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First impression: Not gay. Napoleon complex. Suave hair.

man unless napoleon complex means something totally different from what I think it does I'm just saying I'm 6'1 and actually wish I was shorter
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man unless napoleon complex means something totally different from what I think it does I'm just saying I'm 6'1 and actually wish I was shorter

But you're a little girl deep inside~! :P:

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yea why do you think i want to be shorter q087OvK.gif


1. 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2. 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3. tell us some of your favorite Dad Stories

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Sry about last night a power outage that lasted from like 6pm until roughly 5am this morning kept me from being motivated to do this on my phone. Quote copypasta is so frustrating on mobile

man unless napoleon complex means something totally different from what I think it does I'm just saying I'm 6'1 and actually wish I was shorter

yea why do you think i want to be shorter q087OvK.gif

1. 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?
2. 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?
3. tell us some of your favorite Dad Stories

Your pics that I've seen make you look...short? I dunno, your long hair cuts away from my abilities to perceive your height accurately.

  • NOC: Boron Psych Prims Vhaltzsuki (since they're just one person these days) Kaoz scorri Levity Blitz Eurykins SB Refa BBM
  • OC: Boron Xinnidy Prims Vhaltzsuki (since they're just one person these days) Kaoz scorri Levity Blitz Eurykins SB Refa BBM
  • Basically, People that I'm pretty sure wouldn't flake out after signing up and/or would be motivated to play a game through until the end, if they were motivated enough to sign up. I'd add Helios to that list but rip helios the most OG bro to ever live
    • When Goku made it back in time to save Gohan from Nappa, and then did the Father-Son Kamehameha wave to obliterate Cell...good times, good times.
    • Marlin from Finding Nemo was pretty great because he traveled for the first time in his life more than like 1/4 of a mile to get his son back from wherever the hell he ended up being
    • David Thorne for probably being the most honest jackass that a dad can be, while at the same time being completely harmless and entertaining. You'd really have to read his book who am i kidding who reads books read his site which has many of his in-book stories there and this is one of the few things that I, Elie, actually recommend you read. You all know I'm picky as hell with referencing things
    • Can I add Mrs Doubtfire aka Dan Hillard to the list? Everybody knows his story about transforming himself into a nanny to be with his kids after a rocky divorce
      • Also if you meant dad stories about me being a dad I can do that seperately I just thought you meant fictional like Marth did

who are the craziest chicks you've ever met?

Probably that girl who wanted both to remain a virgin, acquire my seed, have me be the father of her children and for me to have 4 with her, despite having known her for 17 hours.

Closely followed by my ex but all of y'all who care to hear about those stories already know

Lastly followed by that girl who showed up to my office with a homemade lunch for me, despite me not having told her where I worked, after knowing her for like 3 days

what are your favorite fe4 and fe13 pairings and who is best waifu

FE4 I dunno Cuan+Ethlin i don't play those shitty FE games that weren't good enough to be released in America. I've tried to play them both and I haven't made it past chapter 1 in either of them. When they are good enough to get an american release then I'll have an answer that makes sense

*Edit I did make it to Chapter 2 in FE4 but it was miserable

FE13 probably Panne&Lonkeiu (for the story), Serge&Gregor (for Minerva), and Robin&Chrom (for Morgan)

Best waifu is obviously Lucina, that's why she made the SSB roster no doubt. Gonna be honest I really didn't pay that much attention to the support dialogue unless it made me laugh, but Virion is objectively the best husbando.

which was your best and worst setup

(i'll leave you to figure out what best and worst mean)

My Best setup...hmm. Best in terms of Balance, probably the unreleased "Duels on Motorcycles Mafia", but in all seriousness, Toonami Mafia or MLP Mafia. Toonami because the best SK ever and I only had one town role that really broke the game in terms of balance, and MLP because I feel like it probably actually was the most balanced game I ever hosted. Honorable Mention to FE6Mafia for having the most creatively designed 2player scumteam, despite it just being 2players big,

Worst? Probably Shining Force 2. I got wayyyy too ambitious with trying to make it the successor to Psych's Shining Force 1, and I ended up completely wrecking the game's balance unintentionally because of it. I could arguable place Duelist Kingdom mafia up there too, but I think that had to do with more of a combination of play+balance. I think SF2M was just the worst.

wait I thought refa cornered the market on laziness

also 1) why the fuck does your current avatar have neither a monocle or top hat?

Actually Cam cornered the market on laziness, and simultaneously incompetence. Refa's the next closest contender

  • Gift for me drawn by Kitty (Koneko for those that don't know).

Since you seem to be having fun answering impression questions, what are your first and current impressions of:

Radiant Dragon
Green Poet
#HBC Gorf

(For those wondering, that's everyone who has posted in this thread who Elieson hasn't already answered this question for.)

