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Btw I claimed since I'm getting the feeling more people are wcumreading me than I'm comfortable with and I dont wanna be vigged

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@SB: I just felt like bringing it up because somebody (can't remember who) said something about possible alignment clues with me and Mancer which I don't agree with. Pretty sure it was just early game banter. Where's your Junko read at? Can't find it.

I see. I thought it looked kind of self-conscious at the time but I guess it makes sense now? Also:

Junko should also probably be a townread because I think his posts have been good and he was actively trying to start things with scumhunting and I think I was just paranoid earlier. I don't really remember why I felt that way tbh.

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I don't think I'm doing a good job of honoring the player I'm representing, but hopefully he'll be OK with it anyways. What do you think, Rapier?

I think the player I'm representing is already used to me flailing and being bad at Mafia, so he doesn't mind. Probably.

About this game: You guys know when you read over walls and walls of text that seem more like Vogon poetry and understand nothing? This is how I feel about this game.

Apparently Refa's content is good, he's participating a lot, questioning people, giving solid content and overall scumhunting and helping with the discussion. Totally bro.

Makaze's points are kind of weak and simple, yet I understand why he'd do this in D1. There simply isn't much to say about players who had an average of 4 pages of content. Null on him, it's better to watch and see how he puhes his reads. His answers to the players who questioned him were good.

Mancer's play is bad, but I can't tell between town using bad logic or scum using bad logic. His content could go either way, so leaning null atm.

Blitz wall posts and does a lot of things but I just skimmed through his posts. Same with Eury and Via and BBM and SB.

Who's Poly?

Prims had the worst activity ever and his posts haven't really contributed to the discussion so far. I can see how he's flaking and avoiding to contribute, seemingly deliberately. Don't mind lynching him.

Lord Gaius seems like such a bro from content and effort. I like him so far. His reads have been coherent and he's trying hard to scumhunt.

Haven't seem much of Elie, or even paid attention to his posts, in order to comment about him.

Don't remember Marth.

Who's Strawman?

Who's Rapier?

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Refa, why does Blitz having basically no scumreads and doing nothing to press them (and defaulting to prodvoting for a claimed NON-HOSTILE ITP instead) make sense from a town Blitz perspective?

I'm pretty sure he had scumreads (from the night phase, which would explain his lack of pressing), and had barely read any of the day phase. Obviously not townreading him for that though (it's more that I can see him doing that as town) because that would be dumb and stupid, it's more that his tone didn't make any sense to me as scum. I agree that his ITP vote is bad, but for different reasons (see: LG's comment about him). Like, I'd probably consolidate on him over Prims (I'm like waffling hard on my Prims read lol) because...I actually have no idea. It's just what I'd probably do. Also fun fact, I meant to vote Eurykins instead of you but I just kept my vote on you anyways to see how you'd react lol (although it wasn't very telling, town harder please).


##Vote: Eurykins

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Also what do people think about Bizz's claim? I (obviously) buy it, and their action make way more sense from an ITP mindset over a scum one anyways (it makes sense for a non hostile ITP to want to claim to avoid getting shot by mafia/vigged).

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I buy her his claim. But I don't understand why you're vote jumping like Mario in a field of Koopas right now. First you go for Bizz, then you go for SB, then you suddenly switch to Eury? The votes seem reasonable, yet... Well, they happened so quickly, it pings my radar.

Also, I think we should be pressing our cases against players who actually can make a stand and justify themselves, before voting and lynching a Night phase player.

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I buy her his claim. But I don't understand why you're vote jumping like Mario in a field of Koopas right now. First you go for Bizz, then you go for SB, then you suddenly switch to Eury? The votes seem reasonable, yet... Well, they happened so quickly, it pings my radar.

Also, I think we should be pressing our cases against players who actually can make a stand and justify themselves, before voting and lynching a Night phase player.

Haha, nice comparison. The SB vote was an accident though, and I dropped my Bizz vote because well...yeah. You don't have your vote on anyone yourself though, explain?

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Blitz's scumreads were:

-BBM isn't trying hard enough when I don't see how BBM was slacking much aside from complaining about having to do things Night 0

-Eli is different to his town meta

-(Just noticed) Mancer read sheeped from BBM

Maybe he didn't read the day stuff but like... what was the Shinori vote going to accomplish at all? I feel like Blitz would know it was pointless and would want to pressure his night reads to post more regardless. Idk.

Has Elieson even done anything this phase with announcing/courier stuff?

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Interested to hear what Blitz has to say now that we know who the ITP is.

I'm getting a bad feeling from Shinori fluffing and saying they are confused. Looks like posturing to me.

