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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Does anyone know when the Summer of Bonds DLC is coming?

I'd like to assume it'll be the next set of DLC coming here, but...

As an aside, how many possible hair colors are there for each gender of Morgan?

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Lodestar, like other single-tier classes, functions as a non-promoted class: a character with it in their class set can return to it from LV10+ unpromoted or any level promoted.

YES!! Thanks a ton!

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I don't know how the others play, but speaking for myself, I class change at level 10 in base classes and level 16~20 in advanced classes.

I usually go through all base classes first, then the advance classes. After touring through them, I'll get a unit with maxed stats in all classes and with all possible skills obtained. There are exceptions and conditions, like if Great Knight is an option, I'll go through that ASAP, ahead of other options, because of its horribly low magic cap for an advanced calss. I'll also choose to reclass at level 20 instead of 16 if there is one or two stats (usually magic and resistance) that are harder to cap and in this case, getting 4 extra mag/res would be helpful for me to max all stats. It's not practical, but I want to be perfect ever since effortlessly maxing everything in FE10 before - and FE13 gave me a chance for exactly this.

...Oh. Silly me for misreading the question completely and wrote all that stuff about class changing before maxing internal level. You're more of asking how to gain levels after hitting the level cap? Simple.

Use Seliph's DLC repeatedly. 800 Exp per battle isn't so bad. If you're DLC-less, using Reek Box at an endgame location (chapters 24~25 and paralogues 18~23). If you're DLC-less and play on Lunatic, you're screwed. I suppose you can still grind with the Rescue staff, provided your units can use staves in the first place.

I estimate 40~60 hours to cover the 51 non-DLC chapters.

Thanks :D. Good thing I'm not DLC-less.

Speaking of promoting and reclassing, isn't the best way to minimalize cumulative level while maxing stat and gaining as many skill as possible goes from:

first tier 20 -> second tier 16 -> reclass to first tier 20 -> second tier 16 -> etc etc. CMIIW.

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How feasible is it to play the game with a team of Chrom, Chrom's wife, Avatar, and a bunch of DLC/Spotpass peeps?

It's been done plenty of times already?

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Thanks :D. Good thing I'm not DLC-less.

Speaking of promoting and reclassing, isn't the best way to minimalize cumulative level while maxing stat and gaining as many skill as possible goes from:

first tier 20 -> second tier 16 -> reclass to first tier 20 -> second tier 16 -> etc etc. CMIIW.

If you aim for gaining minimum invisible level, then yes. I go for [10 --> 10 --> 10... 16 --> 16 ---> 16] because I want to go through all the 1st tier classes ASAP. You can go through them a bit faster if your internel level is kept low (for example, in a unit's 3rd class, 10 --> 10 --> 1 gives invisible level 8, while 20 --> 16 --> 1 gives 17).

Being constantly in 2nd tier classes also feel more stable to me. That way, I don't have to switch between having the unit aim for good growths (2nd tier) and pure level ups (1st tier or when all stats are capped), 5 Mov and 6 Mov, etc.

So if you aim for nothing but getting all skills, then alternating between 1st and 2nd tier classes is the best way. My own goal is to max all stats for all classes (so that I'll see all of the main stats in green whenever I preview other classes with Second Seal), and for that I want to switch between 2nd tier classes only.

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Can someone test if Tonics, Confects, and Tiki's Tear temporary boosts save to your Sortie?

They do, however, I'm not sure if the game automatically updates your StreetPass team after the first skirmish following using Tonics/Confects/Tiki's Tears or if you actually have to enter the Sortie and exit to update the changes.

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Can someone test if Tonics, Confects, and Tiki's Tear temporary boosts save to your Sortie?

I think not, judging from the fact that even the deadliest of teams I've seen don't come with such boosts.

They do, however, I'm not sure if the game automatically updates your StreetPass team after the first skirmish following using Tonics/Confects/Tiki's Tears or if you actually have to enter the Sortie and exit to update the changes.

You'll have to manually update your StreetPass team.

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While designing my skill sets, I got curious: I understand that Limit Break does not automatically give you 10+ in all max stat caps, and that you actually have to work to cap the new max. Once you do, if you happen to change Limit Break out for another skill, then eventually change back to Limit Break, does the game "remember" your stats, like when reclassing? Or do you have to work to get those stats up there again?

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The game remembers. It's nice like that : )

Oh that's great! I was just having nightmares about having to get all those stats up again if I needed to switch for some reason. Thanks!

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Oh that's great! I was just having nightmares about having to get all those stats up again if I needed to switch for some reason. Thanks!

It's the same for when reclassing. The game remembers the character's stats as if the stat was uncapped, and just hides any extra past the cap.

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Is it possible to get this kind of view?


Umm... not like that though. The sprites will be smaller.

Press the R button.


Change the Angle options, the zoom level, and the HP Gauges via the options menu.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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