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If you could meet any member(s) from serenesforest face to face who would it be?

Gold Vanguard

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I would never want to meet any of you. Because I feel it would be a waste of your time.

I would never want to meet any of you. Because I feel it would be a waste of my time. heh 8)

but for real there are actually a bunch of mafia ppl who seem like they would be cool irl but i'm not too ambivalent about meet-ups, and would probably be uncomfortable if it was just me and somebody else instead of a group of 3+. though if i ever end up in hawaii somehow before i'm able to just drive to arcades myself i would definitely like eclipse to finally teach me the ways of two dee ecks

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So I'm the only one who would like to see Joe Kerr in person?

I wouldn't if I could, but I might like to.

I'm worse than the hulk hogan, worse than the tiger woods, worse than the fucking mel gibson.

You go too far. How dare you impute such worth to the Gibson.

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I want to meet Elieson because he lives in Texas :awesome:

Then PKL, Lucina, and Darros (inb4 we all meet at a public restroom)

Also Jedi, because he's a pretty cool dude

That's right it's like a 2 hr drive from me to you! Why haven't we talked about this sooner?

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only saw my name twice or so

self consciousness rising

Hahaha, I wouldn't mind meeting you either, Lord Raven. Again, I didn't list EVERYBODY ... just the people who were most prominent in my mind.

Again, there are people I would like to meet and people I have a higher PROBABILITY of meeting. =P

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I'd like to meet a few here.


Ein, Nightmarre, Darros, Kai, Guille, Ulki, Zak, Integ and kitty.

I know I'm forgetting others, but that's what comes at the top of my head. There are people like RP, soluna & ERL I haven't talked to in a while, but I would like to meet them as well. Maybe NM, depending on how he feels about it. He's a nice guy.

Oh, yeah, add Marciaxrolf to the list.

We had a chance, then blew it.


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If I need to drive more than an hour or two to meet you I probably wouldn't. So that's just Integ and Specta I guess?

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What's with all these people from Indiana or Illinois or w/e

I thought people from Indiana was a rare thing x3

All I know is Kintenbo before Emerald left and Severian used to go to college here... so now it's only me and Kintenbo, who doesn't even really come here anymore

Recently there was somebody else that joined that said they were from Indiana though~ So it's up to 3 again

I remember when everybody used to be from California =3 Maybe they still are?

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I already did the nobody joke on Skype, so I might as well post a real list;

Refa, Darros, Jedi, Horace (so I could punch him in the face), SB, Boron, Rein, Xinnidy, PKL, Integ, Specta, Timp and Nightmare.

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Oh yeah other people I forgot

Snike, Ether, and General Horace (depending on how things go I might actually meet them at some point). Also Anouleth.

I'd also like to meet CPP and Snowy, but mostly so I can hit them in the face.

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