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Reclass Mafia! Postgames are too much effort


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okay so

since cam was nightkilled, this makes randa more suspicious in my eyes. cam was basically on top of randa during most of late phase so scum might have taken him out to "protect" randa

why are you singling out Randa, Cam had attacked SB too and said he was likely scum (okay, in an indirect way)

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Ace's recent Beli vote doesn't sit well with me. Her issues with FFM and Beli are their lack of posting, which aren't superb cases in themselves, but why is Beli > FFM when she notes that FFM promised upcoming content, whereas Beli made no such commitment? The reasoning here doesn't reflect her lynch priority, and it's also odd in that it doesn't consider FFM or Beli's words and rather just their recent lack of them.

I wouldn't call this surely scummy behavior, but it's not ideal scumhunting.

A prod vote loses what weight it does have if it's moved to someone else. Beli likely didn't even see your previous vote before this one, and we know he didn't post a reaction.

As it stands, Ace changing her vote after SB's post just reads like appeasement.

Why is this an issue? Newbie players are just as likely to roll scum as experienced ones in any game, so being led to a mislynch is inevitable. . . unless you have reason to believe there's a higher concentration of scum in the experienced players here?

Cam being town doesn't make his reads right, so trying to clear or otherwise determine the alignment of people who sheeped him based on this is extremely limited in effectiveness.

This post by Kinumi feels insubstantial. I see two game-related thoughts expressed in it:

1. Kinumi thinks Randa is probably scum because Darros was lynched by the influence of Randa's scumbuddies. Without a vote analysis that specifically points to people on the Darros wagon as possible scum through interactions, there's nothing that makes Randa more likely than not to be scum.

2. Kinumi agrees with the FFM cases. Nothing original. At best, a reason to sheep an increasingly popular FFM wagon later down the line.

##Vote: Kinumi

I see post padding, a case that's realistically unsupported, and an attempt to set up an easy wagon hop.

Going to go over the FFM cases in the morning. He has a tendency to become a popular lynch for the first days of every game I remember, which has been more likely than not to lead to his mislynch.

I can agree that newbie players are just as likely to be scum as a veteran player. It could be possible that newbie scum could be laying low waiting for the night phase to NK an experienced vertex town player since building a solid case around may prove difficult if unable to sway the town vets of its credibility. An experienced vet scum would also likely have inside information on who to target for the night phase. Or scum could seek to take out too wary townie under the pretenses that they are scum laying low.

Ace, why do you only ask Kirsche (and mention Cam) about this? iirc, me, Bear and Beli are also responsible for it.

now, then,

@GP, I guess I should have included links, but will be doing that this time,


this is SB's post to which Poly reacted in this post (okay, I had made a mistake, I thought SB had voted there too)


which obviously was a terrible reaction

and the next thing I asked was is Randa's vote on SB


to which SB reacts with


and the real question is, what is your take on these reactions, GP?

@Randa, you say I should have voted SB, but what do you think it would have achieved?

the way I see it, it would have done nothing better, but I would like you to try and prove me wrong

and as for your point about me distancing myself from either lynch, what is your take on me saying "I wanted Darros lynched and will vote him before I leave"?

now off to bear hunting

@Bear, I would like you to respond to my question regarding who wouldn't have been an inactive vote, but would have helped finding scum for me, cause for now, your post about saying me being weird looks like easy content. While you are at it, do mention how you think it would have helped cause Randa's points about why I should have voted SB are also easy content.

