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Crashman Alpha-

First Impression-

Ok, you apparently like just stay in forum games with 2-4 other members

Current-Appears to be a nice guy with Tinny love.

Since about 95% of my interaction with you is in forum games, and twice in IP chat.

You live in the sunshine state too, and have an extensive knowledge of YGO TCG.

Still, Tinny's cute.


And being a robot is always cool.

I get a mental image of a green Crashman, with Tinny at his side playig fe4 under an orange grove.

Realistically, I'm guessing you're a 20 yr old college student that has his phone browser on forum games all the time and help out at local preschools.


First Impression-

Nice guy, I can get along with well.

Retired from pirating to fight with Marth.


Oh wait, wrong bio.

Still, nice guy, likes Toriko, makes unofficial member badges, starts as many drafts as I do and unlike me-finishes them swiftly.

I get this image of Darros, with Komatsu's Bawdy version face from the Toriko Manga

Realistically, I'm betting you're 17 and are a HS senior.


10 spaces away, you freaking 3HKO my Gonzo and make Roys life miserable in HM.

And then you crit, fuck you

Oh wait, wrong one.

You go on IP chat alot, drafts alot, ninja's picks and gets 2nd to last or last pick in drafts alot.

You appear to have had a cloud of suspicion around you prior to SFDTT.


I get this mental image of Serious Sam, in lughs Banana robe, wielding Bolting.

and a bunch of bob-ombs scrawling all over the place

Realistically, you've gotta be a college student, of scottish descent, and looks like a Blond version of Naesala.

But, you're nothing but srz bsnz


I don't know you, but I'm guessing you're a hacker.

About 19-22, in uni and your GF comes and takes up alot of your time.


First Impression-

Ok, seems to be a regular guy.

Then I sit in on one of your anti-troub rants that lasts over an hour in IP chat, with Integ repeatedly telling you to shut up every 5 minutes. You like the one troub that is probobly the worst in the series, and hate non-caucasian characters-like Igrene.

You're the official SF guy stuck in pre-'08

the portal to when fans still believed that growths> all, Marcus was shit, and arena abuse was the shit.

Not a troll, but with an irrational hatred of random things.


I picture an englishman hitting on Mist, then Angry Valks with FOrblaze/Earth Swords, Jeigans, and 3rd tier Ike all try to kill you.

I suspect that you're a NEET, but am giving the benefit of a doubt


I got nothing, you're apparently a blank slate so far.


I think you're a random unicorn man!

Dr. Sholes-

My other partner in Crime in the abomination of poetry in the forum game about limericks.

FUn shit.

You're a hacker/spriter like Cam.

Other than that, I haven't interacted with you.


I'm guessing that you're another crazy one, that makes quacks run in fear while you hack away!

I have this mental image of a back alley black jack liposuctionist, who uses dangerous and high risk medical techniques to cure patients.

IDK why.

Edited by The Insane One
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Crashman Alpha-

First Impression-

Ok, you apparently like just stay in forum games with 2-4 other members

Current-Appears to be a nice guy with Tinny love.

Since about 95% of my interaction with you is in forum games, and twice in IP chat.

You live in the sunshine state too, and have an extensive knowledge of YGO TCG.

Still, Tinny's cute.


And being a robot is always cool.

I get a mental image of a green Crashman, with Tinny at his side playig fe4 under an orange grove.

Realistically, I'm guessing you're a 20 yr old college student that has his phone browser on forum games all the time and help out at local preschools.


*saves image*


... :}

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I was in chat when you just popped up and said tht you had returned.

Then I start asking you advice for fe7 drafts.

Then I somehow make folks laugh................whenever I post.

So I get this image of a guy in a victorian era setting, with a monocle on a chain, a golden pocketwatch, scarf, top hat, tux, pipe, and using a rapier as a walking stick.

I picture you being Married to a young Flamenco dancer and have 12 children under 10.

Can't find an image awesome enough to describe this.

Of course, you're 22 yrs old, with a wife and 3 kids, self-employed, wears a monocle and tux and has a million carts for GBA/SNES/N64/Sega Genesis-saturn-Etc/NES/GBC/GB/ and have figured out how to teleport into the alternate dimension where you can experience fe7 up close.


Eh, you're a prolific fe10 drafter and like the SLayers series (Lodoss wars too?)

I get an image of Lina popping out of nowhere, and bringing fe7 Serra with her and driving a guy with a bowl haircut nuts.

I think you're 19, college student, fantasy anime fan, and have a crush on a hot brunette.

Edited by The Insane One
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I was in chat when you just popped up and said tht you had returned.

Then I start asking you advice for fe7 drafts.

Then I somehow make folks laugh................whenever I post.

So I get this image of a guy in a victorian era setting, with a monocle on a chain, a golden pocketwatch, scarf, top hat, tux, pipe, and using a rapier as a walking stick.

I picture you being Married to a young Flamenco dancer and have 12 children under 10.