Kaoz this is coming don't worry

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My Best setup...hmm. Best in terms of Balance, probably the unreleased "Duels on Motorcycles Mafia", but in all seriousness, Toonami Mafia or MLP Mafia. Toonami because the best SK ever and I only had one town role that really broke the game in terms of balance, and MLP because I feel like it probably actually was the most balanced game I ever hosted. Honorable Mention to FE6Mafia for having the most creatively designed 2player scumteam, despite it just being 2players big,=




pls no

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I pretty much meant the Multidoc but i guess the combination of all three was too much

Also why stop there I did have the accidentally effective QA which was based off of SFMM2's Haze? Role which somehow threw things out of whack

Also also MLP still for actually a balanced game see guys I can do it sometimes

Edited by Sara.
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For those wondering, that's everyone who has posted in this thread who Elieson hasn't already answered this question for.

Gah, I should have posted here earlier!
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Sorry if any of these have been asked already. I couldn't find them.

1. Least favourite type of role (in any setup)?

2. Favourite type of role (in any setup)?

3. Are there any setup ideas you have that you have yet to try? What are they?

4. What advice would you give to people who have no experience at scum hunting?

5. Where do you think I do well in Mafia, and where do you think I need work?

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I don't think MLP was balanced, the town bus driver was too strong since if it works then it not only clears a townie and waste scum's kill on a lynch target (potentially even scum!). also it can be used to protect pre-existing clears (the masons). it just ended up not mattering because kay died.

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like, the recent yu-gi-oh game was probably much more balanced, though i don't know how much of that was just the watcher dying immediately.

also yeah I meant real life stories

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Gift for me drawn by Kitty (Koneko for those that don't know).

2) yes but why doesn't it have a top hat

2.2) or monocle

Gah, I should have posted here earlier!

3) first and current impressions of proto Edited by Euklyd
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Sorry if any of these have been asked already. I couldn't find them.

1. Least favourite type of role (in any setup)?

2. Favourite type of role (in any setup)?

3. Are there any setup ideas you have that you have yet to try? What are they?

4. What advice would you give to people who have no experience at scum hunting?

5. Where do you think I do well in Mafia, and where do you think I need work?

  1. Doctor. Too hard to pull off anything successfully, and even if you do, spec hits the table of "did the mafia NK?". 2EZ2Fake in situations like that, and you're a hot kill target for the mafia under pretty much all circumstances.
  2. Follower/Tracker. Just valuable enough to contribute without being the instakill target for the other team, and gives you enough information to throw spec out without being scummy for it with results. The role is just as fake-able as doctor, but not nearly as much of a priority
  3. Mostly setups revolving around games/themes that I have yet to play with. I like to include unique roles in each of my games, hoping that they'll catch on and become popular variants of basic roles, like one day I'll use Weak Watcher Survivor and Weak Watcher Survivor Rogue, but a few others involve variations on Reflexive roles, Multi-target roles, and Roles that negatively affect the target, kind of like vanillization and hazard roles. Also, one in particular I've been working on is a game featured around Day-only actions entirely, where the night phase is restricted to allow Night-talk and a Mafia kill, and nothing else (such as, having a Day-Doc predict a kill for the upcoming night, and if they're killed, their action maybe/maybe not still occurs. Also, Multi-Jack games like ITTD, (which Kaoz and I are about 1/2 done with building by the way).
  4. If you're unfamiliar with scumhunting, or are playing your first game of mafia, I suggest taking bits and pieces from other people's cases, and testing them out (by backreading) to try to figure out the validity of their cases. Often, Day 1 will be a miserable first day as new!town, but what matters more is to look at associations with players in mid-late game. Another tip is to track vote patterns like a hawk. It's the only commitment that you can actually see a player do during most circumstances, unless you get a role that allows you to see submitted night actions and the like), so relying on vote tracking is the closest thing to analyzation that you have. Compare casing severity with vote patterns and spot inconsistencies, like, if I spent three pages calling X person scum, then vote Y, there might be something there to poke at. Lastly, apply pressure by asking questions. Sometimes the simplest and stupidest questions can bring out the most, as you force a player to restate things. If they're faking responses, inconsistencies are more likely to appear. If you leave everybody alone and keep to your own means, you're missing the chance to apply pressure and cause a slip up. While it may be "playing the newbie card", it's actually causing other players to pay more attention to their actions, which makes your efforts contribute more than you might think.
  5. I think you apply pressure fantastically, but I think you have tunnel vision; ergo, you find a read and stick to it a little bit too much. Try distributing your scumreads a bit more, looking more for two-three mafia members, rather than one-two.

