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How many players actually care about turn count?

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So yeah, I didn't actually read the thread, but here's my two cents.

LTCing is something I think players do to challenge themselves. It's kind of like speed runs--they enjoy the added challenge.

As for me, I haven't even beaten all the games, so while I may do LTC in the future, I'm not going to do so yet. I'm just not good enough at the games yet.

Also, while I take some pleasure in capping stats, I don't do 20/20s, just because it's impractical most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I literally could not care less about turn counts if I tried. I'm too much of a grind freak. Not just for supports, but for LV upping my units, too. There's nothing I love more than spending the later chapters on a rampage through the enemy forces with my overpowered army of game-breakers.

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I literally could not care less about turn counts if I tried. I'm too much of a grind freak. Not just for supports, but for LV upping my units, too. There's nothing I love more than spending the later chapters on a rampage through the enemy forces with my overpowered army of game-breakers.

I think that's the general consensus for most players.(Myself included)

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The answer is obviously 42.

I myself being one of them, even if I don't actively go for low turns, it's nice to get that FIVE STAR TACTICIAN RANK in FE7.

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While I'm indifferent to what my turncount is most of the time (especially if I'm support grinding), I do feel a bit proud of myself if I'm able to finish a chapter in a fairly reasonable timeframe.

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The real shame is that my interpretation, though it may be worst one, is still the most accurate one.

No ammount of denial will change the fact that a lot of people do behave i nthe exact same way I described. This is hardly unique to FE. Any game where the fandom creates tier lists will have this.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I mean look at the tier lists. So many interseting characters with great personalities are hated on, bashed and declared useless because using them increases your turncount. It's a shame really.

I completely agree. =D

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I mean look at the tier lists. So many interseting characters with great personalities are hated on, bashed and declared useless because using them increases your turncount. It's a shame really.

Would you like a separate tier list that would also take their personalities into account?

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I try to get A Tactics in FE6 and 7, and if I played 9 and 10 I'd try to get the maximum BEXP reward each chapter. Beyond that, I simply don't waste time in chapters: Any turn I'm not spending murdering people on the way to the throne is wasted to me.

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Would you like a separate tier list that would also take their personalities into account?

What I would like is for people to stop needlessly bashing characters and even IS for making them and stop hating on people who do like such characters. Yes, it happens. I know such people are the vocal minority but they are still the most vocal aspect and thus they are the defining trait of the part of the fandom that cares about tier lists.

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i have yet to find an example of people being attacked for liking unit X

this includes amelia, or wendy, or gordin (whom i happen to be a huge fan of)

far more often i find this 'bashing' taking place when someone claims that unit X is "THE BEST UNIT IN THE GAME" or whatever

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It happens more often than you think. Again, this is the vocal minority we're talking about. I'm not saying everyone who cares about efficiency and LTC does this. But those few bashers are the most vocal part of the group and it's what the group as a whole becomes known for.

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It happens more often than you think. Again, this is the vocal minority we're talking about. I'm not saying everyone who cares about efficiency and LTC does this. But those few bashers are the most vocal part of the group and it's what the group as a whole becomes known for.

No, people just take comments like "this character sucks in game" too seriously and construe it to mean that no one should like the character or want to use him/her. Around here at least, as CT075 said, I can't think of a single instance where someone was insulted (using gameplay reasons) for liking a unit's personality.

A unit's personality doesn't help their in-game ability. Just because a unit is low on a tier list doesn't mean everyone hates that unit. Gameplay and story are two different things.

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It happens more often than you think. Again, this is the vocal minority we're talking about. I'm not saying everyone who cares about efficiency and LTC does this. But those few bashers are the most vocal part of the group and it's what the group as a whole becomes known for.

this is the part when one usually gives specific examples

Edited by CT075
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IDK man. My favourite character in FE12 is Maris. She is nearly unusable in Lunatic mode. It doesn't make me like her any less, but conversely her awesome personality doesn't make her any more usable in gameplay and I'm not crazy enough to try to use her on Lunatic despite how much I like her character.

She's still my favourite character in Akaneia.

Most people are good at separating gameplay and story factors with these kind of things. You either misinterpreted a hell lot of people or there's two people at most being dicks and you took them to represent the rest of us. Not cool bro.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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It happens more often than you think. Again, this is the vocal minority we're talking about. I'm not saying everyone who cares about efficiency and LTC does this. But those few bashers are the most vocal part of the group and it's what the group as a whole becomes known for.

In general, I find normal players far more unreasonable than efficiency players. The latter tend to use logic and numbers, and the former relies on opinion and PE (which MN) and so just ignore the evidence the latter provide. And the arguments almost always take place in threads dedicated to the gameplay side of the series, like tier lists, when a normal player comes in and tries to tell others how to play the game.

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I'll repeat myself. I know such people are the minority. However, they are by far the most vocal part. Didn't I already say that I don't think everyone who cares about tiers is like this?

strawmen, generalizations, logical inconsistency

yawn, what else is new

You not being able to read is new maybe?

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I don't think they're that vocal unless you bash their playstyle first. Could you provide some links?

You not being able to read is new maybe?

It must be very new, since he read and interpreted your posts correctly.

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