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Folgore Rangers Mafia -- GAME OVER


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To explain it simply, Lore wise Shojor (who you obviously are) makes perfect Miller or Godfather depending on how you look at it

How many times must I say that I think Shojor (who scorri obviously is or is pretenting to be) Makes perfect miller OR miller fakeclaim.

Stop bouncing and flavorspeccing. Please.

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Xinn, ok I get it but my point is why? You don't need to perpetuate useless discussion. It's like bringing Amelia in on your team; pointless and ineffective.

And for that matter, why is a single vote on you getting you so uppity? Does Shin's crit scare you that much or something?

My point with mentioning scorri could go whenever ,but we really shouldn't base it on her claim alone, is to make Sho look at other stuff and draw conclusions, since he hasn't really left that topic in forever.

Uppity? Shinori also voted me early D1 in SF2 mafia and kept his vote on me and continued to say he found me scummy throughout most of the game without ever explaining it too much, I wouldn't like him to repeat that behavior again.

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I have a read that I fucking hate Day 1.

I have nothing more to say about scorri deal other than ITS EASY AS ALL HELL FAKECLAIM TO MAKE AND HAS THE BENEFIT OF BEING MILLER CLAIM!

And elie, I only answer once questioned

People hitting my PR's on/off button is fun

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Ok Scorri claimed miller; canto we just pass[/u[over this and focusother things?

Sho, thoughts on units other than Scorri? Give us something sirius to work with that you haven't already touched upon.

Xinn, do you have a read on Scorri then that doesn't pertain to her claim, or does but is more based on the way she claimed? Also wrt the vote on you; I can continue without much concern due to your answer there.

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Ok Scorri claimed miller; canto we just pass over this and focusother things?

Sho, thoughts on units other than Scorri? Give us something sirius to work with that you haven't already touched upon.

Xinn, do you have a read on Scorri then that doesn't pertain to her claim, or does but is more based on the way she claimed? Also wrt the vote on you; I can continue without much concern due to your answer there.

|||Fix'd because I can't target punctuation

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Elieson what are you doing.

My thoughts on scorri is that her posts seem sensible and so does her claim timing, I don't have any suspicion on her right now and would like baseless speculation to stop at this stage.

This whole fuss about her miller claim would have quieted down much earlier, why do you complain and then keep inquiring people with regards to this?

Still, I'd like to hear from Mancer when he comes back, I'm waiting on that and other people that aren't dead weight to post.

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I only saw Sho and you discussing it, and now I see you asked the same thing I was.


##SoftReset (Unvote)

I continue to inquire because well, I want to know what's going on inside player's heads. Even if my swings are doing no damage, you should still be able to learn something from either myself or the people I'm going after.

Still awaiting an answer from Sho before I press my other buttons.

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I hate this part of game and suck at taking reads from it

So you're just waiting for something to happen?

Here's something.

##LunaCrit Sho

Just because you hate this stage of the game doesn't mean you get a free pass to do nothing.

In fact, answer me this. Why are you town?

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And Elie, I am town for the same reason you are for not toning that PR down when asked

Speaking of the Devil, Mancer THE FUCK YOU MEANT I NEED TO SHIFT DOWN MY PR BEFORE I USE THE FUCKING THING TO [censored because I am on a good mood]

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If I keep reading the thread and not responding, shit happened with my parents and there's arguing going on between people sporadically in my house.

I WILL make a proper reply sooner or later. I'm sorry about this. :/

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People need to stop having huge bursts of activity while I am asleep.

@Xinnidy: ISO my posts please, I had reads on quite a number of players and not just BBM and JB. I only linked up BBM as scum buddies because of how quickly and anxiously he jumped to BBM's defense. As JB admitted, he found BBM bad and scummy but did not vote him. I call that scummy behaviour and a little bit of buddying and hard-defending. That, as explained in that post is only a feeling and was never the main basis behind my reads on BBM and JB.

@Sho: Now you're getting very irritating. I'll have to say that from ISOing you, Sho, you have actually been going round and round around scorri's Miller claim and that was basically the only major thing you've ever said. What do you think of the other players, like me, for example?

Stop tunneling scorri and stop using flavour and character claims to scumhunt.

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Wow, Scorri did actually have a vote on her (I should really remember who votes for who). Regardless, voting somebody for something they might do in the future isn't a good reason at all, so I'm keeping my vote here for now.

