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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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@BBM; I was talking more his role than anything; SB put him as "not mafia" N5 despite scumreading him.

You could say whether you would have sheeped eclipse's case on me, if you were uninformed.

You would have been vanillised if you hadn't died. Randa would have been a problem, though, and it's true I don't know a lot about how the setup works. But neither did SB when he said "Being in MYLO after a dead antitown every cycle basically really sucks." which imo seems to be saying a 14/5/1/1 setup is equivalent to 14/7.

@Marth; I'm not talking about crossfire, but sabotage. Unless eclipse's wincon didn't require her survival, she was basically going against it by not fighting her lynch, just to make sure the mafia lost. (incidentally, I'm not bitter about that, if she hadn't been lynched I would have shot her and identified her in my will to be sure about it. It'd be hypocritical of me to complain about the will)

Edited by Baldrick
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bbm: eclipse was the one who strongmanned you fyi

edit: i like how civil this is being btw. keep it up

I know; the point I was trying to make was that if Eclipse had been town I wouldn't have been strongmanned and thus would have gotten at least a few more reports. But I forgot about the vanillizer so that particular point was moot.

Regardless I think Baldrick is underestimating the effect pure numbers have... Removing 3 town deaths, 1 mafia death, and then even adding another town death if you say Eclipse blocked a mafkill, it makes the numbers after her lynch (which probably wouldn't even have happened if she were town btw) at the start of D7 5/2 rather than 3/1, which is one extra mislynch and more active townies alive.

EDIT: I didn't say anything about whether or not I would have lynched you but fwiw I'm pretty sure you were in my post-death scumteam guess before I was informed

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(which probably wouldn't even have happened if she were town btw)

She claimed she had been literally townsiding "90% of the game", so she probably wouldn't have played any different as town. That said, she would have died N4 (when we shot her we didn't think she was the SK) so she wouldn't have even been a lynch candidate anyway.

at the start of D7 5/2 rather than 3/1, which is one extra mislynch and more active townies alive.

I don't disagree, but in that situation, the claimed miller is still alive (who was thought to be town despite being scummy) and unless you think eclipse's case was good, I would have been in a much stronger position. I think it would have been easier to get two mislynches from that hypothetical D7 than getting one mislynch from the actual D7.

As a side note, SF tends to not lynch inactives anyway... at least, it's almost impossible to justify a lynch on them without looking like a scumlord. I would count "more active townies alive" as an advantage for mafia.

Edited by Baldrick
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"my frothing demand for Kirby Mafia 2 increases", Refa came back from the dead to exclaim.

Polydeuces Baldrick - Jakuzure Nonon - Mafia Rogue / Vanillizer - lynched Day 8

"Go away!"
"Stay away!"

Dormio - Northern Princess - Town Insomniac - won Day 8

"Good work, friend of friends!" said one of Gorf's halves before both of them engaged in customary victory pat-downs.

#HBC Larsa #HBC Gorf - The Ambiguously Gay Duo - Town Loudmouth - won Day 8

Congrats to the town of CYOU'RE for winning an unironic 14:5:1:1 set-up! Edited by Prims
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Well Baldrick, 14/5/1/1 very much felt like 14/7 right up to N5 (whoops it wasn't night 4 lol)

I actually didn't consider that, so I suppose the sabotage thing was possible, you're right. But there was also a very small chance that anti-town would hit other anti-town AND have a will to write about it. If eclipse didn't have the will, well tbh, you were still on the hit list because of what SB said in general(and people were willing to lynch you D6 too)

I don't think scum actually played well ( Mancer and Shinori were obvscum. Jsuki became obvious after SBcase + Vanilized claim, kirsche wasn't really pro-town once you realized that his only contribution to the game was an SK votepark, and by the time you subbed in it was already too late). If it was 16/5 scum would've been wrecked, IMO.

Did town play better? Well the active/obv!townies were NK'd and only the inactive townies were left, so while earlygame I'd say yes, lategame it was awful (especially when you can't even reach a majority on scum). This game was too swingy as its balance relied on the SKs mostly.

Also if I sounded passive-aggressive in my previous post, forgive me. Even though I'm on the winning side I still feel irritated with the swingy setup (although I'm also guilty of this because lol Final Fantasy Mafia).

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So yeah, this set-up was a bit janky; I wanted to try something new since my large games have traditionally been very low on anti-town. Biggest thing I learned was to never ever ever expect crossfire to happen (for the record, both SKs were incentivized to try and shoot scum, since they got new powers if they did so).

more on this once I write up postgame (>implying)

but yeah thanks to everyone who played. Hosting kinda killed my mafia buzz though especially when I was stuck on a shitty laptop for half the game, a big thanks to Manix for doing like everything for me. I'm gonna take a break.

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ok honestly I read what people have to say on skype and while this set-up had problems (town's power should have been dispersed throughout the roles better) not having enough info was not one of them, y'all need to Git Gud

ftr I expected Rein's role to to be used on a mislynch target the user was townreading to save town the trouble and didn't consider it as weak as everybody else seemed to. Also if he ever got a will then that could basically 1/1 trade a scum.