##Vote: Bear

also, the inactives should really get in here

Of the votes on Darros, Beli's, Kinumi's and Lucas's all look funny to me. Beli's seems like a quickly put together vote without a very good read on Darros. Kinumi's and Lucus' s votes look more suspicious due to the manner in which both wagoned on Darros, Lucas's vote being the swing vote, to which Randa decides to ensure that he doesn't get lynched by voting Darros. Near the end when Darros said he was town, I considered unvoting, but I also wasn't sure if it was a scum fake claim.
Regarding SB's wallpost: his Kinumi case is good and sheepable, her reads are pretty easy and I think that she was holding her vote at the end of last phase to see which one of Darros/Randa she should vote for instead of just placing it on the scummiest one right off the bat.Still not seeing the FFM suspicion though, his defence is probably the only questionable thing about him imo. He never said he had a scumread on you, he just called you defensive. The fact that you interpreted it as a scumread kinda proves that you are being defensive. Maybe he is echoing others, but even in choosing who to echo you are putting effort into analysing the game. He does need to make a content post now though, but he's not the only one that that applies to right now and there's worse offenders than him.The rest is well justified townreads, though I can't say I agree with all of it. It's nice to finally get some effort into this game (and yes SB your presence before this was very weak), so I'm a happier with him.This bugs me a little as you were one of the ones who swung the lynch in Darros' direction. What do you think of the people who voted Darros then, which voters are the opportunistic scum and why?Well that ended up being a waste of time. Not sure what to make of this post as a whole as it's pretty much just appeasement to SB. Ace, do you still find SB suspicious? If not, why and who aside from FFM is (because apparently Beli isn't actually a scumread)?Doesn't that make FFM worse then, as he should know better? Also is PKLucas only scummy because he's been sheeping Cam because that's a really weak scumread to start D2 off with.Man I was happier with you but this just hit the reset button, the stuff you wrote about Blitz is good enough for a vote but instead you voted an inactive even after you said it achieves nothing.Speaking of Blitz, he seems to have forgotten Sb entirely as well. I agree that SB is better but for holding your vote on him for so long you don't seem very keen to analyse his stuff.GP's and Juliette's stuff is fine, nothing too disagreeable I suppose. I would comment on how GP didn't mention Beli but Beli hasn't posted in forever and should probably get a prod. Those needing content posts (Beli/PKL/FFM) should start by analysing Ace's recent posts, the FFM cases and the Kinumi cases. Kinumi needs to actually commit to a read with a vote, I know she says they're not strong but it's important that you put your money where your mouth is and she isn't doing that.##Vote: KinumiKinumi > Randa >> SB > Beli
Looking at FFM'S recent post, I'm not very confident in a FFM lynch, I'm also don't completely agree with vote prodding inactive players, especially Koneko given how little she posted before Rein+Juliette subbed in. I was starting to consider looking into a Koneko case. Tho SB going for FFM right off the bar for D2 seemed reasonable given his suspicions against FFM. His D1 votes against Poly early on made sense to me, trying to gage how Poly would react to the vote to see if he let out a scumtell. I would like to hear SB's thoughts on FFM'S recent post before pursing any further. And also at that time, I found Darros to be the scummiest to me before his last post stating to be town and consideration of a last minute unvote on my part.
Kirsche - Seems town, cute and trusting face. 10/10.

PKLucas - A lot of passive post language, especially early on. Kinda sheeped Day 1. Leaning town.

Janus - Cam being the first kill makes him look awfully suspicious, though that could be the intention. Only other thing I'm seeing out of the ordinary with Janus is the swing when he and Darros were close in votes. Leaning town.

Ace - Only one consistently harping on my "overreaction." Has mentioned it in quite a few of her posts and considering I probably should have been one of the easier targets last phase it feels like a mafia push. Leaning scum but not dedicated to it.

Kinumi - Posting a lot of filler things that aren't part of the game (I forgot about the game, I'm going out with friends). I don't understand it. The vote on Darros in the "I forgot about the game post" put Darros at L1 and just didn't make sense in the context of her post (she said Darros was focused on defending himself when he really didn't even try to). Probably mafia.

##Vote - Kinumi

I wasn't harping on your reaction, it was my main point in disproving Green Poet's case against you since I didn't agree with it.