Sparking discussion doesn't happen through votes for completely random reason. Perhaps your vote wasn't the best target of my mini-rant, but there were several people who were doing what I said and it kind of irked me.

This along with a few of your other posts gives me the sense that you are skimming. And I don't really like that. Just making note of this for future references.

In other words, I'm voting you because you're scum. Doesn't take a Sharpy to figure that one out.

Why do you seem so sure that he is scum? This way of wording and the tone of your post seems really off to me.

Not much of a fan of Mancer and Sho right now for posting without voting.

BBM seemed really quick to get serious mode going on Baldrick. What I really don't like it that he said that he would unvote, yet never did. He said he's openly okay with unvoting. He even says so in #44. Yet getting to #48, he's now okay with keeping his vote down. What changed BBM?

##Vote: BBM

This jump seems weird and I'm not too sure what I actually think of it at the moment. I definitely would like to hear more from you. Please come join us for more stuff.

He seems very hasty regarding his vote on Baldrick. I'd think that it is normal for people to have differing views about a Miller claim. Specifically, even I'd be suspicious ofa Miller claim. A Miller claim is actually one of the safestthings for scum to hide behind. The fact that you just voted for Baldrick just because he has an opinion that is different from yours makes me think that you're an opportunistic scum.

Second, and this is a much weaker point: I think that the fact that you flopped over your details such as eclipse's vote on scorri makes me think that you're scum either panicking, being stressed or miscommunicating. This is because you're normally very meticulous with your details and very rarely make such errors.

##Unvote: Shin

##Vote: BBM

This vote seems real sheepy but It's also Mancer which doesn't help anything. The vote is bad and the thought process is basically just mimicking what everyone else said.

I interpret this as buddying. I'll elaborate more on this later, but right now I actually think that you and BBM might be scum buddies given how you found him bad but decided to vote someone else you had no reads on.

I really don't see that as buddying. Also saying this really makes it seem kind of like an OMGUS, which also doesn't look that good.

I dont exactly mind if People get on my case. I am just pointing out Scorri has quite potentially class 1 fakeclaim there, customized to fool those who follow folgoreverse


And why yes, that was my PR.

Okay these two posts and a majority of the posts that you have posted about the miller claim I don't like. Seriously, it really makes me think that you are trying to make people paranoid of stuff that NO ONE should really be thinking about at the moment. Please stop with it. I don't care if you see it as scum hunting or not scum hunting but stop. This is not something that we need to talk about at the moment. We can talk about it at a later date when it becomes necessary.


After rereading everything and getting my thoughts more in place I don't want my vote on Xinnidy, I commented on liking the vote on her to get more of a reaction from her. Currently suspicious of Sho for a few reasons and part of it is the miller stuff and since that's about it at the moment I'm not gonna worry about voting him here. I expect things to change though. Kay needs to post more.

##Vote: Baldrick

So looking over Baldrick's ISO he has an RVS vote. A joking-ish vote on Scorri who claimed Miller and then an unvote. Frankly the only vote he has made that's worth anything in this game is his post #71 and even then it doesn't really have anything helpful in it. He basically mentions that BBM has nothing really on him anymore. Also Baldrick has yet to drop a serious vote on anyone which needs to change. Also he has no real thoughts on anyone in this game so far it seems which ALSO needs to change.

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Darros, take your time. RL can be a pain, and that's not your fault. I wish you the best.

Theoretical dayvig should shoot Sho for being utterly unhelpful and unpleasant. Go look at the case against BBM, and his response. It's an example of what should be happening during any given day phase (votes on someone, response, stuff happens, lather, rinse, repeat). Claiming ignorance of what to do is nonsense, unless Kamen Rider was someone else talking.

Speaking of, I don't think BBM's worth voting. The Mancer wagon bothers me a teensy bit, because of the people on BBM, I thought Lucina looked the worst (but it didn't bother me as much as Bananas, which is why vote is the way it is). Since I don't like being ignored, my vote isn't moving.

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Why do you seem so sure that he is scum? This way of wording and the tone of your post seems really off to me.

(off-game tangent)

Prims does this as well, which is why we always vote him off D1. It's something I'm more likely to file under PR than tell.

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I didn't ignore your post and vote on SB, eclipse, I just didn't see how SB was scummy and since I had other priorities, I posted and talked about them first.

