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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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That I, personally, bought tickets for? As far as real, physical tickets go: a train to go to San Francisco to meet up with up with some SFers...before I realized that transit within the city would take way too long and I wouldn't be able to make it to class.

So I got off after one stop; I suck at planning ._.

That someone bought tickets for a group and I was among them? probably a bunch of dadrock concerts in the summer (Huey Lewis & the News, Boston, Yes, Toto, idr the others).

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Any of the tickets I've gotten recently were bought for me.... :c And before then it's been foreeeeeeeeever since I ever bought any tickets so I can't even remember :c Edited by Freohr Datia
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a few weekends ago specta and i went for wicked (an excellent play) at the theatre and age of ultron (an excellent film) at the theater

EDIT: technically a mate bought the tickets but who caaaaaares

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Q569: What was your first ORIGINAL CHARACTER (do not steal) like, if you've had one?

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Uhhhhhh man it would have been from like forever ago soooooo

The earliest I remember was a dud named ~Prince~ Kesaim (made up name, unless I accidentally made up a name that already exists), he had kinda golden blond wavy hair about zihark-length, wore I think white clothing with pale blue trim. I think he wore a fancy headband like Reyson's~ I think I took lots of influence off of Reyson for him because I had a major crush on Reyson~ And I specified zihark-length because zihark's hair length was pretty much what I based that off of

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Nihon Suiri Sakka Kyōkai Neko part one.

Monoiasis, a village boy with the hopes of becoming a knight. He meets a mysterious girl on the way home from fishing at the pond near his village and is suddenly attacked by a group of strangers carrying healing staves, or so he thought. They have a symbol on their shirts that glows when focusing an attack. He runs away with the girl into the woods, what he doesn't know is that this girl will change his life forever. The pack of attackers chase after him and send out shots of concentrated energy, freezing and setting things ablaze. The girl suddenly transforms into a magical girl and our hero, Mokoto Itou, or for short, Makoto-kun, is bewildered by what just happened before his eyes. He decides he can't just sit still while someone is fighting for him, he might as well help too! He feels something inside of his chest burst open, like an aura of fire, his demon powers suddenly awaken as he needs power to protect the those he loves. They destroy the bandits together and walk back to their school. Their senpais (upperclassmen) walk by them as they are buying their lunches. Mokoto Itou doesn't like his name, so he goes under his nickname Monoiasis. After lunch he goes to the roof to chill with Tazumuki-san and Tatski-chan. They discuss politics and economics. Tatski stood up, "Monoiasis-kun! Are you coming to the club room today? We need to start preparing for the school cultural festival." Tatski angrily told Mokoto. "It's not like I wanted to spend any time woth you or anything... baka! So what is it going to be?" Tatski demanded an answer, but Itou didn't want to give one. If he didn't give one soon Tatski would get angry and hit him again. Tazumuki-san got closer for a better look, "Pantsu!" He excitedly shouted, blood dripping from his nose. Tatski got angry and hit Tazumuki with her school bag. "P-pa-Aaaachk-ntsu" he slowly said with his last dying breath.

original character pls dont steal

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My username.

Though she wasn't the first... I can't remember what was ^^; Oh well Hashuni Mei is my longest ongoing character.

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Good lord. I'm going to need to rack my brains, because my current OC of choice is definitely not the first.


I think it was a rather unoriginal villain named Apocalypse, who would bring about his eponymous end time (or was it one of his lieutenants, Mattias? Bit hard to remember who came first). This was back when I made an RPG with myself inserted (along with other people I knew in life) in due to me being a kid, fascinated by games, and actually had a shred of self-confidence. The characters themselves were hardly fleshed out at all, though there was a notable history for each, particularly with the former character mentioned above. In comparison to what I do now, it's a pittance though. Not really stealing - just childish ideas.

Beyond that, the one that's probably been most ongoing and constantly being fleshed out is a mysterious entity called "the Maimed Man." Started as something else when I was younger, but it's changed quite a bit over the years. I think it partially draws elements of what Apocalypse was, even though that character, too, has been reincarnated as someone else in one of my stories. The latter character is still in use for me...somewhere...

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Red Warrior, ever since Grade 2. I've been developing him, molding him and refining him from the pseudo Aragorn rip-off he was back then to the pseudo Aragorn rip-off character he is right now. He didn't even have an actual first name until around grade 8, wow. Everything I've read, seen or played has influenced this guy somehow, and he's my most treasured idea. I hope to write about him seriously one day, when I think I'm ready and my story is ready. Right now my first novel has got to get done.

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Some intergalactic warrior princess I had around 10 but long abandoned

I no longer remember the details

I want to say Thyra because she's the longest going one that I'd actually talk about at length but it's most definitely 30000% sure not Thyra

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Kit, a horrible little character I made that was literally Naruto as a girl. She was bad and I feel bad for making such a bad character in the first place so now I'm gonna go crawl into a hole and die kthxbi

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Back in my Gaia Online days I posted a picture of Nils from FE7 on this RP thread and just did my thing from there. I didn't actually call him Nils, though. I pretended he was someone different cuz he was supposed to be a kid and I was very unoriginal at the time.

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oh geez, i dont even know. Like, literally cannot remember that far back. So ill tell you one from a story i was working on since 1999. His name is Vincent and hes a vampire. The universe in which he lives is one of my own invention. Meaning this is not a fanfic/RP character. I havent given up on this guy because i have a lot of plans for him. But his story has changed a bit over the years lol.

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It was a stick figure with spiky hair.

I forgot what I named him. He was the main character of a long running, shitty comic I made as a kid. I still have the notebook with the comic in it.

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