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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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His role seems to be a better equivalent to the Scum Mayor thing. I mean its pure rolespec but everyone else wants Cam to claim and we haven't had much discussion other than roles so yeah.

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Dear Paulina, you are Rohde.

You are a historian who is both technically savvy and incredibly intelligent. You love to explore ruins and have the ability to smell out ancient treasure. You also operate a cannon for a general weapon.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Hmm. What's that smell... It's [uSER]. What's he doing over there?" You will now be aware of [uSER], and you will be able to tell who visits [uSER], as well as be able to tell who [uSER] visits.

In short, you are the Combo Tracker/Watcher.

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.

Night 0: Hmm. What's that smell... It's Snike. What's he doing over there?

Night 0 Results:

You decide to trail Snike, and also keep a close eye on his front door to see who comes to visit him during the night. However, your nose spends the entire night sniffing into boredom, as Snike doesn't visit anybody, and nobody visits Snike either.

Tracker Result: Visits nobody

Watcher Result: Nobody Visited Snike

Night 1: Hmm. What's that smell... It's Serious Bagels. What's he doing over there?

Night 1 Results:

You decide to use your excellent sniffer take interest in Serious Bagels. What's he up to?

Tracker Report: Serious Bagels has visited LucinaBalcerzak.

Watcher Report: No one has visitted Serious Bagels.

Night 2: Hmm. What's that smell... It's Balcerzak. What's he doing over there?

blind gut assumption

Night 2 Results:

You decide to use your excellent sniffer take interest in Balcerzak. What's he up to?

Tracker Report: Balcerzak.

Watcher Report: Balcerzak.

because i'm about to go write an essay:

Night 3: Hmm. What's that smell... It's Sho. What's he doing over there?

obligatory watch

if helios flips town though ignore this message

Night 3 Results:

Good job!

Tracker Report: Sho visited Proto (Laevetinn or however you spell it)

Watcher Report: Sho was visited by NekoRex, SB, Baldrick, and Xinnidy.


Night 4 Results:

Your efforts on Sho were so great last time that you kept your sniffer on him again!

Tracker Results: Sho visited SB and Shinori

Watcher Results: Sho was visited by Balcerzak and Nekorex.

Night 5 Results:

Sho? Goodness you like his smell.

Watcher result: You see Sho visited by Nekorex and SB.

Tracker result: You see Sho visit Balcerzak

in hindsight it might have been a better plan to watch neko but whatever

notice that SB has been visiting sho pretty frequently

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if the contradiction was "why would sb target balcerzak" keep in mind that it's entirely possible that they're members of opposing scumfactions and sb was trying to kill the (then-claimed) vig variant

if it isn't then i really don't know

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Currently I'm thinking that Cam is a scum Tracker!Watcher btw, probably aligned with Other Guys, because Cop+Rolecop+Tracker/Watcher all on the same side = no. Also, notice how Bal in the fake QT said "It looks like Cam Tracked/Watched me" even though Cam only crumbed the Tracker part of his role by repeatedly asking Bal whom he visited. I had a townread on Paulina but I don't think town would have all of these investigative roles. If Cam flips town, Marth is probably scum, IMO.

This is completely removed from whether or not SB is scum, btw. All of Cam's results except N1 seem to make sense, I just don't believe his alignment.

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Or Eclipse might be the last Other Guys. I was rereading Scorri's info-dump and she said that his N0 scan was aligned with the Other Guys, which I somehow missed yesterday night. There was a theory that she got the alignment of the person Marth inspected, which might be true, but it also might not be true. That was a theory created to explain why Scorri thought Eclipse was Other Guys even though all three of them were dead. But that was before we realized there were actually four of them.

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Basec on those results I would reckon that SB is a protective role or that bloke who's been spamming message to Sho. Possibly Safeguard. Scum players have no business keeping their action on Sho unless it's to screw them up or kill them, and there's been other shots on players by scumteams throughout the day.

Personally I don't know what Eclipse has claimed, but I think that the cop results might be right from N0.

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@Marth: I can't argue that based on rolespec aside from point out that it would be ridiculous to give a mafia member a role that scans them as a member of the other faction. But that's relative.


##Vote: Cam

Night 2 doesn't match up with Bal's flipped role. Plus cop rolecop watcher/tracker is way too op for an noc large game.

@Neko: Well if your action failed on nights 3 and 5, he's safeguard. Otherwise he's something else entirely. Not to mention that if he is safeguard, he realistically should've idled after Mancer got rolled.

Also, I'm going to be away for most of the afternoon due to family coming up. I'll be back in the evening.

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Wtf is Cam's night 2 report even supposed to mean.

Also I really think scorri just got marth's scanned person's allignment because she didn't claim to have gotten any information when the stole marth's role (and Sho was still vannilized when she did).

Also who was the last person that scorri vannilized? Nobody claimed being vannilized yet or I'm being extremely derp.

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Wow, I can't believe I missed that N2 report. :facepalm:

That's 5 votes for Cam. 7 to hammer, but we've got time and I want to hear who SB's original target on N1 was (and give me a straight answer this time, SB).

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CT075 (6): Eclipse, Xinnidy, Liquid Snake, Cap'n Flint, Snike, Serious Bagels

Liquid Snake(2): Sho.M.the.tits, BBM

Eclipse (1): NekoRex

Snike (1): Bluedoom

Voteless (2): CT075, Shinori

12 alive means 7 hammers.

CT075 is at L-1.

Edited by Elieson
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Okay, that could be truthful, though I don't understand why you'd want to be shot so much. I'll think about that later though. For now:

##Unvote, ##Vote: Cam

N2 report makes no sense and N1 report contradicts what SB said about getting redirected to someone from Bal.

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No one ever liked you, Rohde. All you do is push people away because they don't have valuable treasure.

And with that, everyone gathered their rope, tied his limbs to many centaurs, and called the Kee-yai.

CT075 has been lynched. He was...


Dear Paulina CT075, you are Rohde.

You are a historian who is both technically savvy and incredibly intelligent. You love to explore ruins and have the ability to smell out ancient treasure. You also operate a cannon for a general weapon.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Hmm. What's that smell... It's [uSER]. What's he doing over there?" You will now be aware of [uSER], and you will be able to tell who visits [uSER], as well as be able to tell who [uSER] visits.

In short, you are the Combo Tracker/Watcher.

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.



I call his cannon!

Shut up Janet, no one likes you.

Night Phase 6 is starting now. Night 6 ends at 2000 GMT -5 (1 pm CST, 2 pm EST, etc) on 2/25/13 (or up to 24 hours early if I receive all night actions early).

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Also if that report about SB visiting Bal on N1 is true, SB is scum because he said he got redirected to somebody else. (Tailor or Godfather for the Sho report, idk)

ughhhh sorry for that guys.

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Scorri did say she suspected a Godfather at one point (and we also have a miller so I suppose it's possible considering we have so many freaking investigative roles out there).

But there's still probably one non-godfather scum out there and I assume it's one of these two I nominated.

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