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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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oh yeah one thing I didn't mention I think might be worth addressing: we planned the eclipse modkill for D1 but after actual D1 modkills (a requirement for me+snike games) we thought it would be in poor taste

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Oh, the thing I said about flavor wasn't true either. I suggested making the SFMM2 joke. I'm pretty sure everything else was exactly the same before that and Snike just shoehorned it into a few of the roles though.

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  • 10 years later...
On 11/4/2012 at 11:40 PM, Iris said:


ok fine

Theatre Mafia Postgame PT 2: 12 Years Later


You should see Ria's post on page 33; it covers mostly everything regarding rules. Exceptions I was also pushing for vanillas because my previous setups were role madness, and  Mentor was a role I wanted to work with for a while after reading about it. In retrospect I don't think loverizing/ lifelinking Mentor and Mentee was a good idea; I feel like maybe giving the Mentor a vest or having the Mentee act as a shot martyr for the main role would've been a better idea. Mentor probably should've had a role cop as well.


Theatre mafia came at a time when I was graduating high school and working what I thought would be my last stint at a movie theatre,  my first job. I loved that job, though part of it I think looking back was Stockholm Syndrome. In addition, I would argue broadly the idea of taking inspiration from IRL came from the Choral Mafia series by Percivale. The town was inspired by coworkers, names changed of course. Mafia theme was a combination of stereotypical bad customers + running jokes at the time. ITP flavour was inspired by another major movie chain. Everything was punched up, maybe as a coping mechanism.
IRL, the greens won, interestingly enough.

I should also note at this point I was aiming to be a computer scientist; maybe this flavour was a warning sign I was on the wrong track.

The Game

Day 1

The game opens RVS first three pages, leading wagons being Elieson/Psych, scorri makes a remark about pushing psych and both Paperblade + shinori jump on that, BBM pushes Aere into Grace, and, you know, it's looking good for our folks in blue. Then, phase pause, because it came to our attention Elieson broke OC, with proven logs while another game was ongoing. While we were sorting that out, 17 minutes after the phase was paused, Psych posts, breaking no talking during the phase pause. It's 2 AM my time, and I'm probably livid, especially after having to deal with the first modkill. So, we make the call to modkill them both and go into a night 0 state, with mafia and Mentor both being unable to kill. In retrospect, this severely disadvantages the Mentor, whereas the Mafia gets a free scan. The rolecop mentioned in Roles would have gone a ways to improve this situation, or perhaps just letting Mentor score a night kill.

End of Day 1: Psych, REX Vanillager, and Elieson, REX Alliance Checker, are modkilled.

Night 1 actions: Prims scans Strawman as Vanilla. Shinori Idles. Aere tracks Shinori to no one. Iris watches no one visit Prims. Grace roleblocks Weapons.  

Not much to say here. This is effectively a Night 0, but tracker/watcher aren't going to be useful on a no-kill night.

Day 2

Discussion opens about millers and godfathers, and Aere, scorri, and Iris all quickly try to veer off of the subject. I will pass the floor to the Mentor to chime in on the matter:




Replied: August 15, 2012

I bet everyone saying to be wary of vanilla claims aren't vanillas


In any case, Charlie gets pushed by the power role cartel for bringing up the discussion, they put up token resistance, and the mafia quickly pivots to Grace off of a Weapons vote: This may seem odd but in the mafia group PM the plan was for Grace and Prims to be infighting early on. Regardless, things calm down for a moment, then a wagon forms on scorri, and despite Grace returning and intentionally flaming suspicion this maintains momentum until Iris switches off the former and onto the latter.

In terms of roles, with the death of the alliance cop, scorri's had less utility than Grace's, so one could say pushing the latter was a poor move. What that doesn't consider is the benefits of sticking to a rehearsed plan and brazenly bussing.

Take the end of the day wagon, after a deputy cop claim (Inno on Paperblade) and some good old lolcatting:

Grace: 8 (Weapons, Prims, Paperblade, Iris, SStSSS, Grace, scorri, Rapier)

Of this wagon, only Strawman and Rapier were town. The next wagon had 2 votes and was on a vanillager. Despite the obvious disrupt loss, this puts the scumteam in a great position going into Night 2, with a current going rate of 2 (soon to be 3) townies per mafia member found, + a likely town miselim to follow. Not bad for a little theatre.

