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Folgore Rangers Mafia -- GAME OVER


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So, I just found this;

Sorry dude, but it's going to a modkill before I vote Shin.

which seems to run contrary to everything I know about mafia. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're going to be as tight-lipped as I, but maybe I can get clarification. Is this hyperbole or not?

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k guaranteed scum, perfect, time to not waste day phase etc


bull fucking shit

you have played ONE game with me where i was scum

i was inactive for everything aside from d1

you are not allowed to make retarded claims like this

Coincidentally the only games i've played with you were when you were scum. Interesting choice of argument.

##Vote Mancer

still not feeling shin lynch (not as strongly as mom but you get the point), might need to reread baldrick again but i'm not seeing what makes him so horrible

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JB if you are a doc and you are trying to hint at it by just tunneling on mancer super hard just say it.

Otherwise your vote and your obsessive tunneling doesn't really work on mancer whatsoever.

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Dudes and dudettes, I return!

Loocina claiming Camdar pretty much seals her fate. I can't imagine why she would want to unless she's following the most ridiculous PR ever. Dallas, can I ask why you targetted Lucina the first night? Nothing personal, I'm just wondering.

I'm not too fussed with Eli's questions. At this point we have a confirmed lynch, asking around is better than nothing, otherwise we'll end up wasting the Day Phase.

Baldrick, you said before the Rapier lynch that my logic was groovy and filled you with courage. However, after that you hint that Shinori should vote for me instead of you. Even after realising that Shinori never wanted to lynch me in the first place, that still sounds pretty fishy to me. Who knows what could happen? It'd be a Shin lynch silly. Also, trying hush discussion until tomorrow doesn't actually achieve anything. It's best to discuss stuff now, see what happens at night, then decide. Your defensive post also bothers me, why so ungroovily cryptic?

Kay needs to start existing and explaining. Mancer was apparently her top read but she didn't want to lynch him, then gives a list of people she'd like to lynch which doesn't match her "top reads".

##PsychedelicVotification: Baldrick

You better sock it to me, daddio. I'm getting some wiggity-wack vibes from you.

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The hosts decided to trash my old PR (which was terrible) and replace it with something better. I feel like I just beat those stupid Lynxes of Fire using nothing but my fourth-string Medic team's melee attacks. In other words, I'll see if I can shove it in my posts, somehow (probably not this one, though).

I think Elieson's case against Baldrick is a bit more solid than Shinori's attempt on Shin (which I'll get to in a bit), but it's still not that strong. Much of the case revolves around Sho's flip, and it seems to forget the fundamental flaw that a townie may inadvertently end up defending a mafia member. Furthermore, I'm not a fan of nitpicking over wording; that's like trying to argue that Fortify is better than Reserve. I still think the strongest case against him is his sudden flip to Rapier. Him mentioning a BP doc is also weird, but this feels more like flailing than anything (in other words, null for now, but going into my notes).

The vibe I get from Shin is "not paying attention", which is null ATM. That case makes it sound like Rapier has to be town (which already makes it fail for me, as super-town isn't my read of Rapier), while not giving any sort of good read on JB. Also, Rapier does have stuff to respond to; Shin himself doesn't have to be the one asking questions for that to be valid. I agree the refusal to move his vote on Mancer is odd, and that's probably the strongest thing to go off of (but that's not really worth voting at this stage, IMO).


I appreciate the compliment~

However, one thing you're disregarding is everybody else's views on Shin and Rapier. For one, you seem to have Shin locked as your number one team pick, and for your own reasons I'm sure, they're good. However, have you considered that Shin may possibly have the same view on Rapier (well, had), that you have on Shin? It's something that I have no way of knowing, and based on your ever-so cryptic wording, probably won't know for a while. I'm probably overreacting at this (and to be honest, I'm working backwards in this response, from bottom up, so you'll have to excuse me as my patience grows thinner in reverse to the norm), but it's worth you considering that your knowledge is potentially exclusive, but also potentially not.

This needs to be framed and put at the beginning of every update until people get the hint.

Shin voting Lucina for having weak reasoning isn't an OMGUS. Y'know what looks more like an OMGUS?

The vibe I get here is "totally not mellow, hello hello". In other words, there's stuff I don't like for personal reasons ("why me" = fry me, and blame Snike for that). However, voting someone because my emotions want me to is what I'd expect out of a benchwarmer-tier mafia player.

