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I don't actually know that Levity and Kay are town. It's just a very strong read based on their posts, Levity being stronger. In any case, we're not lynching Levity today, that's a terrible idea.

Anyway. Last minute powerwagons? Last minute powerwagons!


##Vote Marth

Still a spineless coward.

People call you out as if you're overreacting to lurker pressure -> switch to Shinori's wagon and take back the reaction

People start saying bad things about the Shinori wagon -> switch to Levity with no explanation of why Shinori isn't scum anymore

Looks like you're worried about what people think of you! This is scummy.

Ether - No I'm not Levity's waifu. If you thought we were lovers, why would you want to suggest that as town unless you want to give scum two kills instead of one?

Strawman - For the sake of everyone's sanity, PLEASE cut down large quotes down to only the part you're responding to. Also, is Marth scummier than Iris? Deadline's coming up and I get the impression there's no interest in lynching Iris, so your vote is kinda worthless.

Requesting a timecount. I'm questioning the accuracy of the mod's votals, too, but can check that myself.

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Ether post #4!

Prims, I wasn't suggesting that you and Levity were lovers. I was responding to Marth bringing up that it might be why Levity was defending your roleblocked claim. I don't think that you are lovers myself. I wasn't suggesting that you were lovers, I was refuting the suggestion that you were lovers because it seems unlikely, IMO.

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Marth (4) - Spike, Ether, Prims, Levity

Paperblade (3) - Iris, eclipse, Shinori

Shinori (3) - Paperblade, Rapier, BigBangMeteor

Spike (2) - Aurora, Kay

Iris[/i] (1) - Strawman

Levity (1) - Marth

Voteless Scum: Only Manix, Actually

Should be simple and easy to read.

The people with only one vote are obviously not getting huge wagons built up on them in the last few hours. Marth and Strawman, who out of Marth/Paper/Shinori/Spike would you prefer to lynch?

Iris voting Paperblade looks pretty questionable at this point when he's had more solid content to his name than she has now. Got a bad feeling about his wagon just from that. Do wish he would talk about the current targets, though.

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Fuck you too IPB3.



Marth (4) - Spike, Ether, Prims, Levity

Paperblade (3) - Iris, eclipse, Shinori

Shinori (3) - Paperblade, Rapier, BigBangMeteor

Spike (2) - Aurora, Kay

Iris (1) - Strawman

Levity (1) - Marth

Voteless Scum: Just Manix, Actually

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Sorry about that quote thing, for some reason I didn't remember the quote being that long when I copied it :/

Thing is, at the moment I can't remember off the top of my head much about Marth that makes him suspicious. Or much he has done in general, to be honest. But I agree about my Iris vote. So ##Unvote: Iris

Now let me go reread some more and try to get better readings on Marth and Spike. I don't want to lynch Shinori, he just seems silly and more likely town that scum now.. And I don't want to lynch Paper yet for inactivity considering we have peple who actually appear scummy which I think is a better lynch than inactive with no solid lead and probably won't get on to defend himself. We all know what happens when we lynch someone inactive without time for them to defend themselves/claim, we usually hit someone important.

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First, ##Unvote

##Vote: Marth

I didn't really know if I wanted to do this at first, since you're new and I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt - since you kind of seemed like noob acting like scum, but your vote for Bizz is kind of fucking ridiculous. Actually, a lot of what you've said is pretty scummy. Oops, sorry for my language! Anyways, contiuing, Bizz has most definitely given me (and probably almost all of the other players) strong towntells (strongest in my case)...which would make me wonder why a scum would be as dumb to vote for the most town player...but then oh, you're new, you're entitled to ludicrous ideas. About 90% of what you've said is pulled out from nowhere and is frankly, bullshit.

Yeah, basically for my own reference (since I like to see when people voted/etc. Yeah, sorry, Ether, I know you hate this kind of votaling! >: Prims is pretty good at votaling.


[5] Marth: Prims, Bizz, Rapier, Rapier, Prims, Spike, Ether, Prims, Iris [bizz, Spike, Ether, Prims, Iris]

[2] Shinori: Paperblade, BBM, Strawman, Rapier, Strawman, Rapier, BBM, Rapier, Ether, BBM, Marth, Marth, Ether [Paperblade, Rapier, BBM]

[2] Paperblade: Eclipse, Iris, Eclipse, Eclipse, Shinori [Eclipse, Shinori]

[2] Spike: JB, Kay [JB, Kay]

[1] Levity: Marth [Marth]

[0] Iris: Spike, Spike, Strawman, Strawman [None]

[0] Manix: Shinori, Shinori, Prims, Eclipse, Eclipse, Prims [None]

[0] Rapier: Prims, Prims, Eclipse, Manix, Bizz, Bizz, Manix, Marth, Shinori, Marth, Eclipse, Shinori [None]

[0] BBM: Paperblade, Paperblade [None]

[0] Strawman: Eclipse, Eclipse [None]


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I dunno, anyone acting like Bizz in this game so far (well minus the whole confirming Prims' roleblock thing) would look pretty scummy, I think. And if you don't know that that is just how Bizz plays then I could understand that. cause you have to admit she is kind of all over the place, promises opinions/thoughts but then comes back and doesn't give them, says one thing then double posts and says the opposite. I mean, wouldn't a nooby town be more likely to post a silly vote like that than a nooby mafia who would probably be voting with whatever is popular to not stand out or something? I realize this is all super meta and stuff, but I think Marth started out scummier than he seemed recently.