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@Marth; when eclipse was gunning for us it felt like 16/5, so it's a matter of perspective. 14/5/1/1 is neither of those setups anyway so we're both wrong :)

scum did play badly, but I don't think town were particularly brilliant, either. Town were unlucky in that crossfire didn't really happen.

Don't worry, I didn't take any offense. I'm probably just as biased anyway.

Didn't FF Mafia start at 15/4/1, got down to 3/3/1, then SK wrecked the mafia allowing the town to win easily? That's just further proof on how SK is anti-mafia as well as anti-town.

@BBM; Paperblade had a not insignificant wagon on him, Eury's paranoia on you might have done her in (especially with you claiming vanillised) and I wouldn't have shot her, I don't think Boron is un-mislynch-able.

I'm not saying it would have been easy, just easier than trying to get a mislynch in the actual game.

@Prims; Rein used his role really badly imo. It basically became negative utility by inviting scum to get a double-kill.

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@BBM; Paperblade had a not insignificant wagon on him, Eury's paranoia on you might have done her in (especially with you claiming vanillised) and I wouldn't have shot her, I don't think Boron is un-mislynch-able.

Lately, I feel like whenever I'm town the scum team always seems to think I'm an easy mislynch, never mind the fact that I only get mislynched when town is literally stupid.

EDIT: Not saying I'm a superb player, because I'm not, but if there's anything I'm good at in mafia it's survival.

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Haha Boron, that's how I feel about myself. Anyways, it was kind of funny how I functionally had OC with 3 other people (Rein, SB, Randa) by Day 2. Rein said he used his role like he did because he wasn't that motivated, and I think he mentioned something about treating his role as a vanilla if he were more motivated.

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Paperblade had an obvtown role and has never been mislynched on SF, Boron would have been harder to mislynch than either Eury or Gorf, and #ego but nobody else other than Eury would have voted me so it would have had to come down to a 3p LYLO with me and Eury, which would have had to involve a Gorf mislynch anyways since you couldn't have killed him (unless you guys had a ninja left late in the game but I don't think so?), at which point it's still harder than the conditions you faced this game.

Games happen where mafia get killed by the SK. It actually happens in a lot of games involving SKs, and yes, SKs are not anti-town as much as they are anti-everyone. But town comprises a larger portion of everyone, so they're still more anti-town than they are anti-mafia. Navigating around ITPs is part of playing as mafia, just as lucking out when they kill strong roles and obvtown people for you is also part of it.

FFM was btw a better case of crossfire dicking anti-towns over because town actually played really really badly in that game and won basically only because of the crossfire. And even then it's a bad example because there were two town modkills and the ITP killed both masons before the crossfire even started. A better case (#nosalt) would be Touhou NOC, where the SK outed a rolecop report on one member of the mafia and killed two more. It just doesn't get treated as such because the SK won in the end.

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I probably would've been more active than Eury and Gorf if I were around in lategame.

EDIT: Also, BBM, didn't I only succeed in shooting you in the end, since Xinnidy was a failed shot and I only scanned her because my kill failed?

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I probably would've been more active than Eury and Gorf if I were around in lategame.

EDIT: Also, BBM, didn't I only succeed in shooting you in the end, since Xinnidy was a failed shot and I only scanned her because my kill failed?

you also killed scorri

edit: wait nvm that was shadoweh whoops either way curse you boron

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"wowe people are complaining about how i host very balanced 20+ player games with only four mafia again... well i'll show them.... I'LL SHOW THEM ALL AKJSDHAHJKASDHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA" - me 2014

This set-up was ghostwritten by Via since it had two SKs, an arsonist and Stefan. The concept of the dual SKs was originally going to be in CYOR1, but I decided at the last moment I didn't want anything too non-standard my first time making a CYOR so you guys got Elie and we all know how that turned out. Like none of my ideas from the original draft of the set-up aside from the Cop survived the "send in roles phase" but I thought everything still turned out pretty interesting.

I wanted to keep up with writing flavor and in line with the silly Backyard Baseball / Rockman 4MI gimmick but vacation ate away all my motivation so you got Kirby's Avalanche references and flavor lifted straight from Rein's death in Spellcard. Probably for the better since I'm, in my opinion, not a particularly funny person (or at least not in ways that translate well into mafia flavor!). Hope you guys enjoyed what little flavor there was though.

Mod Links:
Mafia - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/vGN3UZ2p56saG
Refa / SB (and later kirsche) Network - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/jKV9LhGrd6Ze
Reviver - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/EjfxgfCFPD2RK
Graveyard - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/3TTrUNc3aP4Q
Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao-dmbI2ZnRxdDNLTEl6WVNwRFZXX2E4eUpHWWgxWkE&usp=drive_web#gid=0

The Roles

You are Dogi, a hyper-competent dog in a wheelchair. Even though you're disabled, it never gets in the way of your ability to protect Buni, and now you're here to protect the town as well. Kenny Kawaguchi would be proud.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Perfect Guard Dog (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Protect another player, keeping watch outside their room and stopping any intruders with killing intent. You're only so perfect, though - if you successfully stop a kill, you'll be exhausted and forced to idle on the following night.