Both Lucas's and Kinumi's wagon votes have never sat right with me, though Kinumi is looking more suspicious than Lucas rig by now. The only problem I had with his was that scorri had to prod him. I also dislike how Kinumi didn't mention who she suspected where Randa's scumbuddies were. Also feels like sheeping on FFM.

##Vote Kinumi

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FFM: How has Blitz's content been waffly. I skimmed over his ISO and it really doesn't feel that way? And why is Blitz's prodvoting different to Ace's attempt at one for example? Missing phase end itself wasn't scummy but it was the fact you came back to say "oh I was sleeping" then did nothing after that, and it kinda reminds me of FFTA where you always said when you were going to go out/sleep/whatever when you'd never done so before.

I don't really understand Beli's last post. His PKLucas and Randa reads imply they've done scummy things but then he writes them off as town because ???. Can you explain?

I'm also confused at why FFM's last post suddenly made Ace get cold feet and then jump to another wagon? It kind of feels like that's all she's doing this game.

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@Kirsche, I haven't forgotten Kirsche and my thoughts on SB at the moment is that he is a Jennie who will magically appear every time someone who is town mentions him and will appease us with his services. (was trying to see if he would get in here by himself)

I also have another thought on him, but I would prefer keeping that to myself regarding his wall post

Actually not a bad point, the only problem I think of is that SB also brings up cases when he defends himself.

now for the main event

@Randa, what you said about my point could be addressed to anyone who didn't like my vote is WRONG. It can only be addressed to anyone with WEAK content and almost no scum reads like yours and Bears. If Kirsche has a problem with it, I obviously cannot address this point.

Ok so let me correct my statement. Your vote could've addressed to anybody who disagreed with your vote/the timing of it, except for Kirsche. Unless you think somebody else in this games has strong content. And I'm the last person, you should be calling out for no scum reads. Mine might change as the game goes along, but you haven't really even given any. Irc you think SB is scum, later in this post you say you thought Darros was scummier than SB, I'm gonna look back to see if you ever mentioned him (though I really don't see the point in lying about thinking town was scum and I probably just missed it). Did I missing anything else from yesterday. If not that's not a whole lot of scum reads.
next you say I should Prod vote a lurker, but isn't Bear being a lurker too atm?

also, aren't you one of the people who was arguing that I should use my vote to find scum? since that is exactly what I am doing, why are you more interested that I prod vote?

I'm gonna clarify here, because I might not of chosen my words well at the time. Now would be the correct time to prod vote. More so than normal considering that we have people who essentially skipped the second half of day 1.


next up, that Prod vote of mine (with less than 24hrs left) worked a lot better than you think, cause thanks to that, we are having this conversation now

I don't think this was what you intended to have happen, but I will concede it spurred conversation.

as for if I was voting SB, he probably just would have made that wall post he did earlier BUT what is important is, WHY would you care if SB was voted, he wasn't even one of your scum reads?

ALSO, tell me what more content could have been obtained if I voted SB. And for the record, I found Darros worse than SB, so I would have preferred a Darros lynch anyways.

At that the time we would've discussed someone who people had voiced suspicion on. It would've sparked discussion that might've made something happen in the last third of the phase. But that also seemed like a weird stretch of time to me, because nobody was even discussing which of the two wagons was more likely scum so not a fan of the way day 1 ended.

Also why does the thread seem to die whenever I have things to do. It's nice cause I don't have a lot of reading upon return, but it makes me sad that not a lot of people wanna effort.

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No the point I was trying to make is voting lurkers with less 24 hours in a phase is bad. Not voting them in general.

Reasonable, although I think voting lurkers just to prod them into existence is pointless and doesn't usually get what you want. You should vote people who are being scummy, not being who are just non-existant.

Btw the messed up formatting was probably caused by the stray [ /quote ] in your post.

Predominately cause he's actually on and doesn't need to be forced to post.

I find this amusing as you went on to vote FFM afterwards before PKL even voted.