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Also I find it particularly interesting that the only person suspecting me for reasons other than inactivity is GUI. Hmm...

opinions up in a bit

Holy shit you're seriously not even trying to read. Inactivity is exactly the reason I gave right there. Jesus fucking christ.

I'm curious as to why Shota thinks that StSS is scummy. I've always had trouble reading him so I'm kind of curious about that

...I don't?

Spike can fuck himself, my posts are more than that if you'd just read them

ily too.

ALSO I'M BACK. The walls of text oh man. The horror. ANYWAY.

thanks kay ily

In extension to that, who worries the most about dying? Town, or mafia? Losing a mafia member is much more detrimental to the mafia than losing a town member is towards the town. Hence, mafia ought to be more paranoid, because a dead mafia member hurts a hell of a lot more than town losing a Watcher or something.

You were afraid to lynch Rapier. Why? I don't think it was because you thought that he was a townie, because if that were the case, you wouldn't have voted for him in the first place. What other reason would you have? When you say you "didn't want to start a bandwagon", you're obviously afraid of the backlash that would occur if Rapier was town. Except, as I pointed out so many times earlier, you had nothing to be afraid of~

It was right at the start of C1, and I didn't think he was a townie, but I wasn't entirely sure he was scum either. I didn't have a good enough read on him, but he was my most suspicious target at the moment. You know, page 3. And no, I'm not afraid of any backlash that might occur, if someone I'm slapping with my dick flips townie I'd take full responsibility for it, whatever that entails. What I was afraid of was a mislynch, because I'm pretty piss sure it'd be detrimental to town. Of course, this might seem illogical, and I understand why, but it was fucking three hours into C1. All I wanted was a reaction from Rapier, and to react accordingly. I didn't feel the need to possibly start a bandwagon on him. Which is why I later voted for him. Because keyword: it was fucking later.

Also, on Marth.

Marth, are you just trying to divert attention from yourself? Why haven't you reacted to the piling votes on you, and instead looked at something weird (which I've noticed too, yeah) and try to emphasize on that? I'm also dubitative on the timezone argument vs. opportunistic vote. I think your vote was opportunistic not because of how late you posted but just because of the... general attitude of it. It's almost as if you were pretty happy to get a bandwagon on him, find his flaws, and again, try to divert attention from yourself.

I think that's it for now.

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This may be pointless now, but I'm not convinced Marth is scummy enough to lynch and I have to go, so this is likely the last post I can make.

Therefore, ##Vote: Spike

I feel like out of you and Marth, you seem to be playing more to other people's opinions and taking less of a risk putting your own strong opinions out there that aren't just like everyone else's opinions. Also you had lots of shady behavior that some people seem to be passing off on you, but then not on other players. I just feel more comfortable with your lynch versus Marth's. :/

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Yeah, okay, this was supposed to be longer, but I'm going to be late to my meeting if I dally any longer... won't be back until an hour after phase end. :/

I think I'll keep my vote on Marth because I'm most comfortable with his lynch.

Joshua - Inactive buddies? I guess I'm only slightly suspicious of you because of that, but I'm not one to talk . . . I know you have boarding school issues, but watching you . . Neutral opinion; some pretty good posts as far as I remember.

eclipse - Hi~! You lacked presence during the first few days of the phase, but generally got over that -- though not posting to the extent as others. . Neutral vibes.

Kay - Kay~~~~~ Wow, you've posted an awful lot~! Even managed to post some during the weekends. Keep it up! Slight town vibes.

BigBangMeteor - I get town impressions from you, however I don't recall you existing that much in the past 24 hours (but timezones and stuff happens, so yeah). . . you're doing well for a newbie.

Prims - Your zeal never ceases to surprise me. I get town vibes from you -- not really much to say other than that.

Rapier - You've gone from 'confused' to 'scummy' to 'ugh...Rapier' to 'okay' in my book.

Shinori - Shinori~~ the bandwagon on you was well, difficult, you talked about djinns a lot Cycle 0 which managed to make people suspicious of you or something. Slight town vibes from you other than that.

Strawman - I DIDN'T SKIP YOU THIS TIME! Straw, lol, I hate to metagame, but is it me or are you suspicious of me every game? Just something I've noticed. o__o Anyways, back to this game, solid posting, but again, meta-gaming here, you tend to do that regardless of alignment.

Paperblade - ...! Mr. Paperblade! Okay so you don't like NOC but you signed up for this game. All right. You're okay. Neutral.

Ether - I've never seen someone post a lot of content in their posts as you. . . you're leaning town, but not really sure, since your restriction and all. . . I look forward to seeing the same dedication assuming you won' be cursed next cycle.

