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Do you want weapon weight to return?

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Not really; I've been doing fine without it ^^

I think the developers removed it because casual folk didn't understand how Weight affected your characters' avoid and ability to double attack.

However I also wouldn't mind if it came back.

Edited by VincentASM
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Very good question. Yes it adds more strategy but it also affects the balance of weapon types against each other and weapons within each type, arguably for the worse. Maybe if you had a system where you measured it against strength in a game like Gaiden with low stats all round but this has all the other problems of a low stats system. On balance, I think we're better without it.

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I'm easy. If it never comes back, great, if it does, that's fine too.

I think they just never really found a good way to handle it. I'd prefer it if they found a good method, but as it is it's no better than having none.

The GBA variant allowed both Iron and Steel weapons to have significant advantages over each other early game. But CON only grew when you promoted, which made the endgame really annoying. High powered Tomes and FE7's Legendary Weapons were really gimpy as a result. It really messed up Pegasus Knights at first too, losing 6-7 AS just by equipping a Javelin.

The Str scaling in PoR/RD made it quickly irrelevant due to how well it scaled as a stat. It was also had some annoying situations, like how Boyd lost AS with Iron Axes at first.

FE4's was... bad.

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For me it really did alter the game.

One of the reasons units like Hector were so remarkable is that his huge Con made him stand out- even if most people never realised that was why he was so good.

Now that con is taken out 'heavy' units like Knights, Great Knights and Warriors have lost a major edge they used to have.

The whole balance between Weapon weight and Unit weight is lost and I do miss it. You loose a sense of proportion within your team and it's simply another layer of complexity taken out.

It's also made Pegasus Knights way too OP, especially when you factor in their access to Galeforce.

Not having a weak con to balance them out just made them death machines, and nerfed Wyvern Knights and Lords

into pointlessness. There was no sense of risk and reward with Pegasus units like their used to be.

Their high speed used to be necessary to counter their awful con, now it just means you'll always be getting 2x hits

even right at the start of the game.

Then there's the issue of how OP all the dark magic spells are now, especially Nosferatu. I always liked that Dark Magic was

the strongest the heaviest and Light the weakest but lightest. Now that both the magic triangle and the constituion and weight system

have been taken out Dark magic has no drawbacks other then only being accessible by one or two classes.

Then again if it doesn't come back it's not the end of the world, I'm sure they can tweak the system a bit to

give more of a sense of balance betwen characters and weapons again.

Edited by Talvisota
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No. I think there just wouldn't be any good way to balance it.

For me it really did alter the game.

One of the reasons units like Hector were so remarkable is that his huge Con made him stand out- even if most people never realised that was why he was so good.

Now that con is taken out 'heavy' units like Knights, Great Knights and Warriors have lost a major edge they used to have.

You loose a sense of proportion within your team and it's simply another layer of complexity taken out.

It's also made Pegasus Knights way too OP, especially when you factor in their access to Galeforce.

Not having a weak con to balance them out just made them death machines, and nerfed Wyvern Knights and Lords

into pointlessness. There was no sense of risk and reward with Pegasus units like their used to be.

Their high speed used to be necessary to counter their awful con, now it just means you'll always be getting 2x hits

even right at the start of the game.

Then there's the issue of how OP all the dark magic spells are now, especially Nosferatu. I always liked that Dark Magic was

the strongest the heaviest and Light the weakest but lightest. Now that both the magic triangle and the constituion and weight system

have been taken out Dark magic has no drawbacks other then only being accessible by one or two classes.

Then again if it doesn't come back it's not the end of the world, I'm sure they can tweak the system a bit to

give more of a sense of balance betwen characters and weapons again.

Personally, I don't quite see it that way - female units in general got sandbagged hard by weight in the GBA games. And the magic triangle did next to nothing for strategy, but that's neither here nor there.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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The real problem with Pegs in 13 is more Pair Up IMO

See: Frederick!Sumia

Im kinda indifferent with the system. Sometimes, its a good way to put a limitation on a unit. Another time, we have the legendary unit that is 3 AS Excalibur Merric, or Steel Lance Pegasus Knight getting doubled by a Rescuing Hector

Edited by JSND
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The real problem with Pegs in 13 is more Pair Up IMO

See: Frederick!Sumia

Im kinda indifferent with the system. Sometimes, its a good way to put a limitation on a unit. Another time, we have the legendary unit that is 3 AS Excalibur Merric, or Steel Lance Pegasus Knight getting doubled by a Rescuing Hector

Special mention to Lyon and his single digit AS.

