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Overrated Units

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Oof, I don't know why because every single time I argue it logic defeats me, but I could never understand the hype behind Lowen.

Well, you got to admire someone who can fight an entire war with hair covering his eyes

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I've got quite a few.

Titania: I get why Titania is ranked high and, honestly, I must confess that I thought she was awesome when I first played through with her. But she was just a unit and kind of came up short later on. So when I came on and saw people basically worshiping her... Especially when they seemed to trash the units I did like, yea... I think she's great, possibly the 'best' unit in the game, but the people who act like trying to play the game without her is an offense (glares at LTCers), yea. She's overrated.

Zihark: BEFORE YOU GET MAD!!! I actually think Zihark is an okay unit, but that's just it. An okay unit with nothing really special about him. Some people act like he's the godsend of SM's though and that he's some sort of invincible tank who can solo and destroy everything with ease without any flaws or shortcomings... before turning around smashing units who really aren't all that much worse or even slightly better.

Muarim: I honestly don't get why people love him. He's a okayish unit when he joins and becomes obsolete before long, so why do people seem to adore him? Least Lethe can claim cute kitty status.

Florina: Okay. I think Florina is a great unit, but once again, it seems like I've run in to quite a few people who treat her like a ****ing goddess and not using her is a sign of stupidity. Great unit? Yes. Overrated? Yes.

Hector: He's really not that amazing. I found him bland and uninteresting both as a unit and a character.

Tharja: I really don't get her fanboys or why people think she's hot. She just seems like another dark mage/dark is not evil girl to me.

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Lute - people say she's the best mage in the GBA games but you still have to train her from Level 1 when Artur can reliably double and hit resistance.

There's also Nephenee in FE9. Sure she can be a great unit - but you need to pump her full of BEXP before she can reliably last on the front line. With the Knight Ward equipped, Devdan can be just as good if not better.

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Alan and Lance in FE6.

They are honestly kind of mediocre in regular HM playthroughs for a really long time. They only tend to preform well after promotion, and then it's during the easier parts of the game. During earlygame they aren't awful or anything, since they can take a hit and are on a horse, but they're still 2 to 3HKO'd by lots of stuff and 2 or 3HKO back, and rarely double anything that isn't a Soldier. Their mobility is undoubtedly valuable and they're obviously important to efficiency or LTC play but just as general units I think they get an awful lot of undeserved hype when Marcus and Zealot can fufill their roles for a very long time, and Percival comes in almost always statistically stronger, with better weapon ranks to handle lategame.

It's not like Franz or Sain or something where they have freedom to take a buttload of EXP easily and become competant very fast.

Edited by Irysa
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actually wanna add on to afew posts that i agree with.

Titania's a pretty good unit in both her games, but she can't beat 9, and neither can alot of your units, so i guess most of them are pointless in 9 if your talking about a minimalist viewpoint, of course 9's invincible ashnard design is undoubtedly a poor decision, more so when they add boss convos with alot of units for him that can't do shit to him, so i feel like this was done late into development for some reason. in 10 she's fine, but ofcourse she lacks the magic speed number of 34 so there's an issue there.

with Zihawk, well in 9 he might be the best swordmaster, but swordmaster's are pretty lackluster, in addition to what i mentioned above, he's not mounted in a game where mounts dominate everything quicker.

meanwhile in 10, while swordmasters are better i just never seem to get this supposed "god zihawk that rapes edward and mia all day every day" and just get a typical swordmaster that ends up worse then both of them 9 times out of 10.

Nephenee i will admit she is good in 9 and 10 and makes some of the best uses of resources in 10 without a doubt, in 9 she has the exact same issue every non mount has, in addition you really gotta either pump her full of bexp(which should be going to other mounts) or give her a forged weapon, needless to say she's only good when given favorism, which you can say about any character. so overall i think she's only overrated in 9, in 10 she's worth all her praise.

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Alan and Lance in FE6.

