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ITT: Darros succumbs to peer pressure


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Well, this is going to turn out badly, probably.

Anyway, post and I'll judge you. I'm going to tell you if I don't like you, because there are a few of you who I don't like/am iffy on. And if I don't know you, I'm not going to judge you. So yeah.

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Hello Boron. When first met you, like last month lol, I thought you were kind of generic, but then I saw you in IP Chat actively talking (which not many newbies do) nd felt you were going to stick around. You seem like a smart gal to me, and you're very polite. I hope you stick around. You should also go about configuring an avatar. :P

Fenrir, you confuse me. Sometimes you seem totally serious, and other times you joke around a lot. It's hard to tell when you're joking or not. You seem to disagree with people a lot, if my memory serves me right. Still, you're a nice guy and are easy to get along with.

Edited by Machis the Renegade Knight
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Hello Boron. When first met you, like last month lol, I thought you were kind of generic, but then I saw you in IP Chat actively talking (which not many newbies do) nd felt you were going to stick around. You seem like a smart gal to me, and you're very polite. I hope you stick around. You should also go about configuring an avatar. :P

I'm planning on sticking around, the community here is all right. :P And yeah, I think you were the first person to friend me.

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Fenrir, you confuse me. Sometimes you seem totally serious, and other times you joke around a lot. It's hard to tell when you're joking or not. You seem to disagree with people a lot, if my memory serves me right. Still, you're a nice guy and are easy to get along with.

Yeah, it is nearly impossible to tell if I'm srs or joking on the internet since I change gears so frequently. No eyebrow movement or hand movement on here...

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Gmls710: I do not know you. Hm.

Lumi, when I first met you I felt you were fangirl extreme when it cames to SMs and Seth, and I found that annoying (like I was any better with my fanboyism ;/). But hey, that was two damn years ago, and opinions change. Now, I know you're definately a go-getter, and put a lot of effort into everything. You're smart, and like to let people know that, and you're talented. I enjoy talking with you, even though we don;t chat too frequently.

Holmes: Heya Holmes. You seem to be a very smart guy to me, and you're very enthuiastic about things. I can tell because you're always keen to talk about TearRing Saga, and try to get people to play it (If my laptop decides to not be an ass I'm going to try it eventually btw). Otherwise I don't know you all too well, but we cross paths often enough that I think we'll get to know eachother more eventually.

Slayer: Slayer! You know, of everyone on SF, you're probably the only person who I've always remaining the same on how I feel. And that can be described in one word. Friend. You're a real friendly guy, and very easy to talk to. You vent about your problems with school and class to me, and I get on your case when you tell me you're going to drop out of them (I'm proud of you for not dropping bio by the way), and we joke a lot. I'll always remember that hawk trio we had. That was fun.

And after that I'll wait it out a bit so I can get a long chunk done.

Edited by Machis the Renegade Knight
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I genuinely enjoy your company, Horace. When i enter chat and see you're there, I get happy. You seem to be kind of reserved at first, but once someone gets to know you, they learn that you're a really cool guy. You're funny too, with your rivalry with Shin, and th Sharlow stuff. I'd totally cross the country to visit you, except I can't.

Free!!!!!!!!!! You are proabably the most enthusiastic person on SF, and seem to go out of your way to be nice. Whenever you state your opinion, you seem to do it with extra niceness in it. Everyone likes you. I mean, how could someone not like you?

Hello Proto, indeed he is. When I first met you, you seemed to enjoy talking to everyone all the time, and I liked that about you. Lately, I've felt something different. I do see you around, and we do bump heads sometimes, but you seem to speak to Kay most often. Which is cool but you just don't seem as social anymore.

Hi Frosty, we meet together. A lot. Even though I rarely go on any of those other websites anymore but I still see you here. When I first met you, I thought you were kind of crazy, but in a good kind of way. I got to know you, and I realized I like you. You tend to take everything pepole say to heart, and often talk about your problems. Remember, people are listening, even if you don't think they are.

Slayer, I already judged you, you're trying to trick me! D:

Rein, you namechange more than I do. And I namechange a lot. Because of this, and it always having to do with a theme, you seem like you walk on a line between being a trend follower and trying to be your own person. You seem kind of neutral to me on a lot of things, as if you don't like speaking your mind too often.

Silver Harpoon, I told you a few nights ago what I thoght of you in IP Chat. When you first joined, you were incredbily spammy and newbish, and I thought you were from GFAQs or something. Since then I've wisened up. Sure, you may love to join every draft ever, and you still spam, but I realize now you're easy to talk to, and open minded about things.

I don't hate you 13th. I could go on about how I don't hate people without real reason (there's only 1 person I actually hate, and they're not on SF), but I won't. You are the Ewan fanboy extraordinaire, and enjoy bringing him up. You used to be very social and chill, but lately you seem to be upset and quiet more often than not.

Bless you, Al. When I first joined I confusesd you with MKS (I think he was Ein Lanford at the time) because you both don't have personal photos and I use my mobile phone a lot when I go on SF. You post mainly in Forum Games, but know your stuff about FE. You come off as very serious to me, and always kind of have.

ZAK. BRO. I SHALL UNLEASH MY JUDGEMENT ON YOU. So, when I first met you, you didn't talk about Tinny too much, and we got to know eachother by posting in a few forum games threads, mainly the PostaFact one. We also roleplayed a lot in Let's Ask FE Characters. Since then, you've come out of Forum Games (well, you're still there, but you're elsewhere in the forest too) and this pleases me. I really enjoy talking with you, and I would visit you IRL as well. And I've learned one thing, never steal Tinny from you. Ever.

Iris, hi. When I first joined SF, IIRC you were away for something. When you came back I started talking to you, and I remember Mock Trial being brought up (I still have to find out when we're doing that with law class), and it seemed really interesting. You come across to me as deep, and someone who thinks about things before she speaks about them. You're also very friendly.

Elieson, you and your monocle. You come across to me as very smart, and thoughful. Monocles do that. I also think you're creative, because of your draft ideas, and responsible, because you enjoy talking about your kids.

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