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Most Underrated Character


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Unless you believe we're the only ones who play the game "properly", yes, it does.

the opinion that i have of marcus does not magically cause his stats to get better or worse

Which axes besides hand are better than killers?

i'm 99% sure that anouleth means that there are much better readily available weapons than killer axes, which i would agree with - killer lances are more accessible by units that are better and killing edges have the extra hit that make them that much better for boss killing.

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Doga. Mostly FE1/3 Doga, since Draug can be reclassed into a glass cannon in FE11, and he's actually pretty good (reclassed) in FE12.

Doubling Pirates in Chapter One with an Iron Sword, because FE1 is just like that. FE3 Doga still makes a good tank from what I've seen in Book 1; I've been able to throw him at the first half of the game and do fine.

Doga is also great for FE3's indoor chapters where he can wield Gradivus.

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I think we are forgetting tr ever valuable Royal/ Gotohs.

Nil-minimal resources for instant endgame quality unit. I primarily refer to Athos.

Athos with a Body Ring can ORKO most of the Endgame bosses in hard mode. Well shit with Luna I think all of them, less Dragon. Not many can attest to that.

Edited by Elieson
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I think we are forgetting tr ever valuable Royal/ Gotohs.

Nil-minimal resources for instant endgame quality unit. I primarily refer to Athos.

Athos with a Body Ring can ORKO most of the Endgame bosses in hard mode. Well shit with Luna I think all of them, less Dragon. Not many can attest to that.

Well he'll need crits for some of them, but yes Athos is a great unit whose contributions may not be reflected in tier lists very well (super good...but for only one chapter).

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I find Zealot to be a bit underrated, sure he's only a little bit better then Marcus but with both of them you can roflstomp some chapters up until round the end of the Isles and then Zealot is just a decent mount who can get his job done till round the route choice + end game unless he got super blessed, sure his skill is a little wonky but his weapon ranks and horse make up for it.

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i'm 99% sure that anouleth means that there are much better readily available weapons than killer axes, which i would agree with - killer lances are more accessible by units that are better and killing edges have the extra hit that make them that much better for boss killing.

Well yeah, axes are pretty shit overall in Fe6, but I wasn't sure how he considered them not overly beneficial. Like, say in drafts, I'm sure killer axes by 11a would be very useful for all the mono axe users, of which route b does not have that luxury.

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the opinion that i have of marcus does not magically cause his stats to get better or worse

i'm 99% sure that anouleth means that there are much better readily available weapons than killer axes, which i would agree with - killer lances are more accessible by units that are better and killing edges have the extra hit that make them that much better for boss killing.

Well, it's more that axe users aren't very important for efficiency anyway. Just look at the FE6 tier list: the highest ranked primary axe users are Echidna and Gonzales. And because Echidna doesn't exist in B Route and Gonzales is weakened there, I don't believe that buyable killer Axes are really part of the reason why B Route is less attractive in an efficient playthrough.

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I honestly think Bartre (FE7) is kinda underrated. I like him, and he always turns out to be a good tank & damage dealer in the end (to the point he can solo both desert bosses). I don't remember much about FE7, but I'm sure he was always one of my best units.

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He's definitely a killing machine leveled, but his speed base makes him particularly hard to level in HHM- I've had him doubled by throwaway bandits.

Edited by Rehab
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I honestly think Bartre (FE7) is kinda underrated. I like him, and he always turns out to be a good tank & damage dealer in the end (to the point he can solo both desert bosses). I don't remember much about FE7, but I'm sure he was always one of my best units.

That god-awful 3 speed base is a pretty big problem, you gotta admit...

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And adding on to this, a 40% growth isn't anything to write home about.

and the funny thing is, Lowen has worse growths then Bartre in some areas and he gets tons of undeserved praise.[those areas being mainly Strength and Speed]

But then again this isn't "overrated characters thread" so you can ignore this, I don't want to deter the topic

Edited by Spirit Detective Jedi
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and the funny thing is, Lowen has worse growths then Bartre and he gets tons of undeserved praise

Extra movement


Better Weapon triangle control

More durability

Better base speed

Swords and Lances rock early game

Doesn't eat books

Yea, I forgot, Lowen really does have very little over Bartre

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and the funny thing is, Lowen has worse growths then Bartre in some areas and he gets tons of undeserved praise.[those areas being mainly Strength and Speed]

But then again this isn't "overrated characters thread" so you can ignore this, I don't want to deter the topic

Well, I think Bartre's in a really bad position, having an awful speed base and a growth that, while it's not too bad, won't fix his speed problem any time soon... Though that's just me.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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and the funny thing is, Lowen has worse growths then Bartre in some areas and he gets tons of undeserved praise.[those areas being mainly Strength and Speed]

What? If anything I would argue that Lowen is pretty underrated at least among members of this forum, especially in terms of his offense (people love to bring up how bad it is relative to Kent and Sain).

Anyway, the 10% growth difference between Bartre and Lowen means than Bartre needs to gain 50 levels to match Lowen's speed (after promotion bonus) which is not even possible.

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He's definitely a killing machine leveled, but his speed base makes him particularly hard to level in HHM- I've had him doubled by throwaway bandits.

Arr. I love me some Bartre but that base speed...If he doesnt get a level in speed when he first levels, thats a bad sign for me. He can get doubled by mook soldiers. SOLDIERS! So yeah...Bartre has very big issues to start with. If he manages to get that speed going though...LOOK OUT! But its a crap shoot.

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^ Do any Soldiers in the entire game have 5 AS? They lose AS from any non-slim lance since their CON is so low.

I agree that Bartre gets shit on. When I first saw him I was like "Whoa, look at that ugly mother fucker. 3 SPD?! BENCH!!" Now I actually like him. He owns every Knight/General and Soldier as long as his SPD is sticking to its average, and he doubles most early peg knights who are weighed down with heavy lances. Once he promotes, he can 1HKO pretty much every flier with his bows.

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