You are the Town Doctor. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Randa was a standard doctor, meant to counteract the excess amount of kills in the game. The restriction was re-used from the role Via had in Anonymafia, added to prevent the role from getting too swingy if left alive. Maybe it wasn't necessary, but hey, it's more interesting this way. Also shout-out to SF Town for yet another D1 doc lynch.

Play-wise, Randa, eclipse has a point about trimming down large quotes, or just linking them. I'd caution against doing catch-up posts like that in general because the amount of side-comments can detract from your main points. Quote walls are okay in moderation, but your huge spoiler-tagged post in the middle of D1 was ridiculous to read.

You are Stefan, a hot guy with a sword. Being a Branded, you have exceptional capabilities compared to your beorc allies, but also are affected by Fire Emblem's super deep commentary on 100% legitimate fantasy racism. People mostly just remember you for the hot guy with a sword thing though.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Sword Master (Day, Active): Actually you're a Trueblade as of FE10, but once in the game you may publicly ##Kill another player in thread. This being Fire Emblem, if you target a non-town player, you won't crit until your second hit and will get counterattacked, because luck's a bitch. Should this happen, your wounds will render you dead at the end of the following night - that's the enemy phase and realistically you're going to lose out on at least one 25% roll.

You are the Town Vigilante. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

The vigilante was made Weak since I didn't want too many racked up clears come endgame. Taking a phase to die if this were to activate was last minute so that it could theoretically still mindgame scum into shooting it. I don't remember much about Via's play since D1 was ages ago (in fact I'm not going to bother giving many player write-ups from this point onwards, Randa's was done shortly after he died) but they were generally pretty on-point so good for them.

You are Shulk, the guy in Super Smash Bros. who says "I'M REALLY FEELING IT" every time he taunts. Supposedly you had your own game too, but the jury's out on that one. Your greatest assets are your ability to predict the future and your giant magical pizza cutter, which grants you access to your Monado arts. Clearly these will be instrumental in taking down the mafia scum!

Your role abilities are as follows:
This Is The Monado's Power (Night, Active): You have eight Monado arts, each their own ability. You can only use each art once, so act wisely!

  • Enchant - ##Buffs another player, making their vote count for 2 the following day. Doesn't work in *YLO.
  • Buster - ##Kills another player... but aims in a straight line, meaning if your target successfully leaves the house, they'll dodge it and your shot will be wasted.
  • Shield - ##Roleblocks another player by stopping them from using their Talent Arts, or night actions in this case. It's close enough.
  • Speed - ##Empowers another player by allowing them to evade obstacles that night. Their action will succeed on its intended target no matter what.
  • Purge - ##Disables another player by sealing their aura, as well as all their role abilities, for the following day and night.
  • Eater - Removes the target's buffs and vote, ##Voteblocking them for the following day. This does not affect the amount of players required for hammer. Doesn't work in *YLO.
  • Armour - ##Protects another player from killing actions by reducing all damage against them that night.
  • Cyclone - A ##Mass Roleblock that topples all other players on the night after you use it, blocking any non-killing action they use. As a bonus, you will be able to use one more action on that night.
You are the Town Jack of All Trades. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.
Boron played reasonably well and obvtown like her typical D1 fair then got fucked by bad luck RIP. This jack was exclusively intended to stop or weaken scum with its powers, hence no info. The mass-block was a gimmick that I imagined would be used in conjunction with the vig as a high-risk high-reward type power, but this never came to be due to the typical mafia outcome of the coolest roles dying early on.

You are Dio Brando, a powerful vampire and the long-time enemy of the Joestar family. One must wonder how anybody could buy you being town since you're an evil british asshole, but if anybody asks you can just point out that Shin and SB are too and they roll town all the time.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): At night, you may ##Kill another player (by dropping a road roller on them, traditionally). However, this takes two nights to complete. You may start to kill a player on Night 0, at least. You will only be seen targeting the player the night they die. Your factional kill may be used alongside other active abilities. You will scan as Guilty on the night you kill your target, otherwise you scan as Not Guilty.
Vampiric Regeneration: You will survive the first attempt on your life.
Hitlist: You power up and gain a cool new ability every time another non-town player dies. Who knows what it could be!
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Governor.

Your role abilities are as follows:
The World (Day, Active): Once in the game, you may post ##TOKI WA TOMARE in the game thread. Time will stand still for the rest of the phase - everybody else may still post, but all votes will be removed and in the end, only yours will count. You may vote at any time to instantly end the phase in the lynch of who you vote. This ability has the side effect of extending the day by 24 hours, stops other players from using day abilities while active, and does not work in *YLO.

