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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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Full setup here

- Miller, 2-shot rolerestrictor (Poly)
- Mayor (Psych/Zyth)
- 1-day Restless spirit (EvilG)
- Caffeinator (Gorf)
- Courier + Inactive BVP (generated by democratic election) (Omega)
- 1-shot neighbourizer (Mancer)
- Colorblind cop (BBM/SB)
- 1-shot daycop (Prims)
- Jesus dayvig (suicides upon vig, revives 72h later) (Refa)
- 2-shot Jailor (Larsa)

- Priest + 2-shot rolecop (Randa)
- Compulsive democratic roleenabler (D1) + Roleblocker. (Dewound)
- Godfather + Lovedmaker. (Rapier)


Democratic roleenabler: opened a voting process in N1 where a reduced number of town-only players voted "yes" or "no" to "getting a compensation", if "yes" was voted as a majority, a BPV was enabled on the courier slot. This was not reflected on the courier's PM because it would've killed the mystery and fun of the mechanic.

Rolerestrictor, fun in theory, hard to balance in practice, these were the outcomes:

Rolerestrictor outcomes:

- Mayor -> even/odd phase mayor.
- Restless spirit -> effectively blocks the role for the phase following rolerestriction. If the player dies during that phase, restless spirit status does not happen.
- Caffeinator -> even/odd phase caffeinator.
- Courier -> Further restricts courier message length by 3/4ths -> down to 25 words per message.
- Neighbors -> Targetted neighbor (whether neighborizer or neighborizer target) may not post in the QT during day phases.
- Colorblind cop -> Investigation on the night if restriction goes through. 1-shot of the role will remain for the rest of the game following rolerestrict.
- 1-shot daycop -> prevents daycop from using his ability in the following day phase.
- Jesus dayvig -> suicide will happen with no vig effect, and vig effect and resurrection will happen simultaneously (vig target will be fixed as the one chosen in the original vigshot command)
- 2-shot jailor -> becomes odd/even phase on top of shot restriction, with preference for whichever of odd/even takes the longest to come by.

- Priest 2-shot rolecop -> May only place first vote on a wagon. Rolecop becomes odd/even night.
- Roleblocker -> Roleblock goes through on night of retriction. 1-shot of the role will remain for the rest of the game following rolerestrict.
- Lovedmaker -> Becomes odd/even phase lovedmaker. Godfather status is lost upon being investigated.

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real talk that D2 lynch flying into me because Zyth got butthurt was the most unpleasant thing I've dealt with in SF mafia aside from maybe the postgame of PToE because the bums suck at life

otherwise cool gaym, I got the one town-aligned guitarist I actually recognized right away (edited because I forgot Randa rolled Steve Vai)

Edited by Polydeuces
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this was definitely a mafia game

gg rapier you looked pretty town at certain points but everybody else was more town in the end so there you go.

I didn't think I would be able to live so long.

I was too stupid to leave the towniest players alive. I thought you'd advocate for me in the end and help me lynch SB. Guess it didn't work out as I planned.

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it was fun spectating. good thing I asked to be removed from the sub list when I could have sworn the next day bbm needed a sub. I mean SB covered me so i guess would have been fine but guilt.

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I wish I could see this from someone else's point of view, because mine is resumed to dodging bullets, looking for shelter and hoping I don't become the lynch candidate.

All the rage in the Graveyard made me feel satisfied, though. =P

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From my point of view it was extremely amusing, which pretty much what I wanted. So yeah good job everybody, you guys made it very entertaining. Also Forrest Gump always make me sad when I watch it.

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It was fun watching Gitadora Mafia (that's what I called it in my head). Rapier, you did a really good job, given the circumstances!

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Oh gosh, I thought Prims was the scum cause if you look at the Neighbour QT, I raised suspicions on Prims being scum in there right before I was killed LOL.

Edited by MancerNecro
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I just realized I didn't read most of the large posts in the game and therefore can't really do extensive player analysis, so here's a shitty postgame with whatever I can think of

Omega and Larsa did pretty well. There were some playstyle clashes during D1 and I was worried that it would escalate and become a problem, but then the SF players got used to them pretty easily and Omega/Larsa became pretty obvtown. The only time I recall somebody suspecting Omega past D2 was Prims getting some mild MyLo paranoia. Larsa was unlucky and got scanned as one of the only useful town power roles with the only scan that scum used.

Gorf did worse in that he got mislynched, but tbh I think it was just an issue of Gorf having a life and not getting much time to post, Rapier did really well until the very end so town suspecting a slot with short posts and little active time was understandable I guess. Sorry Gorf =/

I have no idea why Dewound got daycopped D1 cause I was pretty busy, if somebody wants to give him feedback on what got him caught feel free to do so.

