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Overrated Units

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Everybody here says Donnel sucks as a unit...

I can't really say who I think is overhyped as a unit since I don't know a lot about my stuff, but in general, I think Lucina, Chrom, Soren, and Mia are the most overrated characters in general. Yeah, Soren has an interesting backstory, I'll give him that. But he's still repeatedly an annoying dick and is honestly never nice to anyone at all except Ike. Can't imagine how Ike deals with him.

As for Mia, she's just plain annoying and I don't even find her that attractive.

I find Lucina to be really bland, boring, and also unattractive in design. Her popularity and hype especially astonishes me.

Chrom has a dumbish design too, mainly his lower half. And I thought he was cool at first, but then he got bland and hypocritical.

Edited by Anacybele
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Chrom has a dumbish design too, mainly his lower half. And I thought he was cool at first, but then he got bland and hypocritical.

Well idk what you mean there...he's not wearing a pink tutu *shot* And Freddy's lower half...we already went over that. I'd think wearing pants that tight counts as a dumb lower half design more.

To contribute, hmmmm...maybe Lute? She just performs as a normal mage to me. Nothing special.

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RD Ranulf. I mean, sure, he might be good as far as cats go, but still... he's a cat - a death sentence for viability in RD.

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As much as I like Heroes, I do agree that Raven is a tad overrated. He's not a bad unit or anything, he just tends to be superfluous.

Ests in general are overrated and likely always will be.

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Gameplay wise...

1. Ests: Too much unnecessary effort without grinding.

2. Ogmas: They're useful, but I've found them to rarely ascend beyond average.

Personality wise...

1. Owain: Shut up and just kill things.

2. Soren: I understand why you're edgy and I sympathize, but there is such a thing as basic courtesy.

3. Hector: He's cool, but not that cool.

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Soren. I've never had a good one and I really just hate his personality a lot. Nothing redeemable about him imo.

Quan. Great story character but I've never had a good one as a unit. Which is too bad because I like his character.

Ike (FE9). Shitty unit until he gets Ragnell and at that point the game is pretty much over. Mia has always been the better sword user for me.

Vanessa. Mine always suck so Tana always does better for me.

Sumia. Same reason as eclipse.

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Soren, i'm actually fine with his personality, but i've never had good sorens, so bad luck here but it counts.

putting every overrated awakening character here as well to save space.

Vanessa, mostly because the first 8 chapters or so really doesn't favor her flying and spear skills that much and by the time you could grind, tana joins and she's always been better for me, which is a shame cause i like her design and personality alot, but tana manages to beat her in those as well for me and if i had to pick one peg knight to use...

MOST est's as well, i can't be assed to use them unless its astrid where i will make a solid attempt at it (yes even in FE10), and i'll try to use meg as well cause i find her potential amusing, granted i ain't gonna argue she's best general, that's gatrie.

other then that i really can't remember anyone that'll fit under those category's, i might post again if i can.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Everybody here says Donnel sucks as a unit...

Key words: "Everybody here". And even then, we get the occasional casual who thinks that Donnel is outright amazing and thinks that everyone who says otherwise stinks at the game. As can be seen here.

There's also pages 9, 21, 22, 26, & 27 of this thread. (Granted, page 9 isn't as bad as what comes afterwards. But still.)


I often find myself wondering if the availability Lowen has justifies his ratings on things such as tier lists. He's undoubtedly good. But at the same time, his long-term use is somewhat lacking in comparison to Kent, Sain, and especially Marcus.

Guy because of redundancy and the fact that he can get Str screwed.

Wolf and Sedgar in FE11 were this for me once. And even now, I don't think their high growths significantly offset their poor bases.

And of course, the casuals often tend to overrate units like Ewan, Amelia, Nino, and even Donnel and Ricken. I even got into an argument regarding the latter two with a scrub on Miiverse in responses to a few-months-old post I made about Lute. Saying stuff like "Ricken is amazing, WTF R U smoking?!" and "Donnel is the best unit in the game" despite posting absolutely no proof why, and spouting obvious bullcrap like "bases are unimportant on Lunatic". I ended up deleting his posted afterwards because of how unproductive they were, and apologized to the people who responded to the said few-months-old post because of their Notification inboxes going off due to the argument I was having with the casual.

Edited by Just call me AL
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Al, this may not be the place to discuss this, but I disagree with you to some extent about Ewan. Yes, he does join quite late into the game. I think that's why everyone says that he sucks. However, he does become an amazing Dark Mage and Druid, especially if you don't want to use Knoll (who tends to die a lot in my playthroughs). The fact that he is one of two (or 3, if you include Lyon) playable units that can use dark magic, plus his pretty decent growths (I have never had a bad Ewan, and I've played the game quite a few times) means that he isn't overrated.

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I dont see people overrating Donnel. Like ever. Hes too much effort even with grinding options.

Mia is highly overrated. Yeah sure, shes good in RD, but come on. Her appearance is overrated too. Nephenee and Ilyana have the same problem. Fanboys just gush over them. Neph is not a bad unit in FE9, but is a bit of a chore to get going. Id rather use someone like Jill or Marcia tbh. In RD, Neph is ok with transfers but not the best thing since sliced bread. Ilyana is decent in PoR but her personality is dumb as shit. In RD, shes just bad all round. "Oh lookit the moe hungry mage awww shes so hot!" no stop that.

