse- looking for Lora's mother in the wrong place. The focus is then put on them escaping the attack that sinks the Titan, with them momentarily fighting alongside A&H perhaps, but not intentionally. AM is trying to find Malos, HAB is trying to find and help people to they can flee the Titan, JL are mostly concerned with their personal flight and safety.
  • Ultimately, I realize what I'm proposing here is only adding a brief, linear segment to the start of Torna. Adding more means de-centering from JL and slowing and lengthening things, not inherently good. And this as is would remove grounds for the early Addam & Mythra fight and the Brighid in Torigoth Predux.



Moving on to other criticisms.

  • The thug man whose name I forget who was a personal enemy for Lora. He wasn't exactly executed very well, albeit the final encounter was so creepy.
  • Mikhail in Torna is a shy kid nothing like his maingame self. I mean a kid would never act like he does as an adult, but I feel some story-prequel inconsistency- not an uncommon problem. He was kinda there only because the maingame said he was. And Mythra seeing him so much, I don't think she ever said she saw him before in the maingame.
  • There should be something more thrilling between the Malos clash in Auresco and his unleashing of the Tornan Titan than just the community sidequests (not to call the sidequests bad- they aren't).
    • But, what to fill it in with?
  • Only Torna- albeit it was a decent size with environmental variety- and Gormott were visited.
    • But, where else would the game go? Indol couldn't have us fight stuff there, because Indol isn't shown to be absolute evil until after the final battle. Amalthus is shadddddddddddddy, but he is supposed to be on the heroes' side in Torna.
  • Speaking of which, so much stuff is left seen only in brief snippets after the final fight. 
    • But, all of this is tragedy! And wasn't the destruction of Torna enough, combined with the creepy post-final battle? And Mythra's breakdown? Why must I see Haze get captured, Lora mortally wounded, and Jin consuming her before it is too late? Why must I see the evil uncle enthroned in Tantal? Or why must I see the boring acts of Addam putting Pyra in a locker and the bulk of Mythra's power in Spirit Crucible Elpys?

So... I admit my criticisms aren't too strongly defensible. And that while I'm saying I like that Torna doesn't overstay its welcome, I probably partly think that it'd be more complete as a longer and slower game.

Well, I really think they outdid themselves with the menu UI and such, to it me it looks so much nicer/cleaner than the normal XC2's. And I really enjoyed the battle system considering the switching made a pretty big impact on how you battled.

Yeah, I think the game could have been longer as well, but considering most DLC content, I think they really nailed making it actually worth the money.

I also wanted more places to explore as stated earlier.


Also, the thug, you meant Gort, I assume? The scene in Gormott actually made a pretty big impact to me, Jin asking which limb he wanted to lose next was pretty neat to me. but I can see what you mean as well.

Regarding Mikhail: I would assume what happens near the end changes him, emotionally scarring, I guess? Milton being really close to him and getting killed must really start to affect him after that point.

No, I think you make pretty good points, I just, in my mind, always think that DLC isn't going to get that much put into it, so this really surprised me by how much content we got.

Edit: Sorry about the little organization here, some of this is jumbled thoughts, while some are observations.

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@Shrimperor you made Ch.3 sound way worse than it actually was. Now granted, I did already know which statue was the correct one. But even then, this was probably the easiest of the first three chapters.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, I really think they outdid themselves with the menu UI and such, to it me it looks so much nicer/cleaner than the normal XC2's.

On the subject of the menu UI, I really liked how clean the map UI looks on the quick travel select screen. Previous Xenoblade games simply had a picture and a stock map but Torna's maps had this really nice kinda-handrawn look to it. Hopefully XenoblaDE uses it as well.

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I took a bit of a break from CS3 to do some other stuff and now I can't seem to motivate myself to finish it.
Worst part is, I have almost no clue why that is, though if I had to make an "educated" guess, it'd be that my feelings on the game are about as conflicted as the FE fanbase was during the height of Fateswakening's popularity.


In any event, due to difficulties with the internet connection, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 took until now to buy. It's currently downloading and I can't help but feel giddy about finally playing a game from a franchise I've heard so many good things about.

@Falcom Knight Congratulations on making the hardest recruitment in the franchise (or so I've heard, at least)!

Edited by DragonFlames
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>Reaches the penultimate boss of Atelier Escha & Logy

>This plays

This song has the same energy as "anime OP plays during the climax of the show" even though this is a boss theme and not the game's OP song.

Between this game and Atelier Ayesha, i think the Atelier Dusk games might have the best OST out of the entire Atelier series. Hoping Shallie's soundtrack is just as good.