I dunno what to say regarding your FFM case and that stuff is pretty general, has probably been said before and my stance on FFM is clear.

And for the record, I found Darros worse than SB, so I would have preferred a Darros lynch anyways.

Err, a problem is that none of this was clear. Sure, you may have made it obvious that you prefferred Darros to Randa, but over SB? Just now you said your SB vote was just a reaction test so I'm now confused to if you think SB is scum or not. Can you give a list of scumreads?

This said you're probably town as I'd expect you to be a lot more self-conscious as scum. Do cut down on the OMGUSing though as it makes you hard to take seriously.

@FFM: What part of Blitz's votes do you think makes them weak?

Beli's recent post is bugging me:

PKLucas - A lot of passive post language, especially early on. Kinda sheeped Day 1. Leaning town.

I feel like the player summary and the conclusion here are disconnected. What part of using passive language and sheeping makes him look like town to you?

Janus - Cam being the first kill makes him look awfully suspicious, though that could be the intention. Only other thing I'm seeing out of the ordinary with Janus is the swing when he and Darros were close in votes. Leaning town.

Waffles on the meaning of the kill, points out something that might be fishy then ends up with another townread? What makes Randa town FYPoV Beli?

Ace - Only one consistently harping on my "overreaction." Has mentioned it in quite a few of her posts and considering I probably should have been one of the easier targets last phase it feels like a mafia push. Leaning scum but not dedicated to it.

Don't like how you discredited your own read here, I understand the read may be weak but what's the point in not committing yourself to it? This is basically the same problem I have with Kinumi.

These reads are very weak, poorly supported and in dire need of justification.

Kinumi > Randa > Beli >> SB

Ace post is good enough, but I would like him to clarify what his stance exactly is when it comes to voting inactives because he implied he was against it ("I also don't agree with prodvoting inactive players") but then goes on to say he was going to make a case on Koneko anyway?

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Ace post is good enough, but I would like him to clarify what his stance exactly is when it comes to voting inactives because he implied he was against it ("I also don't agree with prodvoting inactive players") but then goes on to say he was going to make a case on Koneko anyway?

My stance is that inactives may not have as much content as other more active voters and thus not much to go on to form a case against an inactive unless a pattern of not having a strong presence as other players becomes evident, coupled with skimming and seemlying weak reads on players.

(also, I think my username is confusing people about my gender since I'm a girl and I've gotten confused for a guy before)

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Alright, two broken quotes. I'll put the offending line(s) in Code boxes. Hit Preview before posting to make sure everything is exactly as you want it to look~!

Ace Tactician

[quote name="Green Poet" post="3236454"[/quote]
You're missing a closing bracket after the initial quote tag.


I'm gonna clarify here, because I might not of chosen my words well at the time. Now would be the correct time to prod vote. More so than normal considering that we have people who essentially skipped the second half of day 1.
next up, that Prod vote of mine (with less than 24hrs left) worked a lot better than you think, cause thanks to that, we are having this conversation now[/quote]
I don't think this was what you intended to have happen, but I will concede it spurred conversation.
See that partial quote tag smack in the middle of everything (line 3)? That's what messed up your post.


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come on Bear, don't ruin my fun :(:

quotes are so hard to pull, I think I will give up on placing more than one

my first post in the game is where I voted SB and it was a reaction test


I didn't move my vote until I voted Koneko. My SB vote started off as a reaction vote and stayed as a pressure vote afterwards, until I thought pressuring him would do no further good. My read on SB is that he is very likely scum, but I also feel it will be harder to get a lynch on him based on reactions (he is very cautious) and I couldn't think of a good case on him. Currently feels right to wait and see if he screws up/ get him through associate scum interaction if he i scum.

The previous day, I scum read Darros more than I scum read SB and probably would have stuck to Darros myself, over lynching SB. Randa also looked worse than SB to me, cause Randa, like SB (which is why he is scummy Imo) is that he posts a lot, with more filler than material, but for SB, I am having a hard time tracing it, so, even if Darros wasn't being lynched, I probably would have switched to Randa first.

