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Don't forget to talk to her when exploring the monastery. This is especially important for Chapter 11.

As for me, I finished Super Neptunia RPG. It was a fun ride, even if I have my problems with the game. Review here, if you care about my ramblings:

Up next is a fem!Byleth Blue Lions playthrough. Wish me luck! Or something...

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That reminds me, I told myself to finally participate in the writing thread. Prompt doesn't sound too hard, already got an idea...

Now writing it down for others to see... that's the tough part...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Lady Godiva had dressed so demurely
Pats the head of another curly haired boy
Just another toy

Sick with silence she weaps sincerely
Saying words that have all so clearly been said
So long ago

Draperies wrapped gently around her shoulder
Life has made her that much bolder now
That she found out how

Dressed in silk, satin, lace and envy
Pride and joy of the lattest penny-fare
Pretty passing care

Hair today now dripped in the water
Making love to every poor daughter's son
Isn't it fun?

Now today propping grace with envy
Lady Godiva appears to see if anyone's there
And hasn't a care

"Doctor is coming" the nurse thinks sweetly
Turning on the machines that neatly pump air
The body lies bare

Shaved and hairless, what once was screaming
Now lies silent and almost sleeping
The brain must have gone away

Strapped securely to the white table
Ether causes the body to wither and writhe
Underneat the white light

Doctor arrives, knife and baggage
Sees the throat of oh so much cabbage
That must now be cut away

Now comes the moment of great, great decision
Doctor is making his first incision
One goes here, and one goes there

"The ether is leaking" says someone who's sloppy
The patient it seems is not so well sleeping
Screams echo up the hall

Don't panic, someone give him pentathol instantly
Doctor removes his blade cagily slow from the brain
By my count of ten
The head won't move

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Okay, now I remember why I never brought myself to participate in the writing thread. Outside my ususal issues of letting people see what I write.

It's too... off-putting... or so, the whole "writing contest" pseudo-atmosphere it has... Okay, it has "Competition" in it's very name; but still...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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What is going on at the moment with the Brazil rainforest just shudders me. It is a tragedy for the nature and native people. And the consequences are not only noticeable in Brazil but in whole Latin America. Mexico's coast has to deal with a giant algae plague lately, probably caused by dung used in Brazil. If this senseless destruction will not stop soon, I really see a natural disaster comimg for South and North America. 

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1 hour ago, Lysithea said:

What is going on at the moment with the Brazil rainforest just shudders me. It is a tragedy for the nature and native people. And the consequences are not only noticeable in Brazil but in whole Latin America. Mexico's coast has to deal with a giant algae plague lately, probably caused by dung used in Brazil. If this senseless destruction will not stop soon, I really see a natural disaster comimg for South and North America. 

If this keeps up, the entire world will be affected. Trees and the oceans are literally the things that keep us alive and these ignorant buffoons kill them because money. And then industry and governments alike try and blame us for the climate change they enforced in the first place. There are no words to describe how f***ed up that is.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


If this keeps up, the entire world will be affected. Trees and the oceans are literally the things that keep us alive and these ignorant buffoons kill them because money. And then industry and governments alike try and blame us for the climate change they enforced in the first place. There are no words to describe how f***ed up that is.

People are selfish, and what's happening in the amazon is absolutely awful, but i want to bring another perspective here. Many of the people burning the forest for money are poor miners and wood poachers, yeah they do it for money, and yeah, they're ignorant, but they're poor, they do it for survival. They absolutely have to be stopped, but they're not privileged bogeymen, you europeans are way more privileged than they could ever dream of being. I remember when you complained about rising taxes on fossil fuel energy in germany and blamed the green party. Well, i researched how the energy sources have been in Baden Wurttemberg (ruled by the green party), and the amount of renewable energy has steadily gone up since they took office, so their policies are effective in that matter. So, wouldn't you say you're just like the poachers in the amazon when you complain about a policy that helps the environment but raises your taxes?

i will tell you guys something: here in brazil there's a very toxic mentality that is: "europeans already devastated their forests, so why can't we?". It's absolutely insane and a threat to the world, but you guys did devastate your forests back when you were poor. 80% of europe was forest cover before roman ages, so it does seem a bit hypocrite to see europeans complaining about our awful environmental policies while turning a blind eye to your own. I'm legit very glad about you guys scrutinizing us, since it made Bolsonaro back down on his environmental policy of absolutely ignoring the amazon, but i wish you guys would scrutinize your own environmental policies as you do ours. If you don't want your country to go green because it would raise your taxes or make products more expensive, why would you expect a country that is much poorer than yours to do it?

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29 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


If this keeps up, the entire world will be affected. Trees and the oceans are literally the things that keep us alive and these ignorant buffoons kill them because money. And then industry and governments alike try and blame us for the climate change they enforced in the first place. There are no words to describe how f***ed up that is.