You are the Serial Killer. You win when everybody else is dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Scum 1: Ninja (passive)
Scum 2: 3-shot roleblock
Scum 3: 2-shot disabler
Scum 4: Can use multiple active abilities in the same night
Scum 5: 1-shot nightvig (can't be used in LYLO)

Gains full time kills from the other SK's death.

lol scum gov. One funny thing I propositioned to Manix was that Via would shoot Shin D1 and he'd troll town once caught by driving the lynch to eclipse, ruining both SKs forever. Both SKs had lynch-altering powers, but Shin's abilities were intended to be more aggressive and blatantly anti-town in nature. Shin was his typical self and got screwed by having to sleep and also kirsche tunneling on him all game. Fun fact: had Poly kept his original character choice the two roles would've known each other's flavor, but nothing else.

You are a Kiritsugu Emiya, the master of Saber in a Holy Grail War, known notoriously as the Magus Killer. Rather than relying on magecraft, you prefer to use modern technology, which is probably more reasonable as far as mafia is concerned. I only tl;dr'd your wiki page because it was ghostwritten by Eurykins but my understanding was that you have access to, like, every god damn weapon ever and can do anything with any of them.

Your role abilities are as follows:
A Trapper (Night, Active): Each night, you may set a ##Trap outside a player's house. On all future phases, should they attempt to leave their house, they will trip the trap, blocking the ability and making an attempt on their life. Factional abilities will not trip traps, however. You may also ##Detonate all untripped traps, making an attempt on the life the players the traps were set by. Of course, to place a trap you must have the materials - as of pregame, you have one (1) trap, and make one (1) more every time you go a night without successfully leaving your house.

You are the Town Arsonist. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Yeah honestly fuck doing flavor research for this. Maybe I should just watch Fate/Zero but isn't it written by the guy who made Madoka because he literally gets off to the thought of making little girls cry? Kind of a deterrent. This role was cool though and I have wanted to have a town arsonist since the first CYOR. Refa hit scum with both his traps! But the second one didn't go off since it wasn't tripped by the scumkill. Fun fact: I really want this set-up to have an inventor so that this role and others like the Invoker and the SK's multi-tasking buffs would have more "weight", but it didn't really work out with the character choices. Ah well.

You are Lord Jaraxxus, an eredar lord of the Burning Legion. I don't know what an eredar is, I'm just parroting facts off game wikis. You are more notable for being a children's card game character boasting hammy voice clips worthy of an evil overlord. Despite being a literal demon, you don't have any control over who plays your card, so you're aligning yourself with town... BEGRUDGINGLY.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Battlecry (Night, Active): Once in the game, you may ##Merge with another player, attempting to have them play your card ALLOWING a MORTAL to SUMMON YOU. If they're town, the two of you will become a single player-slot, sharing a single life and vote. The new slot will have OC using your role PM, but will still be able to use your target's old role as well. Non-town will just kill you if you target them though. Dicks.

You are the Town Hydra. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

I thought this role was really really innovative and cool but Rein hated it and considered it negative utility. With will utility it was basically like sacrificing himself for a confirmed alignment; without it I imagined he would target a town-read who was still in danger of being mislynched to save town the trouble. All things considered it probably could have used a slight buff but I'm not sure how I would have done it without just making the role too powerful. Giving the newly merged slot a role-specific upgrade would have been cool, but hmm.

You are Max Bialystock, a failed Broadway producer intent on getting rich through an investment scheme. Now you've arrived at town with the intent of finding actors who can help make your next play a total flop, only to get caught up in this whole mafia business along the way.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Keep It Gay (Night, Active): Not that SF town needs any help with that. Each night you may ##Motivate another player, casting them to act for you. They will receive a posting restriction of your choice, and since you're trying to bomb, this restriction must be mod-certified as sufficiently restricting and/or entertaining. Of course, people love posting restrictions (source: Via), so if your target follows it, they'll instead be lauded and given the choice of either using an extra non-factional action that night, or using none at all, but receiving a 1-shot BPV for that night only. Keep in mind: your target will be told that there's only a reward for your restriction, not a penalty.

You have a posting restriction, which is as follows:
How To Be Paperblade: Being a Broadway producer, you must write song lyrics into at least 1/3rd of your posts (rounded down) from each day phase, otherwise you won't be able to convince anybody to act for you the following night. Granted you probably would've done this anyway but now you have an excuse.

You are the Town Motivator. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

The "Prims designs roles with Nostalgia Mafia 2 in mind" role! This role was actually very fun and very powerful so of course the N0 posting restriction get roleblocked, RIP. I came up with this when Paperblade gave me his character pick early, but then there was a chance he wasn't going to play and I was like "oh fuck" (I had nothing in mind for Kay's character, who was Levi from Attack on Titan). The thought behind the role was that posting restrictions can be fun, but being forced to obey them at risk of penalty is not. So instead there's no risk and you get a cool reward if you have fun with it! And also I'm lame and mod-enforce entertaining posting restrictions because it makes for a funnier game.