Can't find an image awesome enough to describe this.

Of course, you're 22 yrs old, with a wife and 3 kids, self-employed, wears a monocle and tux and has a million carts for GBA/SNES/N64/Sega Genesis-saturn-Etc/NES/GBC/GB/ and have figured out how to teleport into the alternate dimension where you can experience fe7 up close.

I only have 2 kids, unless I'm adopting you. That's not a problem, just let me know so I can declare you as a Tax write-off.

I'm also 24, not 22, foo

and, I highly approve of this.

Edited by Elieson
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Ok, my first impression of meeting you was "Another guy with General in his name........"

Then, it becomes apparent that you are not just any general, you are THE general.

As in, the m*******ing general and not some wimp ass kid who got the position through family money.

ANyways, you've been a nice guy and have a dry sense of humor. And have a rivalry with the good Doctor Shin.

Ok, more than a rivalry, more like a cartoonlike obsession to beat your rival.

Of Course, the Horace vs SHin rivalry seems to have become a part of everyday SF as Crash's Jeigan/Troub/Mount hatred.

I picture you as a combination of your avvy with an eyepatch and riding a blue wyvern.

Getting foiled by a cross between Barney/Corple/FOlgore wearing a Turban, on a horse weilding Kyanchome.

Realistically, you're a european that lives in Canada, 8 ft tall, and 350 LBs of muscle w/o working out.

You have already went through college and run an online store. You're married to a lady who looks like Aideen in beach clothing, and have quintuplets.


You're light-hearted and are a Raven fanboy, who enjoys sports, women and FE.

I haven't interacted with you much tough.

Of course, I think you look like a cross between Raven/Lucius/Geitz and poisoned Dorcas's mutton.

Realistically, I think you're 22, are a uni student in wales, have a Redhead GF, and don't give a fuck about real life trolls.

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Eh, you're a prolific fe10 drafter and like the SLayers series (Lodoss wars too?)

I get an image of Lina popping out of nowhere, and bringing fe7 Serra with her and driving a guy with a bowl haircut nuts.

I think you're 19, college student, fantasy anime fan, and have a crush on a hot brunette.

Whats Lodoss?

Also the second one i don't really understand what you mean...

Third one, i'm 17, high schooler, and don't have a crush... Interesting images you formed of me

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You're light-hearted and are a Raven fanboy, who enjoys sports, women and FE.

I haven't interacted with you much tough.

Of course, I think you look like a cross between Raven/Lucius/Geitz and poisoned Dorcas's mutton.

Realistically, I think you're 22, are a uni student in wales, have a Redhead GF, and don't give a fuck about real life trolls.

Yes, yes, yes (specifically rugby), yes and yes.

Did you see my picture in the picture thread or was that a wild guess?

I was 22 up until a just a couple of weeks ago, I am a uni student in Wales, the girlfriend has blonde hair, and true.

Very good effort, near enough 100% spot on. I'm impressed.

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Makalov Fanboy-

I haven't really interacted with you....

I guess hacking and such is your forte.

You apparently like Makalov, and have a completly neutral personality.

Helios 2.0, because you have an existing backstory.

I picture you as a plain guy in college that has been playing FE since '04 and has a plain GF and is perpetually satified with life.


Mia fanboy/10.

Ok, one thing I do agree with is that fe10 Mia looks pwetty, and fe10 Mia is one of the units I always use in casual runs.

IDK you too well since I we've only chatted once or twice , I got pressured by PKL to join the fe9 infantry and all.

I'm guessing you're a happy-go-lucky college guy with SM love and have fe9/10 files with Mia as the MVP.

And are hoping to find a GF that looks like Mia. And you are in line to inheirit a pizza parlor

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Ok, my first impression of meeting you was "Another guy with General in his name........"

Then, it becomes apparent that you are not just any general, you are THE general.

As in, the m*******ing general and not some wimp ass kid who got the position through family money.

ANyways, you've been a nice guy and have a dry sense of humor. And have a rivalry with the good Doctor Shin.

Ok, more than a rivalry, more like a cartoonlike obsession to beat your rival.

Of Course, the Horace vs SHin rivalry seems to have become a part of everyday SF as Crash's Jeigan/Troub/Mount hatred.

I picture you as a combination of your avvy with an eyepatch and riding a blue wyvern.

Getting foiled by a cross between Barney/Corple/FOlgore wearing a Turban, on a horse weilding Kyanchome.

Realistically, you're a european that lives in Canada, 8 ft tall, and 350 LBs of muscle w/o working out.

You have already went through college and run an online store. You're married to a lady who looks like Aideen in beach clothing, and have quintuplets.

i think you got my physical description mixed up with nightmare, i'm only 6'4 215 :P

I'm still in university though, and am definately not married with quintuplets although darros is mad he didn't get said description

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i think you got my physical description mixed up with nightmare, i'm only 6'4 215 :P

Only? You're a foot and 3 inches taller than me :dry:

Edited by CR-S01
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