I also agree with SB's Kinumi case and I find him extremely weird for voting FFM after making the Kinumi case. (FFM looked fine to me until he placed his vote on me without a good enough reasoning and the last post before phase end, but not really worse than Kinumi)

@everyone who has been trying to say my vote on SB would have been better, my vote WAS on SB until that point, so, that was actually a rhetorical question, unless you can prove me otherwise.

@Ace, the people you mentioned in Darros' wagon are actually not the ones that I was talking about, other than Beli. The first case on Bear was made by Beli, which followed up with one of Cam or Bear and then the other, which followed up with Kirsche and was followed up by me. Why did you only single out Kirsche and Cam? me and Bear also made a case on Darros.

also, could you elaborate why you liked FFM's last post?

@Randa, I would not have brought that point about easy content up if you had some good content mixed in when saying my vote is bad. It is only bad when mentioned alone or with other weak content, which goes to show you are searching the thread for easy content. I would have simply asked you to explain how it would have been a better vote and what it would have achieved.

Like I said earlier, my vote was on SB before that and I thought you were worse than SB and I was also one of the people who had built a case on him (granted mine sounded like echoing, but I had my own points too), this kinda shows you aren't paying much attention to the game (along with you not knowing my vote was on SB makes your attention towards this game worse) which is a scum trait, IMO.

Also, another thing that really bugs me is that you say my vote on Koneko was bad and that it has already been mentioned by a lot (by calling it a dead horse) when in reality, it has only been mentioned by 2 people before you, one being Bear and the other being SB, where he says Blitz has pulled worse, but doesn't directly address it (unless I missed something). So, tell me, why call it a dead horse?

You guys are right, I am guilty of not outing reads, my lynch priority will probably look something like


for now, I am going to


##Vote: Randa

the reason I think Randa is scum is cause of trying to make easy content while not having content to back it up (and not trying to change that either), not paying attention to the game and feels like trying set up a lynch on me in the near future. I will switch to Kinumi if I don't like her(?) upcoming posts (if they ever show up) and as for why I think Bear is scummy, I will mention that after Elie(?) posts some meaningful content.

also, not liking how Rein hasn't posted in a while and that people really should post more

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Alright, two broken quotes. I'll put the offending line(s) in Code boxes. Hit Preview before posting to make sure everything is exactly as you want it to look~!

Ace Tactician

[quote name="Green Poet" post="3236454"[/quote]
You're missing a closing bracket after the initial quote tag.


I'm gonna clarify here, because I might not of chosen my words well at the time. Now would be the correct time to prod vote. More so than normal considering that we have people who essentially skipped the second half of day 1.
next up, that Prod vote of mine (with less than 24hrs left) worked a lot better than you think, cause thanks to that, we are having this conversation now[/quote]
I don't think this was what you intended to have happen, but I will concede it spurred conversation.
See that partial quote tag smack in the middle of everything (line 3)? That's what messed up your post.


Sorry eclipse, I was formatting quotes on my phone and pushed the delete button too far and wound messing up that specific quote. I was trying to fix the quote I accidentally messed up.

@Ace, the people you mentioned in Darros' wagon are actually not the ones that I was talking about, other than Beli. The first case on Bear was made by Beli, which followed up with one of Cam or Bear and then the other, which followed up with Kirsche and was followed up by me. Why did you only single out Kirsche and Cam? me and Bear also made a case on Darros.

also, could you elaborate why you liked FFM's last post?

Since you were focusing on Bear already that left kirsche, Beli and Cam. Cam was revealed as the NK night 1 so I couldn't question Cam. Everything you mentioned about Darros was pretty much just like what was already said by Cam, Bear and kirsche. kirsche, I get a townie vibe from, no problems there.

