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Rate the unit day 20: Nowi


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Nowi's start isn't 'iffy', it's straight up bad. She has 1-2, but no speed or offense worth mentioning. Needs Gregor or she'll get doubled and killed in her join chapter. Defense is the only thing she has going for her, and even that requires time.


Bases are really lame. She gets way too much hype for being invincible when it's really not hard to get her killed. She has the same base speed as Virion around 10 chapters or something later. She levels fast and has constant 1-2 range, but so does every mage ever who can fight well.

I don't see being 2HKOed by Dark Mage+Barbarian on her join chapter as "surprisingly tanky" either.



Yeah, because she IS terrible.


+ uhh, nice defense I guess

+ strong 1-2 range is cool



- Class set sucks in min maxing (You know it sucks when All Stats +2 is one of your best options)

- being invincible is her only claim to fame, except this is hard mode so she isn't the only one who is invincible.

- base stats are the suck

0/10 after bias.

All these (with some edits). 2/10 no bias.

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PKL congratulations you get the RTU starting on day 21.

Alright. I'll do my best :)

Bearclaw13: "Nowi requires very, very little work if you know what you're doing and you're not Olwen (LTC makes most units terrible)"

Because you've tried LTC yourself right?



Yeah, because she IS terrible.


+ uhh, nice defense I guess

+ strong 1-2 range is cool



- Class set sucks in min maxing (You know it sucks when All Stats +2 is one of your best options)

- Has terrible offense because of her speed (like she won't ever OHKO so her offense pales in comparison to: Tharja, Panne, Sully, Stahl, Sumia, Cordelia, Lucina, Chrom, Avatar, Vaike, Miriel, Lon'qu, Gaius, Gregor, Cherche, Anna, Say'ri and Tiki)

- Dragonstone is a terrible weapon in Postgame since it can't be forged

- is a loli (-1 bias)

- being invincible is her only claim to fame, except this is hard mode so she isn't the only one who is invincible.

- base stats are the suck

0/10 after bias.


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You have to buy her a tonic and then spend two whole chapters and even give her a pair up partner before she becomes invincible and fairly quickly proceeds to double most enemies and ORKO everything. 1/10. It would be like an 8, but it takes a tonic and two whole chapters to get her up to speed! That's clearly .78 points worse than Donnel who needs every tonic ever and the best pair up partner available and forges and a second seal ASAP and also 1.62 points worse than Virion who also needs tonics to not suck when he does manage to attack and also would like forges and also needs a second seal ASAP.

Wait, no, that's not right...

6 MOV is cool, minimal investment for a unit who can tank anything with 6 MOV and permanent 1-2 range is nice. Invincibility is unnecessary, and eventually everyone will end up invincible anyways because this is HM, but she absolutely has her uses, making her decidedly above average. 6.5/10, and I'll add +1 bias onto that because people are being ridiculously hyperbolic with their scores in this thread.

Edit: And why is this the first time I've seen minmaxing be a major part of a rating? I mean, I'm not inherently opposed to it, but it seems kind of fishy for it to appear during this whole thing... looking forward to getting past Nowi.

Edited by Rewjeo
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NOWAI starts with pretty mediocre (and that's generous) base stats but at least she has perma 1-2 range. Her durability takes a few levels to really get going, and she's never really doubling anything other than armours and some unpromoted stuff later on (maybe sorcerors too) which really hurts her mid-lategame performance and 6 movement is pretty terrible at anything past the Mila Tree. She does have a Wyvern Rider reclass, but then she just turns into a slow Panne with Resistance, which isn't horrible admitably, but Panne has a pretty large level lead and there's second seal competition and all that jazz, and reclassing her is taking away one of selling points. Also if you arrange the letters in NOWAI you get OWAIN which is a bad thing because Owain is a horribru unit, kind of like Nowi.

4-1 = 3/10 - she's a little better than other units like Gregor and the like, but her crappy speed is really bad for a mode where attack power and speed are kings, not durability. if this is for hard mode i forgot to check the op Thanks ZM.

Edited by General Horace
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Nowi! Everyone's favorite dragon loli!

Whoa! Manakete time!


Tank Potential

Decent Pair Up Partner


Low move.

Omg those bases...

Shaky start is understatement.

Nowi is your first Manakete. And super lolicon looking to boot. Dragonstone bonuses are nice but with her base stats, its still not that great. :(: Her base HP is hella low but her defense actually makes up for that. Despite the bases of Bleh, Nowi has passable defense at base. It just goes up from there. However, Nowi's speed disagrees and doesnt really get much better. lol. Even still, Nowi's start is really shaky. She works best as a support partner (which she can support with every guy first gen barring Chrom and spotpass.) As a main front attacker, at base, Nowi doesnt do that well. Her damage output is good but she may never really double without a speed partner. Her reclass options arent terribad but its unlikely someone is gonna put her as a mage with those bases. (or wyvern) But with enough levels in her, she can be ok as a wyvern. I usually reclass her after she hits level 30. As a Wyvern Lord, she has a high damage output and tanks like a beast. Saying Nowi lags in Hard mode is a bit of an understatement. But i never found her completely useless.

