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Mafia Headquarters V4


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With fe6 mafia ready to go, I can prep signups and all that jazz tomorrow or something, so that way the game can get rolling by mid week

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I think that if I tried to make a Pokemon Black & White mafia the only roles would be Whimsicott and N, because they are the only things that matter.

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So exclude Jack Sparrow from the setup and everyone can set about finding the pirate traitors in their midst? Excellent! PoC flavour it is for my game. Prepare for treachery on the high seas!

EDIT: I should point out the setup is already done and discussed so it wouldn't be built around the flavour anyway. No worries about insane roles for anyone. Then again, it's bastard...

Edited by Bard
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Assuming Rapier gets back to me, I am actually in the early stages of planning a Fate/stay Night Mafia. Currently a 17 player-setup; again, co-hosted (presumably) by Rapier.

Please add it to the ideas queue for the time being until we've ironed details out.

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I am in very bad health right now and I'm taking another break for a month. I hope to host CM6 after that though. I'm trying to get the setup finalized between me and Manix and Rein but it's taking longer than I want to. I talked to Paperblade about the queue situation the other day, since this IS going to be an offsite game. Manix/Rein will let you guys know when the setup is finished. Sorry if I freaked anyone out on IRC, yeah I feel suicidal again and this is something I'm going to have to get therapy for in the next week. I'm sorry for causing trouble.

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I'm not going to feel better until I say this. I tried to hold it in because I know it's not necessary to say I guess? But I feel like I'm not going to sleep tonight ever unless I say it.

I don't like to be reprimanded publicly. I have said this time and time again and a few people still continue to do it, one of which has awknowledged to me before that they know I don't like it. But it isn't about me not liking it. Every time it happens I have an anxiety attack and want to kill myself. This is related to past trauma I don't need to talk about but despite me stressing this multiple times it still keeps happening. It has happened twice in a few weeks, by the same person. Names are not needed because I am not targeting anyone here, rather voicing that if this continues to happen here then I cannot be here anymore, or at least cannot play here anymore.

If you really have to call me out for something in a game, do it after the game, privately. Do it privately. Do it privately. Also if you really need to say something like you prefer to play with other people, fine. If you don't want to play with me just tell me.

That being said I'm still leaving for a month because this was especially bad and I have to recuperate. If you don't want to deal with this treatment which I need, that's all right, I just can't be here anymore. It might be better if I just left for good, honestly, because I'm just a liability to everyone here at this point.

Good night. If you feel like I might want to talk to you about this but I'm too terrified to approach you, chances are you're right.

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psa: my laptop charger just randomly decided to stop working, unsure if it'll fix itself or what. expect limited activity and lack of irc in the near future

edit: getting a low-end laptop loaned to me for a few days while we look into a new laptop (this one is dying anyway). will have skype, probably won't have irc. i'll see what happens

Edited by Isaac Dian
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redoing Shadows In Light (14-15) now, previous mechanics were just really dumb. unlikely to have experimental mechanics (which were mostly random chance mechanics and screw randomness)

since those notes were on my other computer (rip), I can't c/p them here for a reference point. basically it involves different players being Light or Shadow, and all active roles + mafia nightkill could only affect certain Light/Shadow players, depending. i just decided that while it would have fit flavor very well, it's literally a coinflip on whether anything worked at all, since claiming affinity out loud would just get you killed

it was like 10/4 or something, and from memory the setup was

[spoiler=setup]light 1-shot bp (changed to shadow on being hit)

shadow 1-shot lp (changed to light on being lynched)

light affinity switcher (flips own affinity and anyone who targets them at night at the start of the next day)

shadow 1-shot shadowvig (shot only counts if it actually makes an attempt on someone's life)

light shadowwatcher (disabled if affinity changed to light)

light lightcop (disabled if affinity changed to shadow)

shadow lightbackup (takes the role of the first light player killed, regardless of affinity)

light vanilla

light/shadow vanilla (randomly chosen at game start)

shadow vanilla

light shadowrolecop

shadow lightroleblocker

light non-consecutive affinity flipper (picks a target and flips their affinity. only works on players with the same affinity as the user)

shadow vanilla

something like that. might not have been exactly it but that was the gist of it.

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on indefinite hiatus. will not be hosting any games until further notice.

edit: if you want me to check games, send me a PM. whether I check it or not is dependent on my mental state.

Edited by Isaac Dian
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