Disagree, they're pretty much immortal once they have that support with each other going and they ORKO most generics. Ch.7 Wyverns are the only real threat to them.

If anybody from FE6 is truly 'overrated', it's Rutger [who is still pretty good, mind you].

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I think the whole of FE7 is overrated. It's such a bland, boring game.

... *is shot*

But I think that trainees (Donnel, Amelia, Ewan) are just annoying. They're weak, flimsy and don't turn out that great. Apart from Ross, who does.

Also, Tharja's "hotness". She doesn't look all that pretty to me, but she is REALLY, really, REEEEEAAAAAALLLY powerful.

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meanwhile in 10, while swordmasters are better i just never seem to get this supposed "god zihawk that rapes edward and mia all day every day" and just get a typical swordmaster that ends up worse then both of them 9 times out of 10.

Nephenee i will admit she is good in 9 and 10 and makes some of the best uses of resources in 10 without a doubt, in 9 she has the exact same issue every non mount has, in addition you really gotta either pump her full of bexp(which should be going to other mounts) or give her a forged weapon, needless to say she's only good when given favorism, which you can say about any character. so overall i think she's only overrated in 9, in 10 she's worth all her praise.

Speaking of Edward, I never really understood the hype for him - he always came off to me as too much trouble to be worth it (I'd personally want my melee units to not be eating counters all the time when they're getting 2 shotted for the majority of their playtime; sure, wind edges exist, but those are weak and inaccurate)...

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Edward is still a great unit growthwise (better than Zihark). His only main problem is that he's part of the group with the toughest enemies. Wrath is a suicide skill, if he attacks in melee range. However he can make very good use of it, if he attacks from 2 range weapons.

He's very usable on easy / normal mode even in part 3. With a decent defense and support he can survive two A strike tigers.

However in hard mode Zihark is by far the better frontunit, but only because of earth affinity. His base stats aren't better (except for res), when Edward will reach his level. Personally I don't like Zihark's growths at all (second worst growths of the myrms behind Lucia imo). His adept and earth affinity outclass Edward in hard mode in lategame of part 1 and entire part 3.

But that doesn't mean Edward is overrated.

In my hard mode runs I use both till part 4. They're only different to use for being the same class.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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For my personnal opinion, I WAS one of those peoples who was overrated Donnel (because you know... a weak villager who becomes a badass hero and kill evrything in the map on his own).

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Flame Shield up

Sigurd: He's flipping boring as all heck and while he is very useful. I can't stand Jagens whatsoever, and Sigurd is a Jagen LORD character. I know people like him and my next pick, but I can't stand him.

Leif: Again, I find him highly boring, and he's pathectic as a unit. The real kick in the nuts to me tho is that he HAS to be used every map with crap growths and starting stats so bad that he wouldn't double until level 16. He's my least favorite FE character. I honestly start to miss Roy when I'm playing Thracia. At least he could get strength in a level up.

Hector: I like him more than either of the two mentioned above by far, but he is definately overhyped. He's good but he suffers from a knight's weaknesses in resistance until he promotes, which in HM is really late game. Seriously, that darn boat defense chapter taught me that Hector and Magic don't mix. I do find it funny he gave birth to mage tho.

Soren: already stated reasons aboove

Ninian: I honestly like her character wise, but I never use dancers. Also, reviving her in the endgame started a tradition of reviving plot relavant dead characters in FE which DOES NOT sit well with me.

If you disagree with me, that's okay. I'm not going to argue this as no one is going to change my opinion, and I'm not going to change your's. I say this knowing that someone will disagree with me. FYI, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one, and they all stink.

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For me personally, it is Vanessa. She has flying utility, but the first portion of the game does not favour her at all so she usually ends up somewhat behind Tana statwise when she joins. And then there is Cormag who also comes in soon after.

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Edward is still a great unit growthwise (better than Zihark). His only main problem is that he's part of the group with the toughest enemies. Wrath is a suicide skill, if he attacks in melee range. However he can make very good use of it, if he attacks from 2 range weapons.

