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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 1: Three Days


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"Hmm... You know, I don't really want to spend any more money than I already have. Never want to leave your purse empty, you know? Might've gotten this iron lance forged but... that statue... I dunno, I feel stronger or something. I think it was worth it. We'll see though. We could just wander around for a bit. Go see if there's anything else interesting around." Taima shrugged. Placing the statue into her pocket, she started to head away from the wagon.

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An frustrated-looking Sheikah exited the stables, briskly making her way towards the vendor. She gave a brief glare at the girl just a touch taller than her she passed- Melanie, Sheikah, you need to know all of them immediately- and walked into the shop of interest. She was somewhat surprised by the small crowd gathered there with tomes and other items of sorts. "Don't tell me you've overworked this poor guy already," she spoke up, coughing a bit. "Need to... work on shouting less," she muttered. Sheikah scanned the selection quickly and grabbed a Lightning tome, putting it and enough to pay for it on the counter. "No enchantments for me, just the book."

Sheikah buys a Lightning tome with money from her vague amount of gold

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"Thank you, sir," Peter told the smith, before wandering over to the crowd by the enchanter's area. "Uh, hi everyone. I didn't get you name last time," Peter said, to Wolfgang. "Mine's Peter."
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Mel was surprised by the glare, giving Sheikah a slow wave. 'Ave I upset her? I 'ope not... Sheikah disappeared into the magic shop and as soon as she had, Mel spotted Taima and Diana off in the distance, leaving the wagon salesman. With a smile and some more humming she went over to them, sighing as she stopped in front of Taima. "Donc-- I mean, so. You got all you needed, yes? I managed to get zis book enchanted, zough, I still wish I 'ad somesing to test eet on. I would not feel right poisoning people unless my life depended on eet. Perhaps eet is not as bad as eet sounds. Maybe you 'ave a suggestion?"

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Wolfgang just stared into space silently afterwards, daydreaming, until one of his comrades went up to him, introducing himself as Peter. "Its a pleasure to meet you Peter. My name's Wolfgang Night, a wandering dark magic scholar. I'm guessing you finished with the purchases that you wanted to make?" replied Wolfgang.

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"It's almost like we're a dying breed or something," Lugos said with a slight laugh. "I just sort of learned I could use magic one day. I had a lot of free time growing up so I spent most of my time practicing my magic once I figured out I was best suited to anima. As for why I ride a wyvern... well my father was a messenger between Sloktan and the rest of the world and I... inherited Kralle from him. I wasn't just going to sell him so I figured I may as well take him with me."

"Oh, hey boss,"
Lugos greeted Sheikah when she walked in. "You alright?" Lugos asked, missing Sheikah's comment about shouting. "It wouldn't do if you got sick all of a sudden, being our boss and all."

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"I've got more than enough," the woodsman replied. He took a quick look around the shop. It seemed to serve as a forge to those who dealt with magic. "Hmm, a dark mage scholar. Can't say I've heard of any before." Or rather, I didn't really care about them, unless they were my employer. Which none were. "The forge is nigh-empty. Guess I'm the only one who had problems hitting things last battle." Which was horribly embarrassing. "What do you think of this company so far?"
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"Well, there are always more mysteries surrounding magical studies. I just want to learn more about what I practice." he commented, before continuing, " I had trouble hitting those creatures last battle too. If I can't hit beings with less intelligence, its bad news for me. So I decided to enchant my tome over here."

" I've been here for a short time, but so far all that I've figured out is that Declan and Melanie have some issues, I believe." Wolfgang frowned while saying so. Curse you Declan, for having an attention that's hard to grab! " I've known Diana for a while when we were working in that Irksan unit. She's a beauty, you know?"