I'd rather not lynch Shin, because I think the Shin wagon is made up of something that looks like an OMGUS (Rapier), someone that used the wrong definition of OMGUS as half of a justification (Xinnidy), and "hi I'm not fully here yet" (scorri). I think the initial justification for Rapier's case was weak, but his reactions to it have been bad. However, there's two things that make me think that Rapier might not be a good lynch target today.

1. Baldrick had the weirdest suspicion on him early D2.

2. Lucina had a "case" against him for the same reason as Shin.

While I won't discount the possibility of a bus, the fact that Baldrick's last response was a defense-only with no reads (that's what pushed me past my formerly neutral read) and Lucina's scum reads are weakly justified make me think that I'd rather have one of those two lynched instead. From my N1 notes, Baldrick wasn't a huge priority, but Lucina was right after JB (due to her views on Sho before disappearing; that was a gut read, but her D2 activity makes me think my gut might be right).


##Vote: Lucina

So the original Shin-defense. Not terribly concerned about it because you've called out the majority of the wagon on what can be easily viewed as weak, weaker and weakest. Typical Rapier blows any and all chances he has to respond properly to anything ever, but that doesn't make him inherintly scum. Obviously you consider this much later, but for now it's nice to see you thinking with your head.

The quote in question:

Given what you just posted, was this what you meant?

What I don't like about this mentality is that it has the tone of "if I do this, I'm gonna get myself lynched." That's the kind of paranoia that I expect out of mafia, not town (especially since mafia are down in numbers after Sho's lynch). Though Rapier hasn't been responding the best, he was willing to do something, rather than worry about how it reflected on him. As town, I have no reason to hide my suspicions, because I have no idea if/when I'll be shot.

I'll be back one more time before phase end, so if I'm totally off on that, I'll hopefully see it before I leave for work tomorrow.

So a concern over Rapier being lynched. Interesting considering your upcoming vote...

Dude, just 'cause your skin color reminds me of tourmaline and emeralds and all those other things I've been digging up of late doesn't mean that you can blindly tunnel one person all game long. The difference between Lucina and just about every other inactive is that Lucina's few posts have been extremely weak, while Elieson has been doing his share of scumhunting.

There's two wagons right now, and I won't be back to do anything about it. I'm positive Shin's wagon will be a mislynch (positive enough that'd I'd prefer anyone else over Shin's lynch, including myself), and even though I'd rather have one of Lucina/Baldrick lynched today:


##Vote: Rapier

Sorry dude, but it's going to a modkill before I vote Shin.

Ok, what is this? One, you have a scumread on Lucina. Two, you've mentioned Rapier all of like twice all game (once as "Where the fuck are you" and again as he wouldn't be a good lynch target). Yet, you also don't find him very town, or something. So you effectivly defended him, then settled on him, weird. Especially weird when like I said, there was 6+ hours left in the phase, and you voting for Lucina (Your scumread that already had 2 votes) would have thrust Lucina into the Wagon pile, having her need 2 votes in 6 hours in order to be lynched.

Also I'm glad you find Shin to be the most townly-of-town players out there. Not sure exactly what he did to earn that from you, especially when your last mention of him was decidedly Null. I won't pry on this, but I think it's bad play; though coming from me, probably doesn't mean much in the long run.

(Unless I caught the hint, in which case, why should I even believe it?)

And now, D3.

My role PM says I'm town, and stop being lazy and read my ISO. I can think of a lot of things to describe me, but "forgettable" isn't one of them, especially after the way I reacted to Shin's potential lynch.

It looks like my notes were right, and I'm glad SOMEONE read them (I'll happily vote for Lucina when it's closer to phase end, not phase beginning). Now, on to more pressing things (starting from way back in D2). . .

I think you missed the part in that vote where I said I wouldn't be back in time to do anything else. Or just about everything else in that post.

Dude, been thinking of you, and that's the second post from you that I really like. If it comes down to Mancer/Shin, I'm lynching Mancer first. Why is for my own reasons (lynching Shin will enact a clipsey-style apocalypse, and this isn't blind justice).

My role cannot be duplicated without seriously compromising the game's balance. I claimed it earlier, albeit indirectly (then again, I rarely claim directly).