You're not SB. Ignoring serious votes isn't my idea of good play.

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Oh. You mean serious votes on that person, right?

Right now, I'll ##Unvote: Illuminate and ##Vote: Sho.M.the.Tits.

I don't think JB will be able to respond very soon and I think that Sho has been coasting a lot by going round and round around scorri's Miller claim. He has based everything on scorri's Miller claim and posted and responded to people who talks to him about scorri's claim only. Either he knows something we don't or he's bring intentionally unhelpful.

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#1: It's not a quick lynch until he is closer to hammer, which, as I've already said, happens at 10 votes. Also, do you have anything to say about the other four players voting BBM?

#2: You're another one who's quick to jump to BBM's defence, yet does not read the thread properly enough to do so. Meta is only a minor point, and eclipse has already told me that BBM does that quite often, thus, making that meta bit a null tell. I'll quote that in the next post.

#3: How does BBM appear Folgore to you? Mind telling me how?

#4: Can you confirm that BBM is completely Folgore? From interactions, he leans scum to me.

#1: The votes have stacked up rather quickly despite that. A quick lynch still could have happened if the trend of "let's vote BBM because because" continued. Eli appears to be a paranoid sort. He seems utterly convinced that BBM is scum. I ask, where is the proof? The others either appear as sheep ((For instance Lucina)) or wishing for more information ((Xinnidy & Scorri))

#2: Meta is something I do not do. I think I've not played with BBM in the course of history, and if I ever hath done so, it hath been ages. The last game I hath played was FAYZ Mafia, and I do not even remember what I hath done before that.

#3: I believe BBM was searching for answers surrounding scorri. I believe his missing of Baldrick's first post. Tis an honest mistake. And his point about the RVS Stage is completely legitimate. He seemed to be interested in discovering answers from the RVS stage instead of "hurr durr lets vote randum pplz" and due to that he has generated a large number of votes on him. His actions at no time appeared to be against the town.

#4: Now what force in Guardia would render me able to confirm that? Of course I have no confirmations, but he appears not as scum to me, and just because someone appears as scum SLIGHTLY does not mean we should push several lynch votes on them. Unless of course you're simply believing Elison's SUPER PUSH, in which case thou art likely a sheep.

To be honest, the amount of RPing in here is getting irritating, especially from Elieson, Sho and Frog.

Unless it's heavily demanded for by your PR, can you tone it down a bit...

I shall do no such thing! I'm too tired to stop!

Fancy considering there has not been a single time I have used my PR in this game Mancer

Not even once Darros

Well then. Thou art a doofus.

Yes BBM, that's part of my PR talking. I apologize for any possible confusion.

@Darros: Calm down with the flavorspec jump, this is FR mafia, which was set up much earlier than the FR II came along, I'd assume this game only encompasses the 1st gen of characters, but either ways, the fact that a PR is entirely optional leaves room for people to act like they have a certain PR when it's not actually their PR, don't rely on it too much.

The whole deal with PRs is actually quite boring me, it is tiresome to try and interpret them. A couple hath bothered me, but the point that PR's can be faked or misinterpreted doth seem to be a good point, thank you Dame Xinnidy.

3. Don't scum hunt by flavor. This is lame.

Remember how people got on Proto's case last game for doing this?

'Tis annoying. When people drop hints to the character they happen to own it can be easy to peg them as a certain role. And knowing alignments of the characters in the story, conclusions can be drawn from there. It reminds me of the last game I played, FAYZ, where I decoded the quite obviously fake Role PM. I shall stop with attempts to deal with flavor in the future.

I hath nothing really to add that doesn't relate to the flavour fiasco that hath been troubling me. ((Read: I doth believe I hath discovered another role; however I shant tell due to it being solely based off flavor))

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Rapier needs to post. It's been 23 hours.

Also, Baldrick, Kay, scorri and Lucina have all been very unmemorable. I might look at these four's posts again soon to see if they might be scum.

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Darros, take your time. RL can be a pain, and that's not your fault. I wish you the best.

Thanks Eclipse. Things seem to have settled for now. My house is weird, things flare up and go badly in an event, and within a few hours everything seems fine again. It can get stressful at times because this happens often. But I think 'll have the rest of the night. Now to focus and post again if I have anything noteworthy to say.

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