You are a Necromancer, some guy who raises the dead. Or girl? Maybe not even anything. I don't know, you're just an archetype. There's not really much unique about you. Besides being able to raise the dead, of course, but even then you can only revive them as zombies. Such is life. Or death.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Kill another player if none of your scumbuddies are doing so already. This may be done alongside other active abilities.
Buddies!: At any time, you may speak with your mafia buddies, kirsche, Mitsuki, Polydeuces and Shinori, in this quicktopic. At least until you die. RIP
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Gravedigger.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Digging, Gravely (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Gravedig a player who died at night to summon their corpse, giving you a 1-shot version of any abilities they had remaining at the time of their death. Certain abilities may not be copiable. You may not use a stolen ability and gravedig in the same night, but there's no limit on how many stolen abilities you may use in one night.
Undead Legion (Night, Active): Since you have a bunch of dead guys hanging around with nothing to do, you might as well have them do your dirty work. Each night, you may ##Roleblock another player and they'll be too busy fighting off zombies to use any active abilities that night. This may be done alongside other active abilities.

You are the Mafia Gravedigger / Roleblocker. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

I have like... nothing to say about this role other than that it was the night counterpart to SB's. In hindsight I should have probably made the RB a jailkeeper to increase the odds of a kill just up and not working.

You are Yuno Gasai, a high school girl and Second in the Survival Game. You really really like this guy named Yukiteru and exhibit totally normal behavior such as brutally murdering other Diary Holders who get in the way. Really, you're such a good stalker that your Diary itself enables you.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Kill another player if none of your scumbuddies are doing so already. This may be done alongside other active abilities.
Buddies!: At any time, you may speak with your mafia buddies, kirsche, MancerNecro, Mitsuki, and Polydeuces, in this quicktopic. At least until you die. RIP
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Watcher.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Efficient Stalking (Night, Active): Your Yukiteru Diary updates you on Yukiteru's condition in ten minute intervals. You may make the most out of this by sending him to ##Watch somebody each night while you find out what happens to him. You wouldn't want to endanger him, though, so this will fail if your target is set to die that night!
Really Extensive Yandere Murder Weapon Arsenal (Night, Active): Once in the game, you may ##Strongkill a player while on your factional nightkill, piercing all protection. You gain one more shot of this if you're the last scum remaining.

You are the Mafia Watcher / Strongman. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Stretching it for flavor for life. Also anti-snowballing mechanics, though it didn't matter anyway. The real info in this game came from the fact that scum had to basically tell you guys stuff they knew or they were SOL for fakeclaims. Mitsuki also suffered from this.

You are the Serenes Forest Forums, a website where nerds gather to talk about bad games, such as Fire Emblem, and mafia. For whatever reason, you've been crashing a lot lately, but you're still a decent place to hang out for people who don't visit Far from the Forest. Or the FE13 Board. Or especially Serious Discussion. Who am I kidding, never leave the mafia forum.

Your role abilities are as follows:
PM System (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Network two players, setting up a PM for them so they can, of course, link each other to a private quicktopic to discuss the game in. If you've already given one of your targets a quicktopic, the other player will just be added to the previous one.
Downtime (Night, Active): Once in the game, you may ##Crash, disrupting mafia for everyone and making all OC unusable for the following day. If you die at night before using this ability, you will automatically use it on the night of your death.

You are the Town Networker. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

I don't have much to say about this one either; I always wanted a Networker in the game since OC was the fun part of my past two huge larges (Suika the Neighborizer and GOD the IRC-channel-making insomniac), but needed something that I hadn't just re-used. The OC crash was there after Bluedoom picked his character as a flavor thing, tbh I expected it to be used Night 0 for maximum effect but it was always gonna have a negative impact on scum anyway and triggered at the worst possible time for J.

You are Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, a talented magician and supernatural private investigator. Naturally, a game of mafia is the perfect place to put your investigation abilities to use. You might say I'm being boring about this role and that it should be about your magnificent battle magic, but no, you've gone the way of Balcerzak - you're just a cop and furthermore you have a silly full name.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Private Investigation (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Scan another player to learn whether they are Guilty or Not Guilty. Your results are either sane (accurate) or insane (opposite of accurate) - this is RNGed at the start of the game. Additionally, every time a player you've scanned under your current sanity dies, your sanity will be re-rolled.

You are the Town Cop. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Another role kept from the initial draft. I actually had it as a Colorblind Cop that changed to new colors instead of sanities, but Vhaltz just used one so I was like "naaaah". I actually had to change my typical rule about no RNG roles so I could get away with having this, I'm surprised nobody pointed it out because it would've basically confirmed BBM as town lmao.

You are the Magic Mirror, a knowledgeable, talking mirror who frequently finds himself a slave to Disney's more unpleasant sorts. Right now, you're just a slave to the town, but given that SF town brought us Inception Mafia, maybe that's an even worse fate.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Always Truthful (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Inform X about N [non-town/investigators/protectors] to tell that player whether there are less of the role type you picked than N or not. Example: if there were 5 non-town, "Inform about 5 non-town" would give your target a message saying "You have learned there are at least 5 non-town in the game.", but if there were 4, the message would say "You have learned there are less than 5 non-town in the game."

