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Rate the Unit Day 32: Caeser Salad

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 1 Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. Every ranking phase starts from 2200 EST to 2300 EST. Do the math if you are in another timezone!

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Ridersbane" as an argument.

- Rate the character based on his/her performance without the Rainbow Potion, Maturity Drop or Bond Drop

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Yubello: 1.52

Norne: 2.28

Rickard: 2.72

Samto: 2.90

Wrys: 3.00

Bord: 3.25

Matthis: 3.60

Cord: 3.83

Warren: 4.35

Castor: 5.62

Linde: 6.27

Gordin: 6.33

Arran: 6.62

Frey: 6.87

Cecil: 7.21

Ryan: 7.71

Wendell: 7.83

Barst: 7.87

Julian: 7.95

Draug: 8.14

: 8.15

Yumina: 8.20

Rody: 8.43

Luke: 8.56

Marth: 8.70

Ogma: 9.00

Sirius: 9.31

Malliesia: 9.50

Catria: 9.73

Palla: 9.86

My Unit: 9.99

P.S. I threw out Kopfjager's vote for obvious reasons (no really, should be bloody obvious).

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It's my personal opinion, colonel. To me he's just rather crappy compared to the other potential units you could use. Wendell above Ryan/Cecil/Frey? Please.

Now as for Caesar. He's pretty ok, serviceable if you train him in the arena, but do you REALLY want to train him instead of other people?

Not as bad as Radd, but those bases still hurt for the time he joins.


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Yes, Wen. You completely left out reclass options and bases.

Anyway. . .Caesar has one of the better personalities in the game, and that says a lot. He can hop on a horse to be another mobile Armorslayer, or he can go Pirate for some very sexy growth rates. If you throw him in as-is, though, it's gonna hurt. He'll need the arena.

6.5/10 (bias point thrown in for having his damn priorities straight)

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And that is why you shouldnt take these ratings seriously, Wen. Ryan and cecil laugh all over H1, heck, ryan laughs at H2 but apparently barst is better than both of them lol. As for salad, i give him 6/10. Reason? He sucks but comes early.

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Except theres not much use for excalibur when dracoknights are ORKO'ing flying dragons anyway, long before wendell gets there and with better durability. And there are better warpers like yumina and malliesia who dont need to build rank. He certainly doesnt warrant a 9/10 like i saw in his thread. Hes useful but not THAT useful to deserve such a high score.

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Except theres not much use for excalibur when dracoknights are ORKO'ing flying dragons anyway, long before wendell gets there and with better durability. And there are better warpers like yumina and malliesia who dont need to build rank. He certainly doesnt warrant a 9/10 like i saw in his thread. Hes useful but not THAT useful to deserve such a high score.

8 staff swings.

Not that hard.

Not to mention, once again, he still has an extra Mov point on the other staffbots until they promote.

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Man Caesar is just alright. Like almost every FE12 unit, he has good growths, and, like almost every FE12 MALE unit, is awesome in the pirate/berserker class.

Still, lots of the chars before him either have better stats/growths or equal growths and ok stats. He's just another addition to to bunch. 5/10. At least he has a weapon rank and a spd growth.

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Blah. Here's the second float in the C-rank sword user parade. Can the cameras cut back to Wendell? He was more interesting.

Well... better than Samto and Radd at least. 3/10.

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And that is why you shouldnt take these ratings seriously, Wen. Ryan and cecil laugh all over H1, heck, ryan laughs at H2 but apparently barst is better than both of them lol.


he kinda IS better than both of them

not sure why you're expecting Gordin's twelve-year old brother to outperform a veteran mercenary

Caesar... never used. Plan to, someday.

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8 staff swings.

Not that hard.

Not to mention, once again, he still has an extra Mov point on the other staffbots until they promote.

It's also 8 staff swings that better characters don't even need to do.

Besides, excalibur is pointless in H1. Your Dracos will be doing the dragon-murdering anyway. I still stand by my rating.

I guess our feelings differ, but for me, in H1 my ratings basically split into three:

1. People who laugh all over H1 - these get high marks

2. People who laugh all over H1 with some help like arena/statboosters and actually stand a good chance of getting them - These get middle marks

3. People who DON'T laugh all over H1 OR needs aid and is unlikely to get them - I give these crap marks

Guess which category Wendell falls into?


he kinda IS better than both of them

not sure why you're expecting Gordin's twelve-year old brother to outperform a veteran mercenary

Caesar... never used. Plan to, someday.

If you use Ryan or Cecil, by the time Barst shows up chances are very high that they'd be laughing at him. That's in regular play.

If you're in a draft and you have Ryan/Cecil, chances are high that they'll be promoted by the time Barst shows up. Then they REALLY get to laugh at him.

Barst is still good though, just doesn't break the game from chapter one like the top picks. :3

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Caesar is damn epic, he usually gets the devil sword and a horse or w/e so he has great damage output, even though he doesnt double. His spd growth is nice. Later i use him as a swordmaster. With bias i give him a seven and a half.

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If you're not playing under draft conditions, it's actually pretty difficult for Ryan / Cecil to actually break the game. Between Arran (for a period of time), My Unit, Malliesia, Catria, Palla, Sirius, Caeda, Wendell, Etzel, Minerva, and possibly Luke, the game has magically snapped in fucking half. Ryan and Cecil are merely "fluffy little extra cotton balls" one could add if they were bored.

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- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.
Yumina/Wrys is better than this guy on the long run.

"omg why was my vote thrown out"

edit: Caesar: 5/10

merely ok

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Pretty average, but I hate how he suicides himself. Such a pain. :facepalm:

Your bog-standard male growth unit, with a nice sword rank and higher base stats than his Radd counterpart. 6/10 because you get time to make him pretty good, especially with that nice in-base arena, and his bases don't make that very difficult. He really doesn't stand out, though.

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