I AM USING MY BIAS POINT HERE!!! *glass shatters and a cat screams*

5/10 without bias.

6/10 with bias. I adore the Nowi. Shes fucking adorable and made a good waifu for my latest Avatar.

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I find Nowi unimpressive in Hard mode. Her durability sucks at first and is overkill once it gets going and it's hard to get her to double. Still, she does have that great durability, forever 1-2 range, and promoted foot unit Move from the beginning. 6/10.


(this is my vote too)

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Hah, have fun keeping this topic sane, PKL~!

Nowi's start is, um, bad. Due to her AMAZINGLY BLAZING Speed, she's prone to being doubled, and the enemies do non-trivial damage to her (I think it's something like 3 or 4HKO, even with Gregor in her pocket). If she gets her ideal Speed support (Lon'qu), and a tonic, she's sitting on a whopping 11 Speed, which isn't spectacular (but it will prevent her from being doubled). Reclassing her to Wyvern Rider gets rid of her innate weapon and requires an Arms Scroll to get out of melee lock. If her growths kick in, she'll tank damage nicely as a 6-7 move unit. I still despise 50% Speed growths.

6/10 (my dislike of her personality is canceled out by the single run where I used her seriously and she got the better half of the 50% growth)

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Hah, have fun keeping this topic sane, PKL~!

Hopefully it doesn't get too insane :p

NOWAI starts with pretty mediocre (and that's generous) base stats but at least she has perma 1-2 range. Her durability takes a few levels to really get going, and she's never really doubling anything other than armours and some unpromoted stuff later on (maybe sorcerors too) which really hurts her mid-lategame performance and 6 movement is pretty terrible at anything past the Mila Tree. She does have a Wyvern Rider reclass, but then she just turns into a slow Panne with Resistance, which isn't horrible admitably, but Panne has a pretty large level lead and there's second seal competition and all that jazz, and reclassing her is taking away one of selling points. Also if you arrange the letters in NOWAI you get OWAIN which is a bad thing because Owain is a horribru unit, kind of like Nowi.

4-1 = 3/10 - she's a little better than other units like Gregor and the like, but her crappy speed is really bad for a mode where attack power and speed are kings, not durability. if this is for hard mode i forgot to check the op Thanks ZM.

Using this as my actual rating because I quoted Lucina's just to get a laugh :P

Edited by Peekayell
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Nowi has bad starting stats, due to her being a manakete, therefore relying on a dragonstone for her stats (which thankfully helps her in all areas barring speed).

If you're willing to chuck a Seraph Robe her way to solve the HP problem, then level her up a few times and watch her growths soar. In my opinion, Nowi is just as deadly as Panne is; they're not the best in their base class (though I'd argue Nowi is better with a couple of levels), but once chucked into Wyvern Rider their growths are monstrous, they're mounted, and they'll butcher anything in their way. Because she's a manakete, I'd actually argue she's better than Panne.

One other thing; Manaketes are completely broken once you get Dragonstone+s. Unfortunately better than the Killer Rabbits...

8.2/10, though my bias rating is 7.2/10 because that outfit is just no

(I would've given her a -1.5 bias rating if it was allowed, but I'd cancel it back to -1 because her hair looks pretty awesome (seriously))

Edited by The Fush
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Hopefully it doesn't get too insane :p

Either tomorrow or the day after will be Tharja... good luck with that.

I'm totally waiting until the end of the day before voting for Tharja, or interacting with this thread >_> if you think today and Frederick were bad <_<

This will only get more fun when we reach the children!

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- Becomes tank with some training

- Good pair up partner

- Good defense

- 1-2 space attack range

- Decent growth

- Manakete class for the win


- Rocky start

7.5/10 without bias

8.5/10 with bias for having the most adorable personality and being a dragon.

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Have you been to the discussion thread.

I've been there.

oh, you think things are bad now

we still have a long way to go before hitting FE10 levels of fun

That pretty much sucks, because that thread has frankly turned into a cesspile and highlights just about everything that is bad with RTUs.

And oh boy, Tharja's turn is going to be fun. (And by fun, I mean the opposite.)

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Either tomorrow or the day after will be Tharja... good luck with that.

I'm totally waiting until the end of the day before voting for Tharja, or interacting with this thread >_> if you think today and Frederick were bad <_<

This will only get more fun when we reach the children!

The only problem with Tharja i can see cropping up is bias points. Other than that, should be pretty straight forward. (but i may be being a hopeless optimist...again.)

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The only problem with Tharja i can see cropping up is bias points. Other than that, should be pretty straight forward. (but i may be being a hopeless optimist...again.)

I would point you to the early stages of the tier thread but I doubt even RTU will be that bad <_< not that I would know.

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I would point you to the early stages of the tier thread but I doubt even RTU will be that bad <_< not that I would know.

Legault comes back from the grave to debate Chiki on Tharja's usefulness?

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