Re Isoing FFM, I'm still not liking his vote patterns. His vote against you looks the same as his vote on Randa, plus his reads still feel rather surface level. Kinumi however is higher on my scumdar than FFM right now, her posts read like simply skimming though the thread, surface level reads, unelaborated suspicions and setting up a wagon vote. Her vote pattern looks worse than FFM's.


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@everyone who has been trying to say my vote on SB would have been better, my vote WAS on SB until that point, so, that was actually a rhetorical question, unless you can prove me otherwise.

I can prove you never made an actual case against him. You came in said town doesn't care what people think and voted hike. You never made a legitimate case. I personally thought it was a joke. I'm sure others did.

the reason I think Randa is scum is cause of trying to make easy content while not having content to back it up (and not trying to change that either)

If I was trying to make easy content, would I really have chosen to case somebody that nobody else is voting or talking about

not paying attention to the game

Without looking back who is GP voting. That's what your saying I didn't know. I have probably payed more attention to this game than anybody else here.

and feels like trying set up a lynch on me in the near future.

No I'm not trying to set up a lynch in the future. I'm trying to get you lynched now, because I think your scum.

That being said my dad just called so I will address the rest of your post when I get back.

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[spoiler=not really game related but seriously read this]

Guys it's getting really hard to stay motivated to win right now. I feel like I'm trying to drag town to a victory and have two maybe three other people helping and a lot of people doing nothing. This does not make for a fun game guys. I just wanna see more people get involved in this game. Like there is an argument going on and active discussion, it gives you guys plenty to talk about. Give me some reason to actually try and win this.

@Randa, I would not have brought that point about easy content up if you had some good content mixed in when saying my vote is bad. It is only bad when mentioned alone or with other weak content, which goes to show you are searching the thread for easy content. I would have simply asked you to explain how it would have been a better vote and what it would have achieved.

Blitz the problem is your content isn't very strong either, so pot kettle situation if you look at it that way. And what part about my content isn't good. The active scum hunting, constant committing on post, the jokes.

Like I said earlier, my vote was on SB before that and I thought you were worse than SB and I was also one of the people who had built a case on him (granted mine sounded like echoing, but I had my own points too), this kinda shows you aren't paying much attention to the game (along with you not knowing my vote was on SB makes your attention towards this game worse) which is a scum trait, IMO.

There's a reason we have a thing called votals that we can request. I'm not gonna remember every vote of the game. It's not gonna happen. I don't even remember the case. I'll look back see if I can find though.

Also, another thing that really bugs me is that you say my vote on Koneko was bad and that it has already been mentioned by a lot (by calling it a dead horse) when in reality, it has only been mentioned by 2 people before you, one being Bear and the other being SB, where he says Blitz has pulled worse, but doesn't directly address it (unless I missed something). So, tell me, why call it a dead horse?

Because I'd already mentioned it myself. I don't like making the same point a hundred times.
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I really don't see an entire case. I see the whole town doesn't care thing.



##Request Votals

My last few post should explain why.

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I really don't see an entire case. I see the whole town doesn't care thing.



##Request Votals

My last few post should explain why.

Sorry premature post. I meant to say that I just don't see any good reason to think your original vote wasn't a joke. And you really seem to be trying to use that to defend yourself with it. Which I don't think is a valid defense. Does that make sense to other people?
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I don't really understand Beli's last post. His PKLucas and Randa reads imply they've done scummy things but then he writes them off as town because ???. Can you explain?

I'm not implying anything. I gave a behavioral summary of Lucas and then my read based on the context of that behavior. I gave a list of two events tied to Randa that may or may not be coincidence and the fact that you think that means Randa did something scummy looks scummy to me. Care to explain?

I feel like the player summary and the conclusion here are disconnected. What part of using passive language and sheeping makes him look like town to you?

Waffles on the meaning of the kill, points out something that might be fishy then ends up with another townread? What makes Randa town FYPoV Beli?

