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Rate the Unit, Day 2: Marcus

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Admittedly, Marcus is a Jeigan, he's a god when he joins, and in HM is just about literally necessary for quite a while. That said, as has been pointed out, he is not an especially good Jeigan and becomes bad pretty quickly, and using him long-term just isn't an option. Tempted to exercise a point of bias... but I won't.


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Marcus. That guy who raped all the things in the prequel.


REALLY handy in early game shenanigans.


Good for utility.

Manly old guy.


Unlike his younger self, he kinda peters out after a while.

Other guys do it better later in the game. (YO PERCIVAL!)

Growths are ehh.

Marcus in this game is not as good as Marcus in the other game. Hes still pretty handy to have early on though. Before you promote your cavs or before guys like Percy show up. Zealot also does pretty much the same thing. So like, when hes around and junk, hes alright.


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...Honestly he's a 9.5 but this is too good an opportunity to miss and besides he gets a full bias point


He runs around the game KILLING the FUCK out of everyone, but this eventually runs out. Still, for the time that he IS KILLING the FUCK out of everyone, nobody else does so nearly as well.

Plus, pony and ranks. It's the little things that make the difference.

Edited by Furetchen
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Basically want to echo everything that Toothache said, but also mention that robed 10/1 Thany is very comparable to where Marcus is likely to be at the start of Western Isles (weapon ranks excluded), so in addition to Zealot he also faces some additional competition from her.

However, I still feel Marcus is a solid utility, for promoted move alone, up until ch16 gives you as many promotion items as you could possibly need, at which point he's definitely retiring.

I think he gets 8.5/10, when all is said and done.

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I'm going to stop confirming or denying Marcus/10 votes and just say who got it and who didn't at the end of the day~

Okay that doesn't actually change my vote because I likely wasn't going to vote in the first place.


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Unlike his FE7 incarnation, there are two units that join, promoted, that can arguably do Marcus' job better than he can. One of those gets HM bonuses, so...

He is still invaluable for earlygame until Alan and Lance promote.


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I don't like Marcus 0/10

;w; he's Marcus what else can I say? I hate his lategame and I personally prefer to use my resources on someone I like better and have him as back-up after the early chapters. 7.5/10 for his great earlygame.

I wish I would of rated Roy! He'd be a few points lower 030

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Marcus is the unit who makes early game tolerable. He makes it possible for Roy and Co to level. His base stats leave him just short of one rounding in the starting chapter making him an amazing jeigan, since he will leave a walking pile of exp for someone else. He has the best combat until around chapter 8 since by that time you now have Zealot, and Alance should be as good on anything that doesn't need to be silver lanced. He contributes in combat as much as most people until around chapter 12. After chapter 12 his lack of growths starts to hurt him and will soon be replaced by Percy.

Since i can not justify an 8 because of only decent mid game and bad late game he gets a 7.5/10.

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Probably the most balanced early game prepromote in an official FE game. Fucking godsend in early game (because Alance haven't gotten up to speed yet) and remains worthy of a deployment slot at least until you get Percival. Then he dwindles a bit but his contributions shall always be remembered for without Marcus, Roy would have died like the prat he is.


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He's showing his age here, but even that's not enough to stop him completely. Well, until something better shows up. Which isn't for a while.


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Low growths of course mean Marcus won't last forever. He can be replaced as early as chapter 7 as a combat unit, but ideally you'd use him and Zealot together, at the very least for ferry duty as well as leaving plenty of kills for the other units.

One critical flaw that Zealot has that Marcus doesn't have is that Zealot's base accuracy is significantly worse than Marcus's (7 points worse at base, and moreso if Marcus has gained skl). When you're commonly using weapons as inaccurate as Hand Axes and Javelins, that 7% adds up.

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These threads just end up confusing me. They fluctuate so much between "way too serious, lol I'm not counting your vote" and "lol joke votes are funny I'm not counting it but MAYBE I AM" that I'm too afraid to vote anything for fear of it arbitrarily being thrown out.

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These threads just end up confusing me. They fluctuate so much between "way too serious, lol I'm not counting your vote" and "lol joke votes are funny I'm not counting it but MAYBE I AM" that I'm too afraid to vote anything for fear of it arbitrarily being thrown out.

Except that I'll tell you if it gets thrown out and it's never arbitrary and you get a chance to explain your vote if I don't like it. To use an example from the FE8 ones, I accepted some horseshit ratings from Banzai that I never would agree with because he explained his reasoning well enough.

EDIT2: And anyway, most of the votes I object to are votes that use facts for their reasoning when the facts are patently false, like "duessel has shitty stats".

The only joke votes thing I've done so far is this Marcus one.


EDIT: oh anyway cam and luka and furet won their die rolls

Edited by Integrity
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