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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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that one that Manix hosted where BBM/Refa won after N1

Farthest I've made it through an SF mafia is four days, and that was One-shot. I don't count CYOR as longer since I subbed in partway through D2 (and I had a useless as fuck role).

I've notably never flipped scum before and always get mislynched early, aside from the aforementioned One-shot (Baldrick *shakes fist*).

Ah, right.

**has never been mislynched, nor flipped scum**

**in all of three games**

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Ah, right.

**has never been mislynched, nor flipped scum**

**in all of three games**

I've been in a few more. Let's see:


Semi-Precious (oh yeah, I got mislynched D1 here too)





That one other gay mafia

And at least one more, but I don't entirely remember.

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Wow. Pretty sure both of our first games in SF Mafia were Fakeclaim, but you have more than twice as many games under your belt than I do.
I ought to play more games, but like ~so busy~

sort of

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I've never been mislynched on SF and I feel like if I did I might stop playing for a while. I feel like the fact I've never been mislynched here is like my only redeeming quality in mafia and if that got disturbed I wouldn't feel I deserve to play anymore

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I've been mislynched three times, two of which were quickhammers from people being dumb (one of those wasn't on this site). And then I've been lynched as mafia once but that was my first time playing scum + LYNCHPROOF CLAIM.

Other than that I always get vigged or killed by an opposing anti-town when I'm scum.

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I was mislynched on DM once because??? of some weird PoE and I forgot about the game because it was finals week and they figured that I was scum that flaked or something. In one game I was possibly going to be mislynched because I was playing horribly and then I subbed out because of my internet situation and my emotional state, and my sub proceeded to lynch themselves

Edited by Miria Harvent
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if you were scum it isn't a mislynch. i read "figured i was" as "figured out i was"

getting mislynched isn't the end of the world though, you just learn from it

Edited by Professional PantsWrestler
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idk, I know I can just learn from it later but my brain is wired in a way that if I keep a long streak of something and then the streak is broken, it taints everything and I just shouldn't continue & I'm awful. even though that's super irrational

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Someone totally should start a Fate/Stay Night Mafia.

I just ask that we have few players, so we don't have 70 pages long D2s.

I wasn't kidding when I said I was working on it.

You wanna co-host?

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