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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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@Refa- but it's not just that Marth dropped Bearclaw, he went from "this thing is scummy" to "I don't want to lynch Bear based on it". Like I can see what he means about not wanting to lynch Bearclaw off only one thing, but then he's like "yeah that rolespec is bad" and votes Mitsuki just off that one thing. Also he goes like "I'd expect you to read Via better" and I don't really see the scum intent (in Blitz) there at all?

wait what

actually that's a legit point (particularly the bearclaw turnaround)

##Vote: Bluedoom

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Eury the wall poster

my flavor is that people will notice me when I am around and since my wall posts are so hated, people will target me instead, but while reading the posts that I make, they will lose motivation and will fail their action on me excepting people who have greater motivation (by that it means the killers)

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Also when you say martyr, do you mean redirects all of the actions of the target to yourself or redirects all of the actions of people targeting your target to yourself.

Please answer this question.

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I don't fucking know anymore. Blitz's claim is probably real and I don't want to lynch between protective roles day 1 so uh ##Vote: Mitsuki as the best option for now I guess?

I don't know if turbolynching here is smart or not. Mitsuki should probably fullclaim because what the fuck is this.

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why would the mods ever give an info role announcer as a modifier- even an announcer that has to post in song lyrics?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Mitsuki

I don't quite get your train of thought here.

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Also also one more thing that's been bothering me. Blitz's claim is kind in conflict with Psych's. Think about it...if they were both true, there would be at least 3 people who were cult proof each night (assuming Blitz didn't target Psych and didn't get roleblocked). Unless cult recruiting is strongwilled, this just doesn't seem right to me.

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what the fuck is this

BBM: Mitsuki having an announce doesn't change much if they have to do it at night because how often will randomly announcing track results actually help? I don't see how this is different to Blitz being an Ascetic so that he basically becomes an Omniguard.

I don't even know who I want lynched now.

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why would the mods ever give an info role announcer as a modifier- even an announcer that has to post in song lyrics?

Have you never talked to paperblade on skype ever?


Mitsuki (6): Proto, Weapons, Eurykins, Levity, bearclaw, BBM
Elieson (4): Iris, Shinori, Rein, Boron
Blitz (3): Marth, Belisarius, Elieson
Marth (2): Mitsuki, Refa
BBM (1): Psych
Boron (1): FFM
Voteless: scorri, Kay/SB, Blitz
Pretty sure there's 2.5 hours left in phase

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I don't even have a read on Marth i have no idea what to say to this; i could turboISO him and see but I didn't see anything bad from him except from other people's PoVs

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I think we have enough support for a Marth lynch, SB, Bearclaw and BBM would support if I'm not wrong and that's like 6 votes, we need 1 person more I think


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