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ok yea lynch eclipse I'm pretty sure she does not have a restriction that prevents her from starting conversations on her own, this is the second time she's gone "JUST TALK TO ME" but made no effort to talk to the person herself, she also did not PM me whether she was scum or not.

the above reaction is also notedly volatile for a response to what was basically a shitpost

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Guess what, it's stupid o'clock here, I'm busy tomorrow, and there's some sort of storm incoming. It's SF PM or nothing at all, and the game will have to deal with it.

That being said, I see nothing that points to either of you being a town leader, so you guys will either have to prove me wrong by turbolynching me before anyone else talks to me, or I'm not being lynched.

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Has anyone spoken to eclipse and gotten anything out of her?

So far, the few players who I have spoken to have not gotten anything out of interest from eclipse. I feel that she is being deliberately unhelpful right now.

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ok yea lynch eclipse I'm pretty sure she does not have a restriction that prevents her from starting conversations on her own, this is the second time she's gone "JUST TALK TO ME" but made no effort to talk to the person herself, she also did not PM me whether she was scum or not.

the above reaction is also notedly volatile for a response to what was basically a shitpost

Uh, if Mancer wants to ask Eclipse a question, he should be the one messaging her, not the other way around. Logically, the person who wants to start a conversation must be the first to talk.

I feel lost, haven't been paying much attention to this gamer nor chatting with anyone aside from Mancer. Why again should I regard Prims as the townleader?

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Because I endorse Prims as the town leader. I've been messaging and prodding eclipse but she has been giving me curt replies and saying she doesn't trust me.

I haven't spoken to Kay, jalmont, Euklyd and Xinnidy yet but I will get to them soon.

Until then, eclipse is probably the scummiest player I have spoken to up till now.

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Okay, I see. Your point about clipsey is valid, but Refa's post irks me more. Remember when he tried to establish himself as the town leader? Well, yeah, it sucked.

OK, obviously fuck all has been accomplished since this game has started. I aim to change that. Town needs a leader (who is actually an esteemed member of FOXHOUND, none of that scum leading town bulllshit) and he is I. Everyone should claim to me if they want this game to be anything other than a scum sweep because town couldn't get their shit together. I know you got problems claiming to someone who isn't cleared...hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line.

I'll assume he is not hard trolling me. First, he states Town needs a leader ("someone who isn't scum"), and claims he is that leader (therefore, subtly claiming he's town - one of the good guys - at the same time). Then he appeals to emotion by saying the game will be a scum sweep if town doesn't get their shit together (which is true, but we don't necessarily need him as a leader). Then he fails to justify why we should even trust him, or even accept him as the town leader, especially after Prims "townslipped" (therefore, he had more chances of being town than anyone else).


##Vote: Refa

To the guillotine you go for trying to establish yourself as the town leader by using bad arguments.

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BBM (1): Poly

Elieson (1): Randa

Kay (1): BBM

Refa (3): Xinnidy, Elieson, Rapier

Walrein (1): Larsa

Mancer (2): SB, eclipse

eclipse (3): Mitsuki, Prims, Mancer

Voteless (7): Refa, jalmont, Blitz, Proto, Euklyd, Kay, Walrein

6 hours 40 minutes left.

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(real talk: I haven't even bothered to PM eclipse despite being da TOWN LEADER-KUN, but from what Mancer said and talking about it with other people this is the best option)

##Vote: eclipse

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##Vote: eclipse

Content is lackluster and the way she treated Mancer from seeing logs of their convo reminds me of how she treated Grassbridger in Badass, she decides he's scum and essentially refuses to speak to him anymore and won't budge on it. I don't see why you would decide that quickly rather than keeping up the conversation to try and get a better read off of him?

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I am gonna go with the townleaders on this one

##Vote: Eclipse

I think Eclipse is more demotivated to play as scum than town in OC

also, this is regarding my role,

My role character is Liquid snake and my role name is Foxhound leader (no, I am not running for town leadership)

I don't have an actual role right now, but I will get one if I can collect 3 specific items

they are called the Metal Gear Rex Keys A, B and C,

I would really appreciate it, if you guys kindly gave them to me this night phase

if you do have them but do not feel like giving them to me, please contact me so that I can try to convince you to give them to me at the least (or be defeated by your logic)

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##vote: eclipse

being a complete ass and refusing to talk to people in an OC game is a pretty good sign of being scum, and no matter what happens this lynch will tell us a lot about prims' leadership credentials

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Rapier, how does Refa trying to convince others that he is town leader with bad arguments make him scum? Also I don't think his post was 100% serious.

Refa, Elie, Poly: explain your votes

Also there's no way we're getting a town leader yet, I don't trust anyone enough to claim to them.

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I already talked about it with SB/Mancer/Blitz and am way too lazy to repeat myself here but all of the reasoning is on the thread.

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The number of votes versus the number of people talking to me indicates the following:

1. Votes based off of emotion - in other words, the type of people I don't want to play with, and I'm already in a game where I said "MAYBE" (and was assumed /in, which I'm not happy about).

2. People who don't know how to play OC - beginners are one thing, unwilling to learn is quite another. You don't lynch someone you haven't talked to in OC, unless you have no idea what you're doing.

3. People who literally haven't asked the question "how does being intentionally anti-social benefit being scum, since this is a two-mafia game, and scum will need to coordinate their actions if they want a shot in hell of winning?"

I'd be quite happy to be lynched, just so I don't have to play in this game. However, all it'll do is validate my theory that I don't want to play OC on this site, since lynching someone before talking to them is about as stupid as telling people who your faction's mole is.

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Can the people who've spoken to Walrein tell me how good their convos with him have been? His defence doesn't inspire me, especially after I talked to him a little on PM. I asked him why he hasn't made the effort to talk to many people if he thinks that there's no point to talking in-thread, and he says that he used up all his time at home to talk to the three people he mentioned, which I find a little difficult to believe if they've just been PM convos. I admit I haven't exactly been very proactive either, but I also haven't been espousing the virtues of talking to people out of the thread like he has been.

Also I personally like his Eclipse vote the least because since there are two mafia teams, someone leading a lynch on one person who ends up flipping scum doesn't really qualify them to be town leader, if Walrein wants like a super-confirmed-town as leader, and being an ass is just stupid as any alignment.

cut by Eclipse- being intentionally anti-social doesn't benefit scum, but it doesn't benefit town either. My gut says you're town throwing a tantrum, which makes me disappointed in you. Okay, you didn't really want to play. So then ask for a sub (seems Vhaltz is available), rather than intentionally dicking your faction over, whatever it might be. You talk about how people should talk to you if they want to lynch you. Don't you think that if you're going to get lynched, you should talk to them too? Other people playing badly doesn't give you the right to do fuck-all either. Play to the best of your abilities or sub out.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Walrein

would most rather go with this over Eclipse. Other than the people who straight up said 'sheeping others' (which is at least honest) his vote doesn't actually present any scum intent from Eclipse or even logic.

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