You are the Town Librarian. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

This role was terrible because I did a shit job of defining what "investigator" and "protector" actually was (roles are colored based on what they fall under in the spreadsheet, Mitsuki is protective since Godfather is BP), but it ended up being roles that could return information to the user, or roles that could stop kills the old-fashioned way (bpv/doc but not Hijacker). If I could go back and change it I would've made the non-numbers ability something that lets Bear name a single type of role (Doctor, Cop, etc) and learn if the role name is in the set-up. So "Roleblocker" would trip the "Gravedigger / Roleblocker", but since he'd be limited to one name he couldn't search for a "Gravedigger / Roleblocker" to check if the claimed Gravedigger was also the Roleblocker. This is actually a cool idea, too bad I came up with it just now and not during development.

bearclaw himself got screwed by his targets being flakes, dead and/or scum, and also by being bearclaw and just not really existing for most of the game. But his first CYOR experience is a hard feat to live up to.

You are Lord Prosciutto, a teenage girl wearing a weird cat thing's scalp as hat, giving you dominion over all other weird cat things. No idea why you'd want that when they're apparently all bizarre rapists. Mogeko's Castle sounds gross and weird. People should be playing fun, wholesome games instead. Like Sengoku Rance.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Kill another player if none of your scumbuddies are doing so already. This may be done alongside other active abilities.
Buddies!: At any time, you may speak with your mafia buddies, kirsche, MancerNecro, Polydeuces and Shinori, in this quicktopic. At least until you die. RIP
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Invoker.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Lordly Commands (Day, Active): Being The King, you may once per day command another player to take a single action for you by posting the command ##Invoke X to [Track/Watch/Roleblock] Y in-thread. The player will be incapable of using any non-factional active abilities alongside the action you chose. You may only use this action once per day.
Further Lordly Commands (Day, Active): Once in the game, you may also use the command ##Invoke X to Sheep Me, placing their vote on whoever you're voting for the rest of the phase. This may not be used in *YLO, though. Final battlefield for true domination and all that.
Forgiven Sins (Omniphase, Passive): You have one (1) mogeko who will take the first attempt on your life for you. As long as this mogeko is still alive, all investigative roles will believe you really are the Town Invoker.

You are the Mafia Invoker / Godfather. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

"Your action works even if you're lynched.
Only the person who performs the action gets the results, you don't get anything.
Probably nobody has seen an Invoker before because it's some shit I made up and named after a IIDX song #Prims"
- scum qt post which is really all the postgame needed for this role

I really liked the idea behind this and was MAD!! about the rolespec because it was conceived as a town role that could be any alignment if necessary, and was indeed made scum. If re-used I would probably replace the watcher with something else since as is there's just no reason to use the Roleblock or Tracker over it. Not sure what I'd go with, though; everything protective sounds like it'd have the same problem and obviously Safeguard would be terrible.

Also that vanillize gambit was a really terrible idea lmao. Good on J for bullshitting enough to buy himself a day.

You are Reynardine, a fox spirit from a webcomic read by more people than the other webcomics Euklyd reads but that's still not really saying anything. Your primary ability is entering the bodies of others, as long as they have eyes. Darros would probably approve of you're methods.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Woah, What Am I Doing In This Fox (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Hijack another player, possessing their body and redirecting their action to a target of your choice. Maybe they won't have eyes, but you can just draw some on. A warning: a non-town player's faction will know how to restrain their allies should it come down to it, so redirecting a factional kill to a member of the same faction will only cause it to fail.

You are the Town Hijacker. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

There's the eyes emoji at the end of the flavor if you use Chromoji but SF is probably gonna kill it when I post this. This was another case of rolespec being stupid because I would've given the nerf to a theoretical scum hijacker as well for fakeclaim purposes, in the same way I nerfed Shinori's watcher. As usual for town action-fuckery, this role sucked earlygame but was actually really powerful if it lived too long, although it didn't end up doing too much. Also Euklyd is a fucking hipster.

You are Eric Cartman, a chubby 4th grader with a tendency to be cruel, anti-semitic, backstabbing, and whatever other negative modifiers you can think of. Really, you're basically a child sociopath and That Guy amongst your friends. People find your antics funny anyway, but that says more about the audience than you.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Kill another player if none of your scumbuddies are doing so already. This may be done alongside other active abilities.
Buddies!: At any time, you may speak with your mafia buddies, MancerNecro, Mitsuki, Polydeuces, and Shinori, in this quicktopic. At least until you die. RIP
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Miller.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Tremendous Dickhead (Omniphase, Passive): You don't really have any redeeming character traits! Your criminal record and long history of questionable schemes doesn't help either. Anybody who tries to target you with a role that returns information will just be told you're Guilty, no matter what the scenario.
Hater-maker (Day, Active): Being a manipulative asshole, you may rally up the town against a player once per day, anonymously ##Hatedize-ing them, I guess by convincing everyone they're a ginger. This has the immediate effect of causing them to require one less vote to be hammered for the rest of the day, but may not be used in *YLO.