Edited by Bluedoom
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"'tis a saying that the most dangerous person with the sword is the one that's never used it before, for his movements will be entirely unpredictable," Peter commented. "Perhaps those creatures were hard to hit because they moved erratically." He chuckled at Wolfgang's description of Diana. "Ah, yes, Diana. She's a nice enough lass, and reminds me more of a younger sister that I never had." A small smile formed on the woodsman's lips. "So, you say that you know Diana, but did you want to do more than. . .know her?" he asked, mischief in his voice.
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"Ah, Peter, you sly fellow! You really know how to make a conversation fun, don't you?" he replied, chuckling, and continued, "Yes I've been wanting to do more than that, but she has been rejecting my advances. I don't want to give up but *sigh* I guess I might soon. There are always bigger fish in the ocean to catch, you know! Say... have you been eying any of the women?" he asked, paused for a second, and then grinned, adding, " or the men, even?"

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As if to fuel the old wives' tale about such an action, Declan sneezed and whipped his head around continuously, perhaps searching for something or someone specific. Dammit... I must be coming down with something. Or, alternately, somebody's talking about me behind my back... he thought, as he continued to peruse the strange merchant's wares.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Balcerzak, February 20, 2014 - by request
Hidden by Balcerzak, February 20, 2014 - by request

(pls ignore, phone is being le shit)

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"AHAHAHA!" Peter couldn't help but laugh at Wolfgang's sentiments. "Thanks for the compliment, but these, ahem, ladies are a wee bit too young for me. I ain't a young buck like you! Gimme a woman with a little life experience to her name! Diana's a quiet one, that's for sure. Maybe my face scared her or somethin'. She seemed a lot more friendly with a guy called Declan. Dunno why that is, though. Still. . .if she ain't seein' you in the same light as you see her. . .well, don't go hangin' on her. The harder you cling to an unwillin' woman, the faster she runs away." Or, at least that's what I heard. Perhaps I'll find a woman my age that ain't interested in kids. Who am I kidding, my age is when they start clamorin' for a family, if they haven't already settled down. "When I talked to her, she seemed uncertain of herself. If ever she's in a situation where she's gotta make a hard choice. . .support her. That's the best advice I can give ya."
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"I'll note that down, captain! I hope she'll see me in the same light as I see her soon! You don't seem much older than me, Peter. I'm only 24, how about you?" replied Wolfgang casually.

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"I'm fine. Don't worry," Sheikah responded absentmindedly, brushing her hair to the side and fiddling with her ponytail. "I can watch out for myself. I can fight and lead, and that's all I need be concerned with. Soon the Angalans won't know what hit 'em. How are you? Not too tired, ready to go when we must, I hope. That goes for everyone, really. Kralle too."
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"It's almost like we're a dying breed or something," Lugos said with a slight laugh. "I just sort of learned I could use magic one day. I had a lot of free time growing up so I spent most of my time practicing my magic once I figured out I was best suited to anima. As for why I ride a wyvern... well my father was a messenger between Sloktan and the rest of the world and I... inherited Kralle from him. I wasn't just going to sell him so I figured I may as well take him with me."

"Oh, hey boss," Lugos greeted Sheikah when she walked in. "You alright?" Lugos asked, missing Sheikah's comment about shouting. "It wouldn't do if you got sick all of a sudden, being our boss and all."

"Ha, you can say that again," Artemis commented, a bit relieved now that the introductions were over with. "So you just sort of naturally picked up Anima magic, huh? Me, I was sent to some magic academy because apparently my parents were gifted magicians and they figured it ran in the family. Honestly don't know if I'd even be using magic if it wasn't for that. It's nice that you have such a great bond with your wyvern, though. I've been with Sigurd since I was a child, and we still don't get along too well..." Artemis sighed despondently. If only there was some way to know what her pegasus was thinking.

"Hey, Sheikah," Artemis said as she noticed their boss of sorts heading into the vendor.

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"What was it like at the academy? I've wondered from time to time if I'd be a better mage by now if I had attended an academy rather than teaching myself. Not much I can say about your pegasus problems. Kralle's always been rather cooperative, just as long as he gets fed. Guess I have my old man to thank for training him... Say, was Sigurd ever trained by, like, a pegasus trainer? That might be the problem."

"I'll be ready as soon as my tome gets forged,"
Lugos replied, angling his head to get a look at the counter. His tome was still there. Still not done, really? "Kralle though... well, unless he's already awake that's an extra battle for me I suppose."