The only other thing I want to note before we advance is that, thread-control-wise, Paperblade is running the show. Every member of the scumteam has some shade thrown their way, as does Weapons. Paperblade, however, is being considered obvtown and is actively pushing the thread along. This is in part due to town apathy, and in part due to unfortunate role rolls- Shinori is the Doctor, and so needs to be subdued so he can stay alive- but more than anything else this is some clean power wolfing.

End of Day 2: Grace, SCUM Hooker (roleblocker) is eliminated.

 Night 2 actions: Paperblade orders Weapons to kill Aere. The Scumstomers send scorri to kill Paperblade. Shinori protects Paperblade. Delirium (Core) idles vigilante. Iris watches Paperblade and sees Scorri and Shinori visit. Prims scans Marth as Mayor.

The mafia shoots and watches Paperblade for being the most pro-town member in the thread, as well as following through with the Grace fake clear from the previous day. The watch is in case there is any interference. Mentor/Mentee shoot Aere because of the early-day rolespec discouragement.

Night 2 death: Aere, REX Tracker

Day 3

Paperblade lives to see another day, and the mafia are confused in their role pm as they see both scorri (their killer) and Shinori (the doctor) visit. They suspect driver as Aere flips, and the host team cackles.

Early wagons are BBM/Rapier, with Core and SB each being pushed briefly. Then, most discussion stalls as first Core, then SB, and finally Rapier request subs. The first two are exchanged quickly, but the sub list is exhausted so Rapier hangs on. Safe to say, any momentum the town had after D2 ground to a halt here, and between Prims and Paperblade the day's agenda calls for REX blood. Kopfjager, Core's replacement, is eventually decided on due to being unable to opine much after subbing in, and with that, the town is in dire straits. No info, no kill power, and their protective is on a list.

It should be noted that this day is extended an extra 24 hours, and with that time the scumteam realizes Shinori is a doctor and begins to speculate that Paperblade is an ITP. The mafia team communication was top-notch in this game, and even Grace from beyond the grave was impactful.

End of Day 3: Kopfjager, REX Vigilante, is eliminated.

Night 3 actions: Paperblade orders Weapons to kill Iris. The Scumstomers send Scorri to kill Shinori. Shinori Protects Weapons. Iris Watches Paperblade. Prims scans Paperblade as Mentor.

The mafia kills Shinori for foiling their well-laid plans, while Theatropolis kills Iris for being a likely power role and being unlikely to be elimmed during the day. Shinori protects Weapons as he believes he is the towniest (and is souring on Paperblade), Prims scans Paperblade on ITP spec (and confirms it), and Iris watches Paperblade for interference or another night visitor.

Night 3 Deaths: Shinori, REX Doctor, and Iris, SCUM Watcher.

Day 4

The mafia loses another member but confirms the existence of a third party in Paperblade (Prims links the role immediately upon reporting results), so the game is just about wrapped up for them. Between thread control shared between Paperblade and the Scumstormers, the main wagon is all but fated to be Rapier, who retracted their sub request at the start of the day. Marth tries to mount a counterwagon on scorri, and makes a solid case, but Rapier's relative absence combined with yet another member of the town (StSS) requesting a sub out dooms it to fail.

End of Day 4: Rapier, REX Vanillager, is eliminated.

Night 4 Actions: Paperblade orders Weapons to kill Kaoz. The Scumstomers send Scorri to kill Paperblade. Prims scans Kaoz.

This phase was over in just over 35 minutes. The Ment duo target Kaoz believing the slot is scum, while the scumteam shoots the scanned ITP. Town has a Mayor and nothing else at this point.

Night 4 Deaths: Paperblade, THEA Mentor, Weapons, THEA Mentee, and Kaoz, REX Vanillager.

Day 5

Boron subs in for StSS. Scorri claims vanilla. Prims claims universal backup (pointing out later that it's an easy scum fake). Marth claims mayor. BBM and Marth get into a knife fight and agree to mayortest the mayor claim by voting it, allowing Prims the easy dunk.

End of Day 5 Results: eclipse gets meme modkilled because of course she would be (this was planned for D1), Marth, REX Mayor, is eliminated. BBM and Boron, REX Vanillagers, are endgamed. Prims, SCUM Stalker, and Scorri, SCUM Godfather, survive. The Scumstomers win.

Final thoughts

Both the Scumteam and the ITP played their hearts out this game, and were it not for the modkills on Day 1, this would've been a competitive game for all factions. Even still, it was a fun game to write, even if the player turnover was atrocious.

I'm sorry it took so long to sum up, but I hope everyone enjoys this walk down memory lane.


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