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yeah so just to reiterate, I claimed N0 to get my presence known but just wasn't comfortable with claiming my identity right away (part of it was because I knew people were gonna be like "ITP IS FAKING AND FISHING FOR CLAIMS;" btw I don't like this point being based on the last game being pretty basic, since that's almost entirely dependent on baseless hostmeta). yeah yeah I got ITP again, RNG loves me and I don't think I'm doing the player I'm supposed to represent JUSTICE but oh well.

I buy Via's claim but want to know why they would announce that N0 and then come out like this?

as a non-hostile ITP I wanted people to know immediately that my role exists without just claiming right away on N0 since I was paranoid and I had no reason to anyway. I've been partially been playing to my scum meta all day though and I think part of it is I've been trying to spampost less which probably makes it look like I'm less relaxed/more careful about what I say and... that's basically my scum meta to a T (aside from getting demotivated and subbing out)

I have 2 150-character announcements per day/night cycle, which makes me wonder why some people seem to get longer announcements?? some of the other announcers have had them way over 150 characters

anyway I can't guarantee I'm not scum fishing for claims or whatever but then why not claim my identity n0 then?? also mafia claiming itp in this manner would be kinda stupid. you'd think I'd have other ways of going around it lol

wrt my announcements, I wasn't trying to imitate anyone in particular, just trying to hide my post tone. didn't mean to make everyone think I was Marth, just kinda happened

next post will be reads

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It's more or less from what I glanced over previously I don't get scum vibes from eury so I'm confused on the fact that she has votes and shit and people scum reading her.


I literally just walked in the door and said I'm getting caught up.

Now if I said this multiple times I could understand, or if i was making legit fluff posts I could understand. But this? No. That's not how that works.

The vibe of your post seems really bad to me and makes it feel like you're just slinging mud on me without saying anything.

##Vote: Makaze

Back to reading.

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hi shinori

that makaze vote is actually really awful but I'll wait until you're done reading the thread first

also ##Unvote

I'm rethinking some things give me a little bit

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Also, scum!Via lying about being ITP is silly and I think they would overreact to votes on them more as ITP anyway with no backup to stop them from being lynched, so the claim is probably legit.

Shinori are you scum?

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I mean, you're not wrong SB. The Shinori vote bothers me too (and the reasoning behind it), but mreh. It's consolidation worthy, I guess, but not something I believe in strongly enough to push myself (although I guess he can claim if he wants).

I haven't seen Elieson on Skype in like forever, maybe he's just busy IRL.

Bizz, I'm pretty sure it's 150 words, not characters (I initially made that mistake myself)?

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also whoever targeted me last night, thank u, idk who you are but if you aren't someone like a cop or something please target me again. I like winning.

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also whoever targeted me last night, thank u, idk who you are but if you aren't someone like a cop or something please target me again. I like winning.

inb4 it was mafia rolecop

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It's more or less from what I glanced over previously I don't get scum vibes from eury so I'm confused on the fact that she has votes and shit and people scum reading her.


I literally just walked in the door and said I'm getting caught up.

Now if I said this multiple times I could understand, or if i was making legit fluff posts I could understand. But this? No. That's not how that works.

The vibe of your post seems really bad to me and makes it feel like you're just slinging mud on me without saying anything.

##Vote: Makaze

Back to reading.

Your posts up to now are:

Reading and I'll get a post when i get home

Also i have been compelled to vote for prims apparently.

Also fuck you sb I'm gonna spam the thread with taking now.


Okay so reading right now so I can post and shiz.

I'm really confused by some of these reads and stuff from what I've already glanced over.

I let it go until your third claim that you are reading and saying you are confused. All these posts do is help you self-preserve. Stating confusion is a soft town tell since mafia understand things, however, you said you were confused, didn't show it. Gives me a bad vibe, like you're posturing. I also realized you're giving me a bit of déjà vu from British Mafia.

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Haha, nice comparison. The SB vote was an accident though, and I dropped my Bizz vote because well...yeah. You don't have your vote on anyone yourself though, explain?

I'm not voting because I'm a lazy idiot. I actually can't get reads on anyone now... My mind is buggy and foggy. I'd vote Prims, but I'm not sure and I wouldn't like to vote a Night player just yet.

But since we're 10 hours from phase end, might as well.

##Vote: Prims

Also, before someone says "hey Rapier made an easy vote on prims and he justified himself to save himself from seeming scum when he flips", I take full responsibility if I lynch town. ie, if I fail, turbolynch me.

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Checked Shinori in his MOST RECENT GAME that I cannot name because it is ongoing, and his reaction to a scumread on him was more subdued? Probably worth waiting for an actual post though, yeah.

BBM Mancer Junk Prims do something.

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