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Mafia Headquarters V4


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when is the next game going up btw

idk I know P3 Mafia is next on the small queue but I may push it back due to reason

we'll see

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Mitsuki was eager for signups for the next game to start since she was trying to get another MotK player to come over and play, so hopefully it doesn't take too long :V

Anyway, I had 2 role PMs left to do before I joined ITTD and finally got everything finished for Guitar Mafia. I got it checked by Radiant Dragon, now how do I get it in queue? do I give the role PMs to him or somebody else or something?

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Clipsey never asked for role PMs when she checked P3 lol

I can throw up signups for P3 now if people want me to I guess

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I was checking through these now and I just noticed I changed the formatting midway, so I'll have to go back to rewrite some small things in a couple of the earlier PMs. I'll throw them over to Manix or whoever tomorrow once it's fixed.

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Numbers for Politics Mafia are 11/3.

Also, for VIGILANTE MAFIA (cross-site SF and MotK game) would people prefer to have:

a) half the players be from MotK and half the players be from SF

b) each slot is a hydra of one SF player and one MotK player (I would try to make each slot be one experienced player + one newer player)

The game will be an anon invitational either way, but a) will probably be a 16p game and b) will probably be either 12p or 14p, although since each slot is a hydra it'll actually be 24 or 28 players in the game.

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I like option b.

Could you even find that many players from both sites, though?

Edited by Sangyul
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Numbers for Politics Mafia are 11/3.

b) each slot is a hydra of one SF player and one MotK player (I would try to make each slot be one experienced player + one newer player)

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I like Option A because I'm a selfish jerk who doesn't work well with other people.

I like Option B because I want to see Refa be forced to work with other people.

In all seriousness ~probably not playing~ but I like Option B best.

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okay so uh I was going to look into finishing invitations for big NOCers today and starting it tomorrow but given that there are two new sign-ups threads I guess I should wait like a week?

Edited by Prims
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