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Is anbody else here a brony?


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I was thinking about making a topic for weekly discussions about the new MLP episodes. But I just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one who watches the show. So please my fellow bronies, don't be shy and step forward!

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There are pepople who watch MLP, certainly, some more/less frequently than others, but I haven't seen many people use the exact word brony. Not to scare you off or anything.

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You know how people say, "I'd go gay for [insert man here]"?

I'm a Brony for Rarity. She's that cute.

Did you just use the Brony in a way that implies, that it means to have a sexual attraction to those ponies rather then... you know, simply being a fan of the series?

Edited by BrightBow
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I don't even know what a brony is tbh.

it means to have a sexual attraction to those ponies

in short it's terrible

That may not be what you intended rehab but it is what you should have intended!

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Watches MLP with 2 yr old daughter and sometimes 11 yr old son due to 2 yr old beig in charge of Netflix.

MLP fan by proxy?

Also apples

Edited by Elieson
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in short it's terrible

That may not be what you intended rehab but it is what you should have intended!

...could you please avoid quoting me out of context? You know, just in case some people aren't paying attention. Stuff like this can potentially be dangerous.

Edited by BrightBow
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shadowofchaos : Ninian :: bronies : ponies

all you need to know

I like this post a lot.

I don't know if I am or not. I watch the show when I can, even ordering them from Netflix, I actually went out and bought three toys. Oh, my persona thing on my laptop is Applejack. Yet, I don't interact with Bronies thinking they might be the weird ones. Iunno

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MLP: FiM is legitimately smarter than most cartoons - and even plenty of non-animated shows - out there.

Arr. Which is pretty interesting if you ask me.

I love that show because it brings out my inner 8 year old. I was a HUGE pony nut in the 80s. I mean, huge. I had loads of toys, pony castles, stuff like that...Gen 1 was how i rolled. I still have some of my old original ponies because yes and nostalgia. So seeing this AWESOME new show with lovable characters, great animation, and really well written episodes was like a huge sock in the feels. Im a little jealous that this generation of little girls (and those not so little) gets this awesome show and toy line. Its hella better than the old Generation 1 MLP.

So yeah, i guess i could be called a brony or "pegasister." I have some IRL friends who are fans too. Its kinda cool to talk to them about MLP.

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You must have never watched the show.

ive seen it and it still shouldn't be acceptable to call yourself a brony in the year of our lord god two thousand twelve

you can just say you're a fan of the show in normal terms and get the point across without the stigma

But do what makes you happy I suppose.

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Hmm... I have bad memories with the brony pitch on another site. They tried so hard to pass it by and get people to watch the show it was like some sort of missionary coming by and trying to annoy you to death with talk of switching religions. In that respect, the show sort of got ruined because it was overhyped way, way too much and it got annoying with it being brought up all the time.

Other than that, I haven't watched it in ages and didn't know the new season was out until now.

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I watched it on recommendation from one of my high school friends.


The Dude: Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

^^This is one of the greatest things ever.

I enjoyed it. I thought the show was well-written, it had very good animation, and spoke to the inner music nerd in me (SONDHEIM COVERS. SONDHEIM. EEEEEEEEEEE~~~).

Do I obsess over it? No, not really. I'd recommend people to watch it, as it is a genuinely good show, but it's not something like Batman: The Animated Series or Avatar: TLA. It's still an episodic comedy series that happens to be well-written and treats its audience with intelligence. That, and the tribbles episode was great.

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