Manix - I think Prims asked for my opinion on you a while ago . . . Er, I really don't have any strong impression of you besides the fact that you don't have a strong presence nor do you give me especially town or especially scum vibes. Neutral.

Marth - Wary of you. You're new, a little scummy, doing some ridiculous things . . probably the person I'm most comfortable with lynching at the moment, but well, stupid time limits, since I'd actually would like to see your rebuttal.

Spike - You're everywhere, man - er, shota.

Bizz - Strong towntells from you. Probably because of your soft-claim, and your general actions, too --- I guess Strawman said that your posts would come off as scummy to a normal player, but that's

BTW everyone should remember to turn in their night actions.

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I mostly just read the posts other people have made today, because I don't have much left other than a gut feeling that Shinori is scum, which wasn't going to convince anyone of anything.

Well, I was originally going to keep my vote on Shinori, but I reread Marth's last couple posts, and this may be only reiterating what Stolypin said, but I feel like his strategy of protecting himself is less focused on defending himself and more focused on diverting attention to others, which I feel is a scummy thing to do. Shinori might still seem scummy to me, but at least he didn't do that. So... ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth. I've still got my eye on Shinori for next cycle though.

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That puts Marth at what would be a functional L-2. I don't see a counterwagon popping up any time soon. If he's reading this, he should roleclaim.

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Ether post #5!

I actually really like the way you did it, Iris, since the current votes on said person are all listed at the end, so the prior formatting doesn't make it hard to read. As for my curse, flavour told me I should be healed by the end of the cycle, so I should be okay to post in Cycle 2.

I'm saving my final post for the cycle in case Marth decides to actually show up and for whatever reason changing my vote becomes necessary.

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I dunno, anyone acting like Bizz in this game so far (well minus the whole confirming Prims' roleblock thing) would look pretty scummy, I think. And if you don't know that that is just how Bizz plays then I could understand that. cause you have to admit she is kind of all over the place, promises opinions/thoughts but then comes back and doesn't give them, says one thing then double posts and says the opposite. I mean, wouldn't a nooby town be more likely to post a silly vote like that than a nooby mafia who would probably be voting with whatever is popular to not stand out or something? I realize this is all super meta and stuff, but I think Marth started out scummier than he seemed recently.

You have to look at how he accused me, though. I understand why he's accusing me, of course (though I've already explained why I jump around and I can't really help that).

As for "she promises opinions/thoughts but doesn't give them," I do give them in my little posts, silly. I just haven't gotten around to posting the big post yet because whenever I tell people that I'll take an hour to do something, the translation is a day because I'm just that unreliable.

I'm going on another walk soon, but give me a minute and I'll at least try and get half of my playerthoughts down and post the other half when I get back. I have a boatload of homework and might vanish for the latter part of this evening, again, provided that I live to next phase. I know I suck, don't need to remind me ;p

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Now tell me good sir, how do you know this? How do you know such info at the beginning of the game?

That looked like it was quite clearly an opinion based on our posts, not a role result claim or anything. Interpreting it that way sounds like a stretch to me.

Hold up. What? i don't recall Kay ever being involved in the post restriction business. That is Ether... Unless I missed something or you know something we don't.

Yeah, you missed something. I can only post once per two hours. I said so pretty early in the cycle.

Somehow this gives me the impression that Levity (?) is either the following: A tracker, roleblocker, or scum. Let’s assume not scum, for the time being. Or something else that I’m not thinking of at the moment.

Forgot to reply to this last time I posted.

How would Levity know Prims was roleblocked if she was a tracker? She could have tracked the roleblocker, but that wouldn't tell her what they were doing. There are plenty of roles that would have reason to target Prims. She could have tracked Prims, but he could have a passive role, or have idled. This just doesn't make sense, Manix. How did you arrive at that conclusion?

BTW, I approve of the Marth wagon. I'd vote for him, but I wouldn't be able to change my vote in time if he claims or something, and enough people have voted for him already.

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  1. Joshaymin/Aurora
  2. Clipsey!/eclipse
  3. Kay/Centurion
  4. BigBangMeteor (0) - Paperblade
  5. Prims
  6. Domu/Rapier (0) - Prims, Spike, Clipsey!, Manix, Bizz, Blues, Shinori
  7. Shinori (2) - Paperblade, BigBangMeteor, Strawman, Domu, Domu, Ether, BigBangMeteor, Blues
  8. Strawman/StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw (0) - Clipsey!
  9. Paperblade (2) - Clipsey!, Iris, Clipsey!, Shinori
  10. Iris~ (0) - Strawman
  11. Ether
  12. Manix (0) - Shinori, Prims, Clipsey!
  13. Blues/Marth (6) - Prims, Bizz, Domu, Spike, Ether, Bizz, Prims, Iris, BigBangMeteor
  14. Spike/Stolypin Necktie (3) - Joshaymin, Kay, Strawman
  15. Bizz/Levantamos (1) - Blues
  16. LIES (0) - Spike

One hour to go.

Edited by Luster Purge
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