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Folgore Rangers Mafia -- GAME OVER


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Alright, serious time!

##Vote: Baldrick

Claiming Miller doesn't make you clear, but it doesn't make you scum either, and the fact that you chose not to vote until then despite having posted earlier makes me feel that your vote against Scorri is serious. What gives?

Ah, you're right, I did miss Baldrick's first post voting for Eclipse. My apologies, Baldrick. Either way, Baldrick, before I unvote, how serious were you about that Scorri vote?

Xinny, if you don't think that my actions are worth any long-term thought, why did you vote for me?


Your reasoning for the Baldrick vote honestly isn't very good, and I'm pretty sure that anybody who votes straight for claimed miller on D1 without any other proof is either joking or doesn't understand how mafia works. I'm also very sure that Xin never said anything about your actions being "worth any long-term thought"; she only says your facts are super off (they are), that Baldrick didn't seem serious about the scorri vote (a reasonable conclusion), and that you were a little over-eager to pull the trigger.

##Vote: ShoM

His posts display a blatant lack of participation in the game. I for one would appreciate actual activity, or at least a vote, however limited the reasoning may be. Criticizing the intelligence of other players and protesting mistakes in the votals hardly contribute to the discovery of the mafia.

coming from someone with no posts :D

Noting the speed of the BBM wagon so far, it's onto 5 votes already, order being Xin -> Scorri -> Elieson -> Lucina -> Mancer. I also see a lot of points being rehashed. BBM's vote for Baldrick is super dumb, and I dislike his reaction to Xin, but the cute little explosive sheep entice me.


##Vote Mancer

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Votals + voting history

BBM (5) Xinny, scorri, Elieson, Lucina, Mancer

Mancer (1) eclipse, JB

Sho (1) Kay

eclipse (1) Baldrick, SB

Xinnidy (1) Shinori

Lucina (1) Darros

Baldrick (1) BBM

SB (1) eclipse

Darros (0) SB, Shin

Elieson (0) Xinny, scorri

Shinori (0) eclipse

Shin (0) Darros, Mancer, JB, Elieson

scorri (0) eclipse, Baldrick

With 16 people alive in the game, you require 6 votes to lynch at phase deadline and 10 to hammer instantly. Approximately 63 hours and 40 minutes remain.

EDIT: Votals updated to include the post I just ninja'd.

Edited by Sangyul
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(or you can come home eight minutes after I make that post) ;/

I think BBM screwing up details is normal play. I kinda yelled at him for that last game after he started entertaining a silly idea because he forgot the results of his own role. The impression I have from BBM is "flailing", which is a null tell for me. His answers to the people voting him should give me a more solid read on him. Kay's being marginally more helpful than Sho (hey Kay, what's your comments on everything else), and I should really get to that thing that tickled my senses way at the beginning of the game.


##Vote: Serious Bananas

I made some stupid comment about my not-character, which caused you to switch votes from someone that hadn't posted yet to me? Please explain the logic behind that.

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Alright, serious time!


Your reasoning for the Baldrick vote honestly isn't very good, and I'm pretty sure that anybody who votes straight for claimed miller on D1 without any other proof is either joking or doesn't understand how mafia works. I'm also very sure that Xin never said anything about your actions being "worth any long-term thought"; she only says your facts are super off (they are), that Baldrick didn't seem serious about the scorri vote (a reasonable conclusion), and that you were a little over-eager to pull the trigger.

coming from someone with no posts :D

Noting the speed of the BBM wagon so far, it's onto 5 votes already, order being Xin -> Scorri -> Elieson -> Lucina -> Mancer. I also see a lot of points being rehashed. BBM's vote for Baldrick is super dumb, and I dislike his reaction to Xin, but the cute little explosive sheep entice me.


##Vote Mancer

So you're all "I don't like BBM because of [rehashed reasons]. Hey, I don't like the wagon on BBM, we shouldn't vote him that fast just because we find him scummy. There are so many rehashed reasons even though I repeated others' reasons as well. Vote Mancer cause he's the last person who voted BBM."

Could you explain your vote on me, JB, because it's extremely scummy for a variety of ways and reasons that I'll elaborate on when I need to.

Are you voting me solely because of my vote on BBM? If so, what do you think of the other players on the wagon?

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(or you can come home eight minutes after I make that post) ;/

I think BBM screwing up details is normal play. I kinda yelled at him for that last game after he started entertaining a silly idea because he forgot the results of his own role. The impression I have from BBM is "flailing", which is a null tell for me. His answers to the people voting him should give me a more solid read on him. Kay's being marginally more helpful than Sho (hey Kay, what's your comments on everything else), and I should really get to that thing that tickled my senses way at the beginning of the game.