Remind me about this when postgame rolls around.

Of the rest of you, I'd like it if Kay would do more than act like a backup player (pushing scumreads is a start). Elieson should reread stuff before cluttering the topic with fluff (the vote on Shinori then me was for stupid reasons). I said I'd rather have one of Baldrick/Lucina lynched instead of Rapier as my last post of D2; since Lucina's getting lynched, I might as well prep for the next day phase.

##Vote: Baldrick

Your thoughts?

Ok first, unless you know more about the game than all the other players do, stop guessing around at the game's balance. SetupSpec is useless and you know it, so just because you may or may not have some super powerful special ability at your disposal, you still can't have a sense of knowledge that other's don't simply because of your gut feeling. You saw the horrible balance in SF2M, but it got approved by its checker without a single concern.

For the record, I voted Shinori but was ninja'd when I was flipping over to you. His response I don't mind, but yours I genuinely don't like. Why? Because instead of just answering the question, you answer it and bark orders at me to do things that I'm apparently not doing; an answer I have only seen from scum in all my attempts of doing so.

I'm still ISO'ing you, and rereading the entire thread, looking for this part where you said you were going to be back once more before phase end. I found it, but I still don't see how that has anything to do with you voting for someone you don't find to be very scummy. I don't like it, and therefore, I like you less.

However, you're eclipse. And despite everything I ever find against you ever, you manage to elude me and my hunches and turn up town, so like i said.

I HAVE NO READ ON YOU, because my scumreads on you generally fail, and my town reads on you generally aren't very strong but are supported nonetheless. Therefore, you're unmemorable to me because nothing you have done in this entire fucking game has been overwhelmingly towny/scummy, unlike everybody else bar Shinori.

There. Does that make sense?

However, I reread through this a third time, polished up a few responses, copied it into the post block, reread it again, and I'm starting to develop a read on you. It's probably not one you'd like, but alas, it's finally an opinion that tips my scale of indecisiveness regarding you and your perpetual neutrality.

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Baldrick's defence didn't really explain why he was so curious about flavour in the first place. Also feels, upon further reread, like rolefishing, as does the most recent question to Eclipse about her staunch defence of Shin. He also didn't really defend against the part where I said he was making indirect jabs against Mancer, while never really attacking him directly like Rapier or JB. Eclipse and Shin also make good points, IMO.

More on other people in the evening.

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I got Roleblocked last night. Annoying, but it could be worse.

My ISO looks worse than it is, BBM. There was a mystery about the flavour I got that I wanted to get to the bottom of, which is why I was wondering about the flavour. Eclipse had said some things that intrigued me, so I wanted to know what she was thinking, and whether there was anything to it. She wasn't interested in talking about it, so I left it alone thereafter.

Anyway, we have a six-day phase to go with the long weekend. Awesome.

##Vote: SB

Your vote on Kay was pretty bad, actually! I don't know where you got she had a strong read on him, apart from Mancer all her other scumreads were minor, and he was in a tie for second strongest. (Incidentally, I wish people would stop wanting to lynch for information). It seems to me you didn't want to be affiliated with the Rapier wagon.

Shinori's my lesser scumread. Despite not wanting Rapier to be lynched, he never really did much to stop it. He voted BBM to get his reasons for voting Rapier, and ignored them in order to focus on Shin. Then near the end of the phase he decided to not push Shin, the most viable alternative lynch, for some unknown reasons.

It sounds like some familiar Armor choked your point, but still I don't know how to actually interpret this. It's nice to have it brought out into the light, but not terribly useful for defending yourself.

Also from what I can gather, Shin was being guarded by Eclipse, while Rapier was being guarded by no one. If Shinori felt that this was important, it may explain his votedrop...? Shinori should very definately clarify this, because it isn't helping him look any more blue, that's for true.

Argh, my read on you is transitioning, leaving me frustrated that my of my top scumreads, only one is actually as scummy as I thought.

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Also people, remember this from D1?

So you're just waiting for something to happen?

Here's something.

##LunaCrit Sho

Just because you hate this stage of the game doesn't mean you get a free pass to do nothing.

In fact, answer me this. Why are you town?


