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Midnight Crew Mafia


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I actually thought the game was mafia sided. Consider that if you count the Rapier modkill as a mislynch, town only technically mislynched once, and if Manix hadn't been hooked last night, a second mislynch today would have been gg. The Fool could have just claimed at the beginning of D1 and then coasted to MYLO/LYLO if they wanted to, because they weren't prevented from claiming and town didn't have a Vig.

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I find I play better with passive/vanilla roles since I'm forced to actually scumhunt and try to get scum via discussion than be lazy with role powers and stuffs.

I'll try not to speculate on scumteams in threads, and I'll take note of the slips thing mentioned by Prims.

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actually yeah town had only one mislynch technically BUT town had clears and protection and tracker guilities

out fakes were bomb bg and cop, yeah good luck with that

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I actually thought the game was mafia sided. Consider that if you count the Rapier modkill as a mislynch, town only technically mislynched once, and if Manix hadn't been hooked last night, a second mislynch today would have been gg. The Fool could have just claimed at the beginning of D1 and then coasted to MYLO/LYLO if they wanted to, because they weren't prevented from claiming and town didn't have a Vig.

It was pretty explicitly townsided in spite of this, since:

- Masons are already clear and undead OC makes killing off the stronger player less effective of a strategy for scum (scum didn't even know they had deadtalk from scanning them!)

- Doc + reverse martyr could result in a double protect each night, not to mention the (totally unnecessary) BP

- Tracker and Roleblocker wreck shit in LYLO

- Voyeur could pick up extra clears if it caught the rolecop targeting

- Fool doesn't know town has no vig and probably won't claim anyway

Town was super buff role-wise.

Edited by Prims
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Mafia wasn't too strong, but town really should have had a Vig to get around the Fool and the scum Governor. In fact, if any of the town roles had been replaced by the Vig, I would have found the setup great. That and the Fool not being able to claim. The Fool didn't end up claiming, but meh.

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Yeah but in NOC, lynch numbers make much more of a difference than roles do, because town doesn't have the co-ordination to get their roles to sync-up like that unless they get lucky.

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ty elie

It was fun acting more incompetent than I actually am eheheheh. My only regrets are that I missed the chance to post and vote myself right before phase end, and that nobody managed to work this quote in.

Everyone out of the god damn way. You've got a hat full of bomb, a fist full of penis, and a head full of empty.
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Yeah but in NOC, lynch numbers make much more of a difference than roles do, because town doesn't have the co-ordination to get their roles to sync-up like that unless they get lucky.

>bp/doc/rev martyr/cleared mason/roleblocker

right. town had enough chances to get the second mislynch back anyway so i fail to see your point

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Firstly, that assumes that the Fool doesn't survive to MYLO and out themselves for an easy joint.

And then, if they don't, this scumteam couldn't have been PoEd down due to 2/3 of their members having roles that were just as town as they were mafia. 13th and Elie could have claimed their real roles. As it happened, MYLO occurred when the only scum member who didn't have a provable role was the only one alive.

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yes i'm aware town had only one mislynch with scumsided/independent fool

but town had a number of ways to get the second mislynch back and then tracker guilties on passive roleclaims like gov/bomb

(fuck bg as a claim too)

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Aleph and Rapier both got themselves modkilled, as well as 13th. Rapier might have been lynched that phase anyway, but Aleph likely wasn't going to be. Maybe that modkill hurt town numbers a bit?

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Aleph and Rapier both got themselves modkilled, as well as 13th. Rapier might have been lynched that phase anyway, but Aleph likely wasn't going to be. Maybe that modkill hurt town numbers a bit?

Obviam modkill was more than balanced out by the 13th modkill. 13th might have been lynched anyways, but as far as the setup goes that's not something you can assume.

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Ok, Postgame. This won't be anything major, just some thoughts as I remember them cause I'm bad at taking notes. Oops.


Othin: Tracker. Played not bad. Flavor spec was a little heavy D1, but it was also right so I give some points for that. Followed 13th after 13th had claimed cop, but 13th didn't claim results that day, so didn't get to use that info. Overall played pretty well I thought and was shot for being claimed tracker. Would like to see you play in some more games here.

BBM: Voyeur, had some good thoughts. Was pretty obvitown throughout the whole game, got shot because of watcher crumb.

Mancer: Number. Where do I start... First off, if you have an info role about the game setup, out it right away. If you had outed that there was an ITP in the game, that, combined with Othin's theories, might have been enough to get kdanger not lynched. Manix was planning on pushing for your lynch due to the fact that you didn't out your role right away and probably would have gotten away with it. Besides that, the numbers spec you did do was pretty bad. First off, a 5 man scum team would have been stupidly unfair. That would have made it 7/5/2 and scum/Fool could have jointed right off the bat. even a four man scum team would have been pretty bad. More importantly, don't make assumptions about numbers and then base your whole theory off of it. Make sure that you're considering other possibilities and you'll do a lot better.

Psych/Xinnidy: Roleblock. Oh I was laughing at this slot. Managed to hit passive roles every night until the night they blocked the mafia kill. Psych was actually playing not bad until he needed a sub. Then Xinnidy came in and played pretty protown and then used logic to figure out it was a 3man scum team and that Manix was most likely the final member. Good job, can't wait to see you start to get better at scum hunting since that was the one thing you didn't really do a lot of this game.

Shinori: Doctor. You overreacted to the fact that scum could have scanned you which dropped the hint that you were a major PR. Next time, try to stay more relaxed and think about the outcomes of mafia having your role. You probably would have been dead already if they had. Protected Bizz every night which wasn't a horrible decision, but consider the claims of other people in the future as well.

Prims: Mason. Played it strong from the start. Had the misfortune of getting scanned N0, but was strongmanned N1 anyways. Was clearly the most obvitown from the start and had great reads during D1. Continued to have good reads through the game, but stopped considering Manix for not great reasons. Overall played really well.

Bizz: Mason. Played well from the start, but was a bit obvious about buddying with Prims. If Prims hadn't outed so early, you might have been called out on that. Once Prims died, you did a good job at using both his logic and your own to figure things out. In the future, I'd probably make it such that you couldn't talk to Prims after he died, but ah well. Overall good job.

Aleph: Reverse Martyr. Bluhbluh, why'd you have to post that picture? You were fairly inactive and when you did post were fairly tunnel heavy. True, you were tunneling on a scum, but you were so focused on Elie that you weren't talking about other players until you were pushed to do so. Not bad, but you were starting to gather suspicion right before you went and got yourself modkilled.

Rapier: Bullet proof. Ugh. Inactive and then tactical modkill. That's really all I have to say here.


Elie: Gov. You were kinda all over the place. Next time you're scum, try to remember to calm down and play like town. You were rushing your posts and your thoughts it felt like, so much that you claimed to be your real character instead of one of the fakes I'd given you. Just relax more next time and try not to rush things.

Rein/13th: Cop. This role was intended to be used to screw with the town. Instead it was slightly inactive, then subbed, then super inactive and modkilled. So. ;/

Manix: Killer. Mafia MVP for sure. Started off gaining suspicion, but was able to push that off starting D2 or so. Played well, but got unlucky with his scummates getting lynched/modkilled. Had good plans that were ruined by the roleblock. Overall pretty solid play.


kdanger: Did exactly what she was supposed to do and got herself lynched. Not much more I can say besides that since she was purposely playing poorly. I would encourage her to play in a game where she wasn't a fool so that she could start to actually learn to play mafia.

Snike: This role was intended to have more effect than it actually did. I was hoping that the fool slot would take longer to lynch, such that this slot would have a larger effect on the game, but ah well.

Game thoughts:

-If you're going to complain about a game set up, wait until you know the whole set up. I made sure that there was a way to know about the fool, both through town knowing there was an ITP and mafia having a role cop. I don't mind people saying that fool is a bad role, but I do mind people flipping out/subbing out because the fool is completely unfair when there were ways to help counteract the fool.

-Inactivity sucks, but for the most part people did a decent job at staying active. Thanks to those of you who did.

-Aleph modkill was maybe a bit harsh, but I had warned the game twice to not post at night and it was in the rules. In the end, it may have helped town more than scum because Aleph was a possible mislynch target.

-Setup was probably a bit townsided. If I had to make it again, I'd probably take out either Aleph's role or Othin's role and replace it with something else. Either make town super investigation weak or take out some of the protection role.

Overall, good game guys. Thanks.

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Bizz: Mason. Played well from the start, but was a bit obvious about buddying with Prims. If Prims hadn't outed so early, you might have been called out on that. Once Prims died, you did a good job at using both his logic and your own to figure things out. In the future, I'd probably make it such that you couldn't talk to Prims after he died, but ah well. Overall good job.

I did it on purpose some of the time though, it was my way of softclaiming because I had a feeling one of us was going to die early.

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also the next time manix plays that fucking apathetically i'm policy vigging him i don't care if i'm not vig. but reading his posts BOTHERED me so much i wish people listened earlygame lol but i was too busy/lazy to push the case

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also the next time manix plays that fucking apathetically i'm policy vigging him i don't care if i'm not vig. but reading his posts BOTHERED me so much i wish people listened earlygame lol but i was too busy/lazy to push the case

tbf i just typed whatever i wanted and yeah if it came off like that oops

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Thanks for the game, scorri. Wouldn't mind seeing Othin in future games either, though he should probably work on scumhunting since his opinions were pretty vacant during D2.

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