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Rate The Unit: Compendium

Thor Odinson

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That much is true, however he does not take up a slot from any other units.

Neither do Hector or Athos, and they were ranked. Again, the list is just a big conglomerate of competing standards.

Merlinus gets a 10/10 from me. He doesn't dmg enemies though, so he wasn't considered .

So if we had a prepromoted staff-only user, would he not be rated? Besides, Ninian/Nils WERE rated.

btw, Merlinus is an easy 10/10

Edited by God Brady
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Merlinus gets a 10/10 from me. He doesn't dmg enemies though, so he wasn't considered.

Like the poster above you said, neither Nils or Ninian damage enemies, but they still got ranked regardless of this fact!

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Like the poster above you said, neither Nils or Ninian damage enemies, but they still got ranked regardless of this fact!

That's because Nils and Ninian are massively superior and assist extremely well in both ranked and efficiency runs.

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That's because Nils and Ninian are massively superior and assist extremely well in both ranked and efficiency runs.

Merlinus is superior to most units in terms of utility, and assists extremely well in both ranked and efficiency runs.

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Personally, I wouldn't give Merlinus a 10/10. I don't think he contributes more to either a ranked or efficient playthrough than say, Marcus, Sain or Florina.

Controversy. time for another Rate The Unit topic?

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Controversy. time for another Rate The Unit topic?

It's always time for another Rate the Unit topic.

EDIT: That is if Merlinus is an actual unit. The last time I said he was a real unit, I got smacked around and told he's more like a forest tile.

Edited by frat_tastic
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The way I look at it, there aren't any negatives to Merlinus at all as a character for what his role is. Therefore, it's tough to give him anything but a perfect score, unless you dock him not existing for the first few chapters, which is kinda dumb.

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The way I look at it, there aren't any negatives to Merlinus at all as a character for what his role is. Therefore, it's tough to give him anything but a perfect score, unless you dock him not existing for the first few chapters, which is kinda dumb.

Also, sure he requires protection, but he can hold his own after a few chapters anyway, and contributes not only in battle, but outside of battle to. Like horace said, its his role as a unit that makes him valuable. Go through 2nd game without Merliinus and tell me how much you enjoy it.

contemplates eventually hosting a draft without Merlinus

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Merlinus isn't really a unit, at least not the same way the other characters are.

1. He doesn't compete for slots.

2. He doesn't fight.

3. He doesn't compete for experience.

4. He has unique utility that's extremely valuable and no one else provides.

5. He doesn't even move until he's promoted.

If just 1 or 2 of these were the case, that'd be fine, but all 5 of them are true and make him too different from the rest of the cast to be compared to them.

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5 is the only one of those that's unique to Merlinus. I mean, if you want to argue that he's not technically a "full" unit, then that's fine. Comparing him to a forest tile, however, is ridiculous.

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If you do that, he'll be stuck at level 5 unpromoted by endgame :P

He's not available for endgame.


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He's not available for endgame.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

That made A-ing his supports with Nino and Vaida kinda hard to pull off.

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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What I like about Merlinus is that once he promotes he can follow your team around, so you will only have to turn back a few tiles if you'd like to take an item from the convoy. Plus his Avo is crazy shit, so he will never die despite being prioritised by aggressive enemy units.

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What I like about Merlinus is that once he promotes he can follow your team around, so you will only have to turn back a few tiles if you'd like to take an item from the convoy. Plus his Avo is crazy shit, so he will never die despite being prioritised by aggressive enemy units.

That and he can cover that stair tile where all those bolting bitch Valkyries keep spawning in Value of Life!

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