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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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##Vote: Mango/Poly

You made everyone else think I was scummy last game after I subbed in, so you deserve to be lynched, sir! :<

I like the sound of the Hundred Eyes Restrict Deck.

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I like the sound of the Hundred Eyes Restrict Deck.

I'm probably considering anyone who picks not-Pharoah scum j/s



##Vote: Eurykins

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Psshhhaaa. Pharoah's way too mainstream, imo. And I mean, seriously- Part 3 of the deck? Whatever happened to Parts 1 and 2? I don't care for incomplete sets, or starting somewhere in the middle (and that color tied to the text I don't care for either, despite it not meaning anything anyways).

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I bet if REIN was here he would pick Elemental Hero Batman, so obviously nobody should pick that one.

@Poly- ZM already tried a mafia game and didn't like it much and ended up subbing out partway through.

##Vote: Prims

I can't read Prims, and people I can't read must die.

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##Vote: SB

if you really cared you'd explain why it was scummy so people would listen to you and we'd get somewhere with the game

every time I've voted SB ED1 lately he's flipped scum, sheep me on this

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##Vote: Shinori

Laziness to read the thread when there's >20 one-liner posts is anti-town mentality.

FoS Prims for harping on SB not explaining things to move the game further and proceeding to keep jokeposting right after.

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well I'm not scum so you have some sort of problem but mostly I was just making the post as a further jokepost in response to you complaining about jokepost.

that said:

1) my question to shinori wasn't a total waste of space since it's something he can respond to

2) my case was never "jokeposts are scummy", I thought SB seriously considered my reaction suspicious (for ED1) but withheld explanation when doing so wouldn't benefit town

why is Shinori a better target than Kay or Randa just because he made a remark about the pagecount (something I've seen people of all alignments do) btw

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well I'm not scum so you have some sort of problem but mostly I was just making the post as a further jokepost in response to you complaining about jokepost.

I was aware, but replying at the jab wouldn't have gotten anywhere.

Voting for Kay or Randa atm would be voting for lack of content. There's nothing to even grasp at unless you want to say Kay's Shinori vote is grasping.

Shinori's complaining about the pagecount when we're barely even starting indicates mentality of either noticeably apathetic town or uninterested scum. If he's town he can read this and step it up.

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Clarifying: I'd see "legit" page complaints coming from players who arrive late to the thread and don't have the time to dedicate to reading much in mafia because they're busy. This instance is an apathy complaint.

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Vhaltz, do you think apathy is anti-town or pro-scum? Then can you explain whether you think Prims is being anti-town or pro scum.


Scorri is hiding something I JUST KNOW IT.

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Because I was asked over Skype a few times;

A side note, when a player dies, their current hand is revealed in their flip.

Also flavor hunt at your own risk. I've made villians town and heroes mafia before, so this game could use any combination of anybody mentioned in the show as an in show character of any alliance.

Use that information however you choose.

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