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Favorite "Low Tier" Units


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I put low tier in quotations because I want this to be based off of your opinion; more specifically, who is your favorite character in the FE series who you feel either:

A) Gets shafted in the stat growths (i.e. Has Jeigan-like growths)
B) You feel is just underrated and disliked for no -real- reason (i.e. weaklings, characters who are thought to be unreliable 99% of the time, ect)

and why do you like this character?

I'll even start.
My favorite FE unit of all is Matthew, a thief of Blazing Sword fame with low stats and very unreliable growths, from an appearance anyway. What about him makes him so great in my eyes? Legault has higher/better constitution, (base) strength, and growths for the most part, and Jaffar outclasses both of them, especially if you didn't train either one.

Well, I have many reasons. In addition to red/green being my favorite color combination (followed by blue/red, black/red & blue/black), I really enjoy his back-story. Not only does it make you feel some sort of sympathy for him, I feel it really shows his character development and loyalty to Hector and Ostia in general, despite this way of life resulting in the demise of his loved one. Not only that, but his A support with Serra is hilarious, and I feel it really gives him the closure he deserves. Also, Matthew's Nightmare has to be my favorite Rage Hack of all time, just because of how funny it is.

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I guess I'll be the first to point out that Matthew consistently scores very highly in tier lists, as far as I know :P.

For me it's Ests. Ross, Ewan, Amelia, Donnel. All of them are bad units, but I enjoy using them anyway. Something about taking a unit who starts weak and ends up good (or in Amelia's case, just starts out weak) is fun.

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Akaneia : Astria

FE4-1 : Azel

FE4-2 : Johalva

FE5 : Marty Party

FE6 : Ray

FE7 : Pretty sure Dart isn't too high

FE8 : Dozla

FE9 : Shinon

FE10 : Volke

FE13 : who cares when you grind but I guess Gregor, Henry or Donnel

Edited by Woodshooter
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I guess I'll be the first to point out that Matthew consistently scores very highly in tier lists, as far as I know :P.

For me it's Ests. Ross, Ewan, Amelia, Donnel. All of them are bad units, but I enjoy using them anyway. Something about taking a unit who starts weak and ends up good (or in Amelia's case, just starts out weak) is fun.

Does he? I guess I'll just resort to my second point then, aha. For me he's always ended up with really bad stats, with one exception (granted, it was thanks to RNG abuse). I also remember once when he was on a forest tile, and still got hit with Zagan's steel axe and died. I didn't pick up FE for weeks after that.

I've always loved the trainee's, but Ewan is my favorite from that herd.

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I like Rebecca

A lot

not like that, though

I also like using the Trainees in FE8, Archers in general, Azel in FE4, and Nino in FE7(she's the one Sage I use in almost every run).

Edited by shinpichu
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Doga- Because he chokes points and is awesome because he's Doga. Also because in this Reclass SOYO draft I did, he was the best Sorcerer ever.

Astram- I like him because he reminds me of a grown up Link, basically. Give him the Master Sword to make the vision a reality!

Atlas- Because he's the only villager on Celica's route, his growth rates are lame, but he's still the manliest dude around. Keep on shrugging, bro.


Every low tier unit in FE4- Can't think of one I don't like, really. My favorite is probably Arden though, one step closer to General!

Marty- There's no party like a Marty Party! Also there was once this really amusing picture of Marty holding Mist and her horse which made me like him more.


Rebecca- I don't even know why, really. Usually early game archers are so lame and unappealing.

Karla- Mostly because she looks cool and has an interesting personality. I like fatalistic people, they're cool.

Leila- Despite being literally unuseable, she's pretty cool.


Dozla- Gwahahahaha! He's just a cool dude, and I like berserkers in general, so it's only fitting that I like him. No love for you Ross you take way too long to get there.


Shinon- He's a total jerk, and I love him for that. It's nice to see someone who doesn't think the main lord is the bees knees for once.

Nephenee- First playable soldier! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Largo- World class unit, right here!

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I have quite a list!

Akaenia: Darros, Matthis, Biraku, Wolf and Zagaro (FE3 only), Matthis, Yubello, Samto, Lorenz, Maria, Est

Jungdral: Ardan, Alec, Tiltyu, Johan, Tristan, Corple, Ronan, Miranda

Elibe: Wolt, Barth, Wendy, Sophia, Garrett, Wil, Treck

Tellius: Meg and uh... everyone else seems pretty decent.

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This is what she looked like on my first playthrough. Obviously I can't prove it on FE8, but the only statboosters I used on her were a Body Ring and a Dracoshield. She capped Strength at 20/12 and Speed at 20/15. When I used her, I was thinking, wow, IS knows how to make earlygame archers somewhat useful for once. Then I compared her stats to her averages on SF and realized that all of her stats were above average...

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Farina is most certainly definitely not low tier. I'd be surprised if she wasn't high tier, although she probably is mid tier so I guess I'm surprised.

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I always love taking units that start with low stats and making them awesome, which is what I like to do in pretty much any game. It also makes fire emblem slightly harder since you got to feed em kills and stuff so it makes it fun to try and plan that. I don't know tier lists that well, but I definitely enjoyed nearly maxing Titlyu (or whatever her name is) on my first run of FE4. Astra was also fun to train, though in FE9 and 10 bonus exp makes it much easier. Nino and Amelia are awesome (to me) as well.

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Tiltyu's not that hard to train because she can Wrath her way through the Arena, and you can even give her the Elite Ring if you're playing slower. Who the fuck is Astra?

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Caesar is pretty cool, but I'm not sure how high he is

So much Beowulf for Jugdral

CHIN has actually done very well, and Brojay

Rebecca can be really good, same with Dart and Nino



I will never forget now.

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