##Vote: Serious Bananas

I made some stupid comment about my not-character, which caused you to switch votes from someone that hadn't posted yet to me? Please explain the logic behind that.

Eli seems to be trying a bit too hard. BBM pounced on some actions that weren't unreasonable or antitown IMO, possibly with a bit too much enthusiasm, but he's far from obvscum. I think both BBM and Eli are making mountains out of molehills, but Eli looks worse, IMO. That's basically all I've thought of so far.

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I'm technically not home yet, still in school but I'm posting between smal gaps in the lessons.

Oh what the--

HEY SCHOOL KIDS: Your school day isn't gonna last 48 straight hours. Wait until you're home before posting.

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Oh what the--

HEY SCHOOL KIDS: Your school day isn't gonna last 48 straight hours. Wait until you're home before posting.

I won't jeopardise my grades, don't worry.

And my school hours literally last for like 12 hours + and it's super taxing.

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So you're all "I don't like BBM because of [rehashed reasons]. Hey, I don't like the wagon on BBM, we shouldn't vote him that fast just because we find him scummy. There are so many rehashed reasons even though I repeated others' reasons as well. Vote Mancer cause he's the last person who voted BBM."

Could you explain your vote on me, JB, because it's extremely scummy for a variety of ways and reasons that I'll elaborate on when I need to.

Are you voting me solely because of my vote on BBM? If so, what do you think of the other players on the wagon?

I'm voting you because you're the fifth person on a wagon in a game that's lasted... 9 hours? I know you want to show BBM that you don't like the way he's been doing things in this game, but I don't think pushing him to L-1 is actually a good way to show your disapproval.

Other players on the wagon: I'm perfectly fine with whatever Xin's been posting, scorri's also fine (and I'm willing to believe the miller claim for now), Elie's been more forceful than everyone else (this isn't a bad thing), and I also don't like Lucina's method of getting onto the wagon.

Also, you got the first part of the summary of my post correct. Great! Now replace the last two sentences with "Why are we having a wagon of 5 votes already, and who's responsible for racking up that many votes?"

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So I am somehow solely responsible for the 5 vote wagon?

Also, BBM's not at L-1. Hammer is 2/3s of the votes rounded down, meaning 10 votes are required for hammer, not 6. 6 is just the minimum requirement for a lynch.

That being said, you seem to be very anxious about BBM being lynched and acted very quickly (too quickly) to the stacked up votes on him.

I interpret this as buddying. I'll elaborate more on this later, but right now I actually think that you and BBM might be scum buddies given how you found him bad but decided to vote someone else you had no reads on.

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'Tis 8AM and I hath just awakened. I am fairly tired, and I have skimmed the topic, however not in depth. I hath seen Lucina the darloing make a post....


I shall make another post upon viewing once more.

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BBM was pretty quick to jump the gun, but I feel he's just blagged himself into a corner and is trying to climb out. However, that still can't be ignored, totally not cool. Mancer, enjoying your ride aboard the BBM-express? You didn't add anything new, and you're going by meta - besides, BBM's talked his way to death as town before, it's nothing to go by. Be warned though, BBM... I'm still watching you!

Also, everyone so mean for voting SHIN. I am not a jerk... sometimes!

##Unvote: Chump

##GroovyVote: Mancer

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^Liar. He is always a jerk.

I have trouble interpreting Elieson's posts. Thou art blabbering in FESpeak, and I know not what you are saying.

Too much doofus

My eyes!

I am calling Sho for Folgore Pink II or Folgore Blue II.

From viewing, I hath also made a hypothesis that scorri is Sho, due to frequent mention of hair. Fabulous Emo Bangs, anyone? Miller makes sense for that role as well, which makes me want to believe scorri.

Voting somebody with no votes on them when a good chunk of other people do have votes on them isn't the right way to go about things.

This I do not understand entirely. Surely we cannot just allow a buildup of votes on one person. Sigh. Day one starts can be irritating.


I believe that Elieson is making a mountain out of a molehill here. And doth everyone voting on BBM seem reasonable? To me, no. You all appear to me like you're acting in a manner as if BBM is obvious scum, and the notion simply isn't getting to me. Sure, he made one goof up, but why art thou acting as BBM is obviously scum, with reason based off an entire one vote? Haven't we previously discovered that this is usually a bad idea?

##Ribbit: NecroMancer

So you're all "I don't like BBM because of [rehashed reasons]. Hey, I don't like the wagon on BBM, we shouldn't vote him that fast just because we find him scummy. There are so many rehashed reasons even though I repeated others' reasons as well. Vote Mancer cause he's the last person who voted BBM."

He speaks sensibly. Just because he may be conceived as scummy doth not mean something along the lines of LYNCH LYNCH LYNCH. Art thou certain that BBM is scum? If not, why doth thou support a quicklynch on him so early into the game?