You are the Mafia Miller / Hatedizer. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Contrary to popular belief, this role was NOT to troll town but to troll kirsche for picking a character I could not think of a good role for. He basically ended up being a goon with a shitty situational ability and incentive for town not to scan him, though I'd say this was fair given the anti-town numbers.

I should note that kirsche misread his role (I think, he may have just chose not to out everything about it) and the Miller variant was the same as the Godfather variant from SFMM3 (town godfather lmao) and CYOR1. This could have really screwed over BBM.

You are Matin Catorce, empress of Noigllado. You brought the sword of hope Trisagion with you, ... then put it away. Through your chest. What are you putting it away for? Use it! People tend to make fun of you for this. I dunno. Stop trying to bait being vig.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): At night, you may ##Kill another player. However, this takes two nights to complete, and may not be used on Night 0. You will only be seen targeting the player the night they die. Your factional kill may be used alongside other active abilities. You will scan as Guilty on the night you kill your target, otherwise you scan as Not Guilty.
Extra Armor: You will survive the first attempt on your life.
Hitlist: You power up and gain a cool new ability every time another non-town player dies. Who knows what it could be!
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Crier.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Look At Me I Play Rhythm Games For The Plot (Day, Passive): Being royalty, your word artificially matters more than everybody else's does. But you can't just go around bragging about it, so instead you have access to the anonymous account dirge of swans, which may post game content and vote freely. The vote goes away in *YLO, though.

You are the Serial Killer. You win when everybody else is dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Scum 1: Strongmankill, becomes strong-willed on night of use
Scum 2: Voyeur
Scum 3: Rolecop
Scum 4: Can use multiple active abilities in the same night
Scum 5: 1-shot nightvig (can't be used in LYLO)

Gains full time kills from the other SK's death.

eclipse was basically the most on-point out of anybody this game, except for maybe SB. Too bad she wasn't actually town. Her abilities were intended to contrast with Shin's - they weren't as directly powerful, but still gave her influence and could help her blend in with the town while using investigations to find out what was really going on. I think she may have turned out too underpowered compared to Shin, but she outlived him anyway. People got really salty about how town-sided she was but I thought she was fine since it's not like her kills didn't help her or anything.

I should note that the SK hitlists were an attempt to encourage crossfire, given how scum-heavy the set-up was.

You are Kirby, a cute little puffy fellow who inhales his foes to gain their powers. Fun fact: "their foes" would be more accurate, Kirby has no gender in Japan. Anyway, your big grumpy friend King Dedede, the greatest penguin of all times, has told you that scum are causing a ruckus, so you're here to swallow them all up. It might not be the most ethical thing to do, but it sure is the tastiest!

Your role abilities are as follows:
Extra Helpings (Night, Active): Should you contribute to the lynch of a town-aligned player, you'll suck up the dead body and then be able to ##Revive them as a Helper. You and your helper share a quicktopic, and they will have their public voice and role powers, but no vote. Any helpers you summon will not know your alignment. You can only have one helper at a time (RIP Kirby GCN), but you can ##Dismiss your current one at night if you need to make room. Finally, your helper dies if you die.

You are the Town Reviver. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

I have no idea why SB expected to be a gravedigging SK since alignment was rolled before I designed the role. I guess this role is a bit unorthodox for Kirby but everybody loves Kirby Super Star, right? I thought it was interesting even though it was a bit weak - I probably should have allowed him to just switch helpers in a single night rather than taking up two. In any case SB was the best townie to survive late in the game, though he was unfortunately rather indecisive, as he tends to be in his town rhetoric and now I'm paranoid every time SB is waffly he's just scum faking it now that I've outed that tell (Paris orz).

You are a pencil. Not sure who wants to be told they're a pencil in their mafia role PM, but there you go. You are good for drawing things, writing things, stabbing things, being flicked... not really for playing mafia though. I guess you could handwrite and scan all your posts if you really wanted to.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Taking Notes (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Forge for another player, lending them your power. For the rest of the game, alongside any night action they take, they will be able to submit a will up to 300 characters in length. When they die, their most recent will will be posted alongside their flip.

You are the Town Forger. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

As I said in the graveyard, in the original draft of the set-up, this was a mafia role with a non-safe part of its ability where it could target the same player again to learn what will they made that night. However, Junko rolled town and it fit his (odd) character choice perfectly, so I switched things up since it was an alignment-neutral role anyway. Not too much to say about it other than that it synergized very well with a lot of other roles, but in practice rarely triggered and instead just enabled anti-towns to dick each other over.

You are Nonon Jakuzure, a member of the Student Council's Elite Four in Kill la Kill. You're a musical conductor who fights with a boombox airship and that is pretty much the coolest thing ever. You're kind of an asshole though, but like, the likable kind, not the Cowbell from AM/PM mafia kind. Although he was named after a musical instrument. Makes you think.