Cordelia. My Sumias are usually hella better by the time she joins.

As much as I like Heroes, I do agree that Raven is a tad overrated. He's not a bad unit or anything, he just tends to be superfluous.

*nods* I dont mind using him tbh, but hes not the bee's tits ever. Hes just good.

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I should've mentioned Soren and most Ests earlier (I'm NOT ok with Soren's being a total dick in PoR, even if there's a good reason for it, and most Ests come too late for me to bother, and the payoff generally ain't worth it imo).

Al, this may not be the place to discuss this, but I disagree with you to some extent about Ewan. Yes, he does join quite late into the game. I think that's why everyone says that he sucks. However, he does become an amazing Dark Mage and Druid, especially if you don't want to use Knoll (who tends to die a lot in my playthroughs). The fact that he is one of two (or 3, if you include Lyon) playable units that can use dark magic, plus his pretty decent growths (I have never had a bad Ewan, and I've played the game quite a few times) means that he isn't overrated.

That would be nice and all, if dark magic didn't have pretty much nothing going for it in Sacred Stones... Also, PEMN.

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None, because no matter who you pick there's always some nutjob who's made it their life goal to hate on a specific character. Even Ralph.

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Every character that I dislike is overrated. It doesn't matter if these characters are liked by many or not for whatever reasons, they're overrated because I dislike them. No one can tell me otherwise, because this is just my opinion, but you can be sure that if anyone tries to tell me these characters are good or cool I'll be there to tell that person how horribly overrated that character is, because calling a character overrated is the ultimate objection.

tl;dr Overrated is a terrible word that has lost all meaning and for the love of God do we really need one of these topics every other month?

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I dont see people overrating Donnel. Like ever. Hes too much effort even with grinding options.

Believe me. Places like YouTube and Miiverse do have people that overrate units like Donnel. I even got laughed at just for simply stating the facts about Donnel.

Al, this may not be the place to discuss this, but I disagree with you to some extent about Ewan. Yes, he does join quite late into the game. I think that's why everyone says that he sucks.

There's also the fact that he has tissue paper durability, and can only do chip damage. I mean, take a look at his bases.

HP:15, Mag:3, Skl:2, Spd:5, Lck:5, Def:0, Res:3, MOV:4, CON:5

w/Fire (because that's the only thing he can use at this point) Atk: 8, Acc: 96, Crit: 1, AS: 5, AVO: 15, CrtEvd: 5

All this means is that he's getting one-shotted by practically everything that's thrown at him, and he's only just barely able to do damage to enemies. And even when his growths do kick in, he's going from being one-shotted to being two-shotted.

However, he does become an amazing Dark Mage and Druid, especially if you don't want to use Knoll (who tends to die a lot in my playthroughs).

Even if you don't want to use Knoll, there's still an edge he has over Ewan. Instant early promotion. Which Ewan lacks. Chances are, Ewan might not even be at Knoll's level by the time Knoll joins.

The fact that he is one of two playable units that can use dark magic, plus his pretty decent growths (I have never had a bad Ewan, and I've played the game quite a few times) means that he isn't overrated.

Ewan's growths aren't really all that great.

HP:50%, Mag:45%, Skl:40%, Spd:35%, Lck:50%, Def:15%, Res:40%

Coupled with the base stats above, all his growths show me is that I could be giving the effort I would be giving to Ewan into another magic user, and get exactly the same result, or a better result, from that magic unit as/than I would be getting from Ewan. And at an earlier point too. Long story short, he ends up eating a lot of EXP, and doesn't pay off enough to justify giving him that much EXP. The fact that I could make a non-Dark Mage a Dark Magic user through glitches need not apply.

@bolded: Personal Experience isn't really a valid factor in just how good or bad a unit is. With bias being one reason, and the other being that you might have just gotten either lucky or unlucky.

Edited by Just call me AL
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I've seen people praising Florina as an unstoppable goddess of death from above.

Personally, while I think her growths are great and she has potential, she's about as durable as a promise from a politician, and takes a LOT of babying in order to get her up to speed, even moreso than some other units.

Personally, I prefer Fiora as she can actually take a hit or two.

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I've seen people praising Florina as an unstoppable goddess of death from above.

Personally, while I think her growths are great and she has potential, she's about as durable as a promise from a politician, and takes a LOT of babying in order to get her up to speed, even moreso than some other units.

Personally, I prefer Fiora as she can actually take a hit or two.

in FE7 you can make a living being a good dodgetank, so I think that's where the big deal about Florina comes into play. EZ supports with Lyn & Fiora/Farina and ramcaps Luk/Spd for avo abuse. She does fine enough with a Javelin not to take notable AS loss. Steel lances, eh, but still, flying dodgetank

for the love of God do we really need one of these topics every other month?

If you'd allow us to necro post then we could just recycle the old threads :)

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EDIT: Well, I get that she's useful, but not how she's appealing as a character. She's kind of bland, imo. Nice, but bland.

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