Anyway, I must go to the education center. I bid thee all farewell for now. I hope I shall not fall asleep there today.

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I would not be entirely too fast to take scorri's claim, Mainly because if Shojor is scum (LIKE HE FUCKING SHOULD BECAUSE HE IS AWESOME), claiming miller and whipping dat hair back and worth is pretty neat fakeclaim to make should any of the scums be knowledgeful of folgorelore.

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#1: It's not a quick lynch until he is closer to hammer, which, as I've already said, happens at 10 votes. Also, do you have anything to say about the other four players voting BBM?

#2: You're another one who's quick to jump to BBM's defence, yet does not read the thread properly enough to do so. Meta is only a minor point, and eclipse has already told me that BBM does that quite often, thus, making that meta bit a null tell. I'll quote that in the next post.

#3: How does BBM appear Folgore to you? Mind telling me how?

#4: Can you confirm that BBM is completely Folgore? From interactions, he leans scum to me.

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Elie, you're hugely misrepresenting why I voted for Baldrick.

I voted for Baldrick firstly because I didn't like how he voted for the Miller claim. I was going to unvote, but then Baldrick told me his reason for the Scorri vote. His reason for the vote was that he didn't want her to coast off the Miller claim. I kept my vote on him for this because he was voting Scorri for coasting, something she hadn't even done yet. It was something she might do in the future. Since I disliked this reason for the vote , I kept my vote on him (does that answer your question, Lucy?). My original reason for the vote wasn't that Scorri didn't react to the vote, it was that it was a vote that was unlikely to get anybody to react, because singular votes in RVS don't cause much reactions to the vote, at least from the person whom you're actually voting. It got a reaction from me, yes, but that was because I didn't like the vote. Placing bad votes isn't a good way to get people to react, if you're town. Not because they won't react, but because they'll be suspicious of you, which is bad for town because if people are focusing on you, they're not focusing on scum. Example: some of Elie's play in his earlier games as town where he'd purposely act suspicious in RVS to get out of it quicker.

Anyways, JB's reaction to my wagon was scummy. He agreed with the reasons behind the wagon by quoting one of my posts and rehashing the points that other people had made. Then he said that some of the people on my wagon were scummy for simply voting due to rehashed reasons.

##Unvote, ##Vote: JB

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I think BBM screwing up details is normal play. I kinda yelled at him for that last game after he started entertaining a silly idea because he forgot the results of his own role. The impression I have from BBM is "flailing", which is a null tell for me. His answers to the people voting him should give me a more solid read on him.

Well, the messing up details part is still a minor point. I'll wait and see BBM's and JB's responses before I do anything.

This goes to Shin and Frog to show that I've dropped my meta point against BBM.

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That response from BBM was more coherent, so I'm ##Unvote: BBM to ##Vote: Illuminate.

My reasons are all above, and they actually have been quoted by some players as well, so I think most players won't have missed them.

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##Vote: BBM

How are you gentlemen.

Some of your analysis seems incorrect, Baldrick had seemingly RVS-voted eclipse before that, and his comment while changing his vote to scorri did not seem to have a very serious tone for you to assume something like that so easily. A bit quick on the trigger there?

Or perhaps you want to start D1 serious modo earlier, which I have no quarrels with.

I find this RVS to have some pretty savory stuff to note.

Not that I'm going to write anything down from this, that'd imply I'm being helpful.

I thought this last line in Xinny's post meant that by "not writing anything down from this", she wasn't planning on taking it all that seriously. I suppose it might have been the PR talking there.

Also, I agree with Kay- Sho's made several posts in the game and hasn't said anything of value in any of them. What's more, he even had a post after the vote was placed on him, and instead of making an attempt to defend himself, he just comments on how his character should be scum. Then he votes Scorri just because he's assuming that she's Miller because her character is Shojor, and he's the actual Sho. Unless he's like CCing the Shojor character (and why would you since AFAIK Scorri hasn't even claimed her character), the vote is pretty useless at this stage in the thread. He also defends my wagon and doesn't even give any reasons for it- this is something scum do sometimes because they see a quickly growing wagon on someone who they know is not scum, and want to look like they were against that person being lynched, so that they can get townie points. Contrast this to Darros saying he didn't like the wagon on me- he actually gave a reason for it.

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To be honest, the amount of RPing in here is getting irritating, especially from Elieson, Sho and Frog.

Unless it's heavily demanded for by your PR, can you tone it down a bit...


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To be honest, the amount of RPing in here is getting irritating, especially from Elieson, Sho and Frog.

Unless it's heavily demanded for by your PR, can you tone it down a bit...


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