Don't like how you discredited your own read here, I understand the read may be weak but what's the point in not committing yourself to it? This is basically the same problem I have with Kinumi.

He was clearly unsure of himself and following the read of someone else. In conjunction with the rest of his posts, which are basically the same thing, he looks town. I don't expect him to do this every day phase.

Things he has no control over but are worth looking into. He looks town because most of his challenges seem to be in the interest of the town, and not a challenge for the sake of a challenge.

I didn't discredit my read, I think she is more likely mafia than not. I added that in case she wanted to respond.

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@Ace, how was I focusing on Bear when your post


came before mine. What I mean to say is, why did you go after Kirsche asking for what his stand was (and mentioning Cam), when others like me and Bear did the same?

@Randa, first off, no I didn't build a case on SB and I mentioned a while back that I can't see what to use to build a case on him (you can say my gut thinks he is scum and I can't quite put my finger exactly on what is scummy about him. I can think of a few things, but you and Darros were worse, so, tell me, why would I want to build a case on SB, near phase end, when I thought Darros was scummier than SB? (I couldn't build a case because I am having a hard time finding it, but that doesn't mean you cannot answer the question)

also, you say people aren't active and you cannot find content to post, but that is wrong, cause D1 happened and you know what else happened on D1, the wagon on you. Since it was on you, shouldn't you be the first to analyze who could have had scum intent to vote you, yet you try no such thing, which is why I said you aren't even trying to generate content (and no, saying FFM's vote was bad doesn't count, there were 5 other people voting before him)

and about the dead horse thing, yes you mentioned the point, but how did the point become widely mentioned before you mention it?

all my points still stand unless you can prove me wrong, but the way things are going, I highly doubt it.

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@Randa, first off, no I didn't build a case on SB and I mentioned a while back that I can't see what to use to build a case on him (you can say my gut thinks he is scum and I can't quite put my finger exactly on what is scummy about him. I can think of a few things, but you and Darros were worse, so, tell me, why would I want to build a case on SB, near phase end, when I thought Darros was scummier than SB? (I couldn't build a case because I am having a hard time finding it, but that doesn't mean you cannot answer the question)

Your validation for voting koneko at the time that you did, was that the only people you could think to vote were inactive, which like hell I was, or SB. If you thought Darros and I were scummy, then you should've said why and voted whoever you thought was scummier. In your exact wording, you didn't want to seem like you were avoiding attention. This seems overly self concious. It looks like you don't want people to think you're scum and press you about it.

also, you say people aren't active and you cannot find content to post, but that is wrong, cause D1 happened and you know what else happened on D1, the wagon on you. Since it was on you, shouldn't you be the first to analyze who could have had scum intent to vote you, yet you try no such thing, which is why I said you aren't even trying to generate content (and no, saying FFM's vote was bad doesn't count, there were 5 other people voting before him)

Okay you wanna know what I read of my wagon. People were sheeping SB. Nothing else happened. You wanna me run through person and say they coulda been scum looking for an easy lynch. That's so useful. That's definitely got more value than questioning content that might actually lead me to scum. That's easy content blitz.


and about the dead horse thing, yes you mentioned the point, but how did the point become widely mentioned before you mention it?

all my points still stand unless you can prove me wrong, but the way things are going, I highly doubt it.

Do you understand the expression. It doesn't a lot of people have been talking about it, it means it been mentioned than would be preferable.

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Kinumi (4): GP, kirsche, Belisarius, Ace

Blitz (2): FFM, Randa

PKLucas (1): Rein/Juliette

FFM (1): SB

Randa (1): Blitz

Not Voting (3): Kinumi, PKLucas, Bearclaw

With 12 players alive, 7 votes is required to lynch (a hammer is now necessary). There are 28 hours and 45 minutes left in the phase.