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I always figured that it would be a great addition if IS would just get their act together for once.

It gets me so mad, that they axed this feature just because they sucked so badly with it's inclusion.

Especially when they started with the GBA games. I can't comprehend why they would suddenly stop displaying the AS value. They always did in the old games.

And of course, they never ever told you about the relation between the values. Not even in the manual. No wonder people got problems with it.

And then they had the genius idea to have weight negated by Strength...

Anyway, Tear Ring Saga confirmed to me that it can work was wonderfully as I imagined, when one puts a bit of thought into it.

Edited by BrightBow
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Personally I would like to see it come back along with Con. I would however like to see a better availability of Body Rings so you can actually do something to counter acct the negative effects on certain units. And also as someone pointed out above, they really should have the effects of it explained better in game.

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It is terribly difficult to implement correctly and IS should focus on other, more worthy stuff + I like no weapon weight, sue me.

Edited by Peekayell
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No, because I now find myself no longer favoring swords over other weapon types. I think that while weapon weight did add some realism and strategy, it skewed the advantage of certain types of units.

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If CON comes back is should be different from class not gender

High speed classes like Myrmidons and Pegs would receive probably 5 con while heavy hitter classes like Fighters and Armors would start off with 12

Then for character mods the Pegasus Knight Cordelia would receive +1 starting CON while Sumia as the Speed and skill Pegasus would get nothing to her base CON.

As for my preference no weapon weight is the best choice. Female characters get shafted for some reason in a CON world. Female fighters and barbarians would hate to be in a GBA game.

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I really wouldn't like too see it back, it's always been really wonky in it's implementation whether it was directly taken off attack speed due to some types weighing more despite being inferior to some the lighter kinds. The con based system which favored characters sort of in the middle with good Str, Spd and Con rather than any at the extremes.

The strength based one punished weaker units(Like Vyland who's all around worse than Abel also is penalized more by a Steel Lance making him even worse) by not letting them use stronger/heavier weapons which does nothing but expand the void between good and bad units.

Edited by arvilino
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It is a nice feature that adds an element of strategy, and I particularly like it for giving the player a real reason to alternate between weapon choices even when stronger weapons are available. At the same time, I don't really mind not having it. If they could balance the CON system better it would work really well. In particular, S rank weapons don't need to weigh a damn ton.

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I'm not a fan of weight at all. D8 And I hate CON, too. I can't think of a single woman in FE8 who had a CON higher than 6, which is utter BS. Good riddance to both, I say. They don't need to come back. "OTL

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I'm not a fan of weight at all. D8 And I hate CON, too. I can't think of a single woman in FE8 who had a CON higher than 6, which is utter BS. Good riddance to both, I say. They don't need to come back. "OTL

Milady had a Con of 9 and Dorothy had a Con of 7. That's just the first two I bothered to check. Not sure if I have a point to this comment to be honest.

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If only there is also a CON stat and a growth for it.

Otherwise, no.

As much as I do like weight I think this is the best argument to not have it.

When you compare it to something like Movement which is pretty standard across all units.

Regular - 5 Regular Mounted - 7 Advanced - 6 Advanced Mounted - 8

Considering Con plays such an integral part in every single battle and varies so wildly from character to character I'd like to see them change it to be

more flexible.

Especially with what people have been saying about Gender- I never considered it that way.

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Milady had a Con of 9 and Dorothy had a Con of 7. That's just the first two I bothered to check. Not sure if I have a point to this comment to be honest.

Fe8 not 6. But Syrene has 7 in fe8 so there is one female with more than 6.

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Florina's 4 CON made for some interesting weapon choices on my part. By interesting I mean Iron Lance, Killer Lances, and Javelins always made up her repetoire.

I'm not quite sure what made IS thought adding 5 weight to Steel weapons from Iron weapons was balanced or a good idea.

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I'm not a fan of weight at all. D8 And I hate CON, too. I can't think of a single woman in FE8 who had a CON higher than 6, which is utter BS. Good riddance to both, I say. They don't need to come back. "OTL


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