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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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gg integ

Im thankful that my father is in passable health, we are all staying afloat and no longer truly struggling, that my brother was able to own his own home this year so my niece now can have a solid childhood home. And my Jeep runneth better than ever because i got it fixed, my animals are happy, and everything is really pretty not bad right now. And that i turned my niece into a raging Zelda fan and i cackle.

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I am thankful that you took the thankfulness from my thread and spread the thankfulness to everyone! Thank-you!

Edited by ~Summer~
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a lot of things

I'm thankful that I'm alive

I'm thankful that I have a place to live

I'm thankful that I have enough in life to not be consistently depressed

I'm thankful that I have friends (thanks any friends of mine who read this)

and most of all

i'm thankful that Undertale exists

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A lot of things, but primarily that I have loving friends and family who put up with my shit, that I got my act together and can still go to the university I want to go to, and that I get to experience a lot of cool stuff, like video games and good food.

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Part 1: My friends I've known my entire life, they're the best.

Part 2: All the friends I've been able to make in the last few years; would not have been able to do so four years ago. You guys are the other best.

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Breathing, having a roof over my head, a screen in front of my face and a keyboard under my fingers. And being able to use it to type, type in words. Words used to write a story, words used to write lines of code, but more importantly, words used for expression.

The same expression that allows me to interact with you. Cheesiest post ever.

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QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-ONE: What are you thankful for?

I'm glad my family is still alive and healthy. I'm glad that even though I don't live with them I'm not too far away~! Even though compared to the rest of my dad's family I'm pretty far away... but compared to how far away my mother is I'm not that far away at all because I can still drive there just fine, from this distance. And I've learned that I've been pretty fortunate with my family, immediate and not, so I'm pretty thankful for that too. I love them~

I'm thankful I'm still alive and well~! I'm happy that I can sometimes be useful.

And I'm thankful for u

and SPECTA \o/

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Expected basic bitch answer: I'm most grateful for the people in my life. I'm really, really blessed to have them. Lov u guys :'(

and SPECTA \o/

<3 u 2 bby

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I'm thankful for the great family and friends I have, who have always been so supportive - and I'm thankful for all the acquaintances I've made who have enriched my life. I'm thankful for being able to attend this great university, studying the very interesting subject that is law. I'm thankful for the time I still have with my grandfather, who I'm afraid is starting to show signs of old age (mostly memory problems - and he's no longer the cyclist he once was).

I'm thankful for Tolkien and the whole mythology he created. And I'm thankful for the little things that help me unwind at the end of a long day, like SF and FE.

And I'm thankful to be alive and healthy, of course!

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Life, the fortune that I have been bestowed to live in a safe country and have a happy childhood, etc.

Also for the mistakes and problems that i've come across in life for making me who i am today.

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