Btw, i got wrecked by the boss but i have the entire 4th year to beat it so i'm gonna craft some stronger stuff (appearently Escha's exclusive Knowledge Book item is stupidly strong if you use Double Draw with it, strong enough to delete bosses. Double Draw is basically both Escha and Logy use their items in the same turn, even if Logy is in the rearguard. But my Alchemy level is a bit low for me to actually craft the item).

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

This really really helps though. Like ALOT. I would've cheesed it, too, if i knew which one it was 😛


Yeah, i will admit that if i didn't know which one it was, i probably would've had a tougher time. Though i think even if i didn't know, i still would've gotten it right on my first try because the right side of the map just seems safer. But maybe that's just hindsight.

Now i'm Ch.4 and i thought it was pretty straightforward until the bandits and reinforcements showed up and i was like


When that happened, i was like "aight imma just bookmark this and come back to it later".

39 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

In any event, due to difficulties with the internet connection, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 took until now to buy. It's currently downloading and I can't help but feel giddy about finally playing a game from a franchise I've heard so many good things about.

Nice nice. Hope you enjoy it. And of course, i'll provide any tips for the game if you want them.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Reaches the penultimate boss of Atelier Escha & Logy

>This plays

This song has the same energy as "anime OP plays during the climax of the show" even though this is a boss theme and not the game's OP song.

That is one beautiful song.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nice nice. Hope you enjoy it. And of course, i'll provide any tips for the game if you want them.

Thank you!
As per usual, I'll try to figure stuff out on my own at first. If I get really stuck or if I find anything too cryptic, I'll take you up on that offer!

It's still downloading, though. My internet is f***ing slow today, holy crap.

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plays Langrisser
>35 Atk Boss
>my tankiest Unit 22 Def

Nani kore

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Reaches the penultimate boss of Atelier Escha & Logy

>This plays

This song has the same energy as "anime OP plays during the climax of the show" even though this is a boss theme and not the game's OP song.

Oh i know that song...

because the one who sings it also sings all Steins;Gate OPs, so it popped up in my rec. quite a long while ago

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It's still downloading, though. My internet is f***ing slow today, holy crap.

Well you also have to keep in mind you're currently downloading 13 GB of game (the DLC adds an extra 4 GB, bringing it up to 17 GB total). So yeah, it's gonna take a while even if you had good internet.


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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well you also have to keep in mind you're currently downloading 13 GB of game (the DLC adds an extra 4 GB, bringing it up to 17 GB total). So yeah, it's gonna take a while even if you had good internet.

That certainly does have something to do with it, but trust me, my internet has been causing me all sorts of headaches this week, so the excrutiatingly slow download speed is most certainly due to that.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:
On the subject of the menu UI, I really liked how clean the map UI looks on the quick travel select screen. Previous Xenoblade games simply had a picture and a stock map but Torna's maps had this really nice kinda-handrawn look to it. Hopefully XenoblaDE uses it as well.

I cant say why, I just enjoy Torna much more, not on just a graphical PoV. 


30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That certainly does have something to do with it, but trust me, my internet has been causing me all sorts of headaches this week, so the excrutiatingly slow download speed is most certainly due to that.

I know how this feels! When I download updates for games that are around 400mb or so even, it takes about 2-3 hours!

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51 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

plays Langrisser
>35 Atk Boss
>my tankiest Unit 22 Def

You're emulating it? Since the demo for the I & II remake doesn't release until the 20th of this month.


6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

No, I think you make pretty good points, I just, in my mind, always think that DLC isn't going to get that much put into it, so this really surprised me by how much content we got.

True, no denying its some of the best in all of gaming.


6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, I really think they outdid themselves with the menu UI and such, to it me it looks so much nicer/cleaner than the normal XC2's.

I don't remember much of Torna's UI since it's been so long since I've played it. But XC2 maingame's is a tad clunky, which I think inevitably stemmed from having 9/15 characters to manage. Though Torna's UI is much better simply for marking UM gravestone locations on the map.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You're emulating it? Since the demo for the I & II remake doesn't release until the 20th of this month.


I am not emulating 1 or 2 actually (since remake demo is coming out next week. ), but Langrisser 4. Just finished that mess that was Scenario 6. Who thought an Empty Water Map with a lone bridge would be fun....

Atleast the green Princess twins were doing their job, especially Ms. Pegasus. Flier op in a SRPG who would've thought. 30 JDG (Basically AT delay stat) really hurts her though.

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