Edited by Oersted
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"I'm 30, and I ain't gettin' any younger," Peter replied. "Gah, I feel like an old man in this company. Everyone seems so much younger than me!" And in Declan's case, he ACTS less than his age. Ugh, that kid! "Imagine back when you were 18. Now think of how much you've improved since then. You mages seem to get stronger as time goes on, so imagine how powerful you'll be six years from now!"
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" Its ok Peter, you're not that old, like I said. You've still got at least ten more years before age really starts to kick in! But I guess its true, us mages tend to get stronger as we grow older, but our reflexes decline, just like any other person who grows old. I wonder though, why are you working in a mercenary company? I thought people at your age want to settle down." replied Wolfgang.

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"Hey, give the guy a break, he seems to have done a lot of work today. You guys were all wanting rest after some hard work. Enchanting isn't easy, I gave it a shot once back when I helped the shop at home, and I wasn't very good! Wasn't disastrous or anything, I just didn't have any skill. Oh well. I'd imagine it takes years and still take a lot of effort." She seemed amused at his wyvern issues. "Extra battle? Come now, being prepared is half of any battle. Can't do much if you aren't ready, after all."

She turned to the newest recruit after. "Hello, Artemis. Are you doing alright? Pegasus issues are never a good time, huh? Privia was well-trained when I bought her, so I got off luckier than most, and she's competitive too. That usually works out for me. And hey, you should have a bit more confidence in your magic skills, you did pretty well out there. I'm sure you could've learned at least a little even if you weren't taking classes for it. I'm self-taught with light magic, but when I tried to learn how to use lances from... from someone, I was sort of a joke. I wouldn't mind trying again some day, though." She seemed a bit flustered at her last statement, shaking her head.

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"I ain't fond of children, and I wouldn't know how to raise one, anyway. 'sides, ever try talkin' to a single lady my age? They're ALL about findin' a man to have kids!" All I remember of ma and pa was the latter beating the former while he was drunk. No way I'm gonna do that to anyone else. I know there've been times when I got drunk, and don' remember what happened. The best thing I can do for my future kids is not to have them. "You're still young, but you got your eye on a nice lady. Ever think of settlin' down, whether it be with her or someone else?"
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" Settling down? I never put much thought to that. I've wanted to travel all over the continent and learn many things, so it would be nice to find such a partner. I don't think Diana's the traveling type, personally." he replied. Or Declan, for that matter... he seems to be stuck in his past a lot, I don't think its easy to travel with a light heart everywhere when you're in his shoes.

" So how long have you been a mercenary? Did you always want to be one? And by the way, what weapons do you wield?" Wolfgang asked.

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Taima shrugged. "Seems to me we're like as not to be in a battle soon enough. No need to waste you tome on some innocent thing when there'll be people trying to kill you that you can use it on soon enough." She stretched a little and rolled her neck out. "Mmmm though I wish we had the chance to have a break for a while. Body can only take so much."

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"Eh, what the hell else could I do with my life? It's not like I was born to a family that was rich enough to have me tutored or anything. I started out huntin' for game to help one of the inns, and it just kinda turned into mercenary work from there. Got me out of the house, and kept me fed, so it ain't all that bad. I usually use a bow," Peter said, motioning to the weapon on his back, "but I got an axe 'cause some idiots think it's cute to smack the archer in the face. I think it's cute when they get the business end of a melee weapon. So how 'bout you? Surely there's safer ways of seein' the world besides throwin' yourself into danger!"
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" Well things seemed to have gone your way, eh? Well, I starter learning dark magic since I was, I guess ten? When I was thirteen my parents sent me to an academy. Oh, those were fun times. I too wasn't from a rich family, so when I got out at the age of seventeen, I went into an artifact selling business. It didn't work out as planned, and I wished to learn more about dark magic, so I joined the Irksan army to get access to the Royal Library. Then well, I got stuck among those monsters, and you guys came to help me. I've got no idea where to go on from here, so I think I'll stick with this group until something interesting pops up... that might take a while. I've got to earn my bread too, you know?" replied Wolfgang, in a more casual, disinterested tone. It wasn't a walk in the park, trying to figure out your next step.

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