The entire world already has been affected => global warming

Due to the extreme hot summers in the past years,  forest burns became common and lowered the nature. The desertification will conquer Northern Europe in the next decades for sure. The climate conditions will be like in Greece with longer drought periods, and there is no turning back. The destruction of the Amazonas rainforest just speeds it up. But it is only one of so many environmental issues. This one mainly bothers me because the life of engendered animals is taken away and the unique rainforest is one of Brazil's major prouds.

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1 hour ago, Nobody said:

so it does seem a bit hypocrite to see europeans complaining about our awful environmental policies while turning a blind eye to your own.


1 hour ago, Nobody said:

but i wish you guys would scrutinize your own environmental policies as you do ours.


Fridays for Future? (Which have been going on for quite a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig while)
The raise of Green votes in Europe (and especially here Germany?)
Greens taking the majority of the votes over here of those below the age of 60 in the last EUP Elections in May?
Maybe it didn't reach you, but Climate change has been the dominating topic over here for a while, looong before Brasil choose their own Trump this year.
The greens would've been happy to have 10% just a couple years ago, look where they are at now in the latest survey results.

So yes, we do scrutinize our own policies, and there are alot of movements to change stuff. (wether they are succesful or not is another matter, especially since the whole world needs to cooperate. Impossible with the World having 3 Trumps atm and the current Russia and China)

You guys have been getting all the attention in the last few weeks because the fire increased aloooooot compared to the last few years, and because your version of Trump has made his intention very clear from the beginning to cut down the forest.

Not to mention he has been refusing help and is being openly antagonistic towards everyone


Just becuase Europe devasted the forests back then doesn't mean others should follow. That's grade A whataboutism.

The Farmers being poor & ignorant doesn't excuse them, neither does it excuse the government doing nothing to stop them.

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38 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Just becuase Europe devasted the forests back then doesn't mean others should follow. That's grade A whataboutism.

The Farmers being poor & ignorant doesn't excuse them, neither does it excuse the government doing nothing to stop them.

uhh, i agree, i'm not saying what they're doing is justified at all, and I'm 200% against Bolsonaro. And I said that that mentality IS wrong and toxic, but I do think developed countries should do more. It feels to me that Brazil is being used as a scapegoat so they can avoid talking about their own policies. Canada, one of the countries that was the most critic about Brazil keeps fracking the shit out of Alberta, and they Have 6 times more CO2 emissions per capita than us, and the percentage of renewable energy sources in most developed countries is still quite low.

It's great that the green parties are doing well in europe, but they're not government yet. I really hope the green party gets to germany's government. 

Bolsonaro is a cancer and I really massively hate him. There's not a single day I do not wish he wasn't president, but it seems to be a exaggeration on how guilty Brazil is for climate change and everything going wrong with the environment. Again, we do have our big share of problems, and I'm glad the world is standing up against Bolsonaro, but we're not the only ones to blame, and the environmental policies of developed countries (admitadly, Canada and the US more than Europe) is far from being good.

I'm not saying Brazil in in the right here, quite the contrary, I'm very much against their policies. I'm just saying that it'd be nice if rich countries, which are on a more comfortable position than us, would do more, rather than mostly talk.

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18 minutes ago, Nobody said:

it seems to be a exaggeration on how guilty Brazil is for climate change and everything going wrong with the environment

Nobody is saying Brazil alone is guilty of it, the whole world is guilty. But Brazil is making it worse and denying help. And Bolsonaro's intention has been clear from the very beginning, which makes it all worse, and makes everyone pissed off at Brazil for voting for him.

18 minutes ago, Nobody said:

I'm just saying that it'd be nice if rich countries, which are on a more comfortable position than us, would do more, rather than mostly talk.

True, but can you imagine current Murica, Russia or China doing anything?

And does that mean you have to make it worse?

18 minutes ago, Nobody said:

I really hope the green party gets to germany's government.

if the Greens don't royally fuck up unit next elections, we will most likely have a CDU(Christian democrats)/Green government.

Dunno if that will do much, especially with how CDU is very Coal friendly. It all depends on wether the greens will bend over (like the social democrats did) or not.

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@ArmagonJo our Xenoxpert.

So decided to take a Sneak peek at XC1 as it will be most likely my next game. Definetly a Start that got my intention from the Story angle.

Confused a bit about the Combat though

So i auto attack whenever i am near an enemy, right? So the Combat boils down to evading & using Arts at the right time? And Arts have a certain down time?

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59 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

@ArmagonJo our Xenoxpert.

So decided to take a Sneak peek at XC1 as it will be most likely my next game. Definetly a Start that got my intention from the Story angle.

Confused a bit about the Combat though

So i auto attack whenever i am near an enemy, right? So the Combat boils down to evading & using Arts at the right time? And Arts have a certain down time?

i am not the one you pinged, but that's basically what it boils down to yes.

Except another part would be a sort of tank agro-ring. One party member is a traditional defense tank, another is a evade tank where they're supposed to have enemies agro them so they dont fight attack anyone else. Anything else that deviates would be explained.

And arts do have a cooldown period, yes


also cant believe LtPW was invaded by nep

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