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How would you rate the FE community from 1/10?


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never found this place that great, gamefaqs can burn for eternity, and other places are okay but are also unfortunately smaller than the population of detroit. emerald nailed it. the only reason i stay here is because of some cool people. this place has too many people who can be really unpleasant or irritating for (insert long list of stuff).

ok that was a bit harsh so 6/10

Edited by ID Thanatos
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Yeah those guys who really hate steak.

Anyway 6/10. Theres a lot of cool people in the FE fandom, but im afraid it just isnt very diverse, and thats just unfortunate. Im more partial to fandoms in which every walk of life can be found. The FE fandom is largely made up of rather young weebs that are 9 out of 10 times, male. Im only seeing a small portion of the fandom be diverse in interests, age, race, etc. :/ Zelda fandom may be a bunch of whiners, but theres people of all sorts in it.

But ive seen worse fandoms.

I want to second this, though I'm not sure if I'm familiar enough with "the FE community" to give a proper rating.

Though I think gender ratio is way more diverse here than most message boards I've visited.

Also, I feel like every fandom has a balance of cool people and hipster elitists, so I dunno if we're rating with respect to other fandoms or just in a vacuum.

Edited by Radiant head
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Am I edgy yet?

no because of FUCKING absolute value.

Wow my phone auto corrected all lowercase fucking into FUCKING just now.

Edit: I guess that its a sign of fairly infrequent profanity usage.

Edited by Severlan
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Well, this community is pretty neat. I've stuck with it for 7 years so yeah.

A solid NINEOUTTATEN from Raven.

/r/FireEmblem (Reddit Fire Emblem community) is boring for me, since there's really not much opportunity to go off the topic of Fire Emblem and discuss anything else there. Not their fault really, but that's how Reddit works. As a result, all the... unique, and asshole types are constrained into one big "subforum", so to speak. Elitism is also more prevalent as a result, and such people just rub me the wrong way. 5.

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Only FE13 community is kinda annoying.

However I like everything else.

There are lots of people here, who make great hacks, great Lps, interesting threads and I can talk to them.

I'm only member for almost a year, though I quite like this forum so far.


Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Soul - 1/10

What are you talking about, I make up the best half of the FE community.

I make up 40% of the better better half.

dondon, RedFox and other FE10 ace debaters make up 10%

You make up the awful 50% no one wants to talk about.

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it's fun to have idiots, run around in hysterics, why not stick around and watch

I don't know about you, but I have never seen that. You sure there aren't better uses of your time? Because you're just as idiotic if you're willing to waste your time and watch that.
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What are you talking about, I make up the best half of the FE community.

I make up 40% of the better better half.

dondon, RedFox and other FE10 ace debaters make up 10%

You make up the awful 50% no one wants to talk about.

Oh shit, Soul! You went there.

Btw another FE13 race y/n?

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I don't know about you, but I have never seen that. You sure there aren't better uses of your time? Because you're just as idiotic if you're willing to waste your time and watch that.

I think he just has episodes is all. He seems fine with this place unless he's having an episode. Then he says "ok that's it I'm leaving" then returns like the next day and is suddenly alright with the place again

(though he's definitely far from the worst about having those episodes...)

I think that despite the fact that he just hates everybody when he's not feeling good, the only reason he sticks around still is because he really does like us <3 (that or he's a huge masochist)

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