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Politics Mafia - Game Over


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don't like refa's vote on me for reasons but we can't talk about ongoing games so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

seriously though how is this literally any different from my previous games and what about SB's gut townread on blitz??

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It's not like I got this avatar for this occasion.

Cleared head ISO read: Considered together, Shinori's actions look as much like haphazard play as scummy antics. The most suspicious thing so far is his jumping right back on Refa. On the other hand, if he thinks Refa and I are both scum (as he must if his sole reason for suspecting Refa is defending me) then what sense does it make to jump back and forth between us? At the same time, that kind of ridiculousness solidifies the nonsense angle and muddles the read. Currently unreadable. At least I know he isn't with Refa.


Refa's suspicion hasn't gone away yet, for the record.

Still waiting to hear what Prims has to say. About anything. Anything at all.

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care to explain this?

@everyone, which phase do you want for D2 and why?

Because his reasoning made sense (mafia is more likely to yolo shot than town, see Prims' shot on Shinori in Conspiracy)? I'm not sure what exactly needs explaining on that one.

Anarchy because my role sucks and I'm not mafia so I don't get to shoot people if we pick Democracy.

I'm having trouble understanding why you needed to ask him why he had that gut read. It seems there was only one reason he would say it that way in the first place... If I felt it was worth having you go into self-defense mode over I would have prompted you directly.

Again, I wanted to make sure that he was being serious and not joking. Anyways, in this case it's less about me defending myself (after all, you hadn't even voted me) and more helping other people understand where I'm coming from.

I don't really see how what Shinori did was scummy

Probably because he's town.

hey Refa, while you are at it, explain this too

Read the post before that one.

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don't like refa's vote on me for reasons but we can't talk about ongoing games so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

seriously though how is this literally any different from my previous games and what about SB's gut townread on blitz??

It's OK, any perceived similarities to my scum games are wrong anyways. #getatme

Because they (this means your previous games and SB's gut townread) made sense to me? Like for example, in previous games your gut reads were based on very little (and I didn't always agree with them), but they were still based on something. I'm not seeing that here.

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Because his reasoning made sense (mafia is more likely to yolo shot than town, see Prims' shot on Shinori in Conspiracy)? I'm not sure what exactly needs explaining on that one.

Anarchy because my role sucks and I'm not mafia so I don't get to shoot people if we pick Democracy.

Again, I wanted to make sure that he was being serious and not joking. Anyways, in this case it's less about me defending myself (after all, you hadn't even voted me) and more helping other people understand where I'm coming from.

Probably because he's town.

Read the post before that one.

but Rapier said random shot, but yeah, I can see that

also, I will explain my question about agreeing with Bizz. Basically, you said, "hey Bizz, why are you not gutscumreading me?" why is that?

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Like, I made a prediction about what Bizz's RVS vote was going to be and was SORELY DISAPPOINTED when my prediction turned out to be wrong.

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Wait... Is Prims not even in the game after all? That's embarrassing...

I think Prims is taking a break from mafia atm

Like, I made a prediction about what Bizz's RVS vote was going to be and was SORELY DISAPPOINTED when my prediction turned out to be wrong.

but that prediction literally was that you would be hit by Bizz'z gut vibe vote :(

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Sorry Blitz, that's not it (I mean like you can think that if you want but I dunno what to tell you man). Maaaaaaaarthipaaaaaaaan, post some typoes.

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Refa (3): PKLucas, SB, Shinori

SB (2): Manix, Paperblade

Via (2): Psych, Refa

Makaze (2) : Rapier, Elie

Ars Nova (1): Via

Rapier (1): Blitz

Not Voting (3): Ars Nova, Makaze, Poly

With 14 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch at deadline at 8 votes to hammer. Phase ends in 67 hours.

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Wrong Makaze, I don't have to think you are both scum to think one of you is scum. A player, any player, defending someone this early into the game would be scummy imo. Unless they know something I don't know which could still be suspect.

Since Refa responded in a manner that i find okay to the one thing I had to ask him:


Also feeling a bit better about Makaze at the moment but something is still catching me as off on him at the moment, but that's partially gut so I'm not going to follow that at the moment.

My next post will most likely come tomorrow.

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Also feeling a bit better about Makaze at the moment but something is still catching me as off on him at the moment, but that's partially gut so I'm not going to follow that at the moment.

do you think it could be the sorta tunnel vision feeling?

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