And Elie, I am town for the same reason you are for not toning that PR down when asked

Speaking of the Devil, Mancer THE FUCK YOU MEANT I NEED TO SHIFT DOWN MY PR BEFORE I USE THE FUCKING THING TO [censored because I am on a good mood]

So apparently my useless question doesn't generate responses worth discussing? I really like how Manix, Kay et al have disregarded that even though it's not the best form of general scumhunting, responses to this question can do a lot for forming opinions.

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Lucina (5): Darros, Shinori, Manix, BBM, Mancer (L-3!)

eclipse (1): Elieson

SB (1): Baldrick

Baldrick (1): eclipse, Shin

Mancer (1): JB

With 13 players alive, 5 votes are needed to lynch and 8 votes are needed to hammer. You have approximately 55 hours left in the phase

Also, I will not be online today for most of the afternoon and part of the evening. Apologies for this.

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For various reasons I doubted my original scumread on Shin. And I said I didn't want to lynch Rapier, but that was more of a gut feeling which turned out to be right. Not wanting to lynch Rapier and doubting my scum read on Shin I left my vote on a Baldrick in hopes that people might swap over.

It's pretty simple. Simple answer to a simple question.

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Anna's fucked with my skill growth, and it's beyond low and is preventing me from accurately getting anything from a Sho and Lucina ISO.

Can anyone make warp me to a post of theirs that has anything even remotely useful in it? The most I can gather is that they both chose to drop Mancer to Bottom-tier, but aside from that their player assessments are pretty hard to make anything out of (at least to me).

At least they're leaving Ewan alone. But something remains perplexing, and that's Lucina's listpost. There's gotta be something in it, but the only parts of it I can gather any suspicion out of are the parts regardig BBM and JB, and they're pretty weak at that.

sorry I've been lax on my PR :-o

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The sudden flip (which she pointed out herself) is the weird thing. Acknowledging it doesn't make it any less weird, especially with her flip

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Back from school and I was given a hugigantic biology assignment due the Monday after March Break. Not cool! I'm tired but what can you do.

Dallas, can I ask why you targetted Lucina the first night? Nothing personal, I'm just wondering

I didn't really have a strong read on her either way on the first night, I decided I would pick someone who I didn't have a strong read on as either town or mafia, so I just picked Lucina. Then the roleblock happened and she looked very scummy to me at the end of day 2 ((even though I was undergoing a bit of a moral crisis concerning her IRL problems, which are certainly real, at the time)) so I investigated her again. And bam, guilty verdict.

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If Lucina is indeed some sort of Traitor role where she doesn't know who her scumbuddies are, I'm guessing she defended me because:

a) She thought I was town, and I might get lynched, and she wanted to appear on my side afterwards.

b) She thought I was scum, and she didn't want someone who she thought might be scum to die.

The thing with Traitor type roles are that they're not as good for giving info upon flips because they're sort of like a SK in that they're anti-town, but don't really have any info that town doesn't. And since they don't have any extra info about who else is scum, seeing their motivations in their posts is a lot harder.

Of course, the above conjecture hinges upon Lucina actually being a Traitor role, which we won't really know for sure until after her flip.

As for getting stuff from Sho, Sho didn't really do anything at all other than attack Scorri on basis of flavour, so if you want to get info from the Sho flip, instead of reading how he acted with regards to other people, you should read how others acted with regards to him.

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So apparently my useless question doesn't generate responses worth discussing? I really like how Manix, Kay et al have disregarded that even though it's not the best form of general scumhunting, responses to this question can do a lot for forming opinions.

I'll eat my words. It does work, but yeah it's not as effective as general hunting.

also I just woke up and my internet was being a huge pain so ;/

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okay I'm diving through my notes to remind myself of stuff and lo and behold there's like nothing useful there

baldrick looks like he's fishing for PR's... ugh
- 3/4/2013, 12:49PM AEST

I don't exactly remember what this is referencing but I think it was about passive roles/active roles in massblock

brb hunting

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And are you an active role that idled, or passive/vanilla that can't do anything?

it was this post that prompted that thought.

that said I ISO'ed baldrick and he actually doesn't look that bad imo. yeah it's not the best, but past silly things like the above and making a few rolespec assumptions (re: BP) he's not actually THAT bad

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Just saying, Why why is BBM suddenly speculating about a Traitor role? It Seems seems slightly off to me. Need to place more attention On it in the future'

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