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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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this could just be ~townie motivation~.

It was.

Everything I did this game was what I thought I would do as town. The only thing I did because of my alignment was push eclipse hard, since I knew she'd shoot me if she wasn't lynched.

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people who go "I would've done this as town too" after they get lynched as scum are just lying to themselves imo

Your play D7 and 8 were pretty much "please lynch anyone but me I'm not scum guys I promise" although ~informed bias~
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I'd probably complain more about the setup or something if I hadn't died back in N1. I also lectured Euklyd for causing my death already, so I have nothing. Good going, town.

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Say eclipse had been town. Do you think kirsche would have been lynched? Do you think eclipse's case on me was objectively strong enough to get me lynched? (or do you think I would have pushed eclipse like I did if I didn't know she was the SK and so SB's case would have been a thing)

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SK's killed 3 town and 1 mafia between them. And stopped the N4 maf kill from happening.

I'll admit, my statement was probably an exaggeration. But everyone seems to be underestimating the ability for hostile factions to sabotage each other.

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Town also mislynched once (and even correctly NK'd scum) and was in MYLO/LYLO so...I don't know what to say. Town basically needed scum to crossfire to win.

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kirsche's play the entire game was quite literally to park his vote on the SKs (whether or not he knew they were actually SKs). His play on later phases starts looking a lot more questionable if Shin flips town and if Eclipse flips town. You subbed into a shitty situation so idrk what to say about that.

And saying 'oh the SKs killed only three town' ignores that I was strongmanned and you would have had to kill either Randa or SB before me, meaning I would have probably survived for at least two more nights, aka two more cop reports. Eclipse also idled a kill, and since you're not informed you don't know that Shin overslept and missed out on using his governor on D2, which would have let him survive for another day phase.

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The fact that the hostile factions didn't sabotage each other till N4 should tell you that it wasn't an underestimation at all.

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also I die the following night if I shoot scum so I would have died early this game anyway

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