Zyth got into some trouble this game. People generally dislike mafia conflicts escalating into out-of-game problems and it's generally frowned upon to lose your cool past a certain point. Getting frustrated over mafia is understandable in certain circumstances, but it's the players' responsibility to keep themselves from venting that frustration on other players to avoid having unpleasant situations that make the game unfun for everyone. As a general rule of thumb, if you're frustrated enough to yell at somebody else over mafia or to make snappy passive-aggressive comments at them, you should catch yourself and get yourself off the computer to do something else until you're cooled off enough to discuss things in a civil manner.

SB was consistently fucked over by quickhammers this game (and repeatedly cursed at Mancer to me on skype). He also sadly never got to do anything with his role despite it being pretty fun, just because the only cop-catchable scum already got wrecked before the role could produce meaningful results. Made the right decision in LyLo despite having an investigation result saying the contrary and people being worried about his claim potentially overlapping with 1-shot daycop so props for that. Also as somebody already pointed out in the skype chat the miller was there to make his role a little less nerfed if the player had the patience to "waste" a night action getting a confirmed scum result to compare the other scans with.

Randa did well up until his Day 2 gambit and I feel like he could've survived longer if he hadn't tried to 1v1 Prims like that. I mean, Prims had already outed a cop result and lead a lynch on scum, so he was pretty high on towncred and it was very unlikely that he would get lynched. That said, he did manage to fool some spectators like BBM, and iirc Refa considered shooting Prims at some point, so it probably wasn't as questionable a gambit as it seemed like from a modinformed perspective.

Aside from the gambit, reacting to the dayvig early sealed his doom, the lesson to learn from this is pretty clear. The only other feedback I could give is that you should stop yourself from making deadposts. I didn't feel like being a hardass on spectators having fun with the game, but posting as a dead scum players did give some hints as to some players' alignments to people, so try to avoid doing that in the future.

Poly did decently well this game despite his usual disappearing act, and like I told him after his lynch I didn't think he really deserved to get lynched over other potential lynches like he might have in other games. If only he posted more he probably wouldn't run into these problems repeatedly.

Mancer did a pretty good job throughout the game and managed to get NK'd over more generally obvtown targets right before MyLo just because of being right on track with his suspicions. I have to wonder what would've happened if he had lived into MyLo though, since he started getting paranoid about Prims living so long, and a potential RapierVsMancer 1v1 wouldn't have been an easy thing to solve.

Refa and Prims wrecked pretty hard in early game with their day abilities when I didn't think the roles were that powerful at catching scum. Refa's decision to check with me and do a reaction test with his dayvig was a great and it helped him vig correctly when he was pretty torn in the Prims/Randa 1v1. He had been kinda down in his recent town games so hopefully he keeps this up.

Fun fact: If Prims hadn't hammered Zyth early on D3 Refa would've been able to revive in a day phase and actually say something before getting fearkilled (Rapier thought Refa might still be able to vig again after reviving). It was kind of sad for Refa since he had been looking forward to play again, but he also finally managed to roll a really sweet vig role and shot scum with it, so I figure he was happy with his contributions to town.

Rapier played very well, and just like he wasn't expecting to make it that far I was expecting scum to lose much earlier too, after seeing his two buddies drop so early. I kind of wish he could've won because he really persevered through really dire circumstances and barely escaped a lynch in D4, and I feel like many others would've given up or become a lot more apathetic in the same circumstances.

Overall the only big mistake was to nightkill Mancer in N4 since Omega and Prims were very, very unlikely to be mislynched. Duirng N4 Kaoz and I discussed the optimal nightkill probably being Omega, and then we were very confused when Rapier sent the kill on Mancer without any hints as to why.

Don't think I can say anything about Prims' play that he doesn't already know. It was pretty fun to read his paranoid comments on skype progressively becoming more common as endgame crept up, but despite the paranoia he still made the right decisions most of the time (cough cough D3 quickhammer).

On setup design: I pretty much just wanted to make a role madness equivalent where power was not very abundant and yet everybody got roles that seemed decently fun to play as, even Poly's deliberately scummy-looking role was made so that the miller wouldn't be stuck with suffering through the game in a negative utility slot. Its influence on the game was overall not big, but at least it gave the player something to engage with and try to target scum with to fuck with their roles. Functional vanillas like priest, mayor, courier, neighborizer, caffeinator and the like also contributed to make the game more fun while not being necessarily alignment-telling since I gave them to scum as well. Colorblind cop was blatantly stolen from BT since I don't like outright cops but didn't want to abuse town trackers, and Jesus Dayvig was modelled after Prims' role in the very old Homestuck-flavored game in MotK where I first had a contact with mafia by co-modding.

Ran out of thoughts and I doubt I'm really saying anything new or interesting anymore so yeah, just really glad that everybody seemed to enjoy the game.

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yeah, i probably couldve made it to day 3. i actually had it all planned out as well, initial push on psych for lack of content and his only vote seeming to be an attempt to perpetuate RVS, then if someone subbed in or i found no support turn that in poly and absolute worse work on sb or just distance myself from rapier. then i thought, "screw that i just wanna fuck with people". and yeah i really need to stop dead posting.

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