Edited by BBM
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Kinumi (4): GP, kirsche, Belisarius, Ace

PKLucas (2): Randa, Rein/Juliette

Blitz (2): FFM, Randa

FFM (1): SB

Randa (1): Blitz

Not Voting (2): Kinumi, PKLucas

With 12 players alive, 7 votes is required to lynch (a hammer is now necessary). There are 28 hours and 45 minutes left in the phase.

No matter how much I wish I did, I don't have two votes.

It's on blitz right now.

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@Ace, how was I focusing on Bear when your post


came before mine. What I mean to say is, why did you go after Kirsche asking for what his stand was (and mentioning Cam), when others like me and Bear did the same?

@Randa, first off, no I didn't build a case on SB and I mentioned a while back that I can't see what to use to build a case on him (you can say my gut thinks he is scum and I can't quite put my finger exactly on what is scummy about him. I can think of a few things, but you and Darros were worse, so, tell me, why would I want to build a case on SB, near phase end, when I thought Darros was scummier than SB? (I couldn't build a case because I am having a hard time finding it, but that doesn't mean you cannot answer the question)

also, you say people aren't active and you cannot find content to post, but that is wrong, cause D1 happened and you know what else happened on D1, the wagon on you. Since it was on you, shouldn't you be the first to analyze who could have had scum intent to vote you, yet you try no such thing, which is why I said you aren't even trying to generate content (and no, saying FFM's vote was bad doesn't count, there were 5 other people voting before him)

and about the dead horse thing, yes you mentioned the point, but how did the point become widely mentioned before you mention it?

all my points still stand unless you can prove me wrong, but the way things are going, I highly doubt it.

Oh shoot, I forgot I posted before you did.

Because I had no clue who would be NK'D I wanted to ask Cam what his scum reads were now that Darros was town, and I also thought his Darros vote was solid before he vote switched to Randa. Reading Randa's recent posts I get a townie vibe from him like I do from kirsche when I read his posts. So I asked kirsche since Cam was revealed as the night one kill.

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actually I misinterpreted what he said but i'm still going to act like it's his fault

Actually not a bad point, the only problem I think of is that SB also brings up cases when he defends himself.


The previous day, I scum read Darros more than I scum read SB and probably would have stuck to Darros myself, over lynching SB. Randa also looked worse than SB to me, cause Randa, like SB (which is why he is scummy Imo) is that he posts a lot, with more filler than material, but for SB, I am having a hard time tracing it, so, even if Darros wasn't being lynched, I probably would have switched to Randa first.

Please, tell me what filler is. If you mean responding to or asking people questions, it helps me get reads, so how is it filler?

Also, another thing that really bugs me is that you say my vote on Koneko was bad and that it has already been mentioned by a lot (by calling it a dead horse) when in reality, it has only been mentioned by 2 people before you, one being Bear and the other being SB, where he says Blitz has pulled worse, but doesn't directly address it (unless I missed something). So, tell me, why call it a dead horse?

I wasn't even aware that I did that?

I feel like Blitz and Randa both need to get better votes. I don't think Randa knows Blitz that well but his cases are weird to the point he can't fake them as scum very well. Blitz, your reasons for voting Randa look really reactionary and even though you're a wizard but it feels like you're trying to look at what he could do in the future more than what he's doing right now. I also don't get how bear plummeted so far down in your priority when you were just voting him either? idk I feel the fact that Nobody Is Fucking Talking is part of the problem here and I think the majority of the people actively posting are town (except Ace!)

Ace how is FFM's last post suddenly scummy again when you said that he looked townier before what.

I'm not implying anything. I gave a behavioral summary of Lucas and then my read based on the context of that behavior. I gave a list of two events tied to Randa that may or may not be coincidence and the fact that you think that means Randa did something scummy looks scummy to me. Care to explain?

You said Lucas was passive and sheeped a lot, which are usually things people find scummy. How does the context make him townie? You never explained that?

And yeah, when you point out only things that you think are scummy and then say "he's town", I have a problem with that.

I think I have more to say (and probably a vote change!) but it requires rereading so I'm gonna break this post up.

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