Your factional abilities are as follows:
Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Kill another player if none of your scumbuddies are doing so already. This may be done alongside other active abilities.
Buddies!: At any time, you may speak with your mafia buddies, kirsche, MancerNecro, Mitsuki, and Shinori, in this quicktopic. At least until you die. RIP
Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be to be a Town Rogue.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Nonon Sound Negation (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Target another player, using the power of music to stop them from targeting you. You can conduct against as many players as you want - the only limitation is that you can't target the same player two nights in a row. You will also be informed of any players whose actions you sucessfully stop.
Symphony Regalia Da Capo (Night, Active): Once in the game, you may ##Vanillize another player with a GIANT DEAFENING MUSICAL ENERGY BEAM, stopping their Life Fibers from doing anything, or at least their role. They will be unable to use their role's abilities for the rest of the game. This ability may not be used on Night 0.

You are the Mafia Rogue / Vanillizer. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Poly originally picked ENRICO PUCCI, and his abilities were going to be... pretty much the same except being able to target multiple people in one night was considered a separate passive "ability" for flavor reasons, knowing Shin's flavor character was Dio Brando (Shin would've known vise versa), and his vanillize (disc extraction) edited out all the target's night results from their role PM and gave them to Poly. But the defensive abilities translated decently into his mid-development character change, and Nonon is cute, so things worked out anyway.

I thought the 1-shot vanillize was a good idea to stop town from getting too BUFF but shortly after the game started realized how inherently unfun it was, especially in a CYOR. Ah well. I'm not actually sure why Baldrick lied about his rogue variant since reviving rogue is stupid and nobody actually uses it in their games anymore. In any case he tried really hard and it was obvious from him spamming the role PM he put his heart and soul into the game even if he lost in the end, so thanks for subbing!

You are the Northern Princess, an enemy battleship from Kantai Collection. You are essentially one of many representations of the allied forces, of course making you evil. Fuck White America. Otherwise you're a small and cute anime girl and there's not much more to your existence beyond having otaku drool over you.

Your role abilities are as follows:
Night Battle (Night, Passive): Each night, you may participate in the night battle by... just posting in thread, really. It's better than doing nothing. Pretty sure kancolles exist to be kawaii and not actually to fight.
Re-deployment (Night, Active): At night, you may ##Switch with another target by publically posting the command in-thread. That player will be able to post for the rest of the night phase, but in exchange, you'll be put on stand-by and unable to post anything at all until 24 hours into the following day phase (or the start of the next night, whatever comes first). Your restriction is non-consecutive, starting on the second night you use your ability.

You are the Town Insomniac. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Dormio complained that his role designed to let him slack off didn't let him slack off enough which is all you need to know about him.

You are the Ambiguously Gay Duo, two fabulous superheroes named Ace and Gary. People seem to find your behavior odd, but like, that's just their deal, right? In any case, you've come together to the town for a long and hard battle with the mafia. The scum will never cause trouble again once you've beaten them off!

Your role abilities are as follows:
Extremely Close In An Ambiguous Way (Night, Passive): Any player who targets you will find your mannerisms rather... interesting and stick around, staring (ambiguous homo). Thus, the following morning, you will ask "what's everybody looking at!?" in the opening flavor, outing everybody who targeted you that night. This won't activate on the night of your death, however - should a killer target you, you'll just have to pray town is using proper protection!

You are the Town Loudmouth. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

Basically chosen only for the flavor reasons, and because Loudmouth is very rarely transplanted into forumafia. Additionally, Euklyd could have been clever and caught certain scum abilities by hijacking them to Larsa, though this only worked on Mancer and eclipse once she gained her active powers.

I was sad Larsa didn't actually get to play, but in any case, shout-out to Gorf for subbing in a making the most out of his situation despite understandably having no interest in reading a shit-ton of pages (although the D7 flake was lame).

The Conclusion
So what's next in store for Wacky Prims Large Set-ups? I dunno, really; this is probably my last CYOR for a long long time (second long only there due to queue speed). As is I'm seriously considering hosting a fairly simple legitimate Backyard Sports-themed large game, because when's the last time we've had a large games with a reasonable amount of vanillas? Also have some ideas for a larger, simplified spiritual successor to Qprogue but I'm a shut-in and haven't actually played IIDX Pendual yet (AFRO KNUCKLE is the best song btw) so lol flavor.

I do like the thought of hosting a Spellcard sequel since Spellcard was my most unique and creative set-up, but I'm not too into Touhou these days and most characters were already used in the first game. The idea of theming it around the lower-powered minor bosses might be interesting though ("wow I'm so excited to play as fucking Rumia" - nobody in existence). Well, I'm probably gonna take up a slot on the large queue anyway once I've written role PMs for Backyard Sports maf and I can swap it out for whatever. Post what you want to see from me!

"thank you so much for-a playing my game" - mario "mario" mario Edited by Prims
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