He's very usable on easy / normal mode even in part 3. With a decent defense and support he can survive two A strike tigers.

However in hard mode Zihark is by far the better frontunit, but only because of earth affinity. His base stats aren't better (except for res), when Edward will reach his level. Personally I don't like Zihark's growths at all (second worst growths of the myrms behind Lucia imo). His adept and earth affinity outclass Edward in hard mode in lategame of part 1 and entire part 3.

But that doesn't mean Edward is overrated.

In my hard mode runs I use both till part 4. They're only different to use for being the same class.

Bolded: Funny you say that when at Zihark's base level Edward's stat advantages are... 3-4 HP, 1-2 points in Strength, and 6 points in Luck. Yay?

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Speaking of Edward, I never really understood the hype for him - he always came off to me as too much trouble to be worth it (I'd personally want my melee units to not be eating counters all the time when they're getting 2 shotted for the majority of their playtime; sure, wind edges exist, but those are weak and inaccurate)...

I feel like people are in denial about Edward. Because his bases are bad and his growths are good, it's like they have to convince themselves that surely there's a point in training Edward, and that it isn't a pain and waste of time. Even though he ends up mostly the same as Zihark/Mia, with a worse affinity if anything.

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Tana: She's consistently as good or worse than Vanessa. I've never seen her outperform Vanessa. It doesn't help that I like Vanessa better anyway.

Bartre: Again, he's never outperformed Dorcas. Which is saying a whole lot. I've seen him have 5 speed at level 20. Great use of the 40% speed growth.

Astrid: I don't know. Just never really found her even as alright as she is supposed to be.

Sumia: I really dislike her, and I don't know why. She's consistently good for me, but I like Cordelia better, and she's just meh overall.

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Astrid: I don't know. Just never really found her even as alright as she is supposed to be.

Do you mean her Path of Radiance version? Because her Radiant Dawn version is indeed considered to be one of the weakest characters in the game.

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Titania. In FE10 she's great but she can fall really behind in FE9 when in the wake of Oscar and Kieran. Course, she dominates early and mid game, but still.

Seliph too. All he does is listen to Levin and his main incentive is revenge. At least Leaf tries to rescue his friends, capture his castle, and run from the empire all at the same time with a weak army. In Thracia, Seliph's army is portrayed as godly and impossible to defeat.

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Disagree, they're pretty much immortal once they have that support with each other going and they ORKO most generics. Ch.7 Wyverns are the only real threat to them.

If anybody from FE6 is truly 'overrated', it's Rutger [who is still pretty good, mind you].

I agree with Rutger, his only use is to kill the stupidly OP throne bosses. He's average otherwise if you don't care about his stupidly low luck stat and no good ranged options.

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Ninian: I honestly like her character wise, but I never use dancers. Also, reviving her in the endgame started a tradition of reviving plot relavant dead characters in FE which DOES NOT sit well with me.

Whoa now, IS has been pulling that card since Gaiden.

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I feel like people are in denial about Edward. Because his bases are bad and his growths are good, it's like they have to convince themselves that surely there's a point in training Edward, and that it isn't a pain and waste of time. Even though he ends up mostly the same as Zihark/Mia, with a worse affinity if anything.

He gets his own beatstick, and its overall stats aren't that bad. It's a pity that he has the second-worst affinity for his class, though.

What averages don't take into account is how BEXP leveling works. . .but that assumes that I'd want to pour BEXP into Edward in the first place.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that your conclusion is somewhat faulty, and the reasoning behind it is worse.

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I wouldn't say Edward's a bad unit, at least on Easy and Normal. BEXP makes him a lot easier to use since he's likely to cap Skill and Speed relatively early as a Myrmidon, meaning you can quickly boost his defenses and make him significantly better than Zihark. Mia is better, but when I have Ike she doesn't get as much use as Edward does until Ike hits level 20.

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