2) yes but why doesn't it have a top hat

2.2) or monocle

3) first and current impressions of proto

2. Ask the artist

2.2 Ask the artist. Also, I'm never going to be picky with artwork of myself and my family. She's done many drawings of my kids, so I'm glad she portrays me as a pretty mellow guy instead of a gentleman in the respects that she knows me as a fatherfigure rather than a gentleman figure, which I can accept.

3. I'll add this to my impressions Which I'm now working on btw

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[spoiler=Impressions Part 1/2]Paperblade
First: Smug punk from California with an ego issue
Current: Incomperable badass also dies a lot early on, which means he’s fear killed far too often.

First: charismatic fe fan and probably young
Current: Actually someone who’s older than I am, and still charasmatic. Probably one of those people who just naturally excels at everything, despite having health that doesn’t excel in any way whatsoever

First: Blunt elitist jerk
Current: Blunt kind professional and level-headed authority figure

First: Intimidating FE7 fan and genius who doesn’t like to share his intelligence
Current: Intimidating FE7 fan who is probably more of a nice guy than he lets on, but likes putting on a tough front

First: I thought you were girl, and I thought you were kdanger for a while
Current: I...dunno? I have a hard time talking to you because you’re pretty intimidating IMO; i never feel like i can trust you but thank EiMM for that

First: The Wizard
Current: Still The Wizard, and also a guy who just seems to have difficulties getting technology to work in his favor

First: I thought you were an openly gay guy in European college
Current: Involved with a not gay but still European guy. Pretty good with reads, and very open and honest. I like bouncing opinions off of you since you always have a PoV that I either lack or haven’t seriously considered

First: A Canadian anime-thread enthusiast with lots of witty comebacks
Current: Kiiiiiinda flakey but I think it’s more like has more difficulty maintaining motivation than interest

First: A really popular guy, swell at old fashioned gaming like I am, and some weird mafia genius
Current: I have learned that mafia genius translates to mafia lolpsych

First: Euclid; super philosophical and probably really mature for his age, whatever it is
Current: Some kind of SQL robot and weird taste in avatars

First: A really great and super hyped quality mafia player
Current: A super hyped mafia player who doesn’t seem to want to play and I’m not 100% sure why he’s as hyped as he is and I mean this because I don’t understand why since I don’t see what he does that’s unique compared to other mafia players. I don’t know Weapons outside of mafia

First: Laid back party boy

First: Shinori’s boyfriend that he was passing off as a girl since he constantly talked about her but never really cited anything back then
Current: Really chill and laid back supergamer who puts up with Buttnori so probably pretty darn patient, but I imagine that when talking in person she probably doesn’t talk much at all, and instead prefers typing wallposts to make up for her natural silence as a human being

First: A little kid, like, kind of like Tyler (my son for those who don’t know) who’s 13
Current: Yea bout the same as it used to be, only far more uninterested in mafia than I gave him credit for.

First: Rein’s girlfriend, probably a super classy and smart girl
Current: Classier and more intelligent than Rein 10/10 but beats me up too much

First: A lovely lady from Brazil with extreme charisma and probably great hair
Current: I’ve cycled impressions of Xinnidy and i’m actually back to start on this one

First: Lumi’s girlfriend and Integrity’s best friend
Current: I...think I know less about you than I did when I came to SF and first found you

First: Really intimidating 30 year old scientist
Current: Relatively emotionless, and prone to explain things in unusually high amounts of detail

First: Bakugan’s “Dan”
Current: 15 year old general anime/game fan, with little major commitment to anything super seriously; lack of overall commitment and easily intimidated

First: Pokemon fan with a really bad poker face, but a really creative mind to try out new poker faces constantly
Current: An overall “nice guy” who panics pretty easily, and sticks his nose into things with an almost adorable sense of naivity

First: Some Super Smash bros fan who likes Lucas way too much
Current: A Smash bros fan who is the butt of far too many jokes

#HBC Gorf
First: I have no idea who this is
Current: I have no idea who this is but I think of ShiningForce!Gort when I think of him now which is kind of a good thing idk?

First: Fire emblem fan, clearly, and a guy who has internet trouble

Radiant Dragon
First: Another one of those really hyped mafia players, and I really wasn’t sure why; presented a high concentration of mysterious allure
Current: Just a pretty hard working and mature dude who plays mafia in his spare time and probably isn’t gay like most of the rest of us

First: Japanese
Current: Spanish

First: A 20-something army nut, probably very unapproachable
Current: Super calm and patient, and only 18

First: One of prims’s friends from Smogon or MoTK or something, so potentially snobby since those places scare me
Current: AFK

First: An old old old man, who has to be old with how much he loves FE4 and the FE4 Shin Patch
Current: Probably the classiest Brit to ever Brit; very charismatic and entertaining with his linguistic prowess

Still missing 7 but I just lost a post and the 7 that didn't recover are the ones I'll put back together in a little bit

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