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If I would have done a trip to :Australia: , which five places besides "Ayers Rock (Uluru)" and "Sydney Opera house" do you recommend me to visit and why?

Umm, no...? I don't even think dead religion counts...?

I had something more in mind like those myths about creation and/or great epic battles or some such...

Can you believe this is the first time I've ever heard of Neo-Nazis?

Unfortunately, they still exist.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being insanely normal and boring, 10 being Richard Simmons level awkward), how awkward of a man would you say you are?

What does the fox say?

Are you the type of person that'd use poisons/chemicals in a big fight (that'd likely result in the loser being hospitalized/killed, and assuming you have easy access to weapons like that) without rules, even if it's something like sleep gas or tranquilizer darts?

What personality traits do you look for among the friends you make?

Would you rather die than be blind for the rest of your life?

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Umm, no...? I don't even think dead religion counts...?

I had something more in mind like those myths about creation and/or great epic battles or some such...

Can you believe this is the first time I've ever heard of Neo-Nazis?

Everything I know about the great Hindu epics suggests they're amazing.

No, I can't believe that. Then again, I knew in year 8 someone who'd never heard of Hitler...

If I did a trip to :Australia: , which five places besides "Ayers Rock (Uluru)" and "Sydney Opera house" do you recommend me to visit and why?

Why would you even want to visit Uluru? It's sacred, so it's not as though you can climb it. It's also too far away from the Opera House for you to realistically visit both in one journey. Stick to the east coast.

Australia doesn't really have many big landmark tourist attractions per se. I'd struggle to name five. But you'd still enjoy yourself.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being insanely normal and boring, 10 being Richard Simmons level awkward), how awkward of a man would you say you are?

What does the fox say?

Are you the type of person that'd use poisons/chemicals in a big fight (that'd likely result in the loser being hospitalized/killed, and assuming you have easy access to weapons like that) without rules, even if it's something like sleep gas or tranquilizer darts?

What personality traits do you look for among the friends you make?

Would you rather die than be blind for the rest of your life?

It strikes me that being very awkward is, in fact, far more boring than being 1/10 awkward and, you know, charismatic. I would give myself a three or a four, because I've been known to get anxious and make faux pas. I'd much prefer a one.


In all the fights I've been in, this may shock you, but I've never had access to tranquiliser darts. I don't like poison, but I'd use it if it was life-or-death for me or for a mate.

I don't 'look for' any personality traits. If we get along, we get along.

No. There are very few things worse than death.

Who do you think will win this world cup?

Germany are favourites to my mind. I'd like it to be Germany, at any rate. I really don't want Spain to win it and I don't think Brazil have what it takes.

YuGiOh or MtG?


Did you murder Rita?


favorite fe4 character


when should i revert to being integrity

On the 16th.

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We sure don't have it :v

Everything I know about the great Hindu epics suggests they're amazing.

No, I can't believe that. Then again, I knew in year 8 someone who'd never heard of Hitler...

I think and hope, he only hasn't heard the term "neo narcism" yet.

Why would you even want to visit Uluru? It's sacred, so it's not as though you can climb it. It's also too far away from the Opera House for you to realistically visit both in one journey. Stick to the east coast. Australia doesn't really have many big landmark tourist attractions per se. I'd struggle to name five. But you'd still enjoy yourself.

I only mentioned Sydney's opera and Uluru, because they are famous. I know, there's a distance of almost 3000 km.

To be honest, I thought about some cities and national parks, because :Australia: has an unique animal world.

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They look interesting.

Oh a question, here's one:

First video game you remember playing? How old were you? How far did you get?

Edited by Raven
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They look interesting.

Oh a question, here's one:

First video game you remember playing? How old were you? How far did you get?

My father was and still is more of a gamer than me, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was very early. The first I have specific memories of was EverQuest at around the age of around four or five. You would doubtless be shocked to discover I did not get far.

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Do you know any martial arts?

MisterIceTeaPeach = Nope, I'd never heard of Neo-narcissism before... I didn't really think it could get any worse than one of those narcissists with a dangerous superiority complex...

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How does one such as myself, ascend to levels comparable to that of which Integrity was born as?

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I respected chiefly because she wouldn't put up with any of the main's shit. Pretty much alone in that regard, in fact.

She wasn't actually particularly good in gameplay terms, but eh.

Isn't that always how it is? The likeable character is shit for gameplay and the character best for getting through the game is a tool?

Tales of Lloyd

How does one such as myself, ascend to levels comparable to that of which Integrity was born as?

> Implying you're not the bestest most_member here

Edited by Kaname
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How do you feel about the fact that people started another fad from your topic? :v

I feel cheapened.

I will only answer this thread when all other ask threads are on the second page.

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... Actually Vashiane has like the entire Hello thread bandwagoning it, so I think I might have to just give up on that one.

Still waiting for the others to be cropped out of frame.

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