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Favorite DS FE?



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  1. 1. SD or LnS?

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FE12 is a fantastic game, even without the translation I thoroughly enjoyed it that It's a game I would have bought new a second time if they had an English release(regardless of the available translation patch).

FE11 was pretty good, with H5 being an interesting difficulty mode until FE12 came out, but FE12 improves upon it so much that I don't feel there's much of a contest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I voted Shadow Dragon. I like the 'classic game' feeling I get when I play this game, I like the narrative, the simple to understand story, the gameplay.

That said, I appreciate Light and Shadow just as much for including all the modern FE elements, making it the overall greater game.

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I never liked the story of Mystery of the Emblem very much. One of my pet peeves in fiction is when they spontaneously bring people back to life. It's obvious that Camus and Michalis died in FE1. They should have stayed dead.

I do think that New Mystery is an improvement over FE3, but I ultimately still prefer Shadow Dragon to it. It's just too classic. FE1 is (imo) one of the strongest titles in the series even now. The only fault I can hold against the NES original is an awkward menu system, and Shadow Dragon obviously doesn't have those problems.

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Technically it's just consequent to have Camus in Mystery since Gaiden already established that he was still alive.

So it's not really that game's fault since a person of his statue couldn't possibly stay out of that conflict without it being awkward. Michalis doesn't have that benefit though. It's very hard to imagine that he survived.

But I more hate the fact that New Mystery made it possible to recruit him and even gave him an awesome ending.

And this in a game where the endings had their fair share of unexpected tragedies like Arran's death and the fate of Abel and Est.

But the guy who killed his father and sold out his sisters along with his kingdom wins the jackpot.

Edited by BrightBow
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Life doesn't always have a happy ending. What do you expect?

And it's just painful to see how by contrast Michalis not only escapes Karma but also manages to get away with snatching Karma's purse and plundering it's storage room.

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New Mystery builds upon what Shadow Dragon did, but I find myself liking the latter more. New Mystery has some odd design decisions that I really do not like. Let's put this one village all the way over HERE and only Marth can get to it! Shadow Dragon also did this, but the maps themselves are way more obnoxious in the sequel. There are also things like 12 move two range dragon reinforcements that are just plain unfun to deal with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't even play FE12 and I can guarantee that it has to be better than FE11. Anything is better than FE11. Watching paint dry is better than FE11. :facepalm:

I can vouch for this. I haven't even finished FE11 on Normal mode because it's just so fucking DULL.

Voted for FE12 despite not playing it yet.

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then don't play FE11 on NM?

FE11 is quite fun on 0% growths but FE12 has, among numerous other things, better map design. FE11 is only fun on 0% growths because of everything being weak to the wing spear.

Edited by dondon151
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Shadow Dragon without doubt. Superior soundtrack, subtle characterization, and subdued growths that makes raising units much more tactical. Certain characters have pretty interesting niches, even if they're not always good (not going to deny that over half of the cast is utterly useless, but FE12 had this problem and then some). I also preferred the story too, as it's just one big, badass romp of Marth walking from point to point, stomping out the opposition and taking back his kingdom. Some of the lines are great too. It can't really be a 'great' Fire Emblem game, since the series has evolved well beyond a point that Shadow Dragon recalls, but it has its own small charms to it that make it one of my personal favorite Fire Emblem games to replay.

FE12 is fun strictly for the mass of reclassing options you can fiddle with and the addition of yourself as among the greatest heroes and units in all of Fire Emblem. Seriously, it's pretty fun for once to be able to say "Who can I send over to take that clusterfuck of spawning reinforcements on the other half of the map? Oh right, me." The story has its high points, but it mostly sucks and I've had no desire to reread any of the dialogue.

Also, whose idea was make so many colossal maps that swirl inwardly and place most of the villages way out of the throne's direction? Really? Even running to the throne is a challenge in and of itself, made more apparent on Lunatic with no Warp and a Rescue that you're VERY LIKELY to use quickly.

Edited by Inference
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Level design. Fe12's maps suffer from "We rushed Book 2 for Fe3" disease, but makes up for it with excellent enemy placement.

i don't see anything wrong with FE12's maps

also map is more or less synonymous with level so i see no need to be pedantic here

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Also, whose idea was make so many colossal maps that swirl inwardly and place most of the villages way out of the throne's direction? Really? Even running to the throne is a challenge in and of itself, made more apparent on Lunatic with no Warp and a Rescue that you're VERY LIKELY to use quickly.

Compound that onto the fact that 12's other half of maps are just 11's (nes era) maps, and you've got bad (or lacking) map design in Fe3, which translates to bad map design in Fe12. On maniac/lunatic it's not as big a deal since enemy placement shows its brilliance, but it definitely sticks out on normal/hard.

And no, they're not. You can have the best, most unique map in the world and the level will still suck ass if your units start on mountains and mounted enemy reinforcements spawn on ocean tiles, or if all the enemies on the map were all bunched up in one tiny area.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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  • 6 months later...

F it, I'm weird. I like 11 way better, because somehow I think 11 felt like a real story and not just having the same baddie revived again. Also 12 had shitty music, no map originality and repetition in some chapters.

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I never could finish FE12. In some cases it felt like they were trying to shoehorn personalities into characters who previously didn't have one, which I find analogous to the Zelda mangas; needless to say, this really bothered me.

So yeah, FE11 ho.

Also the default FE12 menu option is almost as bad as Thracia's

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12 by a large margin. The plot felt a lot more cohesive than its disjointed predecessor. It was refreshing to be able to unlock sidequests based on turn-count rather than killing your units. Battles were more enjoyable thanks to greater enemy variety. MU was a great feature that made the game stand out as more then just a remake and increased the replay value in my opinion. That